Your Turn to Die/Kimi ga Shine

Place your bets Yea Forums

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Other urls found in this thread: participants

You gotta save all the dolls to get the best end

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I hope so. I like all the dolls.

(Ch)a(rt)non here, almost done. Need a good image for Keiji dies no matter what and need 5 (Five) more ideas!

Attached: Chart almost done.png (485x521, 325K)

Sara kisses poodle boy and makes chartanon feel uncomfortable

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>”Together, we are gonna end Your turn to die!”

Really? No Maple syrup?

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I honestly don't even remember Reko or Alice anymore. Atleast Kanna and Sou still have a presence thanks to Midori.

You can't put two squares who contradict each other on the same line you dingus. That makes the bingo unwinnable

>anzu is useful for once
I know its a stretch

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>Comes back and forgotten on the same axis

Alright alright ill add her, only because of those quads

Fuck why do I ship him and Sara so much hnnng

>All dolls that can actually die will be crucial during the last puzzle
Never going to happen but it'd be great.

Just for shitposts, will change now

>”it’s your turn to die... MIDORI!”

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holy freaking based

It's not 3-B, by the way. It's part 1-B. There's at least another part coming up, so it seems too early for the big reveal that it was all just a simulation or that everyone is a doll. The latter seems unlikely to me, though. Unless these dolls are newer models that actually do bleed.

Anzu and Hayasaka are probably just going to be fodder for a puzzle. You get fucked hard if you let them die.

>”There’s zero escape, you’d need an ace attorney to get out of this one!”

>baker tits gets murdered

>Need a good image for Keiji dies no matter what

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You forgot Gin being the mastermind

Mishima is important / mishma isn’t his real name participants
>Shin also states that he and Sou used to "be together", whether this implies that their relationship was romantic or not is unclear


fucking fujos


Well well well, what do we have here

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Move “everyone is a doll” and “baker tits is human” as well

based syrupbro

Replace piss with Kanna’s route is better

Fucking hell. All Shin said was that he and Sou were seen together pretty often before Sou died. Why are fujos like this?

Kinda redundant, we already know that won't be the case

Same thing

>fandom dot com

I dare one of you fucks to edit it and say that it’s not explicitly said

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I miss Gashu

Needs to be looking at the camera

I don't understand. How is Midori so based?

I'm not touching that shithole.

Need 2 really good ones to finish off the chart, once finished tell me what to change about it
These have been added

I wonder why Sou hanged out with Midori a lot if Midori creeped him out at times. He even wears the same scarf as him and then took his name for the death game while also trying to emulate him. Then there's Sou staring at Midori's portrait for a long time which Naomichi and Sara comment on.

Do it pussy, you fuckin won’t

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Sara's father was responsible for Sara being in this game.

Final “THIS IS IT” from Sara with everyone still alive added in, or maybe just Joe

Mishima dies

You're right. I won't.

Collar bullshittery

>Gin hid Mishima's head in the stuffed animal

obligatory complex motives

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Haha queer

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I get this bad feeling that it will all be a simulation.

because of how Nankidai created a island spinoff game based on DR2's island mode specifically. DR2. And that was a simulation as well.

Shin takes his collar off in his route

I want to kiss him until I can't kiss him anymore. I want to make him mine.

We know, Maple.

Gin could be a doll, right? In that case maybe the AI inside is mentally an adult, using a child doll to avoid suspicion and lower everyone's guard. That way it would make more sense for a child to be the mastermind.

Fuck off Maple

>Shin AI ends up being really useful
>Suits and specs is ready to die for Gin
>Atleast one dummy makes it to Chapter3-2
>Kanna shits herself

They’re in space

He bleeds in ch2 and the minigames

Attached: Charge_Card_Battle_Death_Gin.png (942x720, 903K)

Alright this is how it looks now, Tell me which backgrounds/descriptions I should change (if background, post image of what it should change to). If more than 4 anons want a thing from the chart removed, it gets BTFO. Let this become a shitshow

Attached: Chart final changes.png (613x657, 608K)

Gin is the human working for Asunaro. Reminder we have gotten little to jackshit on this kid's backstory. No flashback or anything.

>edit by "Oumaisgay"
Yeah I'm removing this. I don't think anybody will take issue with it.

Thank you user. This chart should suffice. Now time to see half of these not come true.

Nice job

I think he hinted at having an alcoholic dad but nothing concrete

Thank you user. I fucking knew a fujo edit that. And of course it's a DR fujo at that.

I’m proud of you user, put the Fujo menace in its place

Sou's route is better and AAAAAAAAA is basically the same thing. Also I think you could take fluffy boy being human and Mai being a human to a single square with "Atleast one of the dummies is human"

So since Sou and Midori went to the same high school(even though Midori wasn't really a student there) is it implied they're the same age?

Replace baker tits being human because you already have poodle being human so it’s unneeded

Yeah that's what I mean. It's literally nothing. We only hear about his so called alcoholic stepdad like once or twice and him mentioning his mom but that was way back in chapter 1.

But it's possible they could both be human and even if not, the possibility of Mai being human over Ranmaru are greater imo.

please do it

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Yeah probably. Either same age or Sou's Shin's senpai or something.

Also find it funny how Sou was able to disguise himself as a police officer and the police force didn't question him.

Might want to move either "everybody is a doll" or "ranmaru is human" since they contradict each other.

Swap baker tits to a different axis since everybody is a doll is impossible to get bingo in that line

I want to play with that rattail of his.

Do we really need the Joe button thing?

He would back hand you maple

Holy shit KGohPro is such an unfunny obnoxious faggot. When's Manly uploading his playthrough of chapter 3?

