What's the worst game review that comes to your mind right now?

What's the worst game review that comes to your mind right now?

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>the global authority on pc games

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Shit like this makes it so obvious they were payed off back then.

Dragon Age 2 was basically the epicenter of the early 2010s huge "entitled gamers" shitstorm where people finally realized en masse that media was just a paid advertising arm of big publishers and they absolutely fucking hated the audience they were required to market to.

Final Fantasy 13s from gamespot i think. they called the lack of towns, shops and exploration "trimming the fat" i think they gave it an 8/10 or some horse shit.

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i actually liked DA2 but 94/100 it most certainly is not

IGN God Hand

Gone home

DAI is a fucking joke too

There are many candidates, but one I particularly remember was a Nintendo Life review where they docked a bunch of points because muh sexy characters. I don't remember the name of the game, but I remember they got a lot of shit in the comments, and the reviewer responded by posting a gif of him drinking water or something.

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The one Heavy Rain review from IGN that compared it to a Scorsese movie.

Just about every good review of Skyrim

Fuck Skyrim. The FF7 of the 2010s. At least FF7 required more form the player than follow the arrow and swing a sword like a spaz until it dies. FF7 had some level of tactics and planning even is small and attractive females. All Skyrim did was dumb down the formula enough to draw in normies and ruin the entire genre forever.

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any dunkey review

i find he's reviews very bipolar. a game has X issue and it's the worse thing ever. another game has X issue too but it has Nintendo characters so it's 11/10

I wont accept it
Its not a great game. It might not even be a good game. But it does not deserve a score that low. Its a 6/10 game. Hard but really rewarding if you understand the combat. Platforming is kinda ass and there are bad sections for sure. Not 3/10 bad though

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>Game runs like shit
>Looks like a PS3 game
>Controls like shit
>Never stops shoving tutorials in your face
>Core gameplay loop is just trying to make the AI not be retarded for 5 seconds
>"5/5 it's a masterpiece"

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DAI is a MMORPG without the MMO

That time IGN reviewed Alien Isolation and gave it a low score because they thought it was too difficult.

Gotta be the 2.7 GodHand review.

it got worse with mass effect 3. and even worse with anthem. bioware just sucks shit. and they are long, long overdue for closure.

every review for devil's third and bullet witch, even the good ones if they exist
i love these fucking games and i will defend them to the fucking death

this review is genuinely awesome though, faggot gets ultra-butthurt at a fucking achievement and considers it a personal insult because he sucks so much at the game
>after dinging a point for grammar
it's just so perfectly asspained

not really the worst, but the most ridiculous, rather: IGN’s Halo 2 review. eight fucking pages! literally wtf.


that one Rainbow Six: Siege review that talks about the game for a paragraph and then spends the rest of the review discussing the author's ideas for gay shipping fanfics to be written between the characters

link plz

Mandalore keeps tricking me into buying garbage.
>inb4 eceleb

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about what?

"Better" than Inquisition, fight me.


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Any bad review for NieR

The first game

It has the strategic depth of a puddle and no variation in the gameplay. If it didn't bear the 40k name no one would give a single shit.
The presentation is good though, I'll give you that.

A few come to mind.

From online reviewers:
>Armake 21
Thought Alone in the Dark was next-gen because it had fucking blinking in it lol. Defends a number of terrible games including CnC4.
>Mandalore/his alt
Is extremely hyperbolic about a game's highlights.
Tends to be very flowery and bloated with his reviews on games like Yooka-Laylee. Manages to construct hour long video essays that can barely convince anybody about a game's quality.
Anytime he has a guest star appear. Jesus.

I recall Gameinformer's reviews/previews being absolute bollocks. They mentioned Fallout 3 having ghostly child laughter near playgrounds occurring on occasions. Which it doesn't. They also had 10 page previews on trash like licensed games.

It's always this one.

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It is a masterpiece.

its correct grammar, eff ay kyoo, fuck that reviewer lol

The ORAS review that was a 7.8 because of too much water instead of the game's numerous actual flaws

Every review by every major site ever.

the ds zeldas are pure dogshit, the controls are terrible and i dont even think its paid reviews. if you would swap out the name zelda and release it as some indie game people would see it for the pile of trash it is. imagine if nintendo didnt decide to go full autismo with the ds and force touch screen into every game. a normal top down zelda for the ds and 2d metroid would have been amazing

That was a real flaw tho, i never got why that was a bad complaint.

