Azur Lane

play Azur Lane

Attached: NekoUpdateV2_001.jpg (1280x1115, 137K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Built for a CERTAIN type of men....

How can I stop liking feet bros?

I refuse, put some pants on.

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Attached: pornhubinsightsfootfetishothersessionsearches.png (600x530, 84K)

I'd love to see what % of these terms were searched by white men.

whenever it becomes a game and not a storefront let me know

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Mutts law. Every fucking time.

From my observation it’s 99% anglo/germanics

you can't, just embrace it


are there more of these? I'm interested to know how many times cuckold comes up next to every fetish

More like Ass-ure Lane


Attached: pornhubinsightscuckoldprevioussearches.png (620x690, 79K)

Non-footfags exhibit pathological behaviour. Notice their perpetual anger, their idiotic incredulity. No other fetish seems to inspire such devoted hatred, it is not only that “they don’t get it”, but that for some reason they believe that no one should “get it”, they must crusade against it. It is bizarre. All kinds off odd and abject bedroom rituals get a free pass, and yet partialism for a part of the human body, something on literally almost every single person, inspires obsessive, unbridled antipathy. Perhaps the rage is because other people’s healthy desires reminds the anti-footfag of how they are alienated from their own bodies. It is probably a very Western prejudice, an affliction of modernity (even a century ago I notice in proper bourgeois literature references to “pretty” or “handsome” feet, not something that would appear in today’s literature without the connotation of fetishism). Feet are kept out of sight and out of mind. And keeping them bundled up tight in shoes all day is what is responsible for most of their unpleasant characteristics—infection, odour, misshaping; meaning that when the shoes finally do come off most people, presented with their neglected feet, associate them with disgust... the feet themselves are unfairly blamed rather than the conditions forced upon them. Notice the completely disproportionate commodity fetishism built around shoes. I’ve had some “people” remark to me that they prefer the gaudy design of designer label sneakers over the limb you wear them on. Is there a more rotten, insectoid, consumerist and anti-human attitude than that? Preferring literally cheaply made industrial fibre, cynically marketed, a fad, over flesh and skin of an anatomical marvel which has served us for tens of millennia.

Men that love feet

any mind control doujins yet?

>divine bitches

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Tranny samefags its forced meme. Every fucking time.

why would you do that

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>footfag posting copypasta over his cucked "intellectual" fetish
Daily reminder it's been proven foot fetish is linked to brain damage

I did but it’s gotten out of control. I can’t even cum unless I see feet these days, it’s unhealthy.


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>t. tranny cuck

so you're thinking of blacks even though he didn't mention it? i guess the law implies to just you then.

not trying to sound edgy or anything right now but footfags are such irredeemable degenerates that each and every one of you should be dragged into the street and shot. i would unironically wholeheartedly support death squads that hunted you absolute fucking reprobates down and mercilessly executed you and your families. i would fucking smile as i watch you get a bullet between the eyes and i would fucking sleep like a baby knowing the world is a better place without you. just my opinion tho

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>not liking all three

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is it just me or are foot fetishes becoming increasingly common? The Quentin Tarantino type of memes seem to just be breathing life into the fetish

It's always been a pleb tier entry level "fetish"


Who else was he implying? you dumbfuck.
Thanks for letting me know my post triggered you, you cuck.

I'm not a footfag, but for Atago I would be.

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I started out as an armpitfag then out of nowhere I started liking feet

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its literally next to tits or ass

no, it's just another faggot paypig audience to pander to like cucks

For me, it's Chapayev

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Attached: 2bb.png (640x640, 423K)

>chink game

>be footfag
>Hating all this shit on list except "Fetish" and "asmr"
I just love that soft and silky skin texture of sole, and how does it makes me cuck loser?

Attached: 1560207758872.jpg (1800x1200, 1.31M)

>no! everyone is as obsessed with black cock as i am he couldn't possibly have meant any other biological male humanoid!
no need be shy user, i'm black myself so if you want to suck black dick so badly have at mine.

>ironic weeb """"""""""""""""""games""""""""""""""""""""""""

Game's boring. I've played it on my phone and just lost all interest after "marrying" my ship.


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>how does it makes me cuck loser
By being a footcuck.

I mean sure but I'm just saying it happened with braap posting too. It turned out a bunch of people got into farts because of how much it was memed. It even happened with vore and piss because of tumblr funnymen.

go on, take a whiff

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pictured: tummy people

>braap posting too. It turned out a bunch of people got into farts because of how much it was memed.
No, it turned a bunch of people into similar faggots memeing about it because they realized it was pretty much free (You)s.

