world of spooky thread
patch incoming
world of spooky thread
patch incoming
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torrent where
just buy it disgusting poorfag
i can't, i'm poor
thats fair
go away
well atleast your honest unlike the other dickheads someone will prob post a link soon
>muh reel hurror iz ugly peeple and jumpscares iz bad
Boomer elitist """"""""""psychological"""""""""" horrorcucks belong in
>Carpenter hammer
>Strength based
Wasn't it supposed to become a STR weapon in the next patch?
Operating System: Windows 7 +
Processor: Intel Core i3
Video card: Intel HD Graphics 4400, DirectX: 11
Disk space: 170 MB
Have fun.
>freegamesdl dot net slash world-of-horror-pc-free-download
>File Password:
´my poor ass thanks you
haha what if she unhinged her jaw and used her giant mouth to swallow u whole haha that'd be super duper scary
That's the current version, new patch dropping in ~2 hours.
just imagine the reach of her tongue all over you body you trembling in fear omg am i rite so scary ha ha her penetrating look looming all over you thats scary yooooo omg ha ha i cant stop playing man ha
World of Horror.
World of Horror.
this game is good but the contaminated water needs a fucking nerf
having it on day one pretty much guarantees you're dying unless you're aiko or spamming dispel evil
That's a cracked Steam version.
Here's a link for DRM-free one:
>Intel HD Graphics 4400
FYI works fine on HD4000 (3rd gen Core).
>something is moving inside your stomach
nothing bad will happen right?
sell me on this game
so can i as an achievement autist still get those?
it's a little bit like arkham horror but as a faux-80s computer game. its sort of like oregon trail + spooks. good 1 bit art made in ms paint.
Who hurt you?
It's fun, spooky and a fucking work of art in development by a single lad that used to post on ADGD. Enjoy it before other anons ruin it because Leddit got to know it.
There's a built-in achievement tracker.
II hope this spookie gets implemented in a new patch.
I had it the last game and it develops into another injury I think, I'm not so sure because I was playing hospital background and by the end I had injuries overflowing the list
dev should def release the game on GOG
I want to buy a drm free copy but I don't want to register on itch
choke on shit and die.
>Paying for games
Cringe bruv
Old God Idea: A seemingly normal man, but he's actually someone whose been alive for thousands of years. Occasionally you can do events that let you peer into his past "personas", like Civil War Plantation, WWII, Ancient Japan, etc.
except an entire life of regret, or until it gets into college
So how does he end the world? Incessant boomer nagging till everyone commits suicide?
Well I mean he stays alive forever SOMEHOW. Maybe he just whispers some evil words to cause Nuclear Armageddon.
what do you think SOMETHING TRULY EVIL will do lads
>alternate ending
>secret ultra hard boss fight
>jumpscare death
>tsun tsun baka ghost that just wants some love
also why is shit like that so scary. seeing in-game text like that, telling me YOU'VE MADE A BIG MISTAKE or YOU WILL REGRET THAT always freaks me out like nothing else
anyone know if the buttons in the pantheon portion of extras does anything?
The first two no doubt.
Are there only 4 old gods currently implemented or do you need to unlock them through cheevos?
I will try for something evil as soon as the update comes out.
probably some reocurring spookie that will stalk you throughout the game
>why is shit like that so scary. seeing in-game text like that, telling me YOU'VE MADE A BIG MISTAKE or YOU WILL REGRET THAT always freaks me out like nothing else
Because it implies something really bad, but not what.
>Get to 0 founds
Fuck this guy
Since there is an achievement for fighting and beating it, it's gotta be a special fight.
when is it releasing on the switch? I work night shifts in a hostel where nothing ever happens and it looks like the perfect game to play there
>Since there is an achievement for fighting and beating it
goddamn it, SOMETHING EVIL will come out right when hammertime gets nerfed to oblivion
Man I cant wait for mod support for this game
I really enjoy World of Horror's writing and I'm not sure why... the art direction might help with that.
Isn't something truly evil in the school event, when you can peek in the doorway? I opened it a bit when she was on my trail and just closed it as soon as I saw it looked like her because I was in no shape for a fight
some time Q4
I really wish there was more to the lighthouse, because as of right now it only being a puzzle sequence is kind of lame.
Supposedly this update is adding more to the lighthouse.
never seen that, so far I've seen her appear in ito's event, when you read the electricity bills, or in that subway event with the box of blood
Budget really. When you don't put all the money into things like CG graphics, complicated animations, voice acting, etc, then you can put more towards mechanics and writing, and just use minor animation, and the skills of an MS painter to make a quality game.
Looks like a Jar of Blood it is.
Where's Majima tho?
