Why is this considered the best Zelda game?

Why is this considered the best Zelda game?

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Because it's a masterpiece

Off yourself

Because people parrot other people's uneducated opinions. A sure fire way to tell if someone is a drone is how similar their 3x3 matches up with that mspaint image. I'd argue that more people claim Baulder's Gate is one of their favorite games despite never even looking at its gameplay.


It's not.

Oot and MM are worshiped by everyone because of their use of religious imagery and symbolism, its how people fill that hole in their lives.

OoT is a heavily Christian hero's journey

MM is quite literally a Christ-story psychodrama.

I'm not even memeing. Its not like its "hurr durr the story is just jesus fan fic", its literally constructed like great literature.

The stories are up there with the likes of Milton and Dostoevsky in terms of proper use of religious themes.

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It's edgy.

It literally wasn't, isn't & never will be considered the best Zelda
> Ocarina of Time - 61 Reviews - 99.2 (Gamerankings), 42 Perfect Scores
> Majora's Mask - 71 Reviews - 93.3 (Gamerankings), 17 Perfect Scores
> Wind Waker - 126 Reviews - 97.0 (Gamerankings), 37 Perfect Scores
> Twilight Princess - 66 Reviews - 94.8 (Gamerankings), 19 Perfect Scores
> Skyward Sword - 81 Reviews - 93.0 (MetaCritic), 28 Perfect Scores
> Breath of the Wild - 110 Reviews - 97.0 (Metacritic), 72 Perfect Scores

Cool use of metaphor and imagery that elevates the story above a simple adventure tale. Themes tied together by the time limit mechanic, and a lot of good design choices that support this and make the game feel like a complete package.

The shrinking borders as the clock tower chimes in a new day, the somber music choice for the last five minutes, the way NPCs have realistic reactions to their impending demise as the days go by. It's obviously a step above any other zelda in how compelling of a drama it weaves.

But maybe you don't play zelda for that, and you're more about the open-ended nature of BotW or the simple mini-dungeon design of each of the islands in Wind Waker. A lot of zelda games excel in different stuff, which is why people disagree on which one is "Best".

If you ask me though, the tension and dread of Termina makes Majora the game I most like to revisit.

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