Have you got over it yet?

Have you got over it yet?

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this face scanning shit needs to be kept exclusively in Yakuza games because whenever any other games does it you just see ugly fucking mutts.

It never bothered me to start with. Throughout the series, Chris has changed appearances AT LEAST five times.

Nu-Chris is the absolute worst. Idiots who complain about Jill don't even know how good they got it.

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You all made fun of him, but he was best Chris.

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Jill has female pattern baldness. She wears a wig.

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This. Laughed at how ridiculous he was when RE5 was announced, but after a decade, he is Chris. Changing his look that much feels just wrong. For Claire and Carlos, who always ookked kinda generic, their changea worked. Now they feel unique. But Leon still looks like Leon, Jill still looks like Jill, Ada still looks like Ada. They were iconic, even if the models changed they still look the part. Chris is just horrible.

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This wasn't as big a problem because he wasn't someone's kawaii Japanese waifu, but he certainly doesn't look right.

give him a better jawline and less facial hair and it would have been fine.

>left image

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He looks like he was modeled after the actor who plays Dr. Frederick Chilton on Hannibal

>Jill still looks like Jill

If they un-recessed his chin he'd look fine. Jill just looks like a man, there's no fixing that.

never had a problem. He looks like an older version of the RE1 live action Chris

Chris Redfield GC = Mike Matei

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I'm a Voth fag, yet when I look at nu Jill, I still see Jill. Same with Revelations. She looks different obviously, so does Leon, but she's still Jill.


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So he became slightly less generic looking?
Am I missing something? The new design looks fine

Funny, I just started playing REmake on switch, first RES game

Everytime I see this pic I think it's edited

Jill looks fine you fucking autists. How can you look at Chris and say he's fine but have autistic meltdowns over Jill.
Compare this image to fucking that

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What went wrong?

Objectively best chris right here. Shame we didn't get what 5 was going to be. I still would like to see them explore africa as a setting again, because it's horrifying, even without mutants.

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Honestly I don't believe she looks like a man I just hate her design and haircut and think the new remake looks like shit. But I'm the only person on Yea Forums that thinks character design shouldn't be copy pasted from tomb raider and the only person on Yea Forums that remembers and cares about RE3's live selection choices, so I have to use the only thing retards on here will listen to. But then, nuChris really isn't that bad, it's the chin that's the real problem.

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RE6 Christ looks more in line with the others than I remember but still hate how Mexican they made him

It's the facial hair and aging. Japanese age and grow facial hair in a similar way to mexicans so when you put it on a guy with a redder skintone they look super fucking mexican

not even once

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>I just hate her design and haircut
I agree, I think my main problem with her is the boring outfit and the hair, her face is actually good but the hair makes the face seemingly look worse, It just doesn't suit her face.
>and think the new remake looks like shit.
I personally think it'll be fine

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I'll never get over the lack of choice and randomization. That stuff made the game to me even more than Nemesis


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>I'll never get over the lack of choice and randomization
They never said anything about either of those

Excuse me?

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> time crunch really wasn’t an issue for the remake. Removing the live choice selection system allowed Capcom to “tell a more consistent story,” too, which allows for all players to experience the game in the same way, just as the company intended.

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Oh for fuck's sake. I already wasn't interested, now I already dislike it.

Not canon.

La creatura

El Goblina...

that guy needs some sleep

Does that cock suck all his blood into itself?