For fuck's sake, go back to your room Maple

Hopefully soon. He usually goes for the based routes and even though he hates Sou, he'll probably keep him over Kanna because he likes to shit on Sou.

It'd make more sense for that to be in a Chapter3 Part2 bingo. Why would there be an execution in part1?

Fuck i know right i just find myself skipping through his aspie jokes he does all the time

This good? (

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Oh, now that I think about it it could also mean a flashback of that scene. But that would equally not make sense since we're over that already. If seeing his death portrait didn't make her remember nothing will probably will

So I don't know if anybody's mentioned this yet, but there are a number of new songs in the file folders (all great, I'd reccomend taking a listen).
>kosatu.ogg (Discussion Time 2 according to the japanese title [not sure what file is discussion time 1 though])
>nangoku.ogg (Nangoku)
>radio.ogg (Radio Station)
>kyoujin.ogg (Midori's theme)
So far only kyoujin.ogg has been used, chances are the other three are going to be used in Part 3-1B. (Or they could be route-exclusive? I only played kanna/reko so I might have missed some.) In any case, thoughts on what they could be?

Have a ''Mishima dies'' space I tell you.

Yep, looks nice


Fair enough, ill swap it out for mishimas head being in gins plushie

you think there’s a real Mishimatoo, right?

But hes already dead bro!! they cant kill him again haha

Mishima dies would just be the GOAT role since he came back

Good image for poodle and bakertits


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Don't forget Sou and Sara both seeming to have memories of past games too.

Haven’t seen him. What’s obnoxious about him?

Add a space for characters actually being alive

Ok so last time I played this game was on another computer, and it lets me start from chapter 3 and asks me who died. But it won't let me choose that Shin died. Why is that? I killed him during chapter 2.

The fact he stops playing every 5 seconds to make a shitty joke that drags on way longer than it should. His chapter 3 video being 6 hours long is telling.

Just play the fucking game yourself retard. It's not that hard to download, or hell, play on your fucking phone.

Are you playing on browser or download?

But I already did otherwise I wouldn't be here spoiling myself. I just like seeing how other people react to stuff I enjoy.

Browser. It's usually two portraits of characters and you click one, but Shin's portrait is just straight up empty.

VGperson noted that the browser version may be buggy so just download it brah.

Thats because the browser version couldnt load some of the files. The sites been pretty crowded this week, try downloading it

Man this wiki is a real shithole the more I look at it.

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It's time to start staging war against these fujoshits.
How do we start? Qtaro/Keiji bara shipping?

Not doing this one, it can count as the GOAT one since it means he comes back AGAIN
Dont really think this is going to happen with all the things that have been implied with the memories. Also it would contradict the doll one.

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>losing any of the ch2 minigames
>picking gin for any of the ch2 minigames

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>bullied Shin
>made Keiji kill his hero
>had Alice sent to prison
>broke up Reko's band because of that
>had a cute syrup girl thirsty for his dick
How is Midori so based?

Let's not. Don't shit up the threads here even bringing them up. Let them do whatever they do in their corner of the internet.

There's still a lot of 3-1 that seems to be a big unknown. I'm pretty sure we'll also end up fighting Maple as well.

Rio Laizer lives

I forgot Sara's supposed to be taller than him

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I watched it just out of curiosity because nobody else had gotten to the end at the time. Pretty much everybody in the chat started celebrating when they thought Q-taro died

Free tokens

Got anymore fanart of this girl?

There's few, I'll try to find more

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Man this pair is definitely the talk of the nip fandom right now. Along with Midori being a little shit.

One or more of the first trial dolls has to die

Sara is evil.

Thank you.S

The entire fucking fanbase is like this, I think Yea Forums is the only place on the internet where you can have decent discussion about this game because no women post on this site, filtering out annoying fujos in the process.

Kosatu has been used but I forget exactly where. Nangoku is used in Your Time To Shine. Not sure about Radio.

Sou and Maple's obsession with Midori is pretty weird.

Time travel / Alternative time line bullshit

Why do they hate Q-taro?

They already do, if you fail the discussion segments

He seems to be the least popular character everywhere except here

This is why I was worried about YTTD becoming more popular in the west. Because you just know it would create an incredibly cancerous fandom like DR. It's what I feared but it really does seem like only Yea Forums is the best place to talk about this game.
Time travel shit....please no.

Okay, fair enough.
...can we at least laugh at their delusion though?

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Maybe Ranger's radio channel?

Everyone outside Yea Forums hates Burgerchad because they hate nuance.

This. I would prefer if we stopped talking about those retards. Let's just discuss the game.

>it really does seem like only Yea Forums is the best place to talk about this game.
And when it's mainstream enough, Yea Forums will shit on the game.

The twitter/tumblr fujo fanbase loves Gin and hates Q-Taro, I'm desperately hoping that Gin dies or is the mastermind and that Q-Taro keeps winning just to see them seethe.

Going to do these two, thanks for all the suggestions

Even the nips hate him?

Because kgropro made a teir list and just shat on q-taro for ditching everyone in the bad end. Then calls him an idiot that does nothing for the group even though in the 2nd trail we see that he can hold his own in an argument and with him and keiji take control of the discussion. Also he loves nao even though shes literally useless so his a hypocrite

I don't speak moonrunes so I don't know.

Yep. When it gets its inevitable anime, even Yea Forums won't be a good place to talk about the game anymore. So I'll just enjoy the time we have left.

Sadly those sorts of people exist here too, they are just autistic waifufags instead of fujos. Go to /drg/ or any Danganronpa thread to see what I mean. Hopefully they will leave this game alone

>samuraionnna with 3 n's
Was this always there?

Attached: so.png (810x458, 449K)

it was.

