Why didn't you side with him...

Why didn't you side with him? It would have benefited the Mojave greatly to have the strip serve as a buffer between California and the Legion controlled hellholes.

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because I have to buy a new usb mouse for my laptop because I got drunk and threw the other one and I can't play NV with a touch pad

I sided with the Legion. Enough of all these uncivilized tribes all over the place, we are stronger together as a homogeneous culture and people.

Up until someone else takes command and decides Caesar's way isn't good enough.

because i quit and uninstalled this shitty overrated turd of a game the minute he started the whole, "yeah bro i know you have no reason to care but can you like just go kill all the other dudes for me" thing. fuck reddit and fuck niggers

>durr ill just use all these robots i built 200 years ago
>but what happens when you run out of shit you made or hoarded 200 years ago like the robots
>buh-buh-buht DUDE, SPACE TRAVEL!!!!
house is true brainlet tier

>siding with copetards
fuck that noise
yes man or bust

If the BoS can find ways to upkeep, and even fucking REBUILD Liberty Prime, what makes you think House can't find a way to produce more Securitrons? He's a man who can write blank checks so even if he hits a wall he can hire someone else to do the dirty work. Or just send the Courier should you side with him.

The game came out 3,423 days ago. There are only three endings. I've done all of them.

I'll do it on my RobCo Certified playthrough

Yes there is nowhere else the Legion and NCR could possibly wage war on each other

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OWB Courier is a better bet for the future than House. That being said theres no reason them cooperating wouldnt work

Yeah. Good luck finding a functional dam anywhere else.

But I did side eith House. Courier is just a survivor and professional killer. He can waste both NCR and Legion platoons and jurry rig piece of shit old world crap to work on the fly but doesn't know how to run a fucking city-state. It makes more sense being Houses Enforcer that gets shit done.

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This guy gets it.

Of course I got it. And any dumbass that says otherwise that muh old world blues donut steel can be more efficient than the Man who discovered Immortality that wont turn you into a schizophrenic lunatic and created the largest and most humane corporation in America from nothing is a retard.

what the fuck I thought the Brotherhood was close to dying

Lost Hills Brotherhood are close to dying for being shitheads.

>that mod where Steve Carell replaces Mr House
That mod made the game far better

The Midwest Brotherhood hardly has anything in common with the Lost Hills chapter other then the fancy suits and the name.
Most of them don't even know their own history.

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Because I'm working on my playthough where I kill every named character. I want to leave the Mojave as a empty husk.

>Why didn't you side with him?
Cause Im not a bootlicker

Bootlicker is NCR or Legioncucks. House Chads are invaluable assets.

Why's both him and the enclave so hell bent in leaving earth in rockets?
Earth is perfectly habitable by 2281

No it's not. Who knows what other type of ungoldy old world abominations are buried beneath the earth in some kind of bunker. Not to mention all the tribal savages, the raiders, the radiation.

The Midwest Brotherhood is exactly what the DC Brotherhood cautions against becoming, something that's changed so gradually over the centuries as to be something anathema to the Brotherhood of Steel

Bethesda Fallouts also add literal magic bullshit too

With a G.E.C.K. and a rocket ship you can theoretically colonize the solar system. They're reaching for the stars while everybody else has their ass stuck in the mud.

>Midwestern BoS
>gradual change
They were all the open minded, liberal members of the original BoS who thought they should actually help the people of the wasteland and were kicked out on a pointless mission to the Midwest to prevent philosophical disagreements with the hardliners turning into a civil war

They were, from the start, the BoS that accepted they needed to change to stay relevant in the wasteland if they really wanted to help the human race

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Implying I didn't side with him.
The house always wins.

the tunnelers from the divide are moving to the mojave

Wasn't sure about you. Until the Divide... all the NCR burning... that much death, it bears the mark of a Legion hand.

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Tunnelers aren't that tough. Just create some Securitron variants with high beam floodlights instead of missile launchers in the shoulders with dual flamers.

