In Fallout: New Vegas, the different 12 gauge shotguns utilize different looking shotgun shells. Purely aesthetic - a testament to the keen eye for detail of the developers.
In Fallout: New Vegas, the different 12 gauge shotguns utilize different looking shotgun shells...
*Dinner Bell rings*
Big Boomer: fetch my riot shotgun
Wife: okay, I'm hunting shotgun
Am I supposed to care?
Fucking take me back, bros. Woke culture is destroying all of this.
>putting a different color on a cylinder
>attention to detail
Thanks for visiting this thread and being a fag.
Anyone has any more examples of small details in vidya?
>purely aesthetic
this is a negative and not something to be praised wat da fug
Goldeneye 007 had some unusual high res textures on some objects.
they're also all of clearly different diameters, which mitigates the idea of them all being 12 gauge
ok big boomer
There are 10 different types of 12 gauge shells.
ok dinner bell
Well I don't, a thread died for this worthless trivia.
Yes you’re supposed to circle jerk about how good new vegas was and pretend it wasn’t a boring piece of shit
New Vegas is actually one of the greatest RPGs and is a contender for GOAT.
Sawyer autism is good when focused on fallout/gun shit, but whenver you leave him on anything else his autism is almost self destructive
What's the point of a "12-gauge shell" if there are 10 different types for 10 different guns?
>Well I don't
You will change your mind.
>keen eye for detail of the developers.
>Non-canon US flag on dynamite
What did they mean by this?
What does woke culture have to do with this?
even worse, I assume all the 12-guage shotgun shells you pick up are the same, as in each of these guns doesnt have their ammunition limited to themselves, and it wouldnt make sense for the gun to change the shell
I don't know dude; it's a video game.
>big boomer
No, only four different shotguns utilize the 12 gauge shell. There are 10 varieties of shells to be used. Slug, dragon's breath, flechette, etc.
Did you know that you can shoot dynamite and it will still explode, both when it's thrown and when it's just laying on the ground?
It just works.
too bad none of that matters when the gameplay is liquid dogshit
Might have been part of a brand logo, similar to how the Confederate flag is still used by many people today.
The gameplay is preferable to 99% of RPGs out there, both Japanese and Western. I don't even think it's bad at all, personally.
That dynamite is based from a early (and obsolete) model of dynamite.
That flag existed in the Fallout universe, and that dynamite was produced when that US flag was formal.
>Fallout 3.5
>Anything but piss easy trash with shit gameplay
Lmao Obshitidiots are delusional.
Name 5 (five) games that don't do this, blindfanfag.
>it will still explode... when it's just laying on the ground?
That's only possible though mods, not vanilla, dunderhead.
god I wish new vegas got the skyblivion treatment
No, you can shoot the dynamite and detonate it in Vanilla as well.
I would say that the people claiming the gameplay to be poor are the delusional ones. They're bitter so they're just grasping at straws.
Fallout 3
Fallout 4
Fallout 76
The Far Cry series
Outer Worlds
3 was way better. At least you actually fight mutants in that one.
>They're bitter so they're just grasping at straws.
No, you're right, Fallout 3 and New Vegas have EXCELLENT combat. Hahahahaha the fuck up faggot
Those don't count, try again.
That's the 3D Fallout fanbase folks.
Don't give a fuck about writing and atmosphere, just want to shoot evil mutants in da face :DDD
>turning Super Mutants into generic ork thousands of miles away from where they originated
Yeah with absolutely no respect given to the lore of the previous games. Mutants weren't even the final boss of Fallout 3 either. Also you fight several nightkin/super-mutants in certain quests.
If that's true, you'll be able to place a lot of dynamite down on the ground and throw one dynamite to blow them all up?
Or is it illogically arbitrary by being restricted to bullets only?
>Don't give a fuck about writing and atmosphere,
But user, Fallout 3 has the better atmosphere. This is almost universally agreed upon. :)
>B-but I prefer the atmosphere of New Vegas!