Yes, yes, we all want to fuck Kana.
is it early access because the game is getting major update almost every week?
Down town while using the seed KIRYU
It's early access mostly for the bug reports far as I can tell.
Ideally it should go something like this:
- You solve mysterries
- Each successfully solved mystery lowers DOOM, each failed mystery raises DOOM
- If you manage to solve all 5 mysteries before DOOM reaches 100 you go to the lighthouse and fight god's henchmen/cultists/god's underling
- if you fail to solve the mysteries before DOOM meter reaches 100, the game immediately goes into a final phase where god is summoned and you have to fight him (sub-optimal)
- The number of mysteries you have mananaged to solve before god appears affects how powerful he is.
>he's a 1bit pleb
fighting the god would just be unrealistic and break the atmosphere
even when you fuck around in the library bringing the DOOM counter to -400% and making an absolute fool out of the big eye in the sky the feeling is still there that you're just delaying the big threat and that's the only way to 100% ''deal'' with him, and that in subsequent playthrough you may not get so lucky
getting the possibility of unga bunga'ing an elder god, no matter how rare or improbable, would just not go along with the atmosphere imo
So where do you get a Gun, and how effective is it?
While I like the idea of failing mysteries, at no point should you even personally fight an Old God.
While Outer Things and other supernaturals are fine the Old Gods are so far beyond you that you're utterly fucked the moment they appear on the planet. Them appearing is a sensible instant-lose condition.
you can get guns from cultists, the dead police officer event, and I think you can buy one and while they're pretty decent the hammer + dex build is currently the best.
you can either steal one from the police officer event, get one from the school locker in the scissorwoman mystery or get one off the cultist hunter with the rifle
there's also another way to get a pistol that I'm forgetting and I'm not sure whether you can just buy one
they're fucking strong though, and scale with perception
Do the arms mystery, complete the subquest in order to get the tiny key from the dead pervert corpse at the end, then do the scissor school mistery, go to the locker room and unlock the locker on the right, you'll get a rifle and 2 bullets, it's a PER weapon that does 14 damage per shot, it basically a boss killer, not a true weapon
I can't even conceive of any situation where fighting the Old Gods would even be possible, let alone feasible.
>getting the possibility of unga bunga'ing an elder god, no matter how rare or improbable, would just not go along with the atmosphere imo
I agree user, but that would mean that at some point in the run it would be just simpler to just drop it and restart if you know you will fail. There should be some incentive for the player to continue to play and fight the god even if the odds are overwhelmingly in favour of a god (some new unlocks maybe? I dunno)
I like the idea of fighting the god even if you fail just to witness glorious and terryfying arrival of an edritch god.
>I agree user, but that would mean that at some point in the run it would be just simpler to just drop it and restart if you know you will fail
the RNG can either grace you or just end you in that regard
I've had a couple of runs saved by the -10% doom holy candle event or even when you get to choose not to have a bath, many wins end up being all about getting to the lighthouse at 96% doom or something
if anything, what really damns a run way too early is when you get the shower disabled, that fucks you up more than any elder god magic will
ooh yeah maybe instead of a instant game over screen you get a day to fuck around in your doomed city until you get webbed, burnt or go insane
the problem is that the player will always find a way to beat it through exploits no matter how hard the developer tries to make it a "supposed to lose" fight.
>directx11 for a shitty 2d low graphic game
This shit needs to get fucked.
Only way it'd work is if you arrive at the top of the lighthouse before the cult finish the ritual, then fail to stop the ritual or do the wrong thing and when the black veil lifts you see the form of the Old God.
eh, could do that but after a while you'd just beg for it to be skippable
although I think more could be done with the whole ''decaying city'' idea
I think events should start off mild and get progressively more disturbing as the days go on by
cringe skizoposter
Yeah, you're probably right user. Maybe fighting a god should be a no-win scenario, but the player still can get new unlocks in the end of the run (new events/monsters/items/what have you)?
The oily water is way, way fucking worse than every single other thing the gods can toss at you. I just reload when I get it after the first mystery to make it go away, it just makes the game insanely harder for no reason.
They reveal your character is the avatar of another god.
Even Old Gods are better as plot elements than anything to be anthropomorphize. They are barely definable by mortal concepts. .
>Maybe fighting a god should be a no-win scenario
I think the only decent compromise would be that all you can do is appease it somewhat through a selection of actions, but that you only have limited tries before the elder god has enough of it and BTFOs you
this would only work if you made it to the lighthouse though, as doom management is still a good mechanic to have around
I legit don't think there is a way to damage this guy. I've gotten the 3 endings for this but can't ever hit him
what was oetaru's problem
you can spam itohou flame on it and he'll croak, although the ending will be the exact same as if you ran away
the music was too loud and annoying him so he crawled out of his NEET cave to turn it off.
gotta turn that trash down
The INNER COIL woke up without his daily breakfast of human souls and some insignificant welp dared to turn on his music without an offering.
