Thinking of getting this since i loved L4D and i liked Vermintide and shit like that

thinking of getting this since i loved L4D and i liked Vermintide and shit like that.

what are the goods and bads from you who have played this?

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I haven't played it but from what I have seen it looks like indie pixel basedlike rogueshit.

how retarded do you have to be for op to specify those of you that have played it, yet you still post?

The good: classes are fun, general gameplay loop is fun, all of the classes feel useful, killing bugs is mining is comfy
bad: tranny shit devs. couldn't bring myself to buy the game since one of the devs is a tranny so I just play it on free weekend to cuck him

This is obviously a shill thread, so I have no idea what YOUR problem is.

> one of the devs is a tranny

holy fuck thanks for the heads-up, fuck that shit then.

is there a fucking gas leak in this thread?

We don't support trannies on Yea Forums. Simple as.

Deep Rock really needs to invest in some better equipment

not really, he is right, you're a fucking moron. I just happened to notice the game was trending on steam and wanted to see if was worth my time since Yea Forums despite being fucking retarded, at least is honest. funny enough what made me not buy the game was fuck trannies and their mental illness.


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which dev is the tranny?

pretty sure most people on Yea Forums don't care, there's just a small portion of high frequency anti-tranny posters shiting up every thread with their word vomit

Horseshoe theory is real.
Imagine judging a game's worth by the developer's mental illnesses. How low have you fallen, Yea Forums? I've thought we made fun of people who took themselves too seriously.

go back to imgur ya fagget

>one of the devs is a tranny
Haven't heard that before, what's your source?

alright, looks like Yea Forums is doing it's usual shit of being /pol/fags, so i'll give you a straight answer

it's fun until you get to the endgame, then it becomes a laborious grind to get decent mods for your weapons
the endgame missions are literally just the regular missions only strung together with saved progression between them
they say they'll be adding more content later down the line, but not until after the full release

OP here, it's not about the game's worth, the game actually seems fun, but i'm not supporting some deranged mentally ill superfaggot so he or she or whatever the fuck it is can go on twitter or something like that and talk about how brave it is.

Nobody cares what you think.
Kill yourself.

okay faglord, i'd bet my life you weren't here until goobergate/the election

>mfw none of the devs are trannies
>mfw made up the second of this post to bait out the rent free niggers
>mfw people unironically fell for it
>mfw people couldn't even confirm which dev is the tranny
>mfw people think it even matters if there was a tranny because it's a good game
holy shit baiting election tourists on Yea Forums is too good

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Oh thank god
You had me confused as fuck what anyone was talking about

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get fucked, OP

This can't be a real post.

Thanks for the tranny warning, I was actually going to buy this.

Refer to You jumped ship as soon as a Yea Forumsermin claimed that one of the devs was a tranny without even providing a fucking source.


i like the game but i feel like crafting resource grind can get pretty tiresome, and i heard (didn't get there yet myself) that endgame gun mods grind is a bitch and a half

i still won't buy it just in case one of the devs becomes mentally ill and cuts his dick off.

Guess I should thank you for keeping the insufferable faggots away from the game. They're just as mentally ill as the trannies they hate.

why does Yea Forums have trannies on the brain 24/7?

These threads have been so fucking shit lately

I've played since pre-alpha, game is good, but recent enemy design is bad. Every enemy since launch has been made with the question of how to annoy you the most instead of how fun it is to fight. Only exception to this is the detonator, who's very fun to fight.

>1 woman

mysogininy devs game dropped

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yeah no problem lad
let OP go. it'd literally be another "le im gonna act like its Yea Forums and ebin troll my team mates and call them trannies and take all the ammo resupplies for myself to own them" if he picked up the game anyways

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And it wasn't now that once read the thread. But election newshits bought it anyway and got assblasted over such stupid shit.

Based Assoomer

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Yea Forums itself is a tranny, going from the carefree, fun-loving troll to a rotten shitposting hate machine that doesn't do much other than hate and destroy

/pol/ fags are mentally ill.

the most based user this year
fuck reactionary impulsive tourists and electionfags

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>wojak edit
>oomer shit
why do you lot keep doing this? do you think it's creative?

the beer drinking animation is pretty damn satisfying
really makes ya thirsty

internet hate machine is fucking old, newfag

female dorfs when?