>The twitter/tumblr fujo fanbase loves Gin and hates Q-Taro,
Of fucking course. Those were the same fags from last summer who used to endlessly post about wanting to fuck Gin. Man I do hope this brat is dead or evil as well.
Oh so he's a retard. Nothing of value lost.

I wonder what route the anime will take

You could also consider
>Someone dying to save Gin (most likely the glasses guy)
>Atleast one of the dummies making it to Chapter3-2
>Kanna trying to save Sara (yet again)

When/if they make an anime adaption, or when the manga reaches the point where it starts to diverge, which route will they go with?

I'm hoping so too user. I really don't want this game to be the next DR.

It's gonna happen but these speculation threads have been really enjoyable. Its probably gonna happen when the game is done

What if glasses is dead, though?

Probably Reko/Sou since that seems to be the route most people got.

>tfw like both gin and qtaro

Maybe it will only get short episodes up to the end of ch1-2

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So we all agree that this bitch will probably have a monstrous form when we fight her?


I don't even hate Gin as a character, but they've got another thing coming if they think he's gonna stay this perfect innocent uwu furry boy for the whole game. He's the only character still alive who hasn't had any kind of arc.

Heres the alternate version of the chart. Dont know if im gonna keep making changes or not, unless alot of people want 1 thing ch

Attached: Chart version B.png (770x825, 982K)

>>Someone dying to save Gin (most likely the glasses guy)
He can die in the library fight. He's like Anzu, just an extra character who can be killed off and it wouldn't matter to the story.

Definitely Reko/Sou. The former because the way to get the Alice route was sort of bullshit and the way he died was clever along with Reko being alive prevents Sara from being the only girl survivor in chapter 3 and the latter because he's interesting and they'll probably want to pander to the Sou/Midori dynamics. Also dead Kanna would be a tragic boner.

Well he is pretty racist. He called boxer guy a “thug gorilla”

it worked, thanks friends

Yeah same. Don't know why you have to like one or the other.

Ranmaru seems like just the guy to betray Sara

It's the Yea Forums mindset. Idorts don't exist according to Yea Forums.

Looks pretty good we could use this for 3-2 aswell

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I like both, but for the record ginfags started it by whining about the final attraction non stop.

>the way he died was clever
I guess. It was at least better than Reko’s death, holy fuck what a boring way to die, even her clone got a more interesting death

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Didn't they say her weakness was the crevice on her back or something?

That's the one thing I don't like about the diverging paths, it makes characters like Alice/Reko/Anzu essentially completely worthless after a certain point, they can't be relevant because another player might not have them alive. At least having Sou alive actually adds something though, but for most characters that isn't the case.

She hates fighting because of how totally insane she gets doing it.

It was amazing until i saw kanna

That's why I suspect Gin. Sara and Q-taro are too obvious and we just got a backstory dump on Keiji. That leaves Gin.

Technically it means Anzu is completely worthless just in general, as the part where she can die is immediately after being introduced

It's because Naoimichi looks like a thug especially with his dyed hair and how he loves to fight.

Would be great honestly, Gin should die

>weak to anal

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But he took "it" from her in the Sou route when he didn't have to. Sara dying would benefit him.

If you wanna replace one
>keijis mentor is q-taros dad

Did you reload to overturn any deaths? Be honest

>if Baker dies Sara will be able to go back to being the sole female of the group
she must be stopped

>his bro and his waifu are on portraits
Artist sure knows Midori well.

When I didn’t get a game over after Anzu died I thought “oh I guess she was just the expendable first victim to show what the danger is” and just kept going

He reminds me more of a red-haired Joe, actually. That and a guy looking like Joe in Kanna's flashback makes me wonder if there's more to Joe as well. But it's probably all just a red herring.

I didn't even know anyone could die.

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But I wonder what will get her to fight us.
Her asshole is on her back?

You were the traitor

What about Hinako?

Yes, anzu i was shocked that it happened so fast and i like her design so i immediately tried again

Is the Manhwa any good?

Did it for the Reko death but that's cuz I thought it was a regular failstate. I didn't know Alice would die if she lived.

Killing Midori.

Yep, when Anzu died I immediately realised that you can save her, so I reset and followed the walkthrough.


Anzu. I failed by one turn when I just figured it out. I dont really care about Anzu but I didn't want to fail literally the first obstacle of Chapter3

I’m not gay, but I’d hug the poodle

Operation Get Rid Of Slimy girlS is back on.

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Manga not manwha, it isn't Korean so it's just manga it gook? Or are you just trolling here?

No, I didn't know Alice could be saved until after I finished 2-2 and if I hadn't forgotten to save before I failed to solve the lava puzzle, I would've thought Anzu dying was supposed to happen.

Funny out of the 4 optional characters you can take with you to chapter 3, it's Sou that's going to be relevant no matter what. Whether dead or alive.

That's why him being alive is better.

What, is your asshole on your front?

Oh? Did you just tickle my back?

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There are two big reasons to protect Mai

I was fucking around. But the question still stand

That's why we must protect Mai. Anzu's a lost cause at this point and Hinako could kill herself again.

Building up trust for keikaku first is essential, especially if the tag was already suspected not to end up in death, and later confirmed.

What if Q-Taro was actually 9-Taro

Eh it's very rushed but I liked seeing naked Rio on one of the first chapters.

If I were to hazard a guess, I imagine Shin wasn't exactly spoiled for choice when it came to friends.

Fuck you

Kosatu.ogg is used during the game of Tag after Ranmaru/Kanna become It

I can see that. She does seem to have a connection to Midori and seems to have some obsession with him.
But her asshole wouldn't be on her literal back.

Sou is definitely the most interesting character so far and I'm 100% sure his route will be more interesting as well
But I gotta go with le bucket girl, funni piss lol
I will try out his route after I see a sprite of Kanna shitting herself

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I feel like Mai will be completely in Q-taro's debt and will absolutely loyal to him after this endeavor.

