lol guys I found this chinese bootleg of quake called diabotical. all the characters are little robot circles so you can't even get headshots, but I think they made it robots instead of humans to make it legal in china and it's easier just to make a sphere character model and be done with it. also it just has a generic overwatch style like it was made in unity or pirated unreal engine or something like that. besides that it's a complete bootleg of quake with all the same weapons and everything. anyway does anyone else know any more modern chinese bootlegs that have been made recently besides all the old nes bootlegs everyone already knows about?
Chinese Bootlegs
Other urls found in this thread:
Diabeticals on suicide watch
there was no headshots in Quake either, it was a casual shooter
oh I guess that's why they didn't add them to the bootleg of quake then
posting a thread like this again is the equivalent of being on voice chat and telling a joke that noone laughs at and then saying
>hey guys I think my mic cut out when I said that, did you guys hear me say ___
and then have them not laugh all over again
I'm sorry that happened to you user.
the difference between me and you is that I'm at least reasonable enough to own up to it
Why do you think a completely random, humiliating, autistic thing that happened to you also happened to me?
Like Azur Lane (bootleg KanColle) or Coronavirus (bootleg flu)?
>so you can't even get headshots
go home CSbaby
It's probably some tencent shit, it IS exclusive to their store after all (Epic Tencent Games)
because I thought you were op you wee cunt
but how does that relate to finding a chinese bootleg of quake?
because making a thread that noone finds funny and making it again only to get about the same replies is the equivalent to my situation, I don't really understand why I have to spell this out
>uses standard arial for all text
>lifts overwatch text for frag popups
lmaoing at your life 2gd
this isn't a joke though
the current state of vidya absolutely IS a joke you waldo
well, that's true. "people" are really shilling a chinese bootleg on Yea Forums lol. it's probably not actual people and just kike chinks who made the game, though.
>runs on linux from day one
>working water, can assign liquids to do damage or to heal like in QC
>extremely simple map editor built in-game, has a symmetry tool to easily design ctf maps
>working matchmaking, quick find times
>quick load times
>cpm air control, crouch sliding, double jump and wall jump is possible by messing with some cvar settings
>defrag mode planned, tdm, ffa and ctf planned
>hud customization in-game
>QPL's numbers fell by as much as 1/3, in comparison with the previous LAN
diaboticle child game.... look to raven firefrog animal name developer to make kid player happy like children show.. diaboticle cartoon world with rainbow unlike quake champion with dark corridorr and tunnel like castle.. diaboticle like playhouse. diabotical playor run from champons fear of dark world and lovecraft so need child game to relax
How fucking bad at video game development do you have to be to take THREE YEARS to make a barebones Q3 clone and still not have TDM, FFA, or CTF in the game come beta time.
The incompetence is astonishing.
Post skill
>someone made a montage for a chinese bootleg
Friendly reminder that the harder Yea Forums seethes over a game, the better the game usually is.
Had fun weekend one desu
Looks like a fun game to play for two weeks before the player count dwindles to nothingness.
I guess if having a giggle at a game's expense is seething...?
No this is Yea Forums where everyone is a gaming snob and argues with each other
Why is this shitty game getting shilled all over the place? It looks stupid as fuck.
This look so...not fun
Literal epic shills have been here for months. They all do the exact same tactics of trying to shout down people in the same exact way every goddamn time. It's too obvious.
kike detected
You know epic is hostile toward Linux, right? If the compatibility ever breaks, it's game over.
Rocket league is ending Linux and Mac support as an FYI.
Tim Sweeny hates Linux and has said as much.
I wish I knew you irl, so I could laugh my ass off when the compatibility breaks and you're left seething.
I mean cmon, epic bought fucking easy anti cheat to fuck with valve after they had made a deal to work on Linux compatibility, then ended the Linux effort.
It really amazes me how diabotical somehow manages to make Q3 gameplay look even more repetitive and played out than actual QL. I think it's the shitty artstyle giving me mobile game vibes.
Does this help?
I have yet to see a single good player try this game and not like it. That is somewhat promising I would say.
tiananmen square
prove me wrong
protip: you can't
keep seething pleb
those modes are literally in the game and will be enabled over the coming weekends
Change the op next time please.
>map editor built in-game
this is actually interesting and a first for arena shooters outside of halo so far as im aware.
the rest is literally just (planned, not implemented yet) meeting parity with CPMA. guess what, reflex already tried that and nobody gave a shit. though reflex had the problem of making autism mode solid color cfgs mandatory.
you cant revive the genre by just making texture packs for the same game over and over again.
>arena fps
Serious business arena competition was such a tiny part of boomershooters back in the day. They were popular because of single player campaigns and mods/modes that were more about fun than esports wank.
Arena FPS is the fox only final destination of boomershooters.
nice revisionism faggot
nobody cares about speedrun faggotry and singleplayer shit
Then why are single player only retro FPSs doing so much better than all these quake 3 clones? Why is Doom 2016 getting a bigger budget sequel and quake champions getting dumpstered?
imagine NOT liking 2GD
>all these quake 3 clones
>quake champions
those games are shit, diabotical is good, you don't play these games and it shows
>why are single player only retro FPSs doing so much better than all these quake 3 clones
Which ones? list them and I will tell you why they went to shit and/or were doomed to fail.
>you don't play these games
no one does
quake live, as the most obvious example
New doom and serious sam are the big ones, but even the small indie ones did ok.
on a related note, i decided to launch quake live on a lark and see if i could ping decently to a populated server and it wont even open now. what a piece of shit.
>why is this game made in the 90's not popular in 2020
based retard, it still does actually have hundreds of concurrent players at any time though..... a lot will move to Diabotical probably
Retro FPS gameplay is intrinsically fun and has extensive replayability, while AFPS games are stuck in the 'quake clone' loop of nostioglia baiting and failure.
Any multiplayer only game with fast arena gameplay and the holy trinity of guns is a guaranteed flop, since that paradigm is totally played out at this point and nobody wants it despite what their nostalgia might tell them.
If you wanted to make a successful AFPS these days the only way you could do it would be to break out of the quake 3 mold and bundle single player with it. But nobody is game to.
this was pretty impressive ngl
Quake-like gameplay is intrinsically fun and has extensive replayability
the hero we needed
>chinese bootleg
you mean sweden knockoff?
>arena FPS is back
totalbiscuit on suicide watch
never got the impression he hated arena FPS, just that he was sick of devs trying to make patches for q3 instead of new games
i played arena fps the first time last weekend
it was fun
>can't get headshots
>Quake Champions 'headshots' don't crit and are there just for a pavlovian response
Syncerror is working very hard trying to get people to still play his shit game.