
Would you be man enough to take the Dong Pill?

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its from the same guys that did the Wario one?

What flavor is it?

i'm more of a wariopilled guy

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Am I in the wrong for being 22 years old and never have consumed a single drug outside Medicine? I mean, I got offered weed once on High School but turned it down.


You haven't even gotten drunk?

nah i haven't either. or drank. or driven.
but i have had sex! and played lots of video games. so many.

No, the only people that are wrong are the retards that criticize other people for their choices

You say "drunk" like it could be considered a positive.

You're not alone. I'm also 22, and I've never done any sort of drug, never had alcohol either outside of one time when I was 8 and wanted to try it because my dad drank beer a lot, he let me have a taste, and I didn't like it and I stayed away from it ever since.

absolutely nothing wrong with that.
drugs are more trouble than they're worth

Nah, I'm 34 and never done anything.

Of course, part of that is out of spite, since my father is a lousy pothead drunk....

What is it? MDMA? I'd take it in that case because it's great.

most of my family was/is raging acholics and addicts so i'm genuinely afraid that shit runs in the family

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If you're depressed consider taking Shrooms, only drug I've ever done that actually improved my life and got me to stop being a mopey faggot.

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Same. And I already get addicted to other shit like this place. Why risk it?

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Smart choice. I'm an alcoholic and it fucking sucks but I just can't stop myself. You find yourself finding reasons to just stay home and drink instead of doing anything else.


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Done every drug and been completely shit faced countless times, fun times.

Wait is this a vitamin pill or actually narcotic?

Nothing wrong, there is no real downside to not taking drugs but there are near limitless ones if you do.

I'm a big enough degenerate I actually have taken these. Edc last year.
They were alright. Yellow airplanes were way better

please wait until your brain is fully developed before doing drugs


Nothing wrong with either doing or not, as long as you're not an obnoxious and useless faggot about it.

Everybody owes it to themselves to try weed on a nice cozy Saturday morning. Unless you're an absolute prude, everybody owes it to themselves to try. I do not feel the same with any other drug per se, but there are some aged whiskeys, beers, and teas I also hold the same opinion, though their alcoholic or caffeinated nature is outside of the point.

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whats wrong with jummy netrons face?

The highest I've ever been was spending time with my best friends desu.

Don't take forbidden dongs. Always test your X and stay hydrated.

Look at that grin.
There's no way that cheeky grin is attached to anything but molly.

No, do what you want bro. Its your body and your choice what you put in it.

why would somebody who isn't a drunk give a shit about aged whiskey?

drugs are for losers.

He's really lit, and having a fit
This Kong is rolling tits

most people who don't do any drugs end up losers anyway, m8

Because the flavor and prestige is divine.

you only have your one life, why not have a little fun

yyyyy---- no

That's actually kinda sad

everyone who smokes weed wishes they never started, it really is loser incarnate

Cute and wholesomepilled

I've heard heroine is actually really cheap. How much heroine would you need to never have to come down and how long would you be able to be alive for?

No. But certain drugs are undeniably brilliant experiences. In moderation of course.

Trafficking and consuming drugs should be punishable by death. a bullet in the head

You've never been outside your room before, have you?

Maybe your attitude has something to do with why you don't have an active social life, among (other) things. Try living a little.

From my exp weed fucks me up way less than booze. Either way anything except for rock bottom drugs can be enjoyed in moderation. It's the person that's degenerate, not the substance.

I don't expect a sperg who thinks only drunks drink fine aged whiskey to understand. Stick to your mtn dew.

Don't touch it, you're okay now, and you don't need it. You are doing fine.

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Lol. I'm 26 and not even on prescription meds, let alone using drugs, tobacco or alcohol.

I see no positive benefit to having friends. Or a lover.

pure projection

>mom works at a hotel as a cleaner lady
>gets "candy for tips"
>eats two of them
>trips out going home
>has to go the hospital

what kind of dick you gotta be that you use shit like this to a middle aged woman as a tip?

Sex feels really really good
Hugging can be comfortable
Someone occasionally cooking for you is nice

Other than that its pretty much all relative.

There are some bad, bad people out there user. Don't be a paranoid fuck, but trust NO ONE.