>professional writer
>goes out of his way to criticize grammar
>is fucking wrong
holy shit, what a joke

The F- review on gamerevolution for that one survivor game where they had drop-down boxes so you could madlib how crappy the game was.

on an unrelated note, the 8.8 review for Twilight Princess was based just for the outrage it generated

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In retrospect, that Twilight Princess 8.9 from Gamespot was harsh. Everyone was too hopped up on "next gen graphics" to see its quality.

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As someone whose favorite game is TP, 8.8 is a perfectly justifiable score for it. That was Gamespot, right? Because they also clocked SS at a 7.5 if memory serves me right and that one is also dead on.

God Hand

This, I don't know why anyone was mad about 8.8. It's actually an alarmingly fair score considering it's a Zelda game.

I don't get it either. The complain looks silly on paper but the game does in fact have too much water.

Nah it's not fair. It should be a 9.2 at least. It's the best Zelda Game in the series after all.

I think that "Yea Forums's recommended games" wiki thing recommends a lot of str8 up trash

anything below 9.5 to the supposed successor to OOT was sacrilege at the time. Zelda fans have eased up a bit more recently. I think the most interesting insult was Okami, a Zelda clone, getting some GOTYs over TP that year.

Too much water

>12 years ago
>Everyone hopped up on next gen graphics and bashes Wii's genuinely good games for either being low res or taking on a more cartoony style to look good (e.g. mario galaxy)

>The diminishing returns of grafix wall has been well and truly hit
>Art style is beginning to well and truly win out over pure processing power and resolution because everything can run good looking games now
>Retro 8bit/16bit/32bit style indie trash has become a massive fad and is being praised for being nostalgia bait

People are never satisfied

Anything below 9 is seen as shovelware.

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that one picture with the god hand score to some literal baby game on the wii or whatever
oh wait there it is

>death stranding
>"game's meh, its a boring walking simulator with 2smart4u story"

A clone can be better than the original.

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I think I read the same crock of shit in PSM way back when. I was legitimately excited for it, but then read the review and thought "wow all the things that make an RPG an RPG are pretty much gone, why should I play this again?"

Zelda is a golden goose series, it's in poor taste to say anything bad about it apparently. I adore TP with a passion but while it's very well made it also takes next to zero risks or offers any serious innovations. It's just an updated OoT more or less, which is a good part of why I love it so much.

Weird case of the score being too harsh but the actual critical assessment being correct. Isolation was a great game but dragged on a good 3 or 4 hours after it ran out of steam.

He literally said that on default settings the game is extremely easy.

What the fuck? I actually LIKE Dragon Age 2 but it is an incredibly flawed game that is outright unfun to play in some sections.

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Because he's an unironic fanboy that can't see past his own bias.

he said how only a couple load outs can easily get you through the game, he loved the style and music most of all. A lot of the shit he plays are hot messes as is

this rag also has a review on monster hunter iceborne where the reviewer complains about the cruelty and colonial mindset of hunting, it’s amazing

I really liked it, and I got it on release before some patches seriously ironed out a lot of the problems it had at launch.

That being said if you don't have TWW2, he's going to trick you into buying that next review. It's not a trick but that game is a trap, once you start playing you'll never stop

didnt IGN say pokemon ruby/sapphire had to much water, even though the game is about earth and water legendaries duking it out

It's not that out there, really. It's a good story, it looks remarkable (on PC) and most of all it does justice to the first movie which is a rare delicacy. But oh dog it's just not fun to play in the slightest after the three hour mark and the way it's dragged out is just bad. Would've liked it more as movie.
Realistically someone could be even more affected this than me, which would really make a 6/10 justified.

Yes, and the region is supposed to be a parallel to the Kyushu region of Japan which has a way higher water to land ratio than the rest of the country.

They were right though.

