The story is going to suck ass, and the plan to release it in multiple parts is still retarded as fuck.
But as a video game, this is fun as fuck.
The story is going to suck ass, and the plan to release it in multiple parts is still retarded as fuck.
But as a video game, this is fun as fuck.
Other urls found in this thread:
I agree. I'm going to have a good time playing through it but I can't imagine a scenario where I don't get to the end and feel disappointed/blue balled
Everyone knows the story so no one cares.
It is physically impossible at this point for them to not blue-ball the fuck out of their audience, and considering the full game won't be "completed" before 2028 (at best) and span multiple platforms, I'm at the point where I just don't care yet.
I'll play it on PS5, Switch 3, the Sexbox or PC when the final episode is out and you can buy the "complete" edition. Until then Square can keep their shit to themselves.
I can't see data being transferred between the parts so if you try and play it as a whole game in one it'll probably feel jarring as fuck. Assuming it does take a decade to finish there'll be a tonne of technological advancements too that'll make part 1 feel antiquated by the time it's all wrapped up
>caring about the story for a remake
They pretty much HAVE to transfer data between parts. It's a roleplaying game (like it or not Square, that's what it is) and character progression and development is key. Sure it will have a "load nothing" mode that will give you an estimatedly-powerful party that will do okay, for the idiots who decide they're going to start playing at episode 5, but saying that there won't be data transfer is ludicrous.
I don't think it will even be that jading, as visually I don't think games are going to look a lot prettier and even if they do Square will most likely stick to this as THE "FF7 engine" for all the games. It won't look as impressive on PS5/6/7/whatever but I doubt it will look noticeably worse.
Personally I am far more concerned about the gameplay. Sure it's all fine and dandy in Midgar when you have access to 3 spells, 8 items and a basic attack but this is going to start feeling really slow at the end of disc 3 when you have more magic, summons, abilities and items than there are pages in the phone book. I just don't think the system they have set up right now will scale particularly well if they're not willing to strip massive amounts of content out or """re-balance""".
gameplay isn't even fun as it's just button mashing as cloud and holding down a button as barret
I think the approach to this is FF7 being a franchise, so they'll likely reset progression through games
Who cares, i have the original for story stuff, and it probably wont suck just under the original. I just want a fun game with fun visuals and fun music and fun waifus
>all those redditshits bashing the video
The state of Squeenixcucks.
>*wears Naruto headband*
projection at its finest when he kept yelling that
>not youngdefiant
It's like Yea Forums: The Person.
>It's bad because it sucks because it's trash because people who like it are shills because it sucks because it's bad!
He brings up some well-articulated points.
This dude is actually razorfist -tier cringe.
Yeah, I wish it was one part, heck I'd even take two over the four it'll probably be, but I had fun with the demo, so I'll still get it. Hoping they don't fuck things up too much with the story changes, but I can always replay the original when I want to.
youngdefiant is a nigger
no one likes niggers
its not a remastery
its a retelling
what is his problem?
the remake sucks beside the graphics but i don't understand this webm.
its not a remaster
its a remake
>Barret: Thought you were an expert ;)
>Cloud: What's your brilliant plan then, you fucking monkey?
I don't remember this being in the original game
Anybody want to bet if the "retard" -line is still in the game?
autism. just like you.
It probably won't be because:
- This is a totally new script. The only lines I've recognized from trailers and the demo so far is a couple lines in the latest Japanese trailer where Cloud says he's going to Midgar to join SOLDIER, that was exactly the same line as in the original game.
- Politically correct culture
- It was made up by the original game's translator, Tifa said nothing of the sort in Japanese.
it was a mistranslation in the first place
can you blame him? The game is not made for gamer like original ff7. Its directed by the hack that made kingdom hearts 2. So gameplay is going to be brainlet easy with you have to hold triangle to feel like you doing something relevant mashing square for combat and its all going to be about graphics.
What did she say in the japanese version?