Oh yeah that's true. Sou and Midori did point this out.

Have fun wasting your time user. Kanna's route so far is incredibly boring and just about her obsessing over Sou and wanting to know about Midori's connection to him.

Ah, that explains it. I had Keiji and Sara become "it".
Unless I did genuinely forget a scene.

How many handholding fanart do these two have? I've been seeing a lot on pixiv.

Technically Alice should be alive for me. I wasted too much time in 2-1's game and I reloaded before seeing the two Rekos because I thought the event simply ended early

A lot.

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>end of chapter
>confront midori with full human/dummy trust
>he flips a switch and turns them all to kill mode
>qtaro fights them off
>dies unless you let as many of them as possible die to obstructors

Nope, failed the final fight though

Why would he punish you for not being stupid?

He already did by having Alice die if you fail the final attraction.

Can somebody post the q-taro 100% winrate image

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There's something about Sara/Ranmaru that appeals to me more than Sara/Keiji. I don't know why.

Q-Taro will protect Mai which explains her crying sprite.

So she's definitely related to Miley and Safalin right? The food shit is too blatant here.

I really like his design, I'm weak for cute&fluffy

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man what did midori do to this girl? it's like she's in a state of bliss while saying his name. it's weird

maybe because sara and ranmaru are both high school students while keiji is a grown man.

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Is it possible to be gay for an anime boy but not actually gay

Asking for a friend

I feel like Alice is featured more in fanart for this chapter than he realistically should be considering the option where he lives is more obscure.

Yes it's gay you homo.

Nah, your friend's gay

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You get the option to choose who lived at the start of the new chapter

There's a surprising amount of people who wound up with Alice/Kanna.

Yeah. Disappointing how irrelevant Reko/Alice are so far. They really feel like filler characters at this point. I guess that's what happens to route characters. But even then Kanna/Sou seem more important than those two. Especially Sou.

My friend isn’t gay I swear, he just wants to stroke his face and pet his hair

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Will Kanna get a scarf too?

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Sorry, you better stay away from your friend...

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>1-B releases
>new unused sprites or art spoil the ending of the story

>Shin is raging gay when it comes to Sou
>gazes at his portrait for hours

He has that homosexual in denial look too

>Kanna's route so far is incredibly boring
Bit of an overstatement, user. The general structure is basically the same between the two routes so far.

>AU where Sou, Shin and Kanna form a trio with Kanna having her own scarf
>Kanna wanting to join Shin and Sou is because her sister is too busy scissoring her adult girlfriend

Nigga what we got on the files is likely all off 3-1. I don't think 3-2 stuff will be on it.

>Implying I failed it and didn't just actively choose not to push doll Reko into the hole.

I’m looking for a wig for a cosplay I’m doing of him, if anyone knows where I could get one that looks similar

Yeah. He seemed heartbroken at the thought that Midori could have gotten close to him and became his friend only to get information from him. He also probably didn't want to accept Midori being the mastermind of this death game which is why he asked Midori if he was. Sou clearly still cares about Midori and it's hilarious.

Here you go.

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How so?


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I remember those sprites when he got serious. That shit was so fucking kino. It's sad we've only seen it from the first main game only.

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>What kind of merch should we make?
>Just put the fucking face on a pillow

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Because the story for the two routes so far is relatively the same. Sou's route is more interesting in theory, and I still feel like it will be overall, but at present the only difference between the two routes is that Midori/Sou is a more interesting dynamic - nothing major.

Also a replica severed head storage container.

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Holy fucking based

>no poodle pillow

So we know for sure that mishima getting axed in the first chapter was because he was involved with asunaro somehow?

Nah we saw it in the secound when sara accuses him of handing out the cards for the first main game which he flat out denies and says it was a doll and she had no real proof. Probably the best moments to be fair since his always seen as laid back and then his serious and its so goddamn threatening

I always thought he was the winner of the hades incident because of the hair color of the guy in the pwinting

Security cameras?
What security cameras?

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3 people voted for mishima joe didnt vote for himself since sou said he voted for him and nao and mishima voted for mishima so joe was the other one probably or sou is just lying again.

did you forget about the part on the main game where joe said he voted for himself, so sara questioned sou and he admitted he lied before

Fucking SCARY levels of lying

>believing Sou's lies
The third Mishima vote was most likely Sou himself or Reko.

I don't think Asunaro's plan would rely on the cast not looking behind them when entering the room

How the fuck can anyone hate this massive mass of pure unadultered kino?

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I went from hating him, to liking him ironically, to unironically loving him.
Same thing happened with Juzo from DR.

So then it's not the same.

If I were a girl, my panties would be off in a second after he turned into this.

Has Yea Forums agreed which chapter 3 girl is the best one yet?

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Didn't Reko literally say she voted for Mishima



Man Q-Taro just can't stop winning.

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I never claimed it was exactly the same, just that the general structure was the same (which it is).


What's wrong Sara-chan? Could it be you're... Craving my burgerbuns???

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The serious Q-Taro sprites reminded me so much of the Hongou reveal in 999

But instead of penetrating her, she penetrated him

It's a tie between Mai and Hinako. Anzu's pretty cool but she's so damn useless.

Don't think she did.


What pieces of clothing would he have stolen from Office Guy and Hinako?

Don't worry. It will make her own penetration all the more delicious.

Attached: Thirstyhoe.png (1366x768, 706K)

>reread this part
>he gets away of being voted for because his ally Keiji steers the suspicion and discussion away from him
good stuff

I want them to kiss honestly

Attached: ACTIVATE_WHORE_KILL_MODE.png (961x700, 883K)

It honestly does look the same.

