DoomGuys instructor was a women

DoomGuys instructor was a women

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doomguy didn't hit that because he's saving himself for marriage.

Your mom was a woman.

That explains a lot, actually....

Yeah, she used to be.

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You take that back

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You deadass?

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Doomguy’s a human?

This guy looks like a pro at breaking through sunroofs.

Like what?

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>living with a tranny mom
how do you resist the urge to kill yourself

The one he punched? Sounds pretty based to me.

No. Crash trained him


Fucking SjW ruinning games again, preorder cancelled

Not tranny, just "non-binary."
I really don't get it but I have to let it go. It's not a comforting thought, that if she wasn't my mother she'd be the exact kind of person I hate.


needs tighter abs and a treasure trail

AoSTH is fuckin' weird.


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Tell her to seek help.
If she refuses, you have the right to hate her.

Those abs are already pretty tight. You could probably break a 2x4 on them.

i wish crash wasn't only in quake 3

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If it's any consolation, she hasn't been ruined yet.

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what happened to phobos from q3?

they could be tighter

post the one with a dick

He got turned into a toy.

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Don't listen to this basement dwelling incel Your mother can be who she wants to be.
She shat you out into this world so you could do the same.

>about 60% through Doom Eternal
>Hell getting tired of your shit
>in the climax of the stage you're on
>giant horde of imps headed your way
>get ambushed by a Cyberdemon
>knocks you out to a black screen
>"You must be the Slayer I keep hearing about"

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What is it with iconic IPs all having female predecessors that teach them everything they know?

I want to lick her tummy.

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>Tell her to seek help
What for? So they can pump her full of hormones and brainwash her further into thinking she is a tranny? user needs to help her himself, if he can't there is no hope for her.
Hopefully it's just some kind of midlife crisis.

i honestly wish doomgirl would exist and would be a character. she'd be hot as fuck.

oh yeah? well your dad fucked your mom.

fucking based

Crash exists.

Doomguy's helmet doesn't have a kitty face thing going on right?
>That one does
why? >:3

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I would play the shit out a doom game with the protagonist as a chick.

>he's saving himself for a marriage

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DoomGuy and Master Chief are 0 sex drive giga chads

I guess that's for the best. The perfect woman to remain a perfect memory. For now, at least.

imagine her killing demons by sitting her fat ass on their faces until they suffocate, ha ha

Has transcended the need to pump into thots, based.

What the fuck, didn't he had a son who was turned in the symbol of sin or some shit like that?

this, then tell her to have sex, and if she doesn't tell her to seethe

I think you already know what the answer to that is.

Prove it.

He literally isn't human.

Doomguy is human.

Isn't he from another world?

Have you even played a Doom game? He's a human from Earth.

send this to Anita and Kotaku so they go on an insane rant

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Fucking dirty fucking liar.

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wonder if there are some sprite replacements for doom?

Sorry for your loss dude, I hope you can help her out someday.

Doesn't the last Doom imply he's from a world called Argent D'Nur?

An user definitely will, some people just like to watch the world burn.

No, you need to pay more attention to the lore stones. After Doom 64 Doomguy decided to stay in Hell to prevent them from invading ever again. During his time in Hell he came across the people of Argent D'Nur, a world that had been absorbed by Hell, and fought alongside them and eventually became their leader. Long story short, they were betrayed and destroyed and Doomguy moved on. Then he got captured and put inside the tomb you awake from in Doom 2016.

how will Opie ever recover?

The amount of people who think this because they completely misunderstood the lore presented in doom 2016 is baffling. There are even youtube videos describing, in great detail, completely incorrect information. I really can't pinpoint what part of the story confuses people, but good fucking god is it common.

>a women
Why are there so many ESL retards on Yea Forums?

He clearly doesn't know shit about Doom when he can't even get the Icon of Sin's name correct.

I mean fair enough, but even if your first and only exposure to doom is the 2016 game, there's no reason to think the betrayer is doomguy...
Maybe people heard "betrayer" and just smashed it into "slayer" in their head.

Isn't he a mormon in the novels?

Doom 2016 by itself is ambiguous about his exact nature. People speculate he is the original Doomguy because its fits well with the ending of Doom 64. Quake Champions conflates the Doomguy and the Doom Slayer but supposedly the 2016 devs weren't consulted on this part.

Early Doom Eternal previews and leaks show that he is human and moreover almost certainly the original Doomguy. Not only do the trailers call him "human" but two Argent D'Nurian characters refers to the people of Earth "[his] people", separate from their own. A flashback sequence when he kills the first Hell priest shows his original helmet and in the leaked art book we see his face, which is obviously based off the face sprite from 1/2

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did you just...

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Shouldn't have taken that hard right at saratoga

story trailer 2 shows that he has black hair though. maybe that's the lighting. I'm pretty sure they will keep connection to doom 1-2-64 ambiguous.

post it




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Doomguy is fucking based

>literally an incel

>absorbed by Hell
I'm not really a big lore nut but I enjoy this interesting take on Hell in Doom. Instead of having some kind of typical form and architecture, it's an ever-growing mass with strange worlds added to it the more it conquers. Kind of empowers the idea that doom demons aren't really biblical demons and hell but rather aliens. also the existence of argent d'nur and them being humans kinda confirms parallel universes in doom which is neat.

He is a volcel, big difference

Unless they pull off some weird subversion then I don't see how they can keep it ambiguous. At the very least it's Doomguy with retcons

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Getting turned into a vinyl figure is the worst possible fate

she taught my peepee to get really hard

What would Doomgirl be like Yea Forumsros?

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She has a giga strap on and I bend over for her every night

Literally the exact same but with higher pitched grunts.
Not even that much higher pitched

like crash

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really violent, animalistic sex and lots of scratches on your back

something like this

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>didn't play Q3A/QL

>Ripped af
>Attracts demons with the smell of her own period blood
>Rips and tears with lower HP
>Gets BTFO'd by a Cacodemon in 2 seconds
>Has pheromonal rage
>Gets raped by Hell Knights
>Has exoskeleton to avoid wheel chairs
>Complains about hell being too hot
>Ends up pregnant from Doomguy
>Doomguy abandons her and refuses to pay child support.
>Sues ID and Bethesda even though she's fictional

Can you stop masturbating for five seconds.


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