Admit it

Admit it.

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All fromsoft games are literally indistinguishable from each other and theyve gotten away with doing this un-blamed by the general population of gamers for far too long?

Yes I admit it

It's the worst Souls.

Okay I never played Darksouls only bloodborne

Why did they release a second Dark Souls Remastered when we already got it with this game?

DS3 isn't bad, shut up 2tranny

It's the only game I didn't break 100 hours on. I like it, i just don't remember most of it.

Yes, I did have more fun with vanilla DS2. DS3 bored me.

Ok I admit it, i wanna fuck the firekeeper.

I didn't say it's bad, comprehend what you read, fuckboy.

OKAY, I used to cum on my sister's panties, but I didn't know that could get her fucking pregnant. I never would have done it if I did.

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okay fine, yes, I did have to summon to beat Nameless King the first time. It haunts me every time I think about the game

I enjoyed it very much. I'm a gamer. If you didn't enjoy Dark Souls 3, you aren't a gamer. You're probably a huge, lonely douchbag.

Wow. I would be ashamed too, tbqh family.

Ok, even though i think it's the worst souls game in a lot of aspects, it's probably my favourite because it was my first and the god tier aesthetics and combat

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Disregarding combat because lol
>god tier aesthetics
I really didn't like any of the areas. Undead settlement felt just like bloodborne DLC, catacombs weren't dark enough, anor londo was kinda cute fan service. None of the areas stuck with me as much as ds1

I suppose to each his own, I really like Lothric Castle, Cathedral of the Deep and Irithyll

Yeah Ds3 sucks aesthetically. Everything is grey, bland and generic.
Only good looking location is Irithy-
>half of that level is a big black swamp
Oh... nevermind then.

>Ok, even though i think it's the worst souls game in a lot of aspects
hey at least it's not 2

i need to atleast know what im admiting

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You sure about that?

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