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Memes are only allowed to be relatable labels instead of anything funny get with the times

back then it was a mis-label by journos who wanted to stir up shit. now it's actual reality, or at least a part of it.


The scout is female

>let OP go. it'd literally be another "le im gonna act like its Yea Forums and ebin troll my team mates and call them trannies and take all the ammo resupplies for myself to own them"

too late faggot, i got a friend to buy it for me now we're BOTH going to do exactly that

i dunno i think it's okay but i heard it gets worse a bit down the line

a sissy is not a girl, even if his "gun" is weak

I don't give a flying fuck what anyone does in their spare time. Just keep your magical realm out of my vidya and we'll get along fine.

>implying the guy who fooled you for having trannies in the game didn't set all of this up just to keep the thread alive, btfo an OP and get both /pol/fags and trannies to buy his game

but does the gameplay loop get more fun? i only got to play for a couple hours before free time ended. it was a little fun but I can't see myself doing it for 50+ hours unless the environments or general gameplay gets more exciting than what i saw.

The team is already half female. Couldn't you tell? Or are you a leaf lover.

that's such a retarded mindset
even if nobody on a dev team was a tranny, there's a pretty high chance that they either have a friend or relative who is, or they support the movement in general

>pretty high chance that they either have a friend or relative who is, or they support the movement in general
not everyone has discord

wait really?

no, if you played all the mission types and saw all the biomes at low levels, then you've pretty much seen them all
but like I said, they do plan on adding more missions after full release in Q2 of this year

>he couldn't tell immediately
Nondwarfs leave the thread.

So... anyone here played Void Bastards?

oh then i'll probably pass for now. great idea though i really loved what they have so far.

the characters sporting a massive fucking volume of facial hair are females

Great game. Unironically one of the best playerbases I have ever seen. Even matchmaking with random people works well far more often than not, which is rare for online co-op.

The only downside I can think of is the balance. The game is still early access, and the devs put out frequent updates to the game. They just recently reworked the entire perk system, and have been adding new weapons and weapon modifications for the past few months. It's still new content, so there are some obvious balance issues, and new balance issues that come with every patch.

ah yes right how could i forget the female half of the Deep Rock crew: Molly, Mini-Molly â„–1, Mini-Molly â„–2, and Betsy

>Unironically one of the best playerbases I have ever seen.
Which is exactly why we shouldn't be having this thread on Yea Forums. It's really strange because you want to see a game you love succeed, but when it does, the playerbase becomes cancer.

Fucking fpbp(fird post based post)
You rock, user.

betsy is a cow's name, bro

Game's good. I bought it for half off. Been having fun with it.

You need to be able to like dwarves and their antics to enjoy it though.

does this look like a cow to you? it does to me

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>weak guns
The fuck are you smoking.
Assault rifle is almost as good as the gunner's main, and boomstick is THE best close range weapon in the game.


I too dark that becomes frustrating

how hot is the tranny?

I light that makes happy. You have too?

Yeah, but what does that have to do with deep rock?

I have cripplingly strong arachnaphobia. If I see a little one inch spider near me IRL I freeze in terror

But there's something about this game that just erases that. I don't feel afraid at ALL in the dark caverns filled with alien spiders. Not even a tiny bit.

I think some of the bravery of dwarves is seeping through the computer into me.

There's 2 mini-molly's?

Sometimes there's 3.

I already bought it because the CEO is based.

Based forewarning user, ignoring this game like the plague now

why was this deleted

its pretty damn fun. i played the free weekend and ended up buying

>all those butthurt (You)s
I'm gonna have to call the based department on this one. What's with all these dick loving redditors and trannies ITT anyway?

I hope they make the linegun good soon

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just play Scout and you can light up any area very quickly

>tranny shit devs
Hello where are proofs. So far devs have been pretty good with their decisions regarding the game

are you samefagging or actually fell for his larp?