It really isn't.. at all. I don't see Sou taking "it" from Sara like Kanna did. I don't see Sou riding the elevator with Sara like Kanna did.

Mai deserves much more than a kiss from Q-taro.
Mai's fate was sealed when she thrust inside Q-taro.

He needs a smirk too

So far I've only done Kanna's route but I'm gonna go through Sou's route sometime this week since I played through to get both of them.
So far I like Kanna's route, although honestly both her and Reko are basically nothingburgers for the majority of the chapter so far.

And people actually think Q-taro's a retard.

Im way too retarded to do that, hope some other user does it tho

Dunno about best chapter 3 girl but best chapter 3 boy was undoubtedly Midori and you can't deny this. Midori is the best. I love Midori so much.

Attached: SouHiy.png (300x624, 59K)

>didn't remove the sweat
you had one job

Attached: 1583275498089.png (961x700, 854K)

you missed a spot under his eye

This, I love this poodle boy like you would not believe.

Really said his body died

Attached: CB5D05DA-672E-4DE9-AC4E-73ACACE58788.png (816x624, 206K)

You forgot one.

This. Please let some user add that smirk on his face.
Alice and Sou are better options. Atleast Alice's chunni bullshit is funny along with his reactions towards Midori. Reko's just the same boring big sister to the girls and Gin as she's always been. And Sou has way more importance to chapter 3 with Midori than Kanna does.

Did you guys save Alice or Reko? Reko seems pretty inconsequential so far.

I know
Editing it out would require redoing the whole lens flare part but it takes more effort than I was willing to put into a meme edit

Attached: 1568062378228.png (1500x1175, 373K)

All sweat must be removed. No bitch will make him sweat.
I really wanna know what his trial was.

These are minor differences though, aren't they? You still have to visit all the same rooms, do all the same puzzles, have almost all the same dialogues. It'd be like claiming the different bits of dialogue you get depending on if Reko/Alice were alive made what we've seen so far drastically different.

I just don't want to have to go through 2 other routes just to see Alice's dialogue compared to Reko.
Also Reko is hot to me so there's that.

fuck off already maple. we don't care

>You still have to visit all the same rooms, do all the same puzzles
That's all part of the gameplay and story. What kind of argument is this?
>have almost all the same dialogue
They literally don't... one person loves Sara and the other person hates Sara. On top of that, the latter's route still has the haunting appear especially when you're in Maple's room.

Reko has done almost nothing of note since 2-1. Alice atleast has his Midori connection keeping him from being completely irrelevant even if that connection isn't being brought up that much so far as Midori has hardly acknowledged Alice much thus far.

Isn't the cardigan from office guy? As for Hinako her thighs

Did you see the blushing reko sprite?
It’s very cute

Shunsuke doesn't wear a cardigan.

Attached: Shunsuke.png (494x590, 449K)

You mean her panties

Yeah, that was last thread right? It's cute.
She's cute.

Here you go.

Attached: 1583275775613.png (961x700, 872K)

Rio is such a degnerate.

Good taste bro

He has Mai's boots.



Attached: 1565214293161.png (500x624, 66K)

Sara is the mastermind

Fuck yeah, Baker tits btfo

Blessed user

Based on Shin’s homosexual lust for Midori

Fk, I'm not used to this so I wasn't the first one to edit

Attached: BEGONE EDIT.png (961x700, 788K)


The absolute same thing goes for me, too. When they revealed that the dolls goal is kill their partner and q-taro was left alone I was genuinely saddend that he would be the next. Also mfw

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I want to hold hands with poodle and stroke his hair

So Yea Forums let's hear it. Which floormasters did you guys like from most to least?

Attached: Floormasters.png (2268x768, 1.36M)

>ywn touch his fluffy hair
why live

Attached: ESFclsaU0AAGJL4.jpg (720x710, 91K)

The level of testosterone was what knocked Mai out.

Attached: unnamed.png (595x367, 49K)

Why won't anyone draw my boy Naomichi

Gashu and Midori are amazing
Rio is great
Miley and Safalin are alright

This. What a faggot.
Midori > Gashu > Rio > Miley > Safalin


I love Safalin!!
Rest are Midori > Miley > Gashu > Rio

Attached: 73344355_p4.jpg (900x1200, 688K)

Gashu > Miley > Midori > Safalin > Rio

The tie looks similar enough.

It's just a bugfix.

they're honestly all such great characters that it's hard for me to rank them. but if i must...
gashu >midori > rio > miley/safalin(they're around the same for me)

i was struggling between gashu and midori and which one was more based but gashu completely shattering the participants' hopes, fucking over nao and sealing her fate by taking his own life instead of granting them an extension was just too fucking based for me. this man caused an entire shitstorm of seething from naofags and that pain may never go away. that alone had him get first place for me but depending on what other crazy shit midori does for the rest of 3-1 could change gashu's position.

Attached: Gashuu.png (550x624, 82K)

Mine has to be Rio > Miley > Midori > Safalin > Gashu

It's Mishima's.

Attached: 1574677587799.png (800x1170, 833K)

Just a bugfix. His previous tweet says so.

The sprite that killed yurifags.

Safalin>=Rio>=Gashu==Midori>>>>>>>>>>POWER GAP>>>>>>>>Shit>>>>>>>>Miley

All of them are great except Safalin but here
Midori > Gashu > Miley > Rio >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.garbage>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Safalin

Attached: ER8hRUmXsAc2erB.jpg (900x1200, 204K)

I will willingly say that Gashu was pretty hilarious, even if I didn't particularly like him aside from that one act.

>Gashu that low
Naofag pls

Attached: fix.png (588x126, 16K)

What's wrong with Miley and Safalin?

