What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: steam.jpg (554x554, 72K)

Niche genre. If Valkyria can't succeed even with big titty Raita girls, how do you expect this to?

mostly this, a bit of bad pr, and it didn't review well.


Shit artstyle, should've gone with an anime aesthetic

Good game, fuck you all.

I don't know OP, they must've heard me clankin around


It was revealed behind closed doors to people who thought they were going to see Majora's Mask 3D. Then it wasn't advertised well. Then there was some voice actor drama. Then the game was slow until an eventual update. And it's a pretty small genre.

Fun fact: It's actually a really good game.

Should've been a console game.

The artstyle didn't shine on the 3ds