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What do I need an active social life for? I spend my free time playing games I like, watching shows I like, and hanging out with friends when we're all available. I don't have any desire to go out to parties or meet new people, there's no point.

-I still have parents for that
-Just microwave something

I haven't found anything I liked drinking. What are your personal recommendations?

nothing wrong, but it's for sure a unique experience that isn't really replicated by anything else

Agreed, vaginas are great. Personally though I can't stand talking to women, I can't stand being around them, their smell, their behavior, everything... not to say I hate women because I don't. I believe all people should be respected. Some people just don't vibe like everyone else.

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mmmm divine dew from god's own hand toorah loorah

I didn't try drugs (weed) until I was 28. its pretty fun but like alcohol you get bored of it unless you're a fucking roastie or alcoholic.

ok meth addict.

Yeah. Ive taken far worse

If you find yourself at a decent bar, you can usually get your hands on a George T. Stagg. I think that's probably the best entry point into top shelf whiskey. Expect to pay $25-$30 a pour. Pappy van Winkle 20 if you're lucky, but the youngers are just fine too.

What? Are you thinking of cigarettes? All you have to do to quit smoking weed is to not smoke it lol

Look at the great work DARE has done in this thread

Are you underage or autistic? Possibly both? You’re using a trip on an anonymous imageboard so at the very least you’re retarded.

Autistic. Why?

Just finding correlations with tripfagging

He posts all the time and doesn't really say stupid shit, he's just boring. whatever

>replying to tripfags

I've never drank or gotten high by myself, only at parties.
Is it different or otherwise fun? Can't really imagine.

Im the guy you replied to, and honestly I agree with you to some extent about some women.
But I love a womans smell and her "vibe". Like femininity. I find it refreshingly different to how I see things. And I don't mind talking to SOME of them. But thats only some, its hard to find one that actually holds a conversation like one of my buddys would.

But after a while, yeah the behaviour grates on you. Im doing long distance temporarily and my girlfriend wants to try and call me for upwards of an hour every day and she never ever has anything interesting to talk about. I don't even care about sex in the relationship anymore, I just wanna get on with my day and get some work done or play vidya and she just talks about the most boring shit.

You can get fully stuck in your thoughts, it can be pleasant if you are introverted and don't particularly enjoy company

>he doesn't know boco
Hello newfag. I can see you're trying your hardest to fit in.

if you don't talk about the issues it'll just continue to fester

>this guy is now 34

>drugs are for losers.

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I used to prefer getting high alone. Don't get me wrong, I'm plenty entertained by myself, but being high just enhances that and being alone removes the paranoia factor.

As someone who smokes weed and drinks beer on the weekend, I see nothing at all wrong with this. It might not mean much coming from a stranger on the internet but I’m actually proud of you for never doing this stuff. Keep doing you man

But then how do you tell someone "Im not attracted to you as much as I used to be, because you're too clingy, you aren't interesting, you whine and moan about pointless shit too often, and I dont think you should emigrate all the way around the world just to be closer to me when you cry all the time when you're around me anyway"

Its like I know I should bring these issues up but I dont see a way of resolving them other than ending in a break up. And I feel bad for her coz shes so emotionally invested in the relationship

>Am I in the wrong for being 22 years old and never have consumed a single drug outside Medicine? I mean, I got offered weed once on High School but turned it down.

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>But after a while, yeah the behavior grates on you. Im doing long distance temporarily and my girlfriend wants to try and call me for upwards of an hour every day and she never ever has anything interesting to talk about. I don't even care about sex in the relationship anymore, I just wanna get on with my day and get some work done or play vidya and she just talks about the most boring shit.

I can't relate too much but I get what you're saying. Should probably figure something out though cause that shit will boil into something you won't like eventually.
This, maybe there are no issues, but definitely don't keep talking if that shit is a waste of time. It's not respecting the other individual.

>nu-Yea Forums white knighting tripfags
Jesus christ i just want out.

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Drugs are for degenerate scumbags and anyone who says otherwise can piss off back to r/drugs.

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They didn't even say the cause of death.
But while we're on the subject
FUCK the *K
And FUCK Br*tish """journalism"""

I have been here for ten years, I don’t take the time to learn about tripfags you sweaty fat fuck, eat my shorts

I prefer getting drunk with friends and smoking weed alone