WHY is Miley that low? WHY is Safalin that high?
Wonder when section B is coming out.

I hope section b will be as long as a. I'm so addicted to this game its unreal.

Attached: 1579122153561.png (477x662, 389K)

Didn't Nankidai say last week that section B or whatever would be released this week?

She's so beautiful it's distracting. Other than that, I have no idea.

Attached: D1CP9RNUYAANEbH.jpg (544x544, 54K)

Just personal preferences. Miley was just kind of a cunt, while Safalin in the very least had some kind of morals (albeit twisted ones). That may just be me though.
Also, frankly, Miley just didn't have as much personality as the other 4 have had so far.

It's not that there's anything wrong with them per say. It's just I liked the male floormasters a lot more. Miley and Safalin are still good characters and I hope we get to see more of them in 3-1B or 3-2.

If section B is the final section of part 1 I expect it to be way longer than part A. 2-3 hours for one part seems too short, especially for the final chapter.

You got me. I still like him though, and he's not my last because he killed Nao. He's just not as fun and stand-offish as the rest of the floormasters and that's what I'm looking for in them.

Holy shit if this true!!

Attached: 1582314406861.jpg (680x680, 29K)

Gashu > Midori > POWER GAP > Safallin (because her ending makes my pp hard) > Rio > Miley

Same. After that section A rush, I need section B out this week asap.
Yeah that's why I think Nankidai had to split them the way he did. Section B is likely going to be much longer and if that's the case, then that's crazy seeing all the shit we got from Section A alone. I can't even imagine how shit will hit the fan in section B.

RanSara shoujo edition

Attached: ER9pGc1UEAAeJpw.jpg (1200x960, 172K)

Not him but what? They're all pretty much cunts except Safalin(and even she's a cunt due to her twisted morals) And Gashu didn't have much personality as well until the second main game. Miley's shown way more personality than him. I can agree about Rio and Midori being above her but not Gashu and Safalin.

He said it would be in about a week. But do keep in mind he has a record of not meeting his own deadlines. He didn't finish the demo in time, he never updated the demo like he said he would as a bonus for not finishing it on time, part 1 wasn't finished on time so it had to be split into two. Don't hold your breath.

Bros the website is gonna be flooded even more if true

atleast miley doesn't break the rules like gashu did and what rio nearly did.

Just download it bro

I bet it's a q-taro CHAD pretending to be a q-taro hater.

Attached: Screenshot_38.png (785x304, 238K)

Downloadchads rise up

I mean he's more standoffish than fucking Safalin but I can agree that he's not as standoffish as Miley, Rio and even Midori(guy usually just trolls people for the most part)

Yeah that's true. Would be a miracle if it's out this week but wouldn't be surprised if it's not.

Just want to say I love you guys and discussing yttd since it came out has been very pleasant even during the dead periods

Nigger he literally threw an exploding head at Alice/Threw a knife on the ground for doll Reko to go to town with. How is that not breaking the rules?

Why do fujos dislike Q-bro? Is it because they are naturally have terrible taste?

Nothing of value lost.

distases. And fujos have a distaste for baras ironically enough.

>they are
Not sure how I fucked that up lol. should be "they naturally have..."

Look mate I just have my preferences. Miley wasn't really my cup of tea. I liked Gashu a bit more because he was funnier in the way he presented himself to the cast compared to Miley, he reminded me a lot of that old uncle you have that tries to be "cool" but fails miserably. Rio was a fun floormaster because of how much of an unabashed asshole he was, plus the end of his character arc was great. And Midori, well, Midori's just fun.
Frankly it might also be that Miley just didn't stick out in my memory as much as the other 4 since I didn't go through chapter 1 more than once (compared to doing both parts of chapter 2 twice)

hey im a fujo and i fucking love q-taro i dont ship him with anyone but maybe mai a little

Thanks user

Attached: ER8PzEUUYAA6qe_.jpg (1000x1000, 613K)

>literally the goto website to follow artists of any kind (especially nsfw)
>dev/vgperson keeps you up to date and occasionally retweets fanart
Believe it or not. It's good as long as you use it the right way and avoid the political bs.

Midori > Miley > Rio > POWER GAP > Gashu > Safalin

Yeah I always like the atmosphere of YTTD threads. It was like that last summer too.

Gashu > Midori > Rio > Miley and Salafin. YES I'm a misogynist.

well alice did try to attack him tbf

You can have your preferences but don't blatantly say untrue things like Miley not having as much personality as the other floormasters.

And honestly I don't get your argument because Rio was just as sadistic and cunt-worthy as Miley. Maybe more so.

But alas you do you. I don't get your argument but I'm not gonna force you to change your mind either.

>all these anons placing Safalin at the bottom
Explain yourselves

Attached: 75178035_p11.png (750x500, 241K)

Yea Forums used to hate him too until someone memed him to be a 500IQ master manipulator who was only out there to save himself by pretending to be nice to raise survival chances and betraying everyone the first chance he got

Nah m8 he just sperged out because them discriminating the Reko doll hit a bit too close to home

Sara's dad >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everyone else

Attached: Saradad.jpg (2220x1080, 215K)

As I said, I didn't play Chapter 1 as much as the others so Miley wasn't as memorable to me.
...I should probably go back and give her a fair chance by doing 1-2 again.


i honestly can't wait to see this faggot in action.

Attached: Ch.3.jpg (320x360, 53K)

He just uploaded bro

but the point is he still attacked rio so rio defended himself

Safalin just wasn't really that entertaining compared to Miley, Rio, Gashu and Midori.
You should user. You can see for yourself how Miley was when she was running the game.

She is boring. She's cute, I'll give her that, in fact I'll place her above Miley for being cute.

Mr. Chidouin will be the grand floormaster of all.