You are very optimistic.

I will do that only if you take off ALL footwear. Barefoot must be.


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I will now buy you game.

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fuck off

Yesss, focus on what really matters, that camel toe action

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Whats it like to suck a girls feet and toes Yea Forums ?

If you pay more attention to feet than that ass you are gay

Suck your own and find out.

I am not a girl user

What? No, the feet are still there. They just aren't the focus anymore, AS GOD INTENDED.

Did you get all of them already?

Attached: rus ships.jpg (861x267, 55K)

>Not giving same amount of love to cute face, ass, boobs, thigs and feet.
Remember entire female's body is a god's creation and every part of it should be loved, including feet.

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Only missing Grozny

Just need Tashkent and I'm good
I'm happy that the event boats are all pretty cute this time around

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yes, as porn addiction and degeneracy in society increases, of course these entry level fetishes are becoming more common, now some young women even think footjobs are a normal expected part of sex

how his eyes pop up makes me lose my shit

You're in pure denial to assume that by user saying "CERTAIN" means anything other than bbc because it gets posted in threads on this board every single fucking day.
Either you're a new fag or you're desperately trying to prove you're not a cuck by projecting.

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These feet are fine. It's when they're drawn excessively wrinkly that they are disgusting

Just need Tashkent and Gangut.

Coom Lane

>other terms commonly searched in the same session as feet
i'm thinking based

Gangut is my favourite bote design right after mai waifu.

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Would continue the revolution with her

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How do you play a waifu collection sim?
Besides I uninstalled it ages ago.

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this but i dont even play it

I got this game for free, what should I expect?

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Mostly a VN, same gameplay as the mobile game, but it's in 3D now

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Mosu-ish gameplay, can't really find any other way to describe it.
More of a VN than an actual game, spent more time reading text than shooting boats.

For once footfags get a pass. How asmr is supposed to work is beyond me though.

The game just isn't fun.

Anyone else want to fuck someone’s eye socket?

little boys



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You really shouldn't. Clean feet are a great sign of her hygiene, likely means everywhere else on her is clean. If the backs of her bare feet are facing you and she knows it, she's trying to turn you on. Women know about the whole feet thing, it's no secret, that's why they paint their toenails and wear flip flops in the freezing cold.

you don't happen to know a certain person playing doom for a whole month do you?

ok at least footfags are somewhat redeemable
brapfags on the other hand are complete degenerates

Holy shit, footfags BTFO.

you're pretty obsessed with black dick dude, unless you have proof that it's exactly what you're suggesting its all in your head and nothing else. what was said in other threads are irrelevant to this one. seek help.

That's not how you're intended to use Kaga.

Change your language to JP, and then share your files.

Hey you the newbie? Password for the Discord is "downwithamericailooovemyjewmasters", log in so I can pay you.

Attached: 79177961_p0_.jpg (1280x1790, 321K)

Well I'm glad it was free, then



Holy fucking based

Which ships have you married OP?
I've married Sims and Enterprise, going for Hamman next.

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cute feetsers!

Feet bros?? The fuck

Are footfags this sub? I'm the type of nigga that will grab a girl's leg and stick that whole shit in my mouth while I smash.

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>Pretending to be dumb and ignorant to try and win an argument

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I want your soon to be wife's fat ass on my face, user.

Nah, not anymore. Gave it a solid 2 months but ultimately I just got too bored with it, everything felt like tedium and even getting botes at higher level and progressing didn't do anything to fix that. The game really doesn't seem to have anything going for it beyond images of hot anime girls with a couple of voice lines.


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Depends on what kind of feet she has but hell I like it and the smell of a hygenic foot sneds me to the moon.

>footfag delusions

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based feetfags

>"redpilled pure christian"
>clicks on every porn thread and browses while jerking off his mutilated penis and posting about how everyone else is evil "God, I Can’t Stop Thinking About Sex! The Rebound Effect in Unsuccessful Suppression of Sexual Thoughts Among Religious Adolescents"

Attached: christfag.jpg (1920x1080, 374K)

your argument is literal projection from the demons clouding your mind. just admit you're obsessed and get the medical attention you need.


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Seek mental help

Seek foreskin restoration surgery, mutt

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Ah yeah, "playing"

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Does it make normies mad I've gotten all my gfs to stick their feet in my face when they've had a long day at school or work?

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Is this the one that was nopan in the anime?


