Shadow of the Colossus is one of the free games on PS Plus this month, should I play it?
inb4 underage, people born in 2000 are literally twenty years old now boomer
Shadow of the Colossus is one of the free games on PS Plus this month, should I play it?
inb4 underage, people born in 2000 are literally twenty years old now boomer
Underage lmao
Its your approval-seeking behavior that reveals your age, not your birthyear. If a game seems interesting, especially since its free, go ahead try it. Why do you care what a bunch of anons might think?
imagine not playing shadow of the colossus while growing up.
He's a zoomer who reveals his age in an OP. He's not sane or intelligent so of course he cares what people think.
Yes you fucking zoomer. The original is better but the remake is good too. I hate sharing the internet with you retards.
>SD 15fps SotC on PS2
>HD 60fps SotC on PS4
go for it, it's an amazing game. Just beware that it's an art game, so if it has a choice between usabilty and being artsy it will chose artsy.
Go in free of preconceptions and let the story and setting grow on you
This but unironically. The remake fucks up the atmosphere, animations, sound, cutscenes, and the music and for such a short game that's a big deal.
im playing it now, on the 4th colossus.
30fps sucks though, its making me feel ill when the camera flips all over the place (it keeps wrestling away control to look at things at environment, Agro, etc.)
it's literally like a 15gb dl op, why not just try it for yourself?
The remake is better. Try not to fall for the nostalgiadrones who flip the fuck out when every blade of grass isn't the same exact color
It's objectively worse even if you just look at the animation changes.
>posts the same half-a-second clip of wander running from colossus #15 for the hundredth time
I dropped it at the 9th Colossus. It's a slow, clunky game that involves a lot of frustrating "wait for the AI to do what you need it to do" which sucks because the boss animations are all slow as shit and they may not do it for a while, especially the one I dropped the game on. Without an emulator and save states I would have dropped it at the stupid jump before the third boss. That being said, the feeling of triumph you get when you figure out a boss is one rarely seen in a video game, it feels really great.
The game is really one that's not for everyone. Give it a shot, at the very least, but if you start to get frustrated, just drop it.
If you weren't underage you'd know that OP can't inb4.
>but if you start to get frustrated, just drop it.
jesus christ imagine being this pathetic that you can't even handle a video game
If the game isn't fun, why bother?
one of the greatest examples of cringe zoomer shit I've seen in a long time. well done user
>Y-You just can't handle a video game!
>if you don't like SoTC's gameplay you're a dumb Zoomy zoomzoom! Using such dumbfuck terminology doesn't out me as a massive retard!
SotC fags are fucking pathetic and can't handle any criticism towards their game, let alone a conflicting opinion about it.
The nice thing about SotC is that it doesn't get tons of praise that it doesn't deserve. It's pretty much just the hipster faggots that like it, unlike TLOU which gets praised by ever single retard in existence.
Ico is better
>original is better
PS4 version is leagues ahead of the original
>"hey guys my mom bought me ps+ and I got this game, should I play it? by the way I AM an adult I was born in the year 2000"
>"reeeeeee the remake is good"
>"don't bother playing this game I played it for 2 hours and got stuck, it's shit"
now this is some cringe
I never implied any of that you fucking idiot. your reading comprehension is also suspect
what is there to imply, the only thing you said is "I-IT'S NOT MY PRECIOUS GAME'S FAULT, you're just BAD!"
Play the multiplayer then come back to me
playing this on hard as my first playthrough
you complained about a game you cheated in and still couldn't beat.
you're an absolute faggot.
how is removing the tedium of having to take 5 minutes to swim out of the lake and climb up the mountain again cheating? That's the only part I used save states during.
I already did in Uncharted 2
What's the point in the geckos? I climbed a tower hunting for the little shit, but then I rose into a valley and saw like 5 of them? It gave me nothing, then fell into the ground.
The tail upgrades your health and stamina