I loved it. So what next?
Should I play the old FFVII or wait for the remake?
Any particular must plays to go through?
And for what it's worth the main thing I look for in games is deep story/narrative with great characters. Cheers.
I loved it. So what next?
Should I play the old FFVII or wait for the remake?
Any particular must plays to go through?
And for what it's worth the main thing I look for in games is deep story/narrative with great characters. Cheers.
FF7R is shaping up to be a soulless cashgrab. Just play the original.
Play SMT IV:A.
Play the PC version
Who was your favorite person to hang out with and favourite palace?
One rpg i'd recommend is radiant historia or the world ends with you.
Play it again but bang the nurse and your teacher
If your answer is anything other than Yusuke you are uncultured swine.
That's P4, and sadly not an option.
I'm like 90 hours into Dragon Quest XI and I fucking hate it. I hear this game is even worse.
Play Panzer Dragoon Saga.
Uhhhhh did you miss her or something?
I banged everyoen on my first playrthrough
is there any benefits to being loyal to one girl?
Lost Odyssey
If you're willing to deal with old 2D games, your options open up considerably.
>Just completed my first ever JRPG after 20+ years gaming, I loved it.
Congraz, OP!
I take pic related was your choice? Not a bad one at all.
>Should I play the old FFVII or wait for the remake?
Play the original. ALWAYS.
The de-make is looking awful to be perfectly honest. All casual action shit.
>Any particular must plays to go through?
Most of the 1990's FF titles.
The 00's are hit or miss, but worth checking out.
I personally even liked the XIII-trilogy's later games, and Type0 was amazing.
Persona 3:FES and 4, if you want more of that Atlus STYLE.
Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG are neat little gems from the 2D days, and Paper Mario 64 a comfy spin on the latter.
Honestly I liked all the main party members. If I had to pick though it would be Ryuji, but I think all the main party are cool.
Favorite palace is a tough one... I hated the Okumura foods one because I was retarded when it came to dealing with the shields enemies use and the gravity door thingys.
I really can't choose one tbqh, generally just a fantastic game and I'm officially on the JRPG bandwagon now. Can't wait for Persona 6
>Who was your favorite person to hang out with
Kawakami because I wanted to bang her.
From the bros, Yusuke.
>and favourite palace?
If you don't think the school one was the best one then you don't belong here.
The rest couldn't compete.
based yusukebro
>If you don't think the school one was the best one then you don't belong here.
Sorry kiddo, but Futaba's tomb was way superior.
>Congraz, OP!
I take pic related was your choice? Not a bad one at all
Thank you! And yes indeed it was :)
>Play the original. ALWAYS.
>The de-make is looking awful to be perfectly honest. All casual action shit.
Thought as much. I will.
That's a doctor, not a nurse.
Strong contender indeed. The Pyramid atmosphere and storyline was peak design.
But I still prefer the rapist's mind because it aligns with me and the teacher was pretty based.
The school definitely was a strong start, but the pyramid certainly shines through as a neat departure from the otherwise systematic repetition of the other chapters. Plus Futaba's top cutie.
True haha silly me
>I loved it.
>the main thing I look for in games is deep story/narrative with great characters
>Should I play the old FFVII or wait for the remake?
The remake is almost here, the demo was good. You might as well wait another month.
Soooo is this game considered to have subpar story/characters by comparison to other JRPGs then?
P3FES was better.
P5 is mediocre at best.
Ignore that fag.
It's the typical zoomceI Yea Forums-tard idea that JRPGs in general can't be impressive or deep when it comes to narrative or characterization.
Both were superb in P5, but the typical action-fags love to dumb it down to the "HURR I HAET ADULTS!!!" -memes.
As much as I love P3 and FES especially, I have to disagree.
P5 is a much more satisfying package. P3 only competes through nostalgia.
True taking down coomershida felt good and i liked the story line of this arc too. I think the reason why i think he's a better villain than most of the others is because he could actually exist.
They fall apart under any scrutiny
P5 has the shittiest story in it's own series and you must be completely braindead if you unironcally think that P5's story is anything more than just OK.
I played it after P5 and loved it way more. The oy thing that holds this game down is it's age. Remake/remaster will fix it and it will probably happen.
It is better.
Doesnt' mean I didn't have a blast on P5 tho, you cuck.
You can like more than one thing, and no mediocre is P1.
P4 is shit.
P5 is good
Never played P2 and never will, pirating PSX games is shit.
>deep story and great characters
pick one
Who specifically? The characters from the game or that guy?
Sorry if I come across as retarded this is my first post on Yea Forums. The dumbasses from the containment board I visit fried my brain.