'How dare you present yourself like this to me??'
*slaps butt until its red.*

Why would they be mad over you being a cuck user?

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Problem, gaybo?

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You're arguing with multiple people now thinking it's the same user. You're trying too hard. Give it a rest.

>footfag projections

Attached: Screenshot_20190910142612.png (1440x676, 126K)

>this projection

Cope more

Why, yes. Coffee is good for me, OP.

Best maid

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made for BWC

this doesnt mean that im a cuck, retard. also you seem to spam this in every foot thread, you really get triggered don't you? :-)

There's a no pan version of this picture

black nail polish is patrician

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Opposite for me. Started out as a footage, then out of nowhere I got into armpits

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Footfag *

>suddenly changes his grammar from seething so much
Hit a little close to home huh, cuckboy?

Why would i play phone garbage? I'll just fap to the porn just like fateshit


A poster here claimed a foot fetish was actually linked in a study by brain damage. Not sure if that was Yea Forums fuckery as usual, or an actual study, but it was an interesting aside.

foot fetish is because women with healthy feet would have a higher chance of carrying your caveman babies to term than a woman with diseased, damaged feet

remember that for 99% of our existence humans had to walk 15+ miles per day on average

I love Amagi nee san so much.

Can't, too busy with my wife Red

I've never heard of anything like that desu

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>has to point out something so trivial in order to deflect from the fact that I was right about you being a cuck
your existence is sad, you little projecting cuck.

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i might now actually

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Holy shit based

Nah I ain't playing Bootleg Bugman Kancolle.

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Well which one?

Attached: armpits ass feet (brown sfw).jpg (2129x680, 286K)

Attached: ef2ab28b5c73d6c47a5d395a89232265.jpg (1280x1280, 263K)

Middle, you flaming faggot.


Shitcolle is dead

Gimme that Mordred booty

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I sometimes wondered why I'm only into certain feet. I had sex with a 36 year old and the smell of her feet turned me off, yet I'm not bothered at all by my current gf's feet.

Why is the anti-feet guy still here if he hates it so much?

Attached: 1573661101060.jpg (640x647, 26K)

cognitive dissonance, projection, and autism.

lol ok chinaman whatever you say just don't cough on me bro

>I'll take all three, please.

Attached: gigachad.png (859x960, 327K)

Pretty much. The same is true for facials being considered normal nowadays.

how is it not dead then

humans with compatible HLA genes like each other's smells more (it gives your offspring a much stronger immune system)

OH NONONO! How will footcucks ever recover?

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>having caveman dna in 2020

Attached: disgusted.jpg (800x450, 43K)

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Ass > pits >>>>>>> feet

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Ahh I did hear about that at one point, but it slipped my mind.

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it's a good thing, neanderthals were larger and had bigger brains and probably higher IQs than us (it's why they died out, there was a famine that eradicated 98% of humans and neanderthals had extremely needy metabolisms because of their body size and the metabolic index of their brains)

>raging hormone teenagers are posting again
nobody cares what your "fetish" is dumb zoomers
you'll never be unique or original

>Anus Pain fans continue to seethe at superior Chadcolle

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>Foot shit

Good fucking lord she's already in the car with you just go home and do it to her there kek.

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>posting something that takes 5 seconds
>y-you're sad
>t. Seething LARPing cuck
Ez (You)s

Neither had I until recently. I was just curious, given you guys actually have the fetish, if anyone had further insight. Anyway, as you were.

>spam for months on end
keep projecting, cuck retard.

Attached: 1553038154581.jpg (1536x2048, 287K)

>post an image that takes 5 seconds
>go browse some other shit as seething footcucks give free (You)s
>b-but scrolling down the catalog is h-hard so you must be obsessed

Show me your kongou kai2 C user.

Attached: illust_79860076_20200302_220154.jpg (2048x2893, 1.23M)

>admits to being such a fucking retard (you)s give him dopamine shots
are you done, faggot?

>get a notification of some seething footfag
>reply and call him a cuck
Mad :^)

Vidya feet thread? Pic related is my favorite artist

Attached: 24c5dfebe75090566276c5c763f3838f.jpg (3348x2512, 426K)

What if the quality of your lives would be improved if you both stopped replying to each other?

