It's fake, right bros?
Animal Crossing Leaks??
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Thanks for the dolphin porn :^)
thanks op i cum on cat she hiss at penis
Maybe if I keep clicking on my pre-loaded version I can break it and play early
why are basedtendo fans so mad? is it because people are getting the game for free?
review copies literally just went out so i appreciate btfoing nintendo's anti-leak cops
>interpreting silly shitposting as being "mad"
I guess whatever fits your narrative, champ.
What the fuck is a Dilf?
No but seriously what the fuck is wrong with Nincels?
Like to
>rainbow yoshi avatar
what does that make him, a double faggot?
>It isn't actually dolphin porn
Fuck you, now I have some shitty chore game I don't like.
>see post
>go check on the ISO Network if it is real or not
>its fucking dead
What the fuck happened
Dad I'd like to Fuck
Wheres ant user?
t. seething basedtendo fan tranny
>random twitter "dilf" faggot
Yeah, I'm not risking a brickachu situation. 100% guaranteed pozzed. If it's real it'll spread like wildfire in the next 24 hours. It's rare for a Switch game to leak more than a few days early, these ain't the 3DS days where we get shit months in advance.
why did you sign off your own post without even writing anything?
Pack it up everyone.
I own a PS4 you fucking faggot hahahaha.
>w-what's in the .mov user?
so it IS dolphin porn after all
You are a fucking moron if you don't know how to bypass that.
so it was dolphin porn
>it really is dolphin porn
well shit
Realistically a legit leak will be up any day now, right?
you have to wait until a mexican brick and mortar shop sells it the second they get the shipment
so whenever it actually ships is when the possibility skyrockets
Smash was 2 weeks early. Pokemon was like 3 days. Clearly being a high profile release has nothing to do with how soon or late it leaks and people are especially nervous right now because Nintendo just sued every Switch game distributor off the face of the internet this month.
No jokes it is an actual 6gb Rick Roll loop.
pokemon didnt leak so
Dildo I’d like to fuck
It did, it was just so close to release that it may as well not have.
Nintendo happened
You actually looked at that faggots posts? Retard.
>Rick Rolled
thats it im heading out
Dont get your hopes up for anything earlier than 3 days
Damn I Love Farming. Common lingo in the Harvest Moon and Rune Factory fanbases.
Dolphin I'd like to fuck
>retards in this very fucking thread downloaded it
i'm no longer surprised lostboy was such a success.
>open one of the many trailers on your switch >take photo of switch
>get stupid people to download your botnet
The two faggotries cancel out, he's actually a giga-Chad and he's fucking your mom and girlfriend at the same time right this second.
Oh no a compressed file on a twitter account containing an ancient video format that only has an exploit when opened with a deprecated video player.
you mad basedtendo?>sonynygger
so it's actually a virus?
If we were in 2004, maybe.
>using leaked/pirated Animal Crossing
Why? Nintendo's basically forcing you to use online to get all the game content.
why yes I am based. thank you for noticing.
BASED gigachad
>download leaked version
>download pirated update
w o w
You know game updates get uploaded by people too, right? Also you can start early with a leaked copy and easily transfer your save to a legit copy once the game actually releases. Switch CFW threads sure get a lot of clueless dunces posting in them.