Half Life Alyx

19 days until GOTY releases

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What do you think will happen if all the people who bought VR headsets just to play this arent happy with it?

>tfw not enough money to buy VR
Oh nononono we got too cocky neetbros

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Shut the fuck up, who cares. The real question is who would win if Master Chief and Sauron threw down?

>19 days
>still no live gameplay footage
scripted cinematic gameplay footage doesn't count

The IGN stuff wasn't scripted, that sort of gross incompetence can't be faked

I'm talking a straight feed from the VR headset. what I saw was not footage from human head movements

Ah have fun with your conspiracy theories

Amazon has WMR headsets at $200. It's a good budget choice that I recommend, the best ones are specifically the Samsung and Acer ones.

the best one is hp reverb but it's $600

With that price you might as well just buy an Oculus or a Vive. I consider Samsung and Acer the best in terms of budget options. Their specs afford the minimum you need for a full VR experience while at the same time being reasonably affordable. If you look harder on online stores you might find one that sells them at a discount.

idk I bought the reverb cause I do racing sims and the resolution increase is a pretty massive leap from vive and rift. there's no way I could go back to lower resolution even if I did ever have tracking issues

>19 days til FOTW releases

>been waiting for more than a decade for a new Half-Life game
>coronavirus will kill me mere days before it releases
it wasn't supposed to end this way

Absolute cheapest I can find are *used* Dell Visor's for $215. Everything else is roundabout 300 and have mixed reviews.

It will flop. This won't sell VR in mass quantities. People will just watch shitty youtubers play the game to get the gist of the experience and move on. HL3 never ever. Steam was a mistake.

Sorry bro, I'll make it quick.

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same, whats worst is that someones been affected by Corona in my local town. Fuck everything

Did you miss how the Valve Index was sold out mere hours after Half Life Alyx's reveal?

>mfw bought an i9-9700k, rtx 2080 super and valve index and set up in my spacious living room and have tetrahydrocannabinol at the ready

the tears. so delicious.

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Oh shit Bannerlord is this close

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Not even the VR GOTY user
even the walking dead VR game is going to be better than this

>tfw dreamed about having a VR headset last night
I wish I wasn't poor

>he doesn't believe that IGN is run by sneeple

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>Yes, we'd like to trade in our copies of Animal Crossing and Doom Eternal toward 6 copies of Half-Life: Alyx please

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>$240 to play a mediocre rail shooter
sounds like a great deal

I've been waiting for the index to go on sale again. It probably won't be available until after the game comes out. What's the next best headset?


Thanks user.

>> Bannerlord, Persona 5 Royal, and HL2 Alyx all in one month of pure feels

Gaming hasn't been this good in years.

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