Attached: Rusemasters.png (577x624, 383K)

You know, when Midori first told Keiji all the details of what happened back when Keiji shot his hero, my first thought was "Oh, so Midori implanted memories into Keiji's mind, meaning that his motive for killing Sasahara was fabricated!" instead of "Oh so Midori was there back then". Danganronpa has ruined my brain.

All I want is to hear Not So Sou one more time in the Sou path. Please Nankidai make it happen and make it kino.

Why are dads always so great?

Attached: daddy.png (292x417, 155K)

Brehs I miss Kai.

Man, the whole personal thanks letter came out of nowhere and got me crying like a bitch.
He was too good for this world.

I don't think she's boring.

Attached: hannakiend.png (816x624, 274K)

>the collar on his neck
so that means sara's dad is either a participant or a floormaster and i don't think it's the former so if the latter then that means he's with asunaro...which kinda shits on kai

Midori just being there is suspicious as fuck, wouldn't surprise me if it ends up being something dumb like their whole memories and personalities being FICTION
>the consent form is to sign up for Danganronpa V4

Attached: 1566426903038.gif (336x336, 34K)

Yeah it was pretty obvious he was just talking about him being there. Midori even imitating the "policeman's" words was just to mock Keiji that he was actually there and that he fed Keiji a bullshit story and Keiji bought it and killed his hero.

Kanna's a cutie.
Got any more of these? I liked Sara's sprites for this one too.

I can guarantee the final choice will be voting for him or sparing him

Dammit user now I want this too.
Idk man. Makes me wonder if Midori's a father because he's also as based as Gashu and Mr. Chidouin.

the best part of chapter 3 so far is that it BTFO'd the autist that insisted Sou and Shin were 100% brothers and that you were retarded if you dind't realize how obvious it was

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Well I'm sure Shin has called Midori "daddy" at least once while they were "hanging out".

Maybe the original Sou Hiyori was originally killed by all 16 of the candidates Orient Express-style and that's why they're participants in the first place

It just means Midori's got spare time. Remember he could have already been with Asunaro as early as those times. Even when he was hanging out with Shin at school or at his house. We know now why Midori has connections to Alice, Sou and Keiji. Now for the others who recognize him like Reko, Kanna, and Q-taro. We'll need to know if he also was involved in their lives somehow.

>if Midori's a father
I wish he'd be the father of my baby.

I always assumed they were old friends. I could have see them being brothers because of the scarf but even that could be twisted as some sign of friendship or whatever.
Wouldn't be surprised since it's clear the consent form has some connection to their memories of Midori since they react the same way to the consent form as they reacted to Midori's picture. And then it's also Midori who's having them to remember said consent form.

The only one who doesn't seem to react in any way to Midori or the consent is Sara and now Midori is having Sara sign a consent which will "complete" something.

for the last time, fuck off maple.

Including that flashback to when Midori made Shin sit on his knees naked by the bed all day until Midori came home really showed how fucked up their relationship was

Did Midori just walk around and subtly manipulate potential candidates to take a path in life that leads them to the Death Game? Is he like Jacob from LOST?

Attached: ER8YBeaWoAAQhPm.jpg (1024x568, 87K)

>"trial" was just a murder
>the obstructors always go for him first
>he was about to be killed in the magnet locker room until Gin stepped as the mastermind in and forced Midori's hand to drop him
They really want him dead, huh?

Don’t smoke danganronpa kids

So going off of that, does that mean he wants to keep Mishima’s head away from Midori?
For what reason?

What is his plan?

Attached: Cara9-8.png (540x624, 88K)

Kill everyone and win

Get headpats

I wasn't thinking he was in direct opposition to Midori, more like getting him to cut it out. That or it was a ruse they set up so he could pretend to be unconscious and see what Hayasaka would say.
I think they either needed Mishima's head for something or there's something about it they don't want the other participants to know.

Aw shit hold one second, it's time for a galaxy brain theory: you know how they kept calling Sara steelmind? What if that's literal? What if their minds are steel?

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That goes without saying. What, do you expect them to pull a "kill 'em all" on the dolls halfway through chapter 3 or something? Any other outcome means saving dolls is automatically a better end.


Attached: gindance.gif (336x336, 11K)



There is no mastermind, the game exists to find one
Dollshit is mostly over with
All deaths matter, golden ending requires fewest possible deaths but does not rely on specific choices like Sou/Kanna
Keiji almost dies but it's a fakeout
Rio comes back for a redemption
The game is rigged for Sara to win
It's all conditioning for her
Sara, without knowing it, is the mastermind
Bakertits sacrifices for QTaro
Any other character introduced thus far is the mastermind, or some new character is the mastermind
Keiji dies
QTaro sacrifices for bakertits
Multiple endings that really aren't that different except for who survives
One ending, routes merge without issue, optional survivors just have generic lines constantly
Everyone is a doll
Gin is the mastermind

Actually still upset at crabstache

Attached: ilovehersomuch.png (680x486, 321K)

If Nankidai were an absolute madlad the best ending would be achieved by letting all the dolls die in their respective determinant moment since them living means they get an opportunity to kill their partner.

Mishima's collar probably had some data or other feature they didn't want the participants to find

>Rio comes back for a redemption
Put this in shit tier please. I don't want him to redeem himself.

I'd like there to be only one ending in which Shin survives, and you have to go out of your way to get it, perhaps suffering losses. Just to stick it to the masterminds behind the game and their 0%.

>God tier
In Sou's route Punished Sara is the sacrifice trying to fuck everyone over and you play as Sou trying to somehow convince people to trust him after he tried to kill everyone earlier

Keiji dying wouldn't be bad, I just don't think he should die right this second because he just had a huge bombshell dropped on him.