>autistically obsess over cuckoldry and feet
>spam every thread for months
lmfao the amount of cope

>pretending to understand anything you don't have direct knowledge of
>being a retarded caveman in 2020

Attached: 1580051243361.jpg (217x250, 5K)

sorry about your inferior genes, spic

Why would I stop, this is hilarious
>p-projection and c-cope you call me a cuck that makes me the winner

>neanderthals were larger and had bigger brains and probably higher IQs than us
lmao give me a fucking break

but user retards on Yea Forums think if you get the last word you win

Zuikaku needs more skins AHHHH

You keep swinging and you keep missing.

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>replying last makes me the winner
LMFAO cuck retard.

>no shemale/tranny
absolutely based footfags

Attached: 1579504972912.jpg (2894x4093, 2.08M)

>h-heh you keep goading me that makes me the winner


unironically Formidable has some good pics of her getting fucked by a darker fellow on pixiv.

Attached: 72235641_p1.jpg (1730x2340, 3.2M)

by the way, heavy neanderthal admixture is a near-consistent trait among geniuses

it's one purported reason why caucasians have many more geniuses than asians despite having a lower population-level IQ

why are you guys still arguing?


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It's time for your daily service commander

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>getting so mad I called you out for the autistic projecting cuckold you have to resort to ad infinitum to cope
LMFAO this is so sad. See you in the next thread you autistic faggot.

Now that's interesting. Do you have any proof or articles to back up your point about neanderthal admixtures in geniuses? Or books you recommend to argue the point?

for the Aryan man

>y-you're the mad projecting autistic cuck
wew lad

Wife and child

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lmao I want this with sound

Black shotasvwhen

Femdom is nice, cosplay is nice, bondage is nice, facesitting is nice. Gangbang is boring. I think "fetish" means latex and stuff, which is fine. I don't mind asmr existing.
Kekoldry and ballbusting are disgusting and all participants in it should stop and rethink their lives.

I LOVE Deutschland!

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Attached: 1570879961495.png (1722x1980, 2.04M)

Why? The gameplay is shit, the music is shit, the artwork is inconsistent, and the amount of fan works is pathetic compared to everything else.
I would just go play FGO or GBF if I wanted to play some game for waifus.

for the Black man

Sometimes it makes me laugh.

>there are """men""" who aren't attracted to this
i will never understand
>Recent studies link the surviving Neanderthal DNA to both beneficial traits (Gittelman et al., 2016, Racimo et al., 2015) and a range of physical and mental disorders (Abi-Rached, Jobin, Kulkarni et al., 2011; Simonti et al., 2016). For example, AUTS2, a gene implicated in autism hasbeen linked to Neanderthal alleles (Oksenberg et al., 2013) and loci implicated as being associated with schizophrenia have been linked to a depletion of Neanderthal-derived alleles (Srinivasan et al., 2015). These alleles have been linked to heightened intelligence (Polimanti & Gelernter, 2017; Srinivasan et al., 2015). For example, Polimanti and Gelernter (2017) found that positive selection for alleles associated with risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) was positively correlated with childhood IQ and number of school years. This suggests that Neanderthal introgression has influenced the brain phenotype of modern humans (Simonti et al., 2016). Remarkably, none of these studies has looked at behavioural traits

I am though

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good thread

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>feet thread
>some retards are discussing neanderthals and shit

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I have it installed but never played it, why should I play it?

Don't open

Attached: brooooop.jpg (1280x1115, 284K)

Azur Lane is a cunny game, hags get out.

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Bache retrofit when?

Attached: 79090813_p0.jpg (791x1024, 663K)

Attached: 63775262_p0_B.jpg (1280x1811, 165K)

Very cool. Thank you for the awesome links. How did you even come across all this? Are you a biology student or tutor? Good finds, regardless.


This is Titty Lane, pedos get out

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just find it interesting

neanderthals were like proto-east-asians. very high intelligence, very low fertility, very slow to physically develop. very K-selected

mutts law!!!!!!!!!!!!!
finally, after two fucking hours, i FINALLY got to say it!!!

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Man if cunny existed in real life i don't know what i'd do

based, footfags get the rope

you're not afraid of cute feet right user?

Attached: 1571664969903.jpg (4500x3623, 1.98M)

>99% of skins and popular characters are big titty onee-sans
Nice revisionism pedo

Needs to have "BLACKED" on her somewhere for maximum potential

I wanna enjoy this cute video game girl feet thread but autistic people seething so hard over seeing feet is making me kinda weird.

Attached: 1579199532054.jpg (1980x1320, 1.24M)

A character with amazing tits and this artist decides to draw feet, definitely NOT based

>needs to have [forced meme[ for maxiumum potential
epic dude, upvoted.

but seeing them sperg over a body part is hilarious

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Let them cope

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Good lord

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any one here a face person?
if the face is ugly
it kills it for me
any one else?