Nah, I really bet you kinda don't. Sorry.
Why do Obshitidiots use more accurate lore as some kind of trump card? The game isn't compelling, how can I give a flying fuck about the lore?
But that's absolutely possible, user.
The Drakengard games and the first Nier game aren't "good" or "compelling" from a gameplay sense, but the lore is what keeps them going. You're looking at games on a skin-deep level, uncultured brainlet swine.
>You're looking at games on a skin-deep level, uncultured brainlet swine
I prefer to get my stories from Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy instead of children's toys. Unironically read a book nigga lmao
>moving goalposts
OK we're done. Bye user
oh no not one of the many waifushit/smashautism/e-celebittor/generic shitpost threads no!
>Big Boomer
ah, so that's why so many retards like this game
>I consume a narrower range of media than you, I'm more mature and enlightened
>Moving goalposts
Dumb bitch, I started the discussion saying I don't care about lore. Lmao what a dipshit
>>I consume a narrower range of media than you, I'm more mature and enlightened
This but unironically
Opinion discarded
>Reddit spacing
Hahahahaha OH NO, you don't know what redditspacing is!! But you still used the word!!
Cool copepost, faggot.
Didn't you notice that everyone on Yea Forums for the last 17 years puts a space between their greentext and their normal text?
Wow! Look at those goalposts go!
>"books are for smart people, and video games are for children."
>"hurr durr muh just thinks so."
Why do dogs commonly have whisker-type hairs on their "cheeks"?
whiskers are to help the heckin doggos fit through shit and giving additional warning if somethings coming at their face if they didn't alreayd notice it
source: i fug dogs
>if somethings coming at their face if they didn't alreayd notice it
What use is that?
its the difference between the hecking doggo getting away last second or my penis penetrating. You should just google animal whiskers in general.
>the gameplay is liquid dogshit
I have never had a problem playing with it, what is it that bothers you people so much?
There's nothing wrong with it. They're just furious and grasping at straws.
I prefer New Vegas's gunplay when compared to Fallout 4's.
Because Fallout 4's selection of weapons are terrible, and the guns look and "feel" more like toys.
>innocent NV thread
>instantly swarmed by redditors seeking acceptance among fellow contractions
and this is why I stopped entering NV threads after 2013
and yet here you are. shitting in threads you "stopped entering" after 2013.
If there is one thing that's shitty, it's gotta be the weapon spread mechanic. You could be aiming at a target's head and still miss because the weapon spread is too high. Having higher skill points for the weapons reduce spread, but it's the shittiest way of adding RPG elements in a gunplay. Weapon sway and recoil should suffice. The idea of having bullets go in a different direction when you're not even 1000 yd away from the target shouldn't have been a thing.
Are those supposed to all be the same 12 gauge shells? What retarded shithead devs would do that?
And how does that improve gameplay?
Absolutely no difference between that and the classic games. I'm certain it was intentional. If the firearms were perfectly accurate like Call of Duty then it would be heavily detrimental to the concept of progressive character building.
It's just to make them all look visually distinct and interesting.
>improve gameplay
That's an question in of itself.
What does it mean to "improve" gameplay?
>exact same 12 gauge shells have different appearances when loaded into different guns
>keen eye for detail
From level 1 to max I have never felt I coulnt make a shot with every miss feeling like it was entirely my own fault, maybe Im never that far away from my targets to really encounter this problem.
Realism should take a backseat to aesthetics and, in this case, intricacy.
They look like they have different diameters
I believe it's just a blanket term.
Which gun does the yellow go into?
The unique sawed-off shotgun.
>entire culture revolves around wasting your finite supply of priceless explosives 24/7 by shelling an empty wasteland no one is even trying to enter
New Vegas is retarded.
Was he the one who got butthurt over people using buffs to pass stat checks so he banned buffing outside of combat?
They have an entire military base worth of munitions to use. They're not using them 24/7 because people quickly learned that they shouldn't go near their territory.