What's the lore reason for him being constantly stuck in that pose until his death?

Attached: Cara12-2.png (580x624, 88K)

He can move his arms just fine in YTTS


YTTS isn't a real world, doesn't count

The close up picture of this girl all nicely pixelated and shit makes me rock hard. It's like looking at some PC-98 kino

Attached: file.png (1324x971, 109K)

It canonically counts since its supposed to represent reality

So what is Midori's problem?

This. This is a good one.

Attached: 78572783_p0_master1200.jpg (648x1200, 277K)

Sounds like it

What's up with that btw? All character portraits aren't pixlated but this one is for some reason?

Because she's an obstructor.

So is real Sou and yet...

No, he's a floor master.

Honestly your post is shit tier

Midori is the floormaster.

So will we get to fight this girl?

Okay I'm confuse on what to do next after everyone splits up and drinking "relaxing" tea

We already learned her weakness from one of the books. The difficulty will probably come from the fact you can only bring pairs into the room or something

Check the drawer in Pancake-chan's room then the unfinished painting again.

He's just trying to pit Sara and the others and ASUNARO to destroy each other. Then from their corpses, he'll upload his AI and make copies of himself hence the people he tricked into consent. His ultimate objective was SouLand but now that he gave his name away it will be MidoriLand instead.

Oh yeah. I always wondered what was up with that rule. From the sign it seems only a boy and girl specifically can enter the room. It's specific on gender. Maybe Maple is a secret romantic?

her weakness was revealed in a book which is the crevice on her back so that means it's pretty much a guarantee that we'll fight her. likely in section b. what will be the reason for her fighting us compared to before when she didn't want to fight is the question.

Attached: ESGMAtdUEAESzyZ.jpg (1000x1200, 160K)

She'll fight us because of muh Hiyori-kun.

Seems Ranmaru is the fan favorite of the first trial characters so far. Even Nankidai drew art of him along with Mai after 3-1a came out.

Sara's partner and cute, depending on what nankidai does with him at 3-1B, his popularity can explode

Attached: ESHA4VYU0AIS1X2.jpg (950x1024, 188K)

He's so cute I don't even want to lewd him.

It's good to see the first trial characters get much love after years of being mostly ignored which was understandable since we didn't know much about them at that time.

We had better not have heard the last of Sou's collar shenanigans.

Attached: sou collar.png (816x624, 327K)

I feel Nankidai paired Ranmaru up with Sara not only because he's a high schooler like her but because she'll probably be reminded of Joe through him gradually especially in the Sou route.

>Sou can somehow take his collar off
>Midori can not only take his collar off as well but also puts it back on because he didn't want to have an unfair advantage
These two are insane. No wonder they were best friends.

What if his retarded key necklace becomes important

wanna bet shin learned how to do some stuff like this from sou? i mean they were friends and shin was trying to impersonate sou.

That would be hilarious


Attached: ESFclPRU8AAg-1K.jpg (696x1200, 182K)

Bigger question should be this. Which of the 5 floormasters are the most cruel or "evil" based on their actions we know of so far?

Rio closely follow by Miley

Will the Sou route have a different final floormaster/mastermind than Kanna's route? Only Kanna's route had the flashforward with Sara's dad being all evil

>ywn have an AU where Sara and Ranmaru meet for real without any death game shenanigans so they could bond and then fall for each other
>no double dates with Sara, Ranmaru, Joe, and Ryoko

Attached: Waaah.png (230x624, 43K)


Attached: Survivor.png (816x624, 178K)

user why did you have to bring up such an AU... Now I won't stop thinking about it

Attached: beanie.png (257x330, 67K)

It's pretty much a race to the bottom for all of them except Salafin. She seems like she doesn't really like what she's doing, she just doesn't have any other choice.

Though it really depends on what her motivation was for restoring Rio's emotions right before he died. She said she just wanted to complete him since Gashu wouldn't let her, but was that all?

Honestly they're all pretty fucked up but when it comes to lasting damages, I've gotta give it to Midori. This guy traumatized Keiji with his actions, had a negative effect on Shin which had him eventually take his persona, probably did something to ruin Alice and Reko's relationship, etc.

But Miley and Rio are definitely far more hostile and cruel than he is. Especially Rio.

I'm sorry user. Now I realize how much I want this so much and sad it will never happen.

Who do you think is the most likely mastermind? Sara's dad, Gin, hades survivor painting guy, IV guy or someone else entirely?

Safalin is just as bad as the others. She revels in the pain of others under the guise of sympathy. It's why she's so eager to heal Sara by scrambling her brains and why she went out of her way to make Rio's last moments excruciating by "helping" him feel the emotions he couldn't.

Yeah Safalin is a big ?. She doesn't seem to want to see the others suffering unlike the other floormasters. Hell if Rio had his heart, he'd be there with her so it leaves Miley, Gashu and Midori.

Attached: ER2j5KeXYAACPoe.jpg (750x327, 13K)

Safalin still acts like a psycho when Sara's getting hooked on the memory machine.
She seems to like having control over others a bit too much (this and repairing Rio) but doesn't often reach out towards this goal.

Safalin might actually be more dangerous than the others because she's masking her sadism with sympathy.

I think Safalin just has a messed up sense of morality or something like that. If she does evil it's not on purpose or at least she doesn't think it's evil herself.

Sara's dad is too obvious. Gin is a maybe but if he's the human working for Asunaro, then I highly doubt he's the mastermind. IV guy could be one of the people we think are dolls. So I guess it would leave Hades survivor guy. It was never stated he was dead after all.

I'm pretty sure Safalin knows what she's doing. That's why I think she's more dangerous than the likes of Miley or Rio because she's giving the participants some false sense of security before breaking them.