Like I said this is my first JRPG... I've never even watched anime, lad.. I have nothing else to compare it to lol
Seconding RH and TWEWY. Both are fantastic.
have you played pokemon? that's basically a jrpg with capturing monsters
The game
Gameplay and visuals are undoubtedly better in P5, but everything related to the story and cardboard cutouts that this game calls characters made me want to start skipping.
P3 delivers on everything else. I love this edgy shit about death and depression, the characters are good, the toaster is cute and the MC is a combination of a Chad and an emo.
You don't have to be a JRPG fan to see a mediocre plot. That has nothing to do with the genre.
You are just creating excuses.
Nope. Used to watch it as a kid but I was too much of a faggot to appreciate turn based stuff. (I know I said I've never watched anime but I meant as an adult not as a kid) you know what I mean...
Erm ok m8 well I liked it personally lol
not to mention best velvet.
>P5 has the shittiest story in it's own series and you must be completely braindead if you unironcally think that P5's story is anything more than just OK.
Very lovely arguments. NOT.
Sorry kid, but as someone who's played all but the very 1st Persona game through and through, multiple times even, I seriously consider P5 as the peak of the series. It's themes are fascinating, global and mature, and the gameplay is sooo damn smooth and satisfying.
>pirating PSX games is shit.
What does that even mean?
Bro stfu and just let him enjoy the game lmfao. Did you forget these were games meant for young teens? The stories fine and it's like 3 a masterpiece either.
What themes? P5's themes are shallow as fuck
>all S-links are just side shit for stat boosts
>combat is clunky
>main dungeon is just liveless copypasta
>"villains" just pop out
>theme = death is scawy lol :)
Reddit energy on that one is hard.
>I've never even watched anime
Then you don't belong on Yea Forums. Go away.
god, this entire thread is full of redditors
nothing to see here
Ignore everyone telling you to continue playing this series
Play Radiant Historia or Chrono Trigger
>s links are just useless abilities
>combat is a shitty SMT copycat
>main dungeons are just boring gimmicks
>"villians" are a definition of a "shitty adult"
>theme = shitty adults we live in a society :)
Two can play this game, faggot.
>What themes?
See? This is exactly what I mentioned in P5 is a super interesting, no punches held commentary on the western society and people willing to exploit it and oppress people for their own wealth, creating a stark split in the society that can drive the people sitting on the "wrong side" of the gap into deep trouble... even death.
When each and every cast member is an exaggerated or simplified example of various victim-hoods, with the villains portraying the 7 deadly sins, it's hard to call the cast "bland". Hell, there's even plenty of character development dedicated for said characters; starting from the "awakening" phase where they decide to rebel against their oppressors, to the optional scenes of maturing you get to witness by spending time with them.
Not only that, but it actually dares to bring up the general population's typical lack of interest and desire for "please think and work for me!" mentality, which ultimately stresses the community they reside in and may just as well lead the entire society into doom.
Besides all these thematics, P5 is also once again a fine example of Japanese people turning some kinda mundane, even forgotten western ideas and lores into something truly unique and fascinating. This is the most obvious in the Persona designs themselves, with pretty much each one of them being these snappy shots of tangential learning at its best.
P5 is not only the most psychological experience since Silent Hill 2, but it can also be taken as a non-official Lupin the third game.
Please go back where ever you came from.
No, (You) are the awesome here.
Your fedora is literally on fire
Right back at you. Go back to plebbit and never return.
And I'm not reading that crap that tries to justify the mediocrity that is p5. Make sure to buy the same game again this March and also all the spin-offs that are coming out soon as well, faggot. That's why we get no good games.
You're too kind user
>all this seethe
Never visited that zoomie website of yours.
Funny how (You) seem to know so much about it. Truly this makes me think.
And no, P5R will be garbage.
Fatlus already dropped the ball with Catherine:FB, and they are clearly doing the same mistakes again with nu-P5.
>commentary on the western society
>developers themselves say they don't give a shit about filthy gaijins and that the game is by, for and about japan
>literal "LOL DIDN'T READ!" argument
So this is what getting OWNED looks like... neat.
For starters, [Citation needed].
Second, it does not matter what the devs said or didn't, when the themes resonate perfectly with just about any developed western society of our era. You could just as well place the plot in a modern-day New York or Tallinn, and it would work just as well.
Obviously some superficial elements would change, but the plot and its message could remain practically identical.
>tfw no one's going to actually argue this
>he's just going to get a bunch of "based" and "fuck you I disagree" replies with no actual counterpoints or anything
i feel you, friend. this last year i've devolved to a fag that hates turnbased sadly. i blame it on finally getting a gaming pc and just want actiony gameplay
Play lisa the painful if you wanna feel like shit after playing it. Id recommend looking up guides to get party members since its really worth it.