Attached: kitty.jpg (1000x1428, 143K)

>Adding one more forced meme to the ironic meme image filled to the brim with forced memes is too much
Get bent


Wow I didn't think someone could press 6 consecutive keys on a row by accident
>has to press caps lock (or hold space, even harder to do by accident)
>press n, then o, then t
>then press space
>then press capslock again or let go of shift
I dunno, it looks like this guy wrote that on purpose.

Is this a slutposting thread?

Attached: __ning_hai_azur_lane_drawn_by_magister_medical_whiskey__3a0c14573dc68880d9ce4a98b2a4b1ac.jpg (700x1128, 78K)

Gave me a boner lol


>writing out this autism
Typical low IQ footfag proving me right
big tits > all, and that's especially true for feet

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ZuiZui a qt

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Absolutely blessed outfit design, both that and her base outfit

Most are white men because most niggers can't afford a computer or they're in jail.

>99% of the best loading screens are cute and funny

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left because tomboy

Jealous faggot

Attached: 69763978_p1_.jpg (1280x1760, 202K)

Azur Lane is shitty grindy gacha garbage, but fuck me if it doesn't have top tier girls

Attached: 1583170100713.jpg (756x1051, 725K)

Damn, someone must have switched the keys around your keyboard or something
>somehow presses l, o, and w instead of h, i, g, and h
>uses the wrong mathematical symbol (big tits < all)
I'm beginning to think you're posting unironically, and that you actually meant to type all these typos.

>tfw no slut to sit on your lap and play your gacha while you do important things

ugh...pussy & feet bros...i'm feeling it mr krabs

Attached: 1568169898986.png (622x641, 379K)

No. Fuck off.

Seething cuck

i'm most niggers and i built my own computer. sure, the money i used was stolen but its still my computer.

The grind is barely anything compared to garbage like GFL.

The Master Commander Captain Doctor Senpai type of man?

How bad is it there?

The jannies don't give a fuck about this board do they? Or they have a clear bias.

Attached: __minamoto_no_raikou_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_naturalton__c80787f35a97b045278930b4b973c5f5.jpg (1101x1551, 206K)

This is a good video game-related thread, though.

not really but please continue posting thicc thighs and fat asses

Nice revisionism homo, but I see a lot of delicious cowtits here:

Attached: BIG.png (1024x576, 958K)


>another autistic, reddit-tier reply
Next you're probably going to act like someone else and say you were just trolling all along, huh?

Attached: wNdL9ip.png (691x597, 16K)

Attached: 1577969326529.png (407x275, 181K)

Keep fighting the good fight, brother

Attached: 1576291328018.gif (500x280, 884K)

>this thread

Attached: 1568600101792.png (280x284, 132K)

I was trolling, I don't like feet but I just felt like being a retard. I'm a cunnyman myself but big tits are pretty great.

Post your ebin copypasta then and stop proving my point.

She smells bad

absolutely fucking based anons
some of these are really really good and some just make me want to breed asap

Attached: 1581704888825.png (675x675, 637K)

>some just make me want to breed asap
okay but imagine a girl (female) saying this after seeing fat asses and toes

>all these tranny weeabs seething

she would be based

Lol why did this make me laugh

>All of this before stuff like licking, lesbian, teen, even fetish only on fifth place
Not buying it

What's that on your computer screen?
Oh, it's safe for work? Carry on, then. You get a raise!

Attached: 1575882519704.jpg (489x354, 14K)

good for her then, she's a kinky freak. I'm not looking at toes personally, I like tits, ass and thighs and these anons are delivering some primo material

Obsessed negroid


Attached: 1563209691211.jpg (732x1024, 78K)

raise as in rise from your desk user, you're fired!

>Light cruiser
>Has the body of a heavy cruiser or battleship
What's her endgame lads?

Attached: 21ff27eea1e2713730f3b52ddf1f9e29.jpg (864x1218, 929K)

why did she do that just to clean his ear?????

just look at Nagato

Projecting faggot

For what? I’ve already done all the work for the week

dont forget
>constantly in heat

Attached: 5f6adae675d92539335799114bcd8db2.png (1000x1414, 1.91M)

for not working even more! What do you think I pay you for?

"light" cruiser

Attached: 585281 amagi_korona azur_lane cleavage maid sirius_(azur_lane).jpg (2580x4082, 1.04M)


Attached: cb8acee828c0fbb9134d415f3