Why are Smash players like this, lol?

Why are Smash players like this, lol?


Attached: Untitled.png (871x587, 794K)

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what's with niggers and fighting games?

Literally autism
What's with whiteoids and shooting games?

LMAO the dabuz entrance. Only actual cringe so far is boss acting like a fucking idiot on the mic. Dabuz so cringe it wraps around to being alpha.

Why are smash players so autistic.

Practicing for schools


boss getting kicked, and then dabuz entrance right after: youtu.be/TiOcz8ebyws?t=26

practicing to shoot niggers overseas

Then we're practicing to beat you.

You answered you're own question

damn the last one was actually super painful.

>"shoutouts to 69"
>"uhh, that's not appropriate"
>silence for a full minute
Never gets old

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ey, i prefer niggers fighting around in vidya than in ghettos

if smash was like this every match I would watch it more often

>be nigger
>hit white
>the conservative media now will make an outrage about you and proof that black people are a danger to society
nice done tyrone

I'm not black.

>smash babies getting offended by 69
>meanwhile FGChads talk about keflas tits live on redbull channel

Attached: Example of a nice smile.png (318x509, 183K)

>hey uh what's america's most entertaining sport?
>killing black men
where the FUCK did that come from?

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? What is the point you're trying to make?
The libtard media spins it as racisim for conservacucks. So what? You let your zionist overlords tell you what to think when faggots in Yea Forums think something is "based"?

my point is that is way worse to a nigger a withey. they can’t damage us or else they will doom their race. And leftiest are usually a minority compared to comservatives and republicans, not for nothing Trump became president

which minute?


hillary got more votes though

>is real

>Don't walk down the same alley you just got raped

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This is what happens when you play a nearly 2 decade old party game for kids "competitively."


>that awkward leffen fawning
>"what's america's most entertaining sport, killing black men"

Attached: 1311607728604.jpg (283x255, 8K)

>i think your racist
>immediately cut to 2 vaguely brown niggas

Attached: lmao.jpg (472x443, 41K)

>that guy in the pink sweater hugging and gushing over leffen
god i fucking hate faggots

>Dabuz so cringe it wraps around to being alpha.
It doesn't actually, but it *was* hilarious.

Race baiting faggots like you deserve a bullet in the head


Last tournament I went it was the SFV feggots who were chimping out and screaming while another tournament was happening, so I'm more inclined to hate them rather than Smashfags

I remember this. That shit was goddamn hilarious.

Go fuck off, /pol/

>when two samuses have a charge shot my butthole kinda puckers.

Because they're playing a children's video game and acting like entitled children?


Ive tried to find the set here for ages to see what came after but I never could

Dabuz is great for exactly this reason

Attached: dabuz.jpg (1280x720, 105K)


Considering that niggers are superior athletes due centuries of slavery.

>D1's sudden urge to leave the booth knowing he can't
>Sky's finally realizing he's not getting acknowledged and looks around just as much

Name a more cringekino moment

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The like to play together offline more. It’s important for fighting games.