How do you faggots even like this redhead gremlin with le quirky hacker personality that was obviously constructed to appeal to the smelliest, most disgusting neckbeards like possible?
It's hard to argue against facts. Especially when ones arguing don't even understand the contents or context of the game itself in the first place.
>Cutest design
>Perky attitude
>Voiced by Hibiki Tachibana
>Best palace and story progression
>Actually has practical skills, unlike rest of the thots
And you're still not making any arguments I see.
Your coping is not facts, redditor.
god, I can feel the fedora on your head through my monitor
It's 2AM so i can't be bothered
Saying that 'the villains are the 7 deadly sins so that means they aren't bland' is telling enough. I mean they don't even do that properly, Kamoshida is Lust and Kaneshiro is Greed, but the rest of them are completely arbitrary and aren't reflected in the character or their actions, it's just one word of their boss fight name and nothing more
Personally I find anons foaming from the mouth at the prospect of someone going againts their echo chamber and displaying his love for a game( be Persona 5 in this case) to be very amusing
>P5 is a super interesting, no punches held commentary on the western society
not really. it's a commentary on japanese society and its fucked-up norms. many of the villains-of-the-week are based on actual cases that made headlines in japan.
the game's overall message is basically telling adults that they have created a shitty world not only for themselves, but for their children, and they shouldn't just sit around and wait for their children to fix it.
>muh reddit boogeyman!
You're sounding like a broken record.
I bet you'd consider the Yea Forums of the 2005 as a whole to be the mirror image of your plebbit home page.
Assuming you would have been even born back then.
>I literally never played the game!! :^)
These are the folks bashing P5, ladies and gentlemen.
Don't forget to dilate once a day!
>Just completed my first ever JRPG
Now go play a good one next to find out how shit P5 was
>not really. it's a commentary on japanese society and its fucked-up norms
Which do not differ much from the western society's visible and hidden structure at this point, which is why it is easy to to relate to the cast's struggle and understand their suffering. Some of the events truly hit very close to home in my case, and I'm nowhere near Nippon nor Burgerland.
>The game's overall message is basically telling adults that they have created a shitty world not only for themselves, but for their children, and they shouldn't just sit around and wait for their children to fix it.
I find that to be a crude trivialization of all the content the game provides. Not exactly a false conclusion, but it leaves so much out.
I wonder what could you consider as "good one".
I've beaten well over 500 video games during my life, and P5 is certainly in the top-50, the least.
I played the game multiple times and every time this gremlin is on screen I had an urge to throw my controller into the monitor.
This combination of traits that was created specifically to be "cute", "quirky" and "nerdy" drives me mad. It's so fake and unnatural and makes out that popular egirl-gamer type that people obsess over these days.
This is basically an ethot. Not real, not human, and constructed to be appealing to one specific audience of useless NEETs who live just like her.
Everyone who likes her has basically zero taste in women.
Nigger I literally posted one.
This post sounds like a tale of a lonely NEET incel if you ask me.
I only romanced Futaba, and will probably do it again later on.
>lonely neet incel
So you mean your precious waifu.
My waifu is not a neckbeard loser though.
>It's 2AM so i can't be bothered
You say that, but you put more effort in than nothing.
If more posts had at least as much thought behind them as yours did, Yea Forums would be much less shit.
She is a female equivalent of that.
Also you are projecting hard
Play P5R
>can hack into Pentagon
>rocks at vidya
No, she ain't
Do not.
>literally an equivalent of teh cool movie hacker
Doesn't count, faggot. Go donate to your favorite egirl.
I know you're baiting, but the theme isn't death is scary, the theme is "death is inevitable, so don't be scared and live life to its fullest"
thanks, i appreciate it
Feels pointless sometimes because Yea Forums just cycles between contrarian and counter-contrarian with no thought behind either position beyond attacking what is currently popular opinion. Even if effort posts managed to sway opinion they would be ignored after some time in order to bait. I've seen people copy and paste my posts and then not understand a single thing that was said in them, and they were only able to keep up a reply chain by spamming meme words and one liners
I bought the collectors edition, avoided spoilers, and now I just need to wait until the 31st
We do not need more evidence that you didn't play the game.
Notice how no themes are mentioned in this post, only statements about story hooks and insisting that the game is good instead of explaining why it is good
Notice the avatar/waifufagging
Notice the deflecting about Futaba's character instead of simply saying what it actually is
>gets called out
>has to deflect to other posters
you lost
Play Chrono Trigger
Trails in the Sky or Ys series
Monstrum NOX is the only Ys game that fits OP's criteria.