Where do you get bullets?
How the fuck do you get ending A for the freaky footage and the vigil at the mansion mysteries?
Whats the best way to exorcise ghosts. I dont want to sit here and take 5 hits trying to do this shit
buy an acid can for footage
suck your uncles toes and do the ritual properly, then carve the sigil on the ground for the vigil
pour acid in the well
They can come with the gun. The sports rifle in the locker in the scissor mystery comes with two shots
I always fail the light the fire place check or the body of the uncle just dips the fuck out
You can also shoot him if you're willing to use the bullets, or just search for branches and bottles and keep throwing them until he gets offended by your littering.
the body always starts moving around all you have to do to succeed is do the first bow and clap and burn the envelope/eat dinner/feed the plant
is carpenter hammer not OP anymore
ETA half an hour.
Start with one clap. You'll know instantly if it was correct or not. Then move on to two claps. Since you already know what the first step of the sequence is, you can easily tell whether the second one was correct or not. Keep doing that until you've locked down all five steps. The advantage of this method is that you can stick the early steps on the end of a brace, dodge, or even an attack - and remember, you don't need to use it on ghosts. You can practice on some pussy enemy if you want.
worth picking up now or wait for more content?
theres about 9 or 10 hours worth right now if youre trying to see everything
its pretty good but you might want to wait if that doesnt sound like enough for you
Is that it, though? No place to buy them? I guess it's Japan so I shouldn't be surprised, but I figured the dog shop might stock some, or if you got the black market card?
I'd say it's OK for now, still many bugs around, balance is kind all over the place, and once you get how the game works it's kinda hard to lose. Still solid gameplay and great atmosphere, I can totally see that's going to be an exceptional game by release.
can come with the gun, i've heard you can find more bullets in the illegal den but I haven't seen them there.
Gotta get the achievement with Mike intimidating a student in her Tokyo outfit
Miku *
Oh, what determines your intimidation level? your current weapon?
it out
is there any other requirements to the blue gem stuff outside having it? or am i going to the zones in the wrong order.
Just for single events eh? Sounds like that's just the start though.
you fucks best post the something truly evil encounter in this thread because i'm too much of a pussy to actually buy and play the game
Gonna wait until there are more updates (and maybe a sale) until I get this game, but I'm definitely interested in it and hope it succeeds.
Some user said you have to some seaside event before being able to get the school event, but I don't remember anything on the seaside. You DO have to get the school blue gem event before the forest one starts to appear though
i doubt any run'll last long enough to get that far.
forgot to mention, rescue dogs in the forest
well i tried to find the seaside event first and in 100 worth of doom there didn't find fuckin anything.
the order after getting the gem is seaside>school>forest getting specific events in both the seaside and school
so i just had the worst luck ever then.
Probably because you didn't have the dog in your party. Seems to be a requirement or at the very least makes it much easier.
well shit, I just got the ito event and prompted the SOMETHING EVIL
I'll let you know what becomes of me lads, wish me luck
It took me a long fucking time to get the school event.
I've gotten it w/o the dog in my party.
so need to go to the forest first, then the chain, then end in forest?
Don't get your soul eaten, my dude. Good luck.
So where is the best location to get the "Mr. OOO" event?
Same, just running around the apartment to build it up... So far the vending machine is more dangerous, it's exposed my ribs and mangled my hand.
>Strength weapon
>Does 4 damage
Yeah, it got nerfed.
the fucking vending machine is pure hell, I always keep at least one fund either for that or to keep the jew away
>does worse damage, scales off a worse stat, and still has the mediocre accuracy
whats the point?
I've been swindled, the change to STR has been applied but it wasn't shown in the store screen.
Did it always cost 1 doom to visit the doctor's office? Because it does now.
to not make it the run winning item it was.
So my little chibi investigation sprite was just a blank white figure with a darkened face. I missed the opportunity to screenshot, but it popped up going from 3 to 4 evil.
well, anything happened yet?
Seems persistent
The illegal den, brosky.
My person looks fucked
>31/FOUND YOU/198X
The only combat options are SUFFER FOR ME (-2 stamina) and CRY FOR ME (-2 reason)
I hope mods will allow for custom color palettes
To make you become a shovel man.
>99 PWR
>99 HP
>99 Power
You can set your remaining stamina and reason to 3 and then it gives you an option to instantly die
>want to transfer save to other PC since cloud saves don't seem to work
>mfw the file
so wtf do you do about this thing?
what’s this game about?