Hunting Shotgun could be used as a sniper rifle. That alone makes it the best shotgun in videogames.
If you want small details of vidya then put that in the fucking op numbnuts
Wasn't the anexation of Canada like a couple of years before the nukes droped?
That's not really a good thing, as much as I like FNV.
Yeah it's probably the most versatile weapon in the game.
He's not the OP.
You have no fucking clue what you're talking about, do you?
They went through extra effort to create entirely new shell models purely for the sake of variety. If that isn't an outstanding amount of unnecessary effort then I don't know what is.
>Boomers are retarded.
stfu tranny
It doesn't make a bit of difference, guys. The TNT are inert
>extra effort
>just make a few cylinders, texture them, and maybe flare one edge out a little
They have different types of 12ga shells in the game, what would really make sense is giving different types different looking shells, but that's probably too much of a pain in Gamebryo. Guns making shells look different is just silly.
There's unique sawed-off shotgun in New Vegas, you fucking scumbag.
Why lie?
He's not wrong. A 12 gauge shell is a 12 gauge shell, whats in it matters fuck-all. I can take a 00 Buck shell from my Mossberg and put it into a Remmington - it'll stay the same color and won't change diameters.
It's extra effort, regardless of how you deduce it. They could have just used one shell model, but they made three more due to their passion for their craft.
>loading the same gauge ammo into a gun changes its color
yep, great attention to detail there
Do you have schizophrenia.
Doesn't matter if you perceive it to be silly, it's the thought that counts. You wouldn't even notice it unless you paid close attention to the reloading animation.
IIRC all non-unique weapons of the same caliber deal the same base damage
Next youre going to say you didnt care about freezing horse balls in red dead redemption 2
You're viewing it the wrong way, perhaps purposefully.
They don't.
Or maybe different people made those models and there was not enough communication between them?
I'd frankly prefer if the "passion for their craft" had extended more into expanding the strip or giving the legion more presence than two areas instead of a few extra empty shotgun hull models depending on which 12 gauge im carrying
>Anyone has any more examples of small details in vidya?
The shotguns shells in halo have a hippo on them.
Certainly possible, but I'm inclined to believe it was done on purpose. -> Well I'm afraid there's only so far you can go when your deadline is less than a year and you have a limited budget.
I never managed to finish this piece of shit. Are there any mods that give it some good boost?
Fuck mate, I didn't know ammunition will conform to a new size when it sees the gun it's gonna go in. Does the colour indicate how aroused it is by the gun? If it was a crap gun would it shrink? If it's a good looking gun, but it doesn't work, does the ammunition get big and blue?
It's a unit of measurement. You might as well say "3 pounds" or "8.5 cm" or "10 hours" is a blanket term. It's dumb to include 10-gauge and 20-gauge shells as "12-gauge," just call them shotgun shells.
It's just an aesthetic difference. All the shotgun shells you find are the generic red variant.
They didn't want to include an entire library of ammunition into the game, they wanted to keep it simple. Same reason why all of the rifles in the game either use 5.56 or .308. It's a blanket term used to broadly describe the weapon's capabilities, it's not really supposed to be taken too literally.
anime+strawman: the choice of the professional retard.
I'm correct.
But FNV already does have alternate 12ga shell loadings as well as 20 gauge shotguns and ammo.. these are just extra models to have extra models..
>12 gauge shotgun shell changes size and color depending on which gun you load it into
Yeah, that's the kind of attention to detail games need for sure
Correct, no one is denying that the extra models are superfluous. The fact that they added them at all shows that they were willing to put in extra effort in order to add subtle variety to the game.
No user, he's just using idiot as a blanket term.
Do you think my opinion is incorrect.
why are you trying to gaslight him
Good thing they wasted time on this shit and not finishing the fucking game huh.
nuVegas is only loved by zoomers who want to larp as boomers but can't into 1 or 2.
If I wanted a actually good RPG with shit combat I'd just go play Arcanum, not New Vegas.