Nah, it was one of the handful (that I can remember) lines that were changed on purpose. There were a few of those, like the weapon shop owner in Rocket town's dialogue being changed from "If you're looking for weapons or accessories, this is the place to shop!" to "A gun is a MAN'S weapon! Ain't nothin' else'll do!"
I'm having a lot of fun with this game. I like that Cloud is cocky and not just an emo JRPG protag. I like how many aspects there are to the combat. If reviews are 87+, I'll probably buy it launch. Else I'll wait for PC version.
She says エンギでもないこと言わないの! Literally, "Don't say ill omened things!". Given a proper translation, something like "Don't say stuff like that!' The point was, Barret talking like they were going to die made it feel like an omen and she didn't like that.
Pure disappointment. The game that first introduced him into JRPGs now adopted aspects of modern, mainstream games, which he hates.
>I like that Cloud is cocky and not just an emo JRPG protag
Have you never played the original, or has it been so long that you forgot he's not like he's been depicted in everything since Kingdom Hearts?
Sounds like the english translator was based.
Never played the original. Saw Advent Children and he was on the verge of crying in every scene. He's nothing at all like that in the game it seems.
please go back to whatever third-world shithole you crawled out of
Retard. The hardest Part is lying the foundation in gaming. Think about Fallout 3 how long it was developed and how fast new vegas came After that. Engine is fully developed also the script..only things left is building the world and finish the events
Everything jrpg cliche that people say comes from this game
>emo pretty boys, let convoluted plot and twists, etc
Was never even a thing in this game. Plot if very straightforward forward a d can easily be ennlyed by normalfags. It's one of the reasons it's so popular.
damn pressing buttons
my life is fucking ruined now dammit
it's not like I had to press buttons in the original
He's actually kind of a dork who pulls some cool moves every once in a while.
It's entirely different from what most people remember him.
7th Heaven 2.0 released today !
In the original he thinks he's cooler than he actually is and he ends up making an ass out of himself multiple times. He even does fucking pirouettes regularly.
overreacting for views
>7th Heaven
cloud being an angsty emo faggot happened as early as his cameo in final fantasy tactics which came out a few months after ff7.
No, it's boring. It's just running down hallways and engaging in shitty combat.
The only thing that was fun about the original was how open-ended they managed to make such a small game. Things to explore, little details to interact with. None of that here
>Engine is fully developed
It was always developed, they're using fucking UE
>also the script
Clearly not since they still haven't figured out how many parts will make up this remake
why? 2.0 is great.
Jesus, the pace is absolutely awful. Constant interruptions by tutorials and mini cutscenes.
>I've only played the very linear area in the demo which was linear in the first place.
Don't procreate.
I've always seen ARPGs like this as an evolution of the old formula, born of technical limitations. I think that a lot of developers just copy systems without really thinking about them.
You're the one seething over a fucking videogame. Lmao.
I don't remember the last time a video game of this generation has taken us to such a unique feeling world. Novigrad is just a dirty fucking renaissance faire city. Skyrim was almost 10 years ago. FF7's setting in full fidelity is so sick. I don't mind them breaking it into 2 parts at all.
Didn't know that. I've never been able to get into FFT.
Cope harder you dumb nigger.
What do you expect in a reactor? A huge open field full of sidequests?
Video games had to be good to be good. Then came shit like kingdom hearts 2 where its all about cinematic storytelling and casual shit gameplay and other western developers followed this trend and this why we have movie games instead of real ones. I know you sperg twitch kids love to get hyped about the latest product to coomsume and watch your favorite streamer but shit here clearly STINKS.
You know nothing about game development, sit down.
Oh, its just barry lol
Yes lots a side stories and optional areas just like in the original.
In the reactor part?
Midgar was always the best part of the game anyway.
cloud invented the emo jrpg protag
Ah yeah, right. It did cut out the 7 sidequests and secret areas of the reactor that the original had.
Yes there was a small town and train section in there before going to the reactor in the original.