Good review summation, but I'd bump it up to at least a 6.5 if not almost a 7

Most of the reviews of this MASSIVE piece of shit are lost to the dark ages of the internet given when it released, but it was so bad that people collectively decided to just pretend the game never existed. And yet it got some great review scores. It was a 1/10 game that got 9/10 reviews.

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what is wrong with the water sections?

He didn't mention the awful grind that sets in after a couple of hours. I stopped caring about what enemies I faced and bum-rushed everything.
Though I should probably just have done Twilight of the Gods the moment it appeared.
I don't, and I expect him to. It's about time though, I haven't played a total war since Medieval 2.

I pressed A for 14 hours

>reading game reviews at all

C'mon man.

Personally I despise TP and everything it represents for the franchise, but the reason people were mad is because a game that was the OoT "sequel" everyone had wanted, especially since Wind Waker, could never have negative connotations associated with it.
That was justice is what that was. Okami is easily the best 3D Zelda.

Jim Sterling's Witcher 2 review gave me cancer but I luckily blocked it from my memory. To this day he's a faggot that deserves the (very strong) rope.

i have to read them to know they’re shit

This is why I use steam reviews to check if a game is good.

yeah that's why that line is just the fucking icing on the cake
it's the perfect journo shits their pants review and nothing will ever beat it

>I don't, and I expect him to. It's about time though, I haven't played a total war since Medieval 2.
It's good, it's really fucking good. I haven't played this much TW since Shogun 2. I've only had it since August and I have like 400 hours clocked in on steam for it. There's a reason Warhammer 1/2 has completely taken over the Total War general on /vg/.

Not much better, user.

don’t let histfags hear you say that

I tried to get into Shogun 2 but I know too little about nip history. I need context to really care about the game.

Why not?

They know it's true, and honestly if the ratfags weren't there no one would care that fantasy took over.

Well I've always been a giant weeb so I studied a lot of Japan's history and it's great seeing all these relatively obscure historical figures. It kinda reminds me of how people said Nioh's plot is hard to follow but I've never had an issue because 99% of it is just a recreation of actual Japanese history in the year 1600.

All histfags can do is seethe impotently. Ignore them.

I saw Star Control 3 at a Best Buy one day and thought, "Holy shit, why have I not heard they made another Star Control game?". I bought it right away, then found out why I had not heard anything about it. This was the last time I bought a game without checking reviews. But it looks like it wouldn't have saved me. Thanks, you worthless "professional" game reviewers.

What's that game for PS2 where you play as like a demon or some shit and you have to fight a dude in a hot spring? I always think it's called God Hand but it's something else

I need to get back into the mindset I had when I was younger. Back then I thought it was fun to learn through game. Stuff like the unit information in Age of Empires/Mythology.

Asura's Wrath?

What's wrong with rats?

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The Skaven themselves? Nothing in particular. Hell they're easily one of the more fun factions to play. It's their fans that's the issue.

What's wrong with the ratfags then?

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Because they're basically furries. Not just because their focus is on anthropomorphic animals but because they have to make EVERYTHING about the Skaven in conversation.

Fair enough. I will try to observe them if I get the chance.

TWW is objectively less complex than some of the other TW games. The advantage it has is no 2 races play the same, every faction is vastly different in playstyle, types of units available, and even what your general strategy is in an average game.

Just don't play Greenskins right now, wait until the overhaul patch CA said they are making for them and should be officially announced the release date of in April. They are outright garbage now and is the one faction from the first game that seriously needs a complete do-over.

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Also Creative Assembly have shown they give far more of a shit about the Warhammer games than their most recent game TW Three Kingdoms. Which in fairness, WH made them an absolute shitload of money, it would be stupid to not focus on it.

I still think it's funny that GW killed fantasy the moment it got the attention it always deserved.

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Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

"too much water"

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Any of the myriad of mediocre reviews for Lost Planet 2

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Too much of them.

I'll always be pissed at them for doing it but at the same time, no one was buying WHF models. It didn't help that if you were Skaven you had to field 8 million models per battle.

Now I'm reminded that EX Troopers tanked in Japan despite Capcom having a really aggressive marketing campaign. It's sad, that game was probably the best 20 bucks I ever spent in my life, it's fucking fantastic. It may have been tonally as far from the rest of the LP games as you can get, but gameplay-wise that was the REAL LP3.

