Dead on a - fucking - rrival.
Dead on a - fucking - rrival
tell me why you chopped your dick off
>actually i don't care
>Dean Takahashi
The man who fought a pigeon and lost.
It's an FTM tho?
Only Yea Forums gives this game any exposure.
I'm sure all those right wing Dontnod players are massing a boycott of the game as we speak.
I think it would be news if there was heterosexual character in a healthy relationship in one of their games.
More like
>10s across the board
>"A groundbreaking videogame"
>"With Tell Me Why, Phil Spencer has secured Xbox's place in the industry"
>low quality poltard bait thread
like a clockwork
The best fight against this would be to buy copies for your mum, nan's, aunts and uncles, to make this the most popular game ever created.
Soon after other companies would do the same, that's when we ditch and let them all go bankrupt after selling only one copy of their trash to the only one working tranny in the world, Bruce Jenner.
>Guy with a vagina
why you gotta be mean dude?
Life is Strange is going to be their only good game huh?
Vampyr was also decent
all of these
anti-trannies are mentally ill
I like Vampyr and the novelty of Remember Me. Also they have very good aesthetic.
what if it's a story about an alien species with its own genders becoming a human and changing to one of our genders
I feel like Detroit and the Arkham games did the scene reconstruction thing better. The game did have some good ideas though and I like the character. it just sucks that the main focus of the game was just a gimmick that was only used a few times.
Vampyr was ruined by the illusion of choice for some of the actions and one happens really early in the game that fucks your playtrhough.
>illusion of choice
Admittedly, I have a very low bar for this because creating branching paths for a 3D game of that scale can be pretty hard on the budget.
I did like Vampyr overall. Dontnod should probably avoid making action games though.
>Life is Short
Why can't the left meme?
Them and Egosoft need to hire better game designers. They have their hearts in the right place at times but their experience in some aspects is sorely lacking.
Also, can anyone explain to me the reasoning behind FtM trannies? I can sort of grasp MtF ones being either autogynephilia fetishists gone off the deep end or disillusioned, failed men who think life will be better on easy mode cruise control that modern women enjoy...but FtM? Just...why? Throwing away pussy worshipping societal norms and customs in order to become a Chinese bootleg "man".
I don't give a shit about the gender or sexuallity of a video game character if it's not relevant or there's no romance, but promoting it because muh woke is indeed a way to ruin your own marketing.
They should be more selective with their target audience.
I would love to see you, trannies and phoneposters die in a fire and gtfo of this board
Underrated post