They also had deathclaws in their ranks. Pretty fucking radical if you ask me

the thing is that they will come in as a swarm according to Ulysses


That's what flamers are for. The sticky napalmy kind so when they retreat to the tunnels it'll keep it on fire. And like Ulyssess said they'll steer clear from New Vegas out of Fear like the Courier.

There's literally no reason for anyone to not side with the legion if you're not braindead and didn't hear Ceasar's plan.
The Legion you see is just that, a Legion, an army. Not a state. It's just a means to take over the NCR and reform it.
The whole slavery and war crimes bullshit is a necessary evil for him to accomplish his goals. Even the muh-soggy-knee that most people scream about is temporary, because Caesar needs all the women available to be pumping out soldiers 24/7. It's vital to his plan. When things loosen up, the Legion's institutional racism will have no purpose and fade out.
A female courier helping the Legion and setting herself as a figure for the future elevation of women's rights is the best possible outcome.

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>not having Lenovo laptop
Playing with that Lenovo analog stick is actually pretty good.

Holy shit my sides


>giving a shit about Avellone's "btw my ocs will kill everyone lol" because he thinks Fallout needs to be reset

Yes Man
>Has all of BigMT tech and resources
>BoS on side
>Boomers on side
>Infinite army of robots that never need sleep
>Literally proved that he can take all comers and win
Vegas is only the beginning

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Are you seriously comparing simple ass pest control, no worse than what amy group of people moving to an uninhabited piece of land had to face with no tech at all, mind you to literally going full WALL-E and shipping absurd numbers of people to space?

Bah, I meant sexism, not racism but you get it.
You're cringe, buddy.

The world's already fucked nine ways to sunday, my man, none of this will make much of a difference. Another thing you learn quickly in the wasteland is that people are terrible, why go through the trouble of helping them?
Fuck House, fuck the NCR, fuck the Legion, fuck everyone and everything else, just live til you die and that's that.

Like they can do anything. I fucking kill everyone in those two groups whenever I play, because they're fucking annoying to talk to.

>muh super oc with greats stats who never made a wrong choice is the bestest thing ever
That's great buddy but adults are talking

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I don't recall pests being considered a fungal infection that turns you into a moss corpse zombie, blood red cloud that deteriates all manner of filtration it comes into contact and kills you, virus that when in contact with mutates you or if dipped in turns you into a frankenstein and finally an AI with an army of robots who's sole purpose is to kill anythong that's moving on the Surface.

>I don't recall pests being considered a fungal infection that turns you into a moss corpse zombie, blood red cloud that deteriates all manner of filtration it comes into contact and kills you, virus that when in contact with mutates you or if dipped in turns you into a frankenstein and finally an AI with an army of robots who's sole purpose is to kill anythong that's moving on the Surface.
All dealt with by a LARPing cowboy and a sheltered vault dweller

Why was he talking like a retard

anyone with a lick of sense did.

A crutch from a shitty writer who needed a way to conceal the fact his antagonist is blaming someone for something they didn't do

Obfusicating his meaning behind 'cryptic' dialogue prevents the player from learning he has nothing of value to say until the end of the DLC

>Fuck NCR
>Fuck Legion
>Fuck the President
>Fuck Caeser
>Fuck House
>Fuck New Vegas

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He literally states his goals are to first gather resources through independent Vegas, then reestablish pre-war production and technology, with the ultimate goal of interstellar exploration for new habitable planets.

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>Start game delivering shit and risking your life for other people
>End game delivering shit and risking your life for some old fart with nostalgia goggles
Fuck that. My courier took reign of his destiny and gained control of Vegas for himself. All other endings are for cucks

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>start game delivering shit for personal gain
>end game delivering shit for personal gain

Because communism will never work irl and I have to eat the rich in the fantasy world

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I bomb the shit of the legion and NCR at the divide and then return to Vegas and cuck Mr. House
every play through


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>each Courier is different
No shit dumbass, hence why Yes Man is the best and worst option

>Unstoppable since he can cloud the fuck out of any military installation and hold entire cities of both the NCR and Legion hostage until they capitulate
>Leads to a literal post-scarcity society if he can reverse engineer the molecular gizmos in the vending machines
Why's he a bad guy again?

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Because I’m not a bootlicker or a fluffer