>be me >playing through the Resident Evil games >love Resident Evil 2 >it's a 10/10 >friend tells me to do RE2make next >intend to do all 4 routes like the original >play the first Leon Route >this is pretty cool >start the next claire route >wtf >this is the exact same as the Leon route >one of the best parts about the first one was the variety between routes and how they played together >game is still cool but this is disappointing >finish it and start up the Claire [2nd run] >wtf >this one is actually different >this is the B route >fuck you capcom >how do you not know what the word second means
I'm pissed,why tf would capcom do this. It's maddening. Why would you present these routes from the perspective of only playing half of them.
The worst part about this thread is that it'll get responses beyond mine and won't 404 like it deserves.
Anthony Morgan
Doing my part to keep it bumped, friend.
Christopher Peterson
the worst part about this thread is you mentioning your shitty thread, you soiled this one
Adam Morgan
So the remake cut out two whole routes basically? Glad I didn’t buy this shit.
Ryan Lee
They're still there, but the game displays it in a manner that acts like they aren't there. The original game went Leon A, Claire B, Claire A, Leon B. But the remake gives it to you as Leon A, Claire A, Leon B, Claire B
Nolan Price
it literally tells you which one is the B route, you dumbass. it's not the games fault you're a retard
Ryan Cox
> But the remake gives it to you as Leon A, Claire A, Leon B, Claire B I have RE2 "dual shock version" and it goes like that too
Jackson Bennett
>He actually restarted the game completely like the IGN reviewer
I'm complaining about how the structure of this game makes no sense, and how in order to play it in the right order you have to go about it by actively disregarding what the game tells you. It would be like somebody labeling the third matrix movie as the first one
Gavin Morales
I bet Irons fucks like a tiger. I don't know how a tiger fucks but he probably fucks like one.
Jaxon Ross
>>be me yeah its retarded indeed
Nicholas White
No it fucking doesn't. The game never says A or B. It only says which one is second, which is what I played second, which you shouldn't do.
Elijah Nelson
This is how the game orders the routes, which is not the order you should play them
I would agree with you, but you talk like a retard so when some anons dogpile you I'll post some reaction images and call them based.
Levi Ramirez
I am a retard, so that is understandable.
Owen Perez
They ruined the B scenario and also made going underground a lot less of a practical move by having you go outside later on. The cutscenes also aren't as cool as the original's.
I liked the game but it really wasn't better than a 7/10 to me.
Josiah Evans
you do know that you being retarded and the game being retarded are two very separate things right?
This is your first green text post isn't it!? Be honest.
Colton Miller
he probably fucked his stuffed tiger
Justin Nelson
I'm not denying a retard, but the game is also retarded in this instance. The word second only means one thing, it comes after what it first. And by a process of elimination, it stands to reason that the runs under new game are the first runs, so you play them first, and then the second runs. It divides the game into two halves, first and second. But that categorization is not the proper order. it is not