I can, but I feel like that was an oversight.
Now I'll have to do a playthrough where I get the hunting rifle and buy every single bullet I possibly can.
I wonder is this an Eldritch God fully realized?
real spook shit
cthulhu in 80s japan
I guess it's time 2 die
A mix of Junji Ito and Lovecraft with rpg elements.
>Man I cant wait for mod support for this game
tfw we will see a mod where robed cultists inject eels into Kana's quivering butthole and pussy using a turkey baster.
How do you react Yea Forums? Reason loss? New skill (throbbing erection)? Old god sees this degenerate shit and nopes out, winning you the game?
Money finaly being useful.
Sounds about right.
It has 99 Power. Even if it didn't instantly disable every single combat action, you aren't touching it.
Are there any patch notes?
Honestly the faggot should just post in on Steam whenever there's an update, fuck going through Twitter and Discord in hopes of finding them.
>I'm gonna pay you 1 FUNDS to fuck off
yes there are
Something Truly Evil is literally the Implacable Man trope. You can't fight it, you can't escape it, and it won't leave till you're dead.
that's a cool idea, actually
>the katana can fucking slice ghosts from this reality still
So that's what makes it so special from being found in an alternate dimension.
If so, I very much question what it was doing sitting around Mr. OOO.
It also regenerates health, my baseball bat was useless in the end
No end though, I'm disappointed.
>It has 99 Power
Nothing Seeing Dust and a good Katana couldn't fix.
Can you fucking run or is this an instant game over?
>hammer is still DEX
Killed me so hard I forgot the image.
Didn't try, but one of the messages was that you can't run.
No it's not, the store is trying to scam you.
>Start a new game as Haru
>Encounter ghost
>Can't fit 5 slap claps into my action sequence
>Lose lose the rest of my reasoning trying to sever it's connection to this world
i wanna play this but I really dislike jumpscares and I read there's a jumpscare for alt-tabbing back into the game, are there any more or what
there's like one mild jumpscare in the game, it's spooky in a fun goosebumps kind of way
If I have this version of the game
can I still update the game with new patches or will I have to download a new version of the game that's patched?
>If so, I very much question what it was doing sitting around Mr. OOO.
He's an even greater being that can draw things into existence through his manga. Why do you think he was asking you for ideas?
It feels like it's much harder to get people to join you now, am I the only one experiencing this?
Oh pantsman, you nigger.
yo what?
7 strong attacks plus 1 normal makes 100 damage, perfectly doable with a lot of dex + Fame.
it's just you. and bad luck.
>he doesn't hit randomize to keep the visuals fresh every game
Well shit, I get that it's freaky but at that point you might as well just hit Q the moment you get the something evil counter.
you now remember Its Mr Pants
Very weird. I could always recruit people after spooking them a single time, and now it wouldn't even do shit with 9 CHA.
So, now the only DEX weapon is the katana?
Hey qt, found you.
thats fuckin cute
>People thought SOMETHING EVIL would be weaker than Oetaru
Ye of little faith.
I would an unknowable horror for beyond the far reaches of time and space.
I bet she fucks like a tiger.
Wtf does that eldritch statue you find at the beach do besides look ugly at your house
You're damn right I will, I gotta get me that achievement.
Don't use the onsen in the Village, looks like the dev got things mixed up, resting in your room doesn't increase doom incrementaly (or at all) like he said it would but if you click resolve after using the onsen it just gives you this message and won't let you out.
She looks like she fucks Lovecraft's cat
>7 strong attacks plus 1 normal makes 100 damage, perfectly doable with a lot of dex + Fame.
You can't attack in the encounter.
>brace is still invincibility mode against -1 enemies
So how long until pantsman takes that away too?
>Wtf does that eldritch statue you find at the beach do besides look ugly at your house
That's why it's a bad idea
>Don't use the onsen in the Village, looks like the dev got things mixed up, resting in your room doesn't increase doom incrementaly (or at all) like he said it would but if you click resolve after using the onsen it just gives you this message and won't let you out.
>patch goes terribly wrong causing videogame girl to get boiled to death in onsen
sounds like it'd make a good Kago manga desu
You have no attack options at all beyond throwing shit at it. And that doesn't do enough damage to negate its infinite regen.
Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his doom level?
What does City History even do apart from making places unavailable?
>that fucking color scheme
nigger just use neon slasher or omen, holy fuck my eyes
if you summon 90 old gods at once, they can't all fit through the door
I know that, try reading the whole conversation next time.