>I actually LIKE Dragon Age 2
a mongrel shouldn't be posting the king's face

Hey I said I liked it in spite of its issues not because of them.

enjoy you wingull encounter every 3 steps in big open areas that are actually just broad corridors with zero level design for an entire route like 3 times in the same game.

I came here to look for this one. Thank you, user.

That's why I dropped the rats. Painting all that shit was awful.

But it's a valid complaint.

>no one was buying WHF models
It's not like GW made any attempt at rectifying this. The only big marketing thing they did for fantasy was when they killed it for smegmar.

Shut up, tripfag

not really. You can fly over the entire map

You can't fly to places you haven't been. You gotta surf.

>dinging a point for grammar
What the fuck, does he think it should be "consult a FAQ"? And this guys is a professional writer?

>the one faction from the first game that seriously needs a complete do-over
What about Chaos and Beastmen

I have to assume they're supposed to suck so that the End Times never happens

skill up's review (inb4 exceleb) of kentucky route zero was so pretentious i unsubbed

well i just farded and shidded

that fucking RPS Pathologic 2 review where he called it "the dark souls of survival games", missed the point, whinged about difficulty, and then followed it up with TWO more asspained articles in which it became very obvious he had no idea what the fuck he was doing, what kind of game he was playing, or even that he knew how to fucking read. mind you he's crying about difficulty AFTER they put in the sliders for literally everything, and STILL fucks it up so hard he dies so much that he actually takes the fucking deal. and then has the nerve to get mad at the game when it turns out the deal has consequences.

the shit that sticks in my craw in that RPS got a major boost in popularity from a review of the original Pathologic way back in the day. the fact that they couldn't pay tribute to this in any way other than sticking an utter mongoloid on the job for the remake galls me.

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that review whining about Spyro reignited trilogy being too difficult


m8, it's a game that was literally designed for children, it's one of the most basic and straight-forward platforming games around, I 100%'d all three of them before age 10, how the fuck are you finding it difficult

This trash, together with many of the PMD reviews

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Ground my gears so much. The only good thing that from that review was how it got shit on and gave the game the good press it deserved.

>abrupt spikes in difficulty that could be ironed out
Then it wouldn't be a remaster it would be a remake? What a retard. Unless he is talking about the really bad input delay that's on consoles which is warranted
>outdated designs feel at odds with the modern presentation
Kek, it looks great. I'm not even a crashfag and this dude a retard. Also
>that profile pic

That game was awful and deserves the score.

Which of these is the least deserved? Everything pre-2010 came from Gamerankings. Only counting games with minimum of 50 reviews

> 1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - 61 Reviews - 99
> 2. SoulCalibur - 70 Reviews - 98
> 3. Super Mario Galaxy - 78 Reviews - 98
> 4. Metroid Prime - 160 Reviews - 97
> 5. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - 109 Reviews - 97 (65% 10/10s)
> 6. Resident Evil 4 - 172 Reviews - 97
> 7. Grand Theft Auto III - 139 Reviews - 97
> 8. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - 126 Reviews - 97
> 9. Half-Life 2 - 126 Reviews - 97
> 10. Super Mario Odyssey - 113 Reviews - 97
> 11. Red Dead Redemption 2 - 99 Reviews - 97
> 12. Super Mario Galaxy 2 - 88 Reviews - 97
> 13. Grand Theft Auto V - 58 Reviews - 97
> 14. Grand Theft Auto IV - 290 Reviews - 96
> 15. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty - 136 Reviews - 96
> 16. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - 133 Reviews - 96
> 17. Portal - 126 Reviews - 96
> 18. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - 105 Reviews - 96
> 19. Bioshock - 98 Reviews - 96
> 20. Mass Effect 2 - 98 Reviews - 96
> 21. Final Fantasy VII - 91 Reviews - 96
> 22. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - 89 Reviews - 96
> 23. Perfect Dark - 56 Reviews - 96
> 24. Halo 2 - 218 Reviews - 95
> 25. The Last of Us - 98 Reviews - 95

The worst game review I've ever seen is the one that gives a good score to a game I didn't like. Second worst is when a reviewer gave a low score to a game that I like.

