This is how it should have ended

Why is Chris Redfield sitting next to Chris Redfield?

Yo real talk. I don't want them to fuck. I like them more as extremely tight partners than fuck buddies.

Not everything is like you and your mom, user. Not every relationship has to be sexual.

He needs to fuck Claire


>Chris loses countless comrades from RE1-5
>"'s worth it."

>Chris loses a sqaud in RE6

Did anyone else only like RE6 for Jake and Sherry?

The sun glasses ending was KINO.

Unironically I hope Jake comes back.

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Jake was edgy trash, only Sherry matters

Make a re spinoff like the original re4 where it's a character action since Jake is basically wesker lite.

I've been in love with Sherry ever since I was the same age as her RE2 appearance, so I liked her campaign for her alone.