>something evil finally implemented
i don't know if i want to play this game anymore bros
FYI hammer is STR-based now but still shows as DEX ingame (bug)
you'll have to download a new client
>-5 STA
do spells work against it? if so you could take the eyeball and then spam a damage spell, you'll reach 100% doom but still kill it.
You can unlock 3rd facilities for certain locations but you can only have 2 per so you have to turn one off to try the new ones.
makes other places become available like the illegal den and occult shop.
Same this shit always spooks me, by doing nothing for all this time it created high expectation and I'm absolutely terrorized by what it could be.
bye lol
It looks interesting, but I'm a total shithouse when it comes to 2D Japanese horror.
Still cheesed it with dodge somehow
>having an orgy with a bunch of your followers in the hot springs for the rest of time
not a bad way to go desu
get with the times grandpa
oh you're right thanks
I can't open the occult shop though, strangely enough
There's not a lot of instant kill bullshit in this game, yeah? Was thinking of getting it but I'd tilt like a nigger in a rogue like game with a lot of loser situations
I warned you about the onsen bro, I told you dog.
did it fix hammer text?
poorfag here
is there a link for a new build of the game?
Well that was fast
In the meantime, enjoy my slightly doomed world
Too late, this is my life now.
wtf the scissor woman hits me for so much fucking health. Am I supposed to just get lucky on dodges or something?
Figuring that out now.
Keep restarting for a damage spell but it keeps giving me trash.
>kills humans
>kills everything but eldritch enemies
>something evil is an eldritch enemy
>Three stacks of found you.
i think you guys got some doom on you
there isn't really any of those that come to mind aside from maybe 2 enemies that do double damage after the first turn, both of which are pretty rare and you can just run unless you wind up with a certain australian old god
>There's not a lot of instant kill bullshit in this game, yeah? Was thinking of getting it but I'd tilt like a nigger in a rogue like game with a lot of loser situations
Not at all. If anything the game is too easy if you use the best builds, but they seem to have been nerfed.
It showed up the very next encounter again and merced my ass
What are the numbers next to the something evil icon supposed to be mean?
is this game more on the psychological horror kind of thing like alien isolation and stuff or jumpscare fiesta like FnAF, that one cameraman game and etc
I like the first but absolutely despise the second genre, this one looks interesting tho
There is no escape.
In all honesty the game is too easy as it stands, you have to really try to lose after doing a couple runs and understanding how things work.
times encountered
counter of how many times you've seen it. You need 4 to fight it
how do you escape?
it's tense number horror, like counting how many bullets you have left
Let's settle this once and for all, Yea Forums: What's the best palette in World of Horror?
For me it'
Pretty certain spells are disabled like everything else against it.
Good joke pantsman
I can't remember what it's called but the white, black and red one is my favorite so far
Cool. I just want to hit some spooky ghosts with a baseball bat and investigate things, as long as I can smooth brain dick around a bit without dying too hard, i'm buying this as soon as I get home
so no jumpscares aye
>I just want to hit some spooky ghosts with a baseball bat
Too late for that, as of this update ghosts aren't affected by physical attacks.
there are exactly two jumpscares that you can encounter through regular gameplay, they are predictable and appear somewhat randomly and you have time to prep yourself before they hit.
Mmmh enjoying my 6698% doom
>ghosts still attack you if you banish them
What a shit.
For me it's Seaside, Casie, Oldschool Light. The rest are kinda hard on the eyes.
New Doom, comes with 6698% more Doom in every Doom!
Ayy lmao
thanks, I'll give the game a try
Oh. Is there any workaround? I saw the game had spells, can I enchant my baseball bat or something? Or throw a cross up their ass?
It came out 20 minutes ago.
Do every combat option available and it will give you option called "it's sated for now" or something
>do scissor event properly
>get the B ending plus the cursed scissors
... OK?
Just bow and clap at them bro
Should have studied more in school kiddo
What's the discord for this game again?
I thought ritual knife did 4 damage and was dex based? did they buff damage and change it?
Looks like there's a cap on the number of followers, when I have 3 allies none of the students in the yard will join me, I let go of one of them and suddenly I could recruit another.
It's been int for a bit, but it was 4.
I was kicking and bracing until it was low and noticed near the end that the damage was going up.
So, can you defeat Something Truly Evil?
For me? It has got to be LED.
i dont care what you say, Mimi is C U T E
So was he properly updated to apply his bonus to the sever and offering options or is his effect just useless now? Unless it applies to spells but I kinda doubt it.
i think i'll buy this later to force myself to play it even though i'm easily scared. it looks fun and i do like junji ito enough to be able to read his stuff.
moar pls
Figured it out. Hitting with kick increases damage done with your weapon by 1 for the rest of the fight, and it stacks.
