Are you learning Japanese to play Japanese-only video games? Why not?
Are you learning Japanese to play Japanese-only video games? Why not?
i don't have the time
i have no school till next Monday but there's no point no matter how much i learn in this week I'll have forgotten it by summer since I'll have no time for repetition when school is back
I am, but it's a slow process.
Recommend me the best games you've found that I could add to my list in the meantime.
What makes Japanese difficult isn't the kanji nor the grammar; it's the syntax order.
"The apple the store at bought ate" is a fucking nightmare to understand and that's just a simple sentence.
No need with the quality of machine translation.
Already know enough Japanese to consume every product from Japan.
can't argue with that
When will machine translations be accurate? It’s 2020 for fucks sake.
there are others who will do it for free eventually so id rather learn something else
everything by かなしみホッチキス
[トキノコギリ] 魔立ロリサキュバス妖魔園
ロマサガ3.12 ぼくの
Hi all I'm learning moon runes and am at the point where I can slowly and inaccurately translate non-advanced works. Anyone have a light novel or mango they want translated? I need access to it for free. It would take me a couple days for a mango volume or a couple weeks for a LN. I can read a couple volumes in a day but I suspect trying to translate will take longer because I've never done it.
Just post a link and your're email address. No loli and no gore please.
I stopped after 2years, no games jap games that interest me anymore.
>No loli
user is there a way to contanct you?
I have a mango in mind that I've been dying to read for years now.
>Just post a link and your're email address
Just gib me a throwaway email address
Or if you are too afraid give me a few minutes and I'll post one
It was a joke retard
Thinking about learning Japanese so I can read interesting math papers by Japanese people. How cringe are the people at the college courses?
noam chomsky proved mathematically that literally never so...
Ok I made a throwaway, thanks for you'rer patience desu.
torako.chan0 at gmail
Named after my gf torako
Just e-mail me the link whenever you have it, or the name and I *maybe* can track it down.
I took a couple semesters. It's like, 33% cringe weebs, 33% chinese kids, and 33% semi-cringe weebs. You fall into one of those camps.
>Are you learning Japanese to play Japanese-only video games?
No I'm learning for other reasons.
Shit I missed your post. Expect an e-mail from
did you get my e-mail?
I don't really care much for anime I do like the culture of Japan though. Guess that makes me semi-cringe
>No loli and no gore please.
>not a word about shota
What did he mean by this?
You'll have fun hanging out with the other semi-cringe weebs laughing at the cringe weebs