Play fantasy RPG

>play fantasy RPG
>choose magician
>highest stat is INT

Why the fuck is intelligence related to magic?

Attached: nice.jpg (261x202, 6K)

Do you know how to cast fire op?

Typically magic is something that must be learned and requires a lot of study or arcane knowledge to cast effectively.
In some games where this is not the case, TEC or MAG is used instead.

Unless you’re a sourcerer (WIS), all your spells must be memorized from books and recited perfectly (INT).

i don't get it

Way I see it drawing magic circles to turn mana into useful spells is not unlike creating the algorithms and circuitry that turn electricity into useful forms like what your monitor outputs.

Attached: 1520121978964.jpg (303x376, 20K)

What the fuck, but memorizing shit doesn't equal intelligence

Attached: spaghetti.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Then why couldn’t you win the spelling bee, bro??

What the fuck, that isn't the image I wanted to post at all

Memory is the size of your canvas, you'll never paint a masterpiece on a post it.

I can tell I'm far gone when I just kept trying to figure out "how does that spell nigger?"

its nigger

It's like autism. Autistic people sometimes have an extreme acuity for certain domains like math, physics etc. Magicians and spellcasters in general have INT as their primary stat because they are autistic, to a degree. They literally perceive reality unlike regular people, and can manipulate it in certain way. It's as if they had computers for brains that also allowed them to force things into happening. Only autistic genius can give such power.


Gamer-word + cube. Clearly it is Gamecube you moron

I should play devil summoner

It's kind of funny in 5e until Artificer came out a few months ago only Wizards cared about INT for spellcasting. I think Charisma was the most common spellcasting stat.

>knowing more doesn't mean you're smarter
Ok, brainiac, how can you be smart if you don't know anything?


My brain was trying so hard to make it be "nigger" until I took a moment to look at what the thing actually was.


Being able to use magic involves memorizing it and being able to understand it to a certain degree.

sufficiently sophisticated science and technology is indiscernible from magic
mages are just illuminati scientists
scientists are intelligent

200 years ago being able to command electric rocks to do your bidding would be considered magic
now it's just computer science

I don’t even play 4e, why would I play 5e?
3.5 Chad reporting in

have you ever seen a nigger conjuring up a fireball?

Attached: igger.gif (183x170, 21K)

This is why I kind of like PF, there's stuff even for martials to care about Int.