No rituals, no spells, have Kana, no mention of this anywhere.
now were talkin
I want to marry Mimi!
Better with the pic.
So if Doomguy was ever in the game, what do you think his stats would be?
99 in everything.
Sorry, that's all i found when i extracted the files.
Far as I can tell? Nope. I *think* escaping it fulfills the conditions for its achievo tho.
I only just realised that she is drawn after Mariya Takeuchi. God I'm dumb
He would die to a ghost though since there is no way Doomguy would clap, bow or attempt to perform any sort of severing ritual
plastic mimi!
Makes me wonder if whatever he does in the game raises DOOM or lowers DOOM?
if you can't find a torrent yourself then you don't deserve it
Stalker gonna get stabbed out of this dimension.
>stalker is supposed to be this scary as fuck psycho enemy
>his final fate is getting the living shit stabbed out of him by the occult girl next door
There's something oddly funny about it.
>17 DMG
holy shit that thing wrecks
cool meme horror game for zoomers, got my upvote :)
>17 fucking damage
Did physical damage get buffed to compensate for the fact that half the enemies in the game don't care now?
>Expect Apartment Stalker to be a terrifying horror
>Oh it's just a guy with a mask and bat. Nothing compared to occultists or other monsters.
Just read the post he was answering to.
The mask is pretty fucking freaky though
Jesus Christ do any of the
>gain X when defeating an enemy
perks work? I don't think I've seen even one of them work properly.
>mfw that's more spooky to me over it being a ghost or demon
I'm poor too but I won't post the torrent. I'm just going to post some tracker blogs I saved.
>onsen gives a stacking DOOM debuff for 2 stamina
>meanwhile resting for a bit for 1 reason/1 stamina doesn't do shit
Jesus Chirst kurwaman what are you doing
Honestly he's pretty fucking freaky. His little events when you look through the peephole sell him.
well yeah,it's the more realistic evil. you could have a crazed stalker in real life,not so much a demon or ghost.
>FOREST WATCHER Ryoko's result fixed
This JUST made my bootleg version crash. Gotta buy it on payday now
same thing for me but for the aspiring model, especially since her face falls off if you hit her
Isn't there an instant kill ELDRITCH spell? Wouldn't that kill SOMETHING EVIL?
Well SOMETHING EVIL is literally Eldritch incarnate. And truly Eldritch beings have trouble legitimately dying.
>broken nose
Assuming spells even work against SOMETHING EVIL.
what the fuck is this game about?
all I see are glitchy pictures. Is it an RPG? VN? point and click?
>inb4 just watch a gameplay video
I'm a 3rd world poorfag and recently lost unlimited internet access
hammer is great but if you can get the Katana it's basically ezmode, I don't think I've ever seen the hammer's stamina refund actually happen?
just DL it and see for yourself, it's like 200 megs
point and click with RPG elements
Its an RPG where you point and click to search locations and prep to attack enemies. Its not really much of a Visual novel but it does have a few elements during some random encounters, but that's mainly one or two options at most.
Now we can only hope that destroying it through that one spell is an actual possibility.
>, I don't think I've ever seen the hammer's stamina refund actually happen?
I don't think any refund abilities are working right now, not even the guaranteed ones.
Bitch, I will end the world to destroy you.
demons HATE HER
my wife kirie is TOO POWERFUL
I didn't even get the achievement, I have to go find her again...
>defeat an impossible evil
>60 xp
They need to add a special Game Over screen for it.
The world immediately died after with that much DOOM. It really isn't worth it.
It's the 80s, just call the Ghostbusters
There's a cheevo and an unlock for it, so it's always worth it.
It's Mike Stoklasa
You don't get the achievement for doing it like that.
for a very kind run use the seed EBOLA
Are you sure the cheevo isn't just bugged? Cause I can't think of another way to kill the bitch
You think when bigger mod support comes out we all just come together and turn it into a shitty meme fest like with Xcom 2?
You have to do it a certain, pretty obvious way.
It's hungry, user, how much can you give it without dying?
alright you fuckers this might be the first time i ever buy an early access game
will i regret this purchase?
Why the fuck would you buy it when it's easily piratable? It's good but unfinished.
>doom: 156%
It's just going to be 1/2bit custom porn campaigns, and it will be wonderful.
can't find torrent
Honestly, there's not a whole lot of content in the game yet and there are still bugs on the level of game breaking and outright crashing the game. It is extremely promising and modding tools are on the way, but erring on the side of caution is always recommended with early access.
House of Paper achievement let’s you buy them in the illegal den
Look I won't rest until that giant head scare looks like Todd Howard
>banish is 5 claps
Now I truly know what it is like to be american.