When you want some real shells give me a call
Something you barely notice and vanishes shortly? Shit, glad they wasted time on that and not giving the legion actual content.
>guy who made shell models is the same guy who planned and implemented quest lines
shit you're a fucking genius
Why is the hunting shotgun's shell yellow and Dinner Bell's shell red when they're the same weapon?
>Boomers waste their wealth on stupid shit and will leave the future generations with nothing
New Vegas is accurate.
do you how dangerous the Mojave strip is with the weapons and ammunition they already have?
never played new vegas but i love this kind of stuff in games
Wasted potential: the game
Now compare those 4 different designed shells for one type of gun, to the only three (3) (III) ammo types across the entire shit smear of a game
I knew OW was going to have mediocre combat the moment I knew Sawyer was not involved.
the dynamite predates the american commonwealth
So they had time to do this but no time to optimize the game?
I prefer MOTB.
That's their fault for spreading their studio so thin. They had Deadfire and that other game going on while they were making this so of course the game that's supposed to be a big ass open world rpg shooter akin to New Vegas ended up having the smallest areas with fuck all in it because they only had a fraction of their guys working on it. I'll still say it's a halfway decent copycat of New Vegas but it's nowhere near the same scope as that. Also fuck those companions, it feels like they kept trading writers and none of them shared notes with each other.
Turns out the artists and the programmers for a game are two separate teams! Holy shit, it blew your mind, I know!
why is every new vegas thread assaulted by shitposters saying 3 was better and nitpicking everything about new vegas?
Is Yea Forums reaching such levels of contrarianism they are turning against one of the few games everyone loved here just for the sake of shitpost?
Is your life so goddamn boring that you need to fucking storm every thread with your inane faggotry?
Yea Forums, you better not have sided with this fucker in The best DLC of New Vegas.
He's the best.
>posting about Yea Forumsidya on Yea Forums
user this place is new Yea Forums and is solely for shitposting, stop trying to talk to people here. They won’t listen to you
3 was better though, NV just cowboys n shit, who cares
>tfw honestly couldn't get into Outer Worlds because the gunplay felt so shit
As soon as I used the first shotgun which didn't really have any impact or was that good in-game, I had a bad feeling.
Of course I didn't in the second best DLC of New Vegas
>riot shotgun
>coin shot to obliterate legion fags with their own money, can take back the coin from their corpses
>slugs for armor fags
>pulse for robots
>flechette people shredders and dragon's breath people roasters for tribal shitters whacked out on chems who are dumb enough to charge me
Yeah that's cool and all but can you overcharge your bullets for a minor increase in damage?
Now I really want to do a shotgun run. Thanks a lot.
People are hired based on their twitter politics instead of competency or skill at making good shit anymore.
Focus on diversity of arbitrary criteria (race, gender, orientation etc) rather than diversity of ideas or approaches.
> but can you overcharge your bullets
yes! mag shells and 4/0 buck mag hand loads for those extra stubborn mutants who just refuse to die after one shot to the fucking face.
fuck Daniel & fuck the white niggers.
>muh heckin good bois innocence
I don't want a pizza, I don't want a piece of peanut brittle, I don't want a pear.
I don't want a bagel, I don't want a bean, I wouldn't like a bag of beef or a beer or a cup of chowder, corn, cake, or creamed cauliflower cause I'm waiting for the dinner bell to do the bell thing
dinner bell dinner bell ring
I just loved the absurdity of coin shot really.
One of my favorite things to do in Fallout 1 and 2 was give my character retard INT, but then use mentats to bump him into the threshold of normal speech whenever being a retard would be a bug detriment. It was like playing as the guy from Flowers for Algernon.
Why does the pump action shotgun in New Vegas feel like the best shotgun ever? Is it because of the dismemberment, the sound or the damage? Or am I just stupid for thinking that?
So they had time to do this but they didn't have time to make the overworld not a constricted piece of garbage even though Bethesda had already done most of the work for them? Wheeee woooo.