How could that happen???

Jesus fucking christ, how did GTA IV score that high despite nearly having 300 reviews?

Half-Life 2 is terrible.

IGN have rust 3/10 when it went out of the early access with the reviewer playing like around 2 hours and not even getting a proper base set up.

Eat shit faggot. Opening the menu to select SURF, WATERFALL or DIVE and watch a gay cutscene every 5 seconds is fucking awful.

Yeah, but at least people are more honest about bugs.

octoniggers still seething over a year later

Where do you think the realism trend came from? I'm more surprised with RDR2 & Uncharted 2 being on there

Kind of surprising that most of these are sequels or part of a famous franchise. I guess reviewers don't really want to put their necks out if they think a game is good unless it has some kind of history behind it.

GTA IV, GTA V, TLOU, ME2, Uncharted & RDR2 are equally the worst ones by far. Remove them and this is a acceptable list

I think it was IGN who gave Sonic Unleashed a lower review score than Sonic 06, so that one.


I mean, good devs can learn from any faults the original game had and/or build upon what is likely a good foundation.

Redpill me boomers, how did you feel about BOTW when you first played it?

That was the moment I lost all faith in games journalism. SS was a wakeup call.

GTA IV was the biggest atrocity, nearly a decade of not a single game getting a 10/10 from GameSport or IGN despite several deserving one. Instead MGS4 & GTA IV get it in the same year, but the same reviewers give Fallout 3 goty instead

Right, I am not trashing any of those games because of that. It's just that they do usually get a boost in their reputation without having to prove that it's a good game on it's own. It's a safer bet that the fans of the series will like it unquestionably, and so protects the reviewer from anger from fans if they score it higher. Whether the changes compared to a previous game make them better or worse still factor in, but it's more likely they'll get a pass if the developer has some goodwill.

This game isn't the worst thing to happen, but fuck off, this is definietly not an almost perfect 10/10

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I still can't believe that game got scores as good as it did. The motion controls seem to be a case where it either works or doesn't for you, and I found them way more laggy than TP. Red Steel 2 came from Ubisoft of all devs and it managed Wiimotion Plus combat better.

I really, really enjoyed all 50+ hours of it. Then, as the consoomer hype wore off, I thought it was still pretty neat but not 10/10.

Put simply, NieR: Automata is the greatest game ever made. It’s not just that it is the deepest and most narratively potent game ever developed - and it is a truly deep narrative experience - but more than that, Yoko Taro has finally found perhaps the only developer on the planet capable of doing his visionary work justice. This game is a true, genuine work of art, and anyone who wants to prove that gaming does possess an equivalent to the greatest novels, operas, theatre plays, or paintings, now has that very game to point to. Yoko Taro is gaming’s Shakespeare, Da Vinci, and Welles, all rolled into one.

If it's not a good story, then surely the storytelling was also bad

It wasn't the controls that was the issue for me. It was the awful amount of padding the game had. RS2 was criminally overlooked however.

You put one ass robot into a video game and coomers think it's a fucking Shakespeare play. Holy shit.

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Pleb Filtered, 2B isn't even playable for longer than 10 hours. The game doesn't start until you complete Route A & B

What the fuck are you talking about? People bought the game because of the ass robot. My post had nothing to do with playing time.

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Someone post the picture of the "invisible box" and the path "well off the beaten track"

It's amazing how things have changed in less than a decade

As much as I dislike ME3, and boy do I dislike it, DA2 was by far the shittier game.

I think it was IGN's review of Crisis Core which complained about the turn based combat in it.


Guess the game.

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As long as you don't think it's better than Origins in any way.

Wrong, people bought it because western games are shit and they are desperate for anything that isn't a rehashed AAA franchise

Some dime a dozen youtube channel made a review of this obscure gem and it became one of the most viewed videos regarding it. Problem is, it's full of actual lies that he put in for no real reason. Newcomers are going to be mislead into thinking it's worse than it actually is. It's depressing, really. I don't get why he did it since it's obvious he beat the game and developed an understanding of it. It's not like he was cutting corners, this shit was malicious.
>says one of the puzzles is confusing because you have to use a specific gun (the control tether), except you're given a choice between 4 different weapons beforehand. He deliberately chose the tether
>says the game has repetitive environments, primarily shows gameplay from the same couple levels
>says the final boss fight is just collecting chips, but that's the level proceeding the last level. The final boss fight is a one-on-one duel
>says there's no story, barely shows cutscenes and gives a half assed summary of the lore
>says game is too hard, shows footage of him going into a STEALTH section with guns blazing
All that and he managed to miss actual flaws, like the fact that your exact ammo permanently carries over between levels. That means you can start a mission with critically low ammo and wind up fucked.