Spirits fear him
there are several links in this thread (not the latest version, patch came out 2 hours ago)
seen and have the hold version but thank you
Anybody knows how to get all the endings on Violent Vigil? i only get the death cheated ending, and cannot see what's needed for the other ones
10 hours in mspaint
kek we need a montage
Does anybody know what all the endings are? You can collect them now!
You have to follow what the pamphlet says, and check out your uncle's feet.
Oh baby.
I can't cover the mirror nor pray the second time (he disappears), and even if i write the symbol and kill him, i still get death cheated
How the fuck do you play this properly?
I always die around the 3rd boss because too hard to find heals. Almost every encounter just straight up gives a bad result when picking the interesting choice. Am I just supposed to refuse all the interesting options and go for the boring *refuse or *avoid?
>because too hard to find heals
you can rest at your apartment while investigating.
Here's what you do:
>get pamphlet and follow the order
>copy the tattoo on your uncle's toe
>light the fire or go have dinner with your family
>do nothing
>burn the envelope or feed the plant
>go to the storeroom (you don't have to cover the mirror because there isn't one)
>everything will be weird, you'll have the option to sacrifice the guests or carve the symbol
>carve the symbol
>kill your uncle or sacrifice a guest, then kill your uncle
Ok i bought the expensive prescription. Where do i find the owner?
>hey Mimi, see that Lighthouse?
Am I just unlucky I ran into the water debuff two playthroughs in a row?
Just noticed her mole isn't where it should be.
Gaem too hard.
Dumped it.
>there are people that don't exclusively use magic
no, DURING an investigation, like when you can select the various locations. Select your room then on the left side of the screen there's the rest option. Fetid fumes lowers the amount recovered but you still recover sta and rea
You know, I think I have an idea on how to kill it without dying.
... Be right back.
I thought that was Anita Sarkeesian with a Joker smile.
WAT. Thank you for saving my sanity user. Only been playing for a couple hours and got to the very end of the fifth mystery and died. Can't believe I didn't notice that option.
Ayy yo whit boi, its me, Niggerman. I hurr u b gettn scurrrred n shiet Well imma takr curr of dis spooky bitch for ya, using my BBC, Bitch aint gunna be able to walk strate 4 a week YA HURRRRR
How the hell do I return to the town view? I've completed all mysteries and have all the keys but it won't let me exit my apartment and go to the lighthouse. I've tried exiting and continuing the game and while it brings me back, I don't have any of my weapons which I'm not going on without.
explain to me how magic is even remotely viable outside of telescope god runs
protip: you can't
Nvm, Im retarded. It's literally the button in the middle of the actions.
Holy shit, a talking cat!
Everything you need to know is on the picture.
Nope, I tried with "Multiply Wound" with "Regeneration".
Shit didn't work, only reached 45HP on that guy.
Guess Ithotu flame spam is the only option.
Occultic Sign + Memory Extract.
>Occultic Sign + Memory Extract.
How did I not fucking think of this
Get Occultic Sign perk for infinite exp.
Get Regeneration for stamina, Memory Extract for reason, Midasu Touch for Funds.
To lower doom, use the Monument location (-3% doom for either 2 STA / 2 REA / 1 FND).
Infinite damage in any fight on first turn with any damaging spell.
Occultic Sign equivalent for Kirie when? She was supposed to be the spells character.
so do we understand the mechanics behind SOMETHING TRULY EVIL yet? does anything cause the initial trigger? what happens if you beat it?
hi dev, since you keep shilling for your game, im going to pirate it just to spite you.
I assumed looking at 000s drawing triggered it, that's how I got it on an earlier run.
that or finding it via mail/train/a few other ways.
I did it lads
does the girl sitting on the school's roof ever do anything? Or can you do anything with her?
Damn, I assumed the train one happened because of the drawing. Now knowing it can be triggered multiple ways is unsettling.
How tf do you get the 7th character
>seeing an image of something truly evil is enough for it to come after you
b-bros...? are we going to be ok?
The train one only triggers if your something evil level is high already, if not it plays out that bloody package event instead. You can see the package on the seat in the something evil version of the event
Long as you keep out of the apartment I assume?
why can't you get neg doom before?
ah. well the mail one still causes stage one.
Something Truly Evil now has your scent
yo how the fuck??
I don't think there's any way to lower doom to infinity anymore, not that you need to if you play as the great goddess of destruction, avatar of Ithotu, the number one Idol of Shiokawa.
I thought the seaside lights thing wasnt triggering or I failed the event but apparently the event where you go the the beach to look at lights and nothing happens counts. the ayy lmao appeared pretty quick too. You do need to the get the dog follower from the forrest for it to trigger tho
>cultist difficulty
yeah no shit lol
That doesn't change anything.