Here the lazy fucks cut all that out.
Shut the fuck up.
Why would you lie about something like this?
Fucking kek.
Can someone post a link to the full video please? I saw it in an earlier thread,m
Is anyone else going to buy an SD card for this shit?
Its just barry, dont let him get to you
>FF VII fan complaining about how games have becoming cinematic shit
The irony.
Stop trolling.
Also I'm pretty sure Tifa was also supposed to be in your party when you go to the reactor.
Holy shit, you're dumb.
Thx brehs
Play the original
user please, we all played 15 and 13, we all know how this one is going to turn out. I think it's safe to say that this demo is representative of the entire core game loop.
I liked those games.
>The story is going to suck ass
Well yeah, it's FF7
I'm not happy about it being episodic or being remade for that matter. But whether it's a great or terrible remake, people act like this new FFVII owes them something. Like "it did this" or "did this terribly" as if you can just go back and play the original game. It's not going to be the same thing as '97
Adapting the engine to their needs, mechanics etc. is not the same as building one up specifically for this game. Again, it's UE, there's no astronomical hurdle about any of this, smaller companies have accomplished much more with more complicated engines
>This is fun as fuck
>running down a hallway with combat worse than Witcher 3
I guess FF fags have such low standards after being abused by their Square Enix overlords over the past decade.
We've also seen what the rest of the game has to offer.
It's not going to be one long hallway. That's all that matters.
you actually have to retry boss fights in ff7 cant say the same for new tales and ateiler games. Enjoy your watered down genre.
>running down a hallway with combat worse than Witcher 3
Hur durr hur dur hur durr.
I wonder what the japs think about it on their imageboard
>making reddit noises
You're a fucking mong if you think they have the script completely finished. So much shit from the compilation of FF7 is going to be added you retard.
>mash square
>pop potions
Literally diablo but your locked to one build
15 had the exact ubishit open world you're begging for and it was awful.
I came to say this. I did not play the original and I just wanted to see what the hype for this demo was about. Everyone keeps saying it's fun but goddamn is this boring.
open-ended =/= open-world, brainlet.
>play game demo
>its pretty great
>looks gorgeous
>tons of polish
>having plenty of fun
>looking forward to checking the full game when it gets released
>Yea Forums goes on a complete mental breakdown spergfest throwing a shitfit everywhere.
>like every good game ever released, Yea Forums tries to shit all over it with the most retarded, desperate and autistic reasons imaginable
>it-its irredeemable dogshit! 6/10 at best!
I don't know why I even come here anymore. There's no video game fans here. Its just mentally ill 14 year olds throwing shit around.
It's exactly the same as the original, but with a battle system that requires you to actually think. What do you want?
See you tomorrow.
I think FF fags need to play more games if they think this is fun
Its pretty fucking close. Creating development pipelines for your game is theost important part.
I wouldnt be surprised if they could realease part 2 in a year although im guessing it will take two.
I'm glad just the demo is causing such a shitstorm. Shame I won't be lurking when the game drops.
>you actually have to retry boss fights in ff7
Don't tell me you've lost fights in FF VII other than some optional fights?
And I'll hate myself for it.
I did not enjoy this demo. I thought it was all style and no substance, just like everything else SE has put out over the past 15 or so years.
That used to be a Yea Forums thing, zoomer-kun.
Its mostly just PC onlies and one very unwell aussie. The vast majority of us loved it.
>I don't know why I even come here anymore.
Because everywhere else is somehow worse.
>all style and no substance
ironically, this phrase is what contrarian brainlets always say whenever they can't come up with any criticism of substance.
The thing about the average Square Enix consumer is that they equate high production values with "fun." If they see pretty graphics, they can trick themselves into thinking they are having fun, but it's always a hollow thing that never lasts. However, they are too dumb to try other games because AAA big names like SE are all they know.