You're replying to a new IP and the post was deleted. But honestly, the less players we'll get from this shithole the better.

There are no tranny devs. He lied as a social experiment.

Look up on the archive.


>Low O2

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Engineer sucks.
Platforms are cool, but Grenade Launcher is suicide on harder difficulties, the shotgun sucks total ass, and their unique grenades are borderline useless.

Can't believe I got roped into this class, all my friends are playing the cool shit.

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>he didn't level all characters incrementally

seems like a personal problem of yours I don't mind
chances you'll find anyone from plebbit or other platforms are higher than anyone outing himself being from Yea Forums

fr? Damn, not gonna buy this shit now. Thanks for the warning.

I partially did, but they wanted an every-man team for deep dives etc, and here I am.
I'm starting to understand why nobody else jumped at the opportunity to play this class.

Apparently they're working on re-balancing for march, maybe they'll fix it.
they wont

while it is still a subcategory of retards, retards by default arent welcomed either

excellent classes, fun gamemodes, aesthetic
Bads: engineer kinda sucks imo atm, the cave generation makes the game stale after a while but back in earlier versions they let it run wild so they could just do that again

>ITT: hazard 4 shitters who dont even have every class promoted

Played a few hours during the free weekend that just passed, both solo and with a friend.. It was boring and slow as fuck. Every thing is defeated by just backpedaling and shooting until they're dead, even the big boss monsters, a couple may need some strafing because they burp coronavirus at you or have a glowing ass weakspot.

The mining and destructible terrain somehow feels tacked on, like its there to just slow you down and poorly conceal the fact that there is no interesting level design. It's just a bunch of random lumpy tubes with the occasional cliff or wall, probably there to connect two separate biomes by a brown shit colored bunch of dirt because they can't seamlessly merge the two. The same goes for the support abilities, the grapple hooks and platforms are there not because the environment is treacherous to traverse or has some dynamic verticality; it's just because you're constantly running into walls or there's some ore on the ceiling that you otherwise would be forced to take a pickaxe to and make a staircase to reach it.

Because it would have taken figuratively forever to actually get to Promotion, I watched a couple youtube videos of people attempting the "Deep Dive" endgame missions, and it is the same fucking shit as the beginning of the game, except you have three objectives in a row. Enemies are dumb and weak that only remotely pose a threat when they come in swarms, and you're just playing a slow tedious collectathon.

It's lame as fuck.

Pretty good concept and execution but the devs can't into balance, every "balance" patch is mostly just nerfing the current OP builds. Most of the overclocks are useless.
It desperately needs more content and more challenge though. It's fine at first but once you reach endgame and have promoted every dwarf a time or two you'll start recognizing maps. Yeah they're procedurally generated but it's done in a controlled way and it shows, especially on point extrations. That said if you're playing with friends it's loads of fun just messing around so it doesn't matter too much.

In general it's really good. The devs have been doing a pretty good job with it.

why is climbing and tunneling so fucking janky holy shit
half the time i'm jumping against a cliff like a retard because the vaulting doesn't trigger
if there's the slightest overhang where i'm jumping i get punted away from the wall
just digging straight ahead makes a hole just barely too small for me to fit
having to dig twice as much just because the tunnel is only 99% of my height sucks in maps where the dirt is more durable
and that's not even mentioning the fact that you can get stuck in a tunnel if you go through it from the other end
this means that a tunnel you got through just fine going down can force you to spend time digging it wider during the return trip
speaking of the escape, the mule can fuck right off when it decides to walk up chasm walls, leaving everyone at the bottom

what does promoting your class do?
t. hazard shitter who just bought the game

Which perks are currently the best? They reworked everything again and I don't feel like wasting my points to experiment which are good and which are trash.

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Proximity mines are god tier and the shotgun-turret whip ability is effectively a rocket launcher

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The first promotion unlocks some stuff, all the others are just for epeen. Except that you can't level more when you're at 25 so if you don't promote you're wasting XP so you should at least promote until you've unlocked everything.

Ressuplier is incredibly good.