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I bought it for that plus the perspective gimmick desu. Got what I wanted and more, best game I had played in a long while.

Don't care what anyone says, FF9 is objectively better than FF7 in every concievable way

Rdr2, gta4/5, uncharted, me2, Skyrim, Halo 2, tlou deserve removal.

Reviewers are just retarded shills.

Rockstar is known for paying off reviewers.

Constantly frustrated by travel and the stamina system. The first time it took me 10 minutes to climb a cliff because I had to keep resting for stamina I turned the game off and gave it to a friend. Open world is fucking shitty and tedious enough as is without adding an obnoxious stamina system to slow down your simulated walking even further.


It lasted maybe a month before being hijacked by console warriors and redditkids. You can still it be recommended by one of the two right here on this board.

I also realized he mentions pawns in the "review", so fuck me, I guess

GameTrailers giving Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter a 9.9/10. Blatantly paid off.
>tfw GameTrailers is dead

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Least enjoyable Zelda game honestly aside from SS, although TP is completely horrible today, i still remember having more fun with it at the time, BOTW is my least favorite 3D Zelda that i've finished. It feels like a empty tech demo for a much better sequel. If the sequel is more of the same then it will be the worst game Nintendo ever made

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time -
Super Mario Galaxy
Metroid Prime
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Super Mario Odyssey
Super Mario Galaxy 2
It's obvious why, unless you are braindead retarded.

Least deserved:
>Wind Waker
>Half-Life 2
I've not played it:
>The Last of Us
>Red Dead Redemption 2

The biggest mystery of them all to me is Soulcalibur. I actually had a Dreamcast at the time and didn't think it was anything special, and it turned into a coomer series very quickly so it couldn't have had much going for it. I feel like since so few people played it they're reluctant to say it was overrated.

little challenge, great exploration. Would like to see more

For (You)s on a micronesian fishing bulletin board?

Low effort bait

Low effort everything

>Rock Paper Shotgun calls Divinity: OS2 the best RPG ever
It was then when I realized RPS turned to shit.

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I have no idea why Anti-Nintendo fags are the most autistic & insufferable faggots on this board. They always make up 90% of the shitposting & awful Reddit tranny spam

Their articles used to show up in your steam news feed for games, thank God Valve updated their store so I don't have to see their retarded articles ever again.

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Those games are bad. The reason they're so highly rated is your community would chimp out and spam death threats, scream for firings, and DDoS sites if anyone didn't say a Zelda game was literally Jesus so they just started telling you what you wanted to hear. It's not bait, you're just wrong.

The first game in a decade I'd describe as "refreshing"

Case in point, i never see anyone spam their autistic conspiracy theories and come up with such laughably biased reasons as to why a game "isn't good" except Sonyfags.

This is exactly why 2008 was the first year AD for videogames.

Stop making 40 different Smash threads every time Sakurai tweets about his lunch and we'll talk. Also /vp/ exists and I've seen what you do in there, degenerates.

I used to like their reviews until a few years ago, but they went full on woke and retarded since then.

It is the best RPG ever though. The rest of that list is garbage, though, sans Deus Ex which should be number 2.

that trisomy fag that couldn't beat the cuphead tutorial

You can just say Mandalore Gaming dude, he's very well known on this board

>Dude the creepy house is just normal and ur parents are out
>Also ur sister is lesbo omg shocker!!!

We went from games that dealt with trauma, euthanasia, repentence and mental illness to this.

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As someone who loved God Hand, I could honestly see it getting a 5/10, if you're being harsh. The gameplay is great, and the writing can be funny at times, but everything about the presentation is just awful. At the end of the day, as much as I love the game(it's legit in my top 3 all time action games), it is a rough gem.