>Its mostly just PC onlies
you mean nintendo onlies. mustards are getting the game in a year. the switch is never getting it.
why you so harsh about a game you never played and only watched on twitch?
Nah, I'll wait for the finished edition in 25 years.
Walking down an empty hallway is not substance. I don't really care if I made you mad, so get over it.
yeah, good point. i didn't actually have fun with scarlet grace, it was just the high production values that tricked me.
>I thought it was all style and no substance
I *really* don't understand this.
This remake, which is the first 15 minutes of the game, has WAY more *actual gameplay* than the first 15 minutes of the original by orders of magnitude. You'd have to *try* to avoid and ignore mechanics in the remake.
We agree!
It's a good thing this demo is not that, then.
I thought this about DMC5.
I don't know why anyone would play a remake for any reason other than graphics, especially this one.
yeah i hate how og ff7 was pretty hallway, fuckign style over substance
you are one of the faggots that invented the open world meme
>looking forward to checking the full game when it gets released
>checking the full game
>full game
I am not holding the game up to the original standards, I am holding it up to games that are good.
You *type* like a *faggot*
>remake is shit
>but that's okay because the original was shit too
Are ff fags brain damaged?
Why would you think the story will suck when it's already been told? Unless you think the story already sucks from the original
No, other places are as bad as this (or even objectively slightely better) the real matter is that Yea Forums and the other places are shit for different reasons, so everyone chooses a shithole on the basis of which kind of shit can tollerate (or learned to tollerate) more.
Why is he crying over having to hold a button?
>will now have New Threat and this Remake to play
best timeline
holy kek
I'm glad that the FF7 demo is bad because it's forcing fans of the original to come to terms with how bad it really was when it came out in '97, and they're not taking it well lol. They are currently in denial stage.
Most people liked it, you autistic twat.
Og ff7 being shit and open world games being shit are still not an excuse for a separate game being shit.
>t. denial
you're not taking it well
the demo is great
I wish it was more wtf like the originals demo though with having Aerith and leviathan during the bombing mission.
Well guys, the cracks are starting to show. Things aren't looking good for FF7.
I really dont know why you excpeted a fucking labyrinth with sidequests on a goddamn demo
And tons of good games out there are hallways, where did this hallway meme come from?
The original story was fine, and I think they'll pull it off well. I have no faith in the extra stuff they plan on shoving into it
open-ended =/= labyrinth of sidequests
RE2 demo in comparison was literally just hallways but still managed to be more open-ended, original, and enjoyable.
remake 2 is just 20 minutes of the original and its designed as a labyrinth since the first minute of the game you goddamn baboon
what kind of argument is that, they are completely different games
So if "Open ended" doesn't mean "Open world", and it doesn't mean "labyrinth of sidequests"
Then what the fuck does it mean?
So it means backtracking? Because the FF7R trailer is one big backtrack
>they are completely different games
You are right, RE2 is good and FF7 is bad. Mad?
it was fun as fuck bro real time turn based combat. spell limits items defend got to think on the fly and adapt to boss patterns. Now we got hold SQUARE to win ff15 and kingdom hearts 2 brainlet combat. They took out all the GAME in the gameplay and made a cinematic shit movie instead.
so we all agree that the ones complaining about hallway are the retards who invented the open world meme.
different routes
optional details that help make the world feel more alive if you care to look
literally anything besides "go from point A to point B, watch cutscene, repeat"
nah open world is shit, ff7 was never good, and you're a faggot
is that motherfucking hellhouse
It seems like bazztek is rangebanned from posting images.
Imagine if a reviewer dumped on MGR because you could mash through Metal Gear Ray in the prologue. Yea Forums would have a shitfit.
But yeah, can't believe that scorpion boss was so easy.
how to combat?
>final fantasy is shit
>but that's okay because open world games are shit too
>it was fun as fuck bro real time turn based combat. spell limits items defend got to think on the fly and adapt to boss patterns. Now we got hold SQUARE to win ff15 and kingdom hearts 2 brainlet combat.