+25% pod heals (go from just revived to full heal with one resupply)
+50% resupply speed
AND it reloads all your weapons.

Clutch as fuck

sounds reasonable

Elemental insulation for magma core and glacial strata.
Unstopable for fungus bogs.
Resupplier is pretty useful as said.
Born ready is decent with the gunner's thunderhead
max rank Vet depositor is ok on low oxygen since you'll be near molly often so you get the defense buff but eh

Field medic is still king
Steeve is pretty strong right now but I expect a nerf soon desu
Iron will is still good, just not abusable like before.

Yes, dont buy the game so when it fails they will have more time to go on to twitter. You are a retard of the highest caliber

I got this to play with friends but I have no friends to play with. Pretty fun game.

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Resupplier. Thorns for killing Swarmers. At max rank, it deals 24 damage to enemies that attacked you. Vampire for another way of healing. Field Medic for insta-revive (one-time per mission only). Heightened Senses for escaping from Cave Leech, Mactera Grabber, and Nayaka Trawler.

Bosco will always be your friend. Make sure to salute him every now and then.


>Are the Crystal Gems.


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got any more rare cats

Not buying games made by people that can't even manage their own bodies.

He's pretty cool, yeah. I'll be sure to.

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>there's a pretty high chance that they either have a friend or relative who is
Trannies make up less than 0.1% of the population and that number is decreasing daily.

I hope payday 3 and others take lessons from this game. Always moving forward, completing objectives, exploring non-linear environments, not just infinite waves of boring enemies in linear levels, it's nice. But DRG itself just doesn't have enough content to compete.

It's because they aren't really spiders at all.

leave the jannies out of it they tryna do a job here!

>Doing final mission to unlock Engineer's second main weapon, solo because friends asleep
>It ends up being an Aquarq mining platform episode
>With parasite modifier
>Gun ends up being really bad compared to the warthog anyways

well they don't have 8 legs

He's cool except when he digs dirt piles in the wrong direction or stop digging after only 3-4 hits.

Not sure if rare, all my pics are pretty recent.

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i heard from the last dev stream that they got a microsoft deal and until release planning more updates
since it's early access they'll have way to go still

Don't hold your breath, their balancing habbits are shit.

Team play is fun because classes' movement abilities complement each other. Driller can punch holes and create stairs for his friends, Gunner can set up ziplines that are useful to all classes and can be used to carry heavy items, Engineer can create platforms on walls or above level hazards which Scout can then utilize by rappeling onto. Levels are randomized but the RNG creates layouts with lots of verticality so everyone gets to be useful.

As for downsides, like other anons already mentioned there could be more mission and weapon variety. There's only few for each class, rest of the things you level up and unlock are number modifiers.

Thanka for the warning. Adding it to my ignored list now.

>removed zip-line speed perk
literally why

you still can't go faster going up but now you can slide going down and it's pretty nice

Everyone can slide down ziplines at sanic speed now.

because it was a shit perk if you didnt main gunner or always play with gunner.
now everyone can speedy zipline downwards while having better perks. its purely a buff.

Bit daunting to ask, but can I get a rate on the the guns out right now? I just hit 15 with all classes

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>election tourists actually reported it because they mad
stay mad

gunners autocanon is shit
scouts weapon are equally good
engis smg is shit
drillers freezer got nerfed into oblivion

very fun gameplay, could do with more mission variety

mission difficulty seems to be straight up fucking random, did a hazard 2 extraction with a full team and had two bulk detonators spawn immediately then had like 500 fucking other enemies bum rush us. our scout had to just run for it and we got out with like 500 kills total

this was hazard 2, meanwhile did a hazard 5 morkite mission and we thought that the spawns were bugged because no swarms bothered us for ages

fuck the ice biome too

you just missed the free weekend
it is pretty fun for what it is.

burst pistol is shit
scouts shotgun is shit
breach cutter is shit
plasma charger is shit

I think you're crazy user barely anything even spawns on H2 and everything dies super fast.