Even if you discount the modern standard of "7/10=average", 3/10 is in the territory if "this game is actually mechanically broken"

I feel like developers should wait 2 weeks after they initially finished it & play it again, because the honeymoon period is real. And it's not fair to rate something when it's fresh in your mind, since most games don't hold up on the 2nd playthrough.
Either this or simply having multiple people review each game, so that one person's favoritism towards a franchise doesn't effect the score.

the only time ive got angry at games journalists is when I saw the scores given to pathologic 2 and had a look at the reviews. I only came across 1 or 2 where the reviewer seemed to have actually finished the fucking game

>It is the best RPG ever though
To each its own, but the majority of the forum members were pissed off about it.
Also, RPS used to run fuckhuge ads (taking the whole header and side frames of the site) for both of the D:OS games. Ads, that lasted for 2-3 months each.

Extremely shitty game, but I knew from the start that retarded nintendildos who don't play any other good open world games would praise it for doing nothing innovative or new because of Link.

All Zelda game are 7/10 at best.

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> Console war buzzwords
Why can't you autistic faggots critize a Nintendo game without doing this? I love Zelda, but can still tell you why it's shit without being a autistic retard and claiming a certain platform is bad

I refuse to believe this is real.

>'Pray' at night instead of 'prey' at night
>Giant rat 'who' makes all of the rules, instead of 'that' makes all the rules
>retarded fucking bowers armbands that make no sense in this context

I think you just showed adequately why the fans of rats are garbage.

Whatever faggot

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>using buzzwords yourself without having a counterpoint
I hate the shitch too, but you have literally no argument

Think it was RPS' review of Rimworld calling it transphobic for a background written by a trans person about their own personal experience.

I'd never heard of him. Reviewtech USA, TheQuartering, that asian guy, all those channels sort of blur together

Ace Combat 7

The reviewer flew the planes with car driving controls

I love the cognitive dissonance on that retard. Whenever he makes a video on publisher greed he always characterizes the publishers as weasels or with pictures of Max from Tiny Toons. He doesn't use the obvious imagery for what those people really are, disgusting fat pigs in suits because that's exactly what Jim Sterling is.

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Best way to become a "games journalist" is to get a degree in marketing.

GManLives saying Sigil was bad because it's hard and doesn't use Doom 2 assets, completely missing the point of John Romero celebrating Doom's 25th anniversary by releasing an unofficial 5th episode for Doom 1.

Imagine "trimming so much fat" you're only left with a title screen and the footage of Toriyama's ballsack noisily teabagging your screen. "10/10 - IGN"

Yes. it was IGN. I pretty much dropped them at that point. They also had the gall to give the graphics for the 360 version a 6.5.

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The content of that review is such bullshit too.

underrated post

I remember them giving the PMD games a low score in music as well. It seems like those retards had too much trouble realizing even a game they think is bad can have positive qualities, so they would usually give everything a low score.

It's arguably the worst game in the series since it started going downhill after Gen 5.

American ones maybe. The biggest vidya website in my country concluded that it was competing with gothic 4 as the biggest franchise destroyer these past few years.

Also, plenty of "people" on Yea Forums actually defended that shit. Console players were a mistake.

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>pretending you played those games
nice try

The fact that Dark Souls is an RPG list is a joke in itself.

What's there to disagree with here? They are 100% right. God Hand neat concept but the execution is garbage.

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I mean they're not wrong. The worst thing about Dragon Age 2 were the copy paste and resued locations

>replying twice, pretending to be different people
Lmao, imagine being this subhuman.

It exhausted all its good ideas in the tutorial area, all was left after that was tedium punctuated sometimes by an interesting shrine.


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Not exactly a review, but John Walker wrote an article where he shit-talked Myst to kingdom come and most of his arguments were fucking retarded.
Stuff like
>this game that came out the same year as DOOM should have been full 3D, but the developers CHOSE for it to be a slideshow instead!
>you HAVE TO read in-game books to solve the puzzles and the prose is bad >:( (you actually only "have to" look at a couple of pictures here and there)

Related greatest hits is saying 3 BFG is bad because it fixed the retarded flashlight.