>First 15 minutes of FF7
>Mash X. Except for the boss fight, where you STOP mashing X for ten seconds.
>First 15 minutes of FF7R
>Mash Square for one thing, hold it for another
>Mode switching
>Enemy staggering
>Character swapping
>Characters have different capabilities
>Active ATB management
>Context sensitive attacks
>Boss fight combines all of it together
Bitch what the fuck are you smoking.
>optional details that help make the world feel more alive if you care to look
This is something the FF7R demo has in spades.
Adding more buttons to shit gameplay does not make shit gameplay less shit, brainlet.
that would be very true if ff7 og and remake were trash
unfortunately for you, they are both pretty good and they dont have to be labyrinth with sidequests or open world memes to be good
>everyone pretending like the beginning of the original FF7 wasn't just mashing the attack button also
>Original gameplay was more complex!
>It literally wasn't.
>I-it's just shit bro!
>that would be very true if blah blah I'm a faggot
yes you are, your game's shit and you're a bitch
I think it's no coincidence that the Final Fantasy fanbase has the highest number of trannies
>I have nothing left but namecalling
>Final Fantasy fanbase has the highest number of trannies
I never played FF7 and my memory of watching my cousin play is verry fuzzy (just Cloud in a Wheelchair) but everyone knows Aerith dies
So that being said: the first installment is going to be Niflheim but where are the others installments going to begin and end?
Again if you actually PLAYED games instead of watching them on twitch you have a different opinion. That the problem you zoomies dont fucking play games only extremely casual ones like kingdom hearts 2 and now this crap.
>labyrinth with sidequests
I bet you think Dark Souls is "open world"
>More names and generalizations
Bitch, I'm 32. I've got more gametime than you've been alive.
>I'm 32 and I like shit games
so what
Keep going. You're on a roll
why are you so fucking old
Time happens to us all, user.
your a 32 year old unemployed retard posting on Yea Forums working hours that gets excited about coomsuming shit games that is even more pathetic dude so its autism in this scenario rather then zoomie okay.
Ive never played dark souls, i dont like those games
ive never been into dick measure game
prolly because yours is so small hah
FF7R is going to be great.
Stay mad
I'm already 28... I hope it's not too late for me
Sounds like the dude is on the spectrum.
huh sorry i was focused on thrusting your sister right here
what was that
I am cautiously optimistic about this game. That's about it. Trailers look great, demo is eh but it's just a demo so obviously things will get better.
If this game is bad I will not be surprised because of SE's bad track record when it comes to handling this franchise over the past decade. But I am somewhat optimistic that this one will be good.
desu, he is right. The game doesn't have to stop you every 5 minutes for the most basic shit. To tell you that you can open chests by clicking the triangle button? Really? Why not just display a fucking triangle once you get near a chest? Also, this "If you see the word "Hold," then you need to hold down triangle rather than just pressing it." is the dumbest, most useless shit I have ever seen in a video game tutorial. How's that not self-explanatory?
You're just nitpicking. Tutorials go away after you clear them. The demo wasn't even that long.
The fuck? It didn't even set up its shields. Seems like Barry boy is kinda OP.
Then tell that to him? Or watch the video yourself so you know what he criticizes? I get that the clip is funny, but that's just him trying to find something to get mad at and then overreact. He just really dislikes how it's all hack 'n' slash now with all of these modern game elements.
he is
this, amazing
holy shit there is a shitton of people playing the demo on twitch
they are even speedrunning the demo
Retard, he never said the original ff7 was good either. It's just not a good game, get over it, faggot.
nigger was flipping his shit during the intro when it was panning down to aerith
he's just hating for the sake of it
>There's no video game fans here. Its just mentally ill 14 year olds throwing shit around
and they're all ESLs now
The consequences of coming here in a post-TORtanic era
Did progress save between ffxiii and xiii2?
they don't have to do shit
each game will be different
wahh muh hugbox
can't handle bantz