>domp et

>b-b-but downards!
No, give me speedy zip-action.

both gunner weapons are memes
both scout weapons are dogshit
both engi weapons are dogshit
both driller weapons are subpar

Flamethrower stronk
Freeze SHIT
Subata stronk with extra damage against fire + weakpoint
PC is okay but suffers at long range - FUN
minigun GOAT
thunderhead just a worse flamethrower
burst-fire is shit SHIT
Bulldog is king. More damage
M1000 rip
Gk2 best option
Zhukov tied with boomstick
Boomstick tied with zhukov
Shotgun is a-okay, need Mini-shells overlock to not suck
Uzi a shit - but haven't really played it, it looks SHIT
GL a good
BC a shit

>the cave generation makes the game stale after a whil

Funny part was I never noticed they scaled it back till the last update. Every few days I notice a cave that is exactly the same.

we had two bulk detonators, a full team scales their health up to 4000 each even on h2 so while we were killing them shit was spawning all around us

the ice biome's constant blizzards, those asshole webspitters etc just slowed everything right to a crawl, so nothing was dying for a long time, told our scout to go get the aquarqs and get out, he did

image is from the mission, beats me if you can glean anything from the pixels though, this game doesn't run so good

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Can someone explain me any reason to use the Driller's Cryo and energy pistol?
It's pretty annoying to having to prep up your weapon to be able to shoot for a single second, I'd rather have to reload over that shit. It also feels like it lacks fear or straight up doesn't have it.
The energy gun is pretty much the same case and deals no damage.
Why would anyone use these weapons when you have the flamethrower, piercing through multiple enemies, sticking to surfaces, and then inflicts fear into anybody that survives long enough, making them turn around and expose their weak points so you can shoot with the pistol, which i've decided to set damage bonuses to weak points and enemies on fire. Pretty strong combo.

freezer used to be OP because it frooze everything fairly easily, anything bigger than a grunt went down much faster if you had a helping team

cryo is supposed to be good with teammates on your ass 24/7 because the frozen status is op (bug control + shits on praters, oppressors, dreads, bulks)
but you can't do fucking anything alone and you rely on your secondary more than intended because you run out of ammo.

I found success with energy pistol only with the small bullet direct damage overclock, but still prefer pistol everytime. it got nerfed into the fucking ground and its kinda worthless without that one overclock.

This game and Satisfactory have the same publisher, not the same devs.

to elaborate more on that one point with the cryo,
you can shoot the oppressor from any side when frozen, it takes so much damage you can almost one shot it with scout cryo grenades, and when killed while frozen there will be no gas or bulk explosion.
its still bad, but thats the utility. the frozen status makes scout cryo grenades viable and leaves the cryo gun in the dust.

>first person I've seen talking about Assault Rifle's power instead of the M2000
Finally, someone with some fucking sense.

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Fuck the boomstick as a weapon (special powder op), but I love me my 10 rate of fire GK2

How much fun are the higher difficulties or are they bullshit?

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>Mini-fletchette Auto Shotgun
>Concussive Grenade Launcher
Still not my favorite class, but bouncing across the cave like a Scout and using my primary weapon like a jackhammer is satisfying.

why does the scout's assault rifle shoot faster when not holding down?
if you mash hard, you get better firerate. this completely ruins a specific balanced overclock that grants fire rate and increased recoil, as well as ruining choices for firerate/damage/ammo perks.

Attached: why.png (679x429, 446K)

It's crazy how fast it melts thing by just stunlocking bug butts. Also, the massive recoil is negated as soon as it hits the cap, so it actually stops kicking up if you hold it down long enough.

Attached: FSD-Win64-Shipping_2020-03-03_19-07-31.png (1022x654, 855K)

Seems to be a reoccurring issue in games that have Scouts in them.

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I hate L4D, but I love this. This rewards exploration, where L4D is a "run to the finish line or die a cheap death" shitfest.

hazard 4 is baby mode and literally every team comp or bad perk combo works. thats where unpromoted scouts dive into bulks to save people and just kill themselves...but they still win.
hazard 5 takes getting used but its doable if everyone is pulling their weight. spawn rates are based on player count, dont have too many shitters, and you will be able to carry or at the very least bail on them
hazard 5 lethal enemies is where the real niggas sign up.