I was just rushing the event to test outcomes, I didn't want to spend time doing all that multiple times.
She's my waifu forever though, I was the first one to find her. Intergalactic rule of dibs.
>She's my waifu forever though
prove it then
>your wife isn't claimed by those rules
Yoink, then.
Can you kill it like any other encounter by bowing can clapping?
I thought Kana was a man until the very end of the mission.
That only works on ghosts, not any encounter.
Can you use the seed you get during the coma quest to bring it down to 0%?
I didn't try, not that matters since you can't hit it.
Can you use invisibility spell to run from it? What about Void?
lol, even though the icon is removed, you can still shoot something evil, by pressing where the fire button usually is. filled that bitch with lead and she was no more
void is bugged, doesn is currently not usuable for anything
rest in peace hammer, you did your job too well
Miku is the best girl
Man once something evil finds you it doesn't let go, finishing the run while meeting it every other event was a pain in the ass, I may have blasted it to hell and back multiple times but I've learned my lesson, I won't do it again.
yep... back in my day, we didn't have any o this new fangled kick increasing damage, just me and my trusty hammer and one use but actually infinite expel doom.
also anyone finding that the cultist event that gives you followers gives you one less than it did?
It doesn't die after you killed it!? Sounds like it needs to be fixed.
yeah, keep telling yourself that
HEADS UP: The "Look for friends" event during the festival is broken. You can't recruit anybody, since accepting to help them or not just treats as if you had declined them.
I have infinite stamina reason and founds, it doesn't matter whether I can heal to 21 or 17 or 12.
You're a little kid, back in MY day it was infinite use as intended.
I want a ghost blowjob
I have no idea what this game is about but thank you user
Hey are you implying my girlfriend is a ghost? She's a vampire all right?
Who's got the updated version torrent?
Pretty certain it only leaves you alone if you've actively appeased it. The counter still increases over time.
Share your endings pictures you fucks.
Even better!
i thought expel doom wasn't patched?
where do i find her to give her the prescription drugs?
I did both and it never left me alone.
i gotta try for this one
this is cool
As it should be, then.
so have hammer nerfs happened yet? i just won my first run this morning because of it.
Yes, it's STR dependant now instead of DEX.
well that doesn't seem as bad as i thought it would be.
Well it would be more fair to call it a nerf on DEX builds than a nerf on the hammer.
didn't really change much in the way of dex desu, instead of hammertime now you just use the steak knife
Man, I bow, bow, clap, bow, bow, bow and my game crashed.
action number 1
of Step Event0
for object parent_newcombat:
Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [0,1] out of range [2,1] - -5.ritual(100862,1)
at gml_Script_combat_sequenceend
stack frame is
gml_Script_combat_sequenceend (line -1)
Hows the replay value after completing all mysteries?
by the way: Achievement doesn't unlock from this method
you have to basically eat the attacks until he/she/it/whatever is sated
Looks like the "sever" option against ghosts has variable degree of efficiency, unless there are other facors involved it seems it inflicts 55 damage with the Katana, 4 with the ritual knife and only 2 with the steak knife, I'd be curious to know about the scalpel and scissors, and i'm guessing blunt weapons obviously don't work, unless they have their own action.
Derp, 5 obviously, our favorite weapon is not THAT good.
pretty fun still to see to events and work towards the achievements to get more stuff for the game
the gun does 5 as well
How do You get bullets besides looting cop corpse?
"Extra ammo"
Gotta unlock through achievements and ends up in illegal shop
How to get it: You need to unlock Rioter-chan and do her achievement
ammo is fucking expensive as well, dont rely on guns for dmg
You find her at the Illegal Den. You need to unlock this location though and you need to use the Town History function at the start of your run to set the Illegal Den as an area you can visit. You unlock the Town History function by completing ten achievements and you unlock the Illegal Den by completing twenty-five achievements.
You find a rifle with 2 bullets in a locked school locker in Spine-Chilling Story of School Scissors mystery. You need to have a tiny key to oopen it. You obtainit from a dead body at the end of Alarming Account of Abnormal Arms mystery, so you need to complete it first.
Is it normal that every kick action adds 1dmg everytime is used?
You have been deemed unworthy of the Katana.
There's one for idling too long.
so whats in the temple? always failed that strength check
A blade folded ten gorillion times.
Is this supposed to look like the underwater city/temple thing off the coast of Japan?
How do you find rioter-chan?
When you defeat her, you get a Prescription.
You fill it for 4 FND at the Pharmacy
Then you bring it to the illegal den and get an optional script with her.
I want her to cut me open while we're making sweet, sweet love.
Oof cringe