Part 1

part 1
part 2
>weapons awakened
part 3
>the final fight

Attached: https___blogs-images.forbes.com_erikkain_files_2019_09_FF7-Remake.jpg (960x540, 90K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Part 4
>playstation still has no games

Weapons will not be showing up in part 2. They've got to get through recruiting the rest of the party while exploring their backstories, plus everything regarding the main plot up through the forgotten capital.

All I want is to see the Weapons. They were by far my favorite thing about the game, and I really love the game. I can't imagine it being any less than 6 years before we get to that point though

Yeah this, if you think weapons are showing up in next three episodes you're insane.
Unless of course they skip Chocobo farm, Junon, mt Corel and golden saucer.
I could see Square Enix doing that..

JENOVA Death and Cloud breaking down is the perfect place to end part 2 though.

The problem with ending it in Forbidden capital is that it makes Part 3 really weirdly paced as you open with the Reunion then is the second act climax.

Part 2
Journey to Kalm
Part 3
Journey to Fort Condor
Part 4
Journey to Junon
Part 5
Journey to Costa Del Sol
Part 6
Journey to the Golden Saucer
Part 7
Journey to NibelHeim
Part 8
Journey to RocketTown


see you in 2040

Honestly SquareEnix can go fuck themselves if the game is more than 3 parts. In fact they can already go fuck themselves for splitting it up into episodes, but they should EXTRA fuck themselves if they honestly demand people pay 240-300 dollars for a complete FFVII remake

that would be the best take that would make sense

More details
>Part 2 is basically like the OG, a wide hallway and when you get the tiny bronco it becomes kinda "open" but not really
>part 2 starts with the flashback. You play as cloud, sephiroth teaches you how to fight with a bunch of mobs blocking the road, and then when the dragon comes, sephiroth says "stand back, this one is mine" or some shit, and they teach you how to switch characters and BOOM you play with sephiroth for a while
>Northren cave last dungeon of course, and jenova last boss

Part 3
>Tifa's game
>game is kinda open world now
>weapon rampaging around the world
>discover ancients settlements
>Huge materia hunting
>searching for cloud
>full blown war between shinra and a new avalanche faction made by civilians around the world

>part 1 ends when you leave Midgar
>part 2 ends when Cloud wakes up
>part 3 is the rest

That way you have a consistent story with part 1 having Soldier Cloud, part 2 having faker Cloud and part 3 having the real Cloud.

Part 1 midgar

Part 2 kalm town

Part 3 Shinra parade

Part 4 Cosmo canyon

Part 5 Nibelheim

Part 6 Yuffies crotch

Part 7 Ancient Temple

Part 8 Gold saucer

Part 9 Aerith Dies

Part 10 Weapons awakened

Part 11 Escape from Rufus sex dungeon

Part 12 The cave of wonders.

Kitase said. The team "looked on the internet for people's comments and opinions to find out which particular scenes in the original game were memorable, which ones are the ones that people wanted to see, or which stayed with them."

kitase is reading boys
drop ideas

>part 1
are you trying to say this isnt the full game but just a glorified $59,99 demo

Attached: 1510143737215.jpg (374x347, 39K)

part 2 junon through cosmo canyon

Part 3 everything up to north crater

part 4 north crater

>he doesnt know

You are not a real Final Fantasy VII fan. You came from Fortnite to this all new edition of Final Fantasy VII and that's incredibly sad.

>Only buys part 9

I would change fornite to some action game out there, maybe...god of war


Good suggestion, fellow real Final Fantasy VII fan. You have that certified badge.

There will definitely only be 3 parts. They know if it's 4 or more the sales will diminish too much to continue to profit off of it.

I swear to fucking god if they skip the Golden Saucer I'm going to be fucking pissed.

Part 1 will end with leaving Midgar. Part 2 will open with the full Nibelheim flashback. The Final Fantasy VII-2 title will appear when we see Sephiroth in the flames (and it will be kino). Part 2 will end with Aerith's death and Part 3 will be the rest of the story.

I don't care. I just want it to be two parts. fuck this game.

This is SE, user, not Capcom. They won't cut major things from the game.

If you think they're skipping anything you're crazy. It seems they're including everything that was in Midgar and more. The crossdressing shit is in, all of the mini-games are in, it's following every story beat and expanding upon it.

>Weapons will not be showing up in part 2. They've got to get through recruiting the rest of the party while exploring their backstories

>They can't do the thing they did in the original 40 hour game.
>They fist have to do this other stuff, and make it take a 40 hour game

bitch what

Part 2 can't end with Jenova LIFE because then there is no time to wallow in Aeris' death. Jenova DEATH is much better spot to end.

>They won't cut major things from the game
What about FFXV?

No it will definitely end with her sinking into the water. Fade to black. Credits.

Why can't it be just one game like it was in 1997? It seems like we're worse at basic stuff now

Because AAA games are bigger projects that take way longer to make now. The graphical requirements for a AAA game is astronomically bigger than it was in 1997. It wouldn't be financially viable to make a AAA game the size of original FF7 in 2020.

It's more profitable this way. Why have FF7 Remake be a one time release when they could milk it into a franchise?

All Parts together when?

Attached: FFxTWD.png (308x542, 274K)

The dudebros on the forums even trash Square for it

Attached: Screenshot_20200303-173633~2.png (1440x1100, 189K)

This. Don't expect the Midgar treatment to extend to the rest of the game. If anything, expect it to somehow be thinner than before.

How are they gonna top Cinder Drift though?

Attached: ffxiv-ruby-cinder.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

If it was only three parts they would have told us.
I'm guessing 5 parts minimum

how are the subsequent episodes even gonna be released tho
digitally? on a whole new disk?

A separate game release.

I feel like Midgar is a really poor place to confine an entire part of the story to if Part 2 ends up adapting half the original game. Though I’m not really sure where part 1 should end otherwise. If they wanted to split this up, it should have been two parts instead of three.