Use the Breach Cutter. Yeah it got nerfed to fuck, but it still has a time and place, and will never kill yourself with it.

>hardest difficulty
>it's actually easier to play the game with 1-2 players and harder with 3-4
Other than increased health pools, increased spawns, and having the same amount of Nitra resupplies no matter how many Dwarves you have, why is this like this?

Heightened senses doesn't make sense anymore. They give so many cues to cave leaches, and the tentacles glows. Just peek upwards if you enter a large cavern and you'll be fine.

I played 5 hours during the free weekend and it was fun but It felt like I experienced all there was to the game.
Are the later missions noticeably different to the starter missions or is it the same stuff

>Grenade Launcher is suicide on harder difficulties

It's more of a just in case if you ever do get grabbed by one and no one's around to help you. Most times I don't get to use it.

There's only about 5 mission types, but in deep dives they double up and sometimes that makes it more interesting. But if you don't enjoy the core digging, looting, and bug squashing, the game just probably isn't for you.

Thanks m8

its shit

If everything is shit and subpar, what the fuck's it being measured against?


Engineer is the best class in the game so hell no he's not getting better.

Just tried the game during the free weekend, the game feels like an inferior version of Warframe.
Warframe has more varied maps and game modes, while also having more characters and weapons.
Unless you REALLY enjoy mining in the dark then I can't really recommend this game.

Is this game fun if you play solo? my friends are too braindead to play even this. If they can't solve all their problems by shooting it they basically tap out and get frustrated. All they do is play shit like counterstrike and COD. I got to play very little of it during the weekend and I'm middling on getting it or not.

Just buy it and try it you fuckin autist

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>Unless you REALLY enjoy mining in the dark
Fortunately I do.

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>just buy it
take a suck nigger

It used to be good but the retarded devs listened to their shitty discord players over everyone else and now it's not as good as it used to be. Lost potential.

>Is this game fun if you play solo?
It can be done, but it takes WAY fucking longer, even with BOSCO's help. Just join random lobbies. Everyone's pretty chill in 99% of games. And if you're paranoid, stick to lower hazard levels and you won't get anybody flipping their shit. One decent player can carry most hazard levels 3 and lower. You won't be dragging anybody down.

I hate how accurate you are about it just feeling like warframe.

It's fun, but I have retarded friends who were filtered at the tutorial

What the fuck? Did Warframe get fun in the past 2 years? How is it getting compared to DRG? It was a fucking slog last time I tried, and I don't think I even unlocked any weapons thanks to that fucking grind.


>who were filtered at the tutorial
As in, they couldn't beat it? Or they just didn't enjoy the basic gameplay?

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>gameplay loop
Thanks, opinion discarded

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They couldn't beat it
They didn't know the objective and didn't know where to dig
and then rage quit passively aggressive

You should tell them to give it another try in the next big patch. Supposedly the tutorial is getting a big workover.

>Born ready is decent with the gunner's thunderhead
Don't do this. Just right mouse click to animation cancel the reload once he puts the drum on to shave ~2 seconds off the reload time. No sense wasting a slot on that garbage perk.

I had this same experience, stuck with a gaming group that plays nothing but shooting games is a pain. All they ever want to play is a variation of "click on the heads good" . Despite being easy as it is. The game isn't retard proof which a big "go here" UI indicator.

Tutorial is bugged or something, me and my friends literally all got lost and couldnt beat it.

We just quit the mission got bumped out into the hub world. After that every mission was great and we are almost lvl 25 now.

Don't blame your friends. Blame the tutorial. They tell you what to and it's a small easy map.

How the fuck does this game feel like warframe to you?

Must be a recent phenomenon. I don't recall having any issues with it but that was probably a year or more ago.


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I was always tempted to buy this game but this is another reason for me to never touch it

he uninstalled like 5 minutes later

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Have you tried the spiders in Satisfactory?

>You have a grenade launcher!
>It either kills only a single bug IF you happen to land a direct hit or it can lightly tickle a mob
>there is no in between
Worst GL I've ever used in a video game, honestly.

