The most safe and boring Zelda ever

The most safe and boring Zelda ever.

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That's not Wind Waker

Rent free botwfag

Mad that it's the best Zelda of all time. Cope harder.

Everyone's favorite zelda is either
A) the first one they played
B) based on the themes they like
TP and botw are my favorites for the bottom reason, I enjoyed the aesthetics and how they felt. My first Zelda was WW

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Zelda games are kind of safe and boring by default. At least they aren't bad.

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But overall, still a solid 8.8.

That's not Skyward Sword

I'll take the tried and true over ambitious but noble failures. That said, they probably weren't gonna top TP as far as traditional 3D Zelda goes moving forward, not unless they ever made 3D Zelda actually challenging anyways.

MM is severy overrated, and BotW unfairly unappreciated. tWW outweight OoT but not by much. All 4 are still excellent. Only SS deserves the hate.
Can't rank TP because I haven't played it yet. Would love to give it a try.

Wolf parts ruin it

Flying ruins it

That would be Skyward Sword

It was gonna be good then half way through development they decieded they wanted to make skyward sword so it became cartoony le quirky so weird for kids xd

Twilight Princess is a masterpiece and actually took the most risks.

Bitch, Wind Waker was the exact opposite of safe. People were bitching so hard about the graphics when it came out. It only recently became seen as a misunderstood classic, and there are still some idiots who will argue that point.

For it being so safe, people whine quite a lot about the wolf parts, the "grimdark brown" graphics and Ocarina references.

Which is what makes it the best, though.

We will never see a Zelda again with the Ocarina of Time/TP more realistic, more western art style. Never. EAD is compromised of completely new younger people and they are typical anime zoomers and Hollywood fags.

Keep hating about the only good things we got in the last 30 years, though.

Pick one. Zoomers don't even know what anime is.

I honestly loved all of those parts the most

MM is the least safe and sucked ass if you aren't a Redditor.

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Yeah, Japanese teenagers don't know what anime is.

And yet so much better than Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks. Just goes to show being different for its own sake doesn't make a game good.

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You all fucking bitched about how kiddy Wind waker was and wanted a darker game go fuck yourself

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What's ironic is that Twilight Princess ended up being less mature than Wind Waker, despite the art style.


OK, Americans are up.

And they were right, Wind Waker was shit and the darker game was better.

Wind Waker has the worst sound design in the franchise.
Oh yeah man, Grappling Hook, so great, not at all redundant with the Hookshot. Definitely cooler than double clawshots and the based spinner.
The freedom to sail for hours on a dead empty overworld and potentially find a copypasted island. Thrilling!
Oh, contrarianism in the face of facts. Yurohammads are up.

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Why do Zelda """fans""" not realize all the games are very similar at their core and you can like all of them and don't your grudge against internet people control what you like?

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Not all Zelda games are similar. There's Classic Zelda and there's nu-Zelda.

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>Wind Waker has the worst sound design in the franchise.
You are legitimately mentally disabled if you believe this. No idea what your Jews put in your water over there. You don't even have to like Wind Waker to realize the music is 10/10 from the very second you start the game to the jingles and cues during combat.

Jews love Wind Waker too.

Well, I meant until SS where the series turned to shit and Aonuma started making the games for his son (and now with BotW for tumblr trannies).

The Zelda team is long dead. Fanboy wars between the individual old games are retarded, though, see

>friends hated the game before he played it due to the kiddy style
>plays it
>tells everyone how great it is every day
>don't believe him
>try it 2 years later
>booting this up the first time
It was a different time

Aonuma didn't direct SS, though. That was Fujibiyashi or whatever.
But if he was in charge of writing it, that would explain why we got Clifford the Big Red Bird.

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He literally said he came up with the bird and other retarded ideas because of his son. Concept art indicates that the birds weren't always a thing and there was no skyloft in the original game but just one big sky town, though.

And Fujibayashi also directs BotW, which is almost the diametrical opposite of BotW. Directors might have less say than one would think in Japan. Though the glaring similarity ist hat both are mostly soulless anime shit.

Wow, really? Fuck Aonuma.
They need to bring back Koizumi.

Twilight Princess still making faggots seethe by being the absolute best Zelda game

It really, really, isn't.

It's funny playing Oracle of Ages back to back with TP and seeing TP is essentially an Oracles game in 3D much the same way OoT was ALttP in 3D. Constant story bullshit, minigame interludes, superfluous backtracking between one stretch of overworld (go to place, get cutscene trigger that leads to item, backtrack to where you triggered the cutscene so you can use it), only one dungeon open at a time. But you best believe all the contrarian cock monglers on this board LOVE the Oracles with all their hipster ass and dump on Twilight Princess every chance they get.