Play Ultimate Apocalypse

play Ultimate Apocalypse

Attached: UA.png (1366x768, 2.22M)

But why? I mean it looks fun and all but once you've played all the faction and seen all the models, there isn't much unless you have friends to play with

Okay but only for one reason.

Attached: baneblade_models.gif (360x250, 538K)


Attached: Ork_Warboss_with_Group.jpg (960x632, 154K)

because it's fun

Oh wait, wrong hammer

Can't on my toaster.
Even the original DOWsits at 40 fps during battles.

tyranids are cool

Attached: nids.gif (498x326, 801K)

Man I wish DoW2 was more like 1 so you could take full advantage of the Tyranids abilities

why did the tyranid announcer sound like a hot babe

who NECRONS here?

Is there anything more fun than playing as SoB and burning fucking everything on the map?

Any chance of the Dawn of War series ever going on sale anytime soon?
Not sure I wanna buy it full price on Steam.

Genestealer tricks. Don't fall for it or they'll steal your DNA and clone you.

I'm waiting for the next big update
Which is propably a few years away

It goes on sale pretty often

god i wish it ran like 10x better, it would be perfect
>3v3, or anything bigger than a 1v1
>runs okay at the start
>mid-game where everyone has their armies built and are duking it out, it drops to slide show mode unless you zoom into the ground 4000%
>end game gets better because 90% of the on-screen units are dead and most buildings are being destroyed
its peak 40k regardless with everything being a giant clusterfuck

Attached: 1530175725865.png (858x755, 1.23M)

>try playing online with friends
>it becomes such a clusterfuck there's like a 5 minute delay

I can barely even manage shit in warhammer 40k normally, let alone with apocalypse.

Playing as IG and bombing everything from the other side of the map

The mod is really fun to play on asymmetrical maps. I'd recommend downloading a fort map of some sort (there are dozens of them) and rolling as guardsmen with a buddy against, like, 4 tyranid ai.
Better dig those trenches fuckbois, the swarm's coming and they won't stop

I kinda feel like most of the nid units are useless, I just end up using hordes of genestealers