>Drops down to a planet with specific character loadouts
>Traverse the RNG generated map to complete [OBJECTIVE]
>Collect [CURRENCY] to upgrade your equipment
Except in Deep Rock Galactic, every mission objective is an item fetch with some horde battles or the occasional boss battle.

The maps in warframe are barely RNG. Its the same fucking tiles for every single goddamn map arranged in a different order. At least the caves in DRG are unique. And last time I checked the dwarfs don't all have a "kill the entire room" button that makes literally every single weapon in the game irrelevant.

>drillers freezer got nerfed into oblivion
Oh shit, really? How so? Fuck, I love that gun, too. I just got on after not playing for months and I didn't notice anything.

Having difficulty scale with player-count has to be the most retarded part of this game.

You're both retarded if you think this holds any semblance to fucking warframe of all games. Go back to your containment no-content shitters.
>more varied maps
Yeah I sure love blazing through the same tiles.
>more weapons
And what a difference it makes to the overall gameplay, right?

Whats the future road map looking like? Also can you get drunk on a mission

Yeah I can totally see this, I guess Deeprock is much like Crysis since you also have weapons in crysis and there's some destructible environment.

>At least the caves in DRG are unique
they're not, sadly.

Buy it on g2a none of the money goes to them

While its playable solo. Its much more enjoyable with others. Honestly this is the most rando friendly game Ive played. Most people Ive played with have been total bros and often pull their weight. Just stick to a difficulty you are comfortable with and do your part.

You can get drunk in the station then go to a mission and you'll stay drunk.

Attached: drg.jpg (988x1606, 541K)

Did this twice in a row, ended being drunk for half of the mission.
It really gave me a headache, while it is "heh funny" I dont really recommend someone to take the strongest drink and go to a mission on the edge of faintness.

would recommend just going in with a buzz

it gets boring pretty quickly

>tranny shit devs

OK so its a good game. Don't give a fuck what a bunch of degenerates do as long as the game is good

More weapons when?

The fuck? How? They're all randomly generated on the mission start. Only deep dives aren't random.

its fun but incredibly repetitive. Also shooting bugs is not nearly as entertaining as zombies

>new missions are scheduled close to 2021
yikes. This game is going to flop on release

My friend has only been playing engie and he's deployed his turret once

You're bad, engineer is great and I've taken him through all difficulties. Stop playing, unless your solo then keep playing but shut the fuck up.

I enjoy it with my friends it's pretty repetitive but i think that's understandable, the game being like a job is kind of the deal but its rather relaxing to play with a nice mix of chill ore collecting and horde fights


The dev. The tranny.

>I dont really recommend someone to take the strongest drink and go to a mission on the edge of faintness.
You can always drink a Leaf Lover's Special. Its special effect is to immediately sober you up.

Terraria is 2D Minecraft

Don’t forget the tranny

>only white men


I thought the free weekend was fun, got Engineer to level 5. Not sure about diving in though, how good is this game solo?

run the plasma charger with the thin containment field perk. build it for quick charging and try to optimize ammo amount. it's 240 fire damage. it also chunks walls so when you get good at timing it you can mine shit out of the ceiling etc.

Basically the same.

Leaf lover. Ha. Using that.

You get the drone who can fly anywhere and mine shit for you, as well as kill stuff
It blows up whenever somebody joins, though
I actually feel that the drone is better than a teammate, but having a full squad is definitely better


Minigun: good only to deal with dreadnoughts and explosive guts. Best OC: Leadstorm (U)
Auto-cannon: Everything else, go for AoE range and damage and spin up time, pick add damage at full speed for last upgrade. Do NOT go for more direct damage, that's not the strong point of this weapon because it's very inaccurate. What makes it good is it's AoE explosive damage. Lot's of greenbeards got filtered this way, it's a very good weapon and much more ammo economical the the minigun.
Handcannon: always, max damage and weakpoint damage.
Flamethrower: I personally go for sticky flame duration and damage but other things work. Go for direct damage if you like.
Freeze gun: only when dealing with dreadnoughts, max freezing power.
Subata: good starter weapon, use this if you're gonna play with latency or not used to the Plasma charger yet.
Plasma charger: Go for thin containment field and less heat with charged shot. This thing is extremely skill demanding. It's used to mine shits high up with out scout and engie. Its only a weapon when you must, otherwise it's a ultility.
Always go with axes and mods for 2 C4s
M1k: mandatory, pioritize high profile targets, range enemies basically. Juice charged shot damage and damage amsp. Don't go for that armor shreadding, you're scout so you can simply out manoeuvre armored targets no problem.
Sawnoffs: Yes. Max damage and pellet count, the damage stat is from a single pellet, do that math.
AR and zukov: no
Always pick phermone and USE THAT FUCKING FLARE GUN.
GL: mandatory, max AoE damage and range.
Shotgun: Full auto for DPS or turret whip if you have high IQ.
Turret: Defender System. Other than that, the turret is not quite shitty anyway you mod it, just plays differently.
I had a hard time deciding between baits and mines. I usually go with mines but do what you want.
Cocks and balls

>Best OC: Leadstorm
I dunno, not having any movement speed kinda sucks
I'm using the one where it gives you +2 damage with slightly worse accuracy

>main objective completed
>secondary objective almost done
>nearby inactive machine event
>entire team is low on ammo
>someone hits the button without so much as an R? in chat

What compels people to do this, Iv even had it happen on hazard level 4

Attached: ithurts100i.jpg (854x409, 111K)

just keep hoping and revving. Stop firing doesn't cool the gun and reset your fire rate immediately. If you've every played heavy in tf2, this is basically more damage for no downsides at all.

do you actually get anything for going over the quota?

Good: Shooting felt great, all classes were fun to play.
Bad: I got bored of caves 4 hours in.

more xp

>animu avatars
I can smell your fat flaps from here.

Are there still only like 3 mission types?
I played this with friends for a few hours during a free weekend last year, and while we enjoyed it, it seemed like there wasn't going to be much variety.

Attached: question.jpg (230x219, 8K)

>No perk respec
FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK. I have taken so many fucking useless perks like sprint, and berzerker.

>Gunner and Scout actually do things
>Digger thinks being a fast pick axe is contributing
>Engineer knows deep down he's fucking useless

>Basically 4 mission types
>which boil down to 2 mission types: Mine something or Defend something.

>cute cosmetics and UI updates are higher up on the roadmap than new missions or new classes

I haven't regretted a $15 purchase this much in awhile.

yea and I know that using the brass beast is literally suicide

perks are useless mostly
the only good ones are thorns and insta revive

>Digger thinks being a fast pick axe is contributing
>Unironically thinking digger is useless
Clearly you've never played with a good digger, a good digger will make extraction a piece of cake since you can just drill all the way to the pod, a good digger will make egg extraction missions a joke among many other things.

>engi is useless
What the fuck, where did this meme come from? Are you faggots all hazard 1 sub promotion shitters? Warthog is the highest DPS weapon in the game when fully modded, it just starts out as one of the weakest, which is why it's worth using the SMG til then. Scout is fucking useless without an Engi on the team.

>Digger thinks being a fast pick axe is contributing
t. haz 4 player
driller is almost essential on deep dives

Greenest beard in the thread.

Attached: 1566537661798.jpg (600x597, 45K)

*cough* ziplines *cough*

It has really solid core gameplay but the devs listened to their die hard discord users and added an insane grind to everything you do so the players can jerk off about the "endgame" they "earned" by playing for 500 hours

Is it even worth to go for the M1000 now? It barely does good damage with focused shot on weakpoints now. Feels weird not OHKO non-tanky enemies that have weakpoints.

there is no endgame bro
its literally the same shit you just grind for some miniscule gun upgrade and cosmetics


>implying you have to be good in order to drill your way back to the pod

Attached: 1583300985032.jpg (796x647, 82K)

Trannies are a yikes from me bro, I've just been burned too many times at this point
Call me when you're ready to acknowledge that its a mental illness

Glad I was warned before I bothered with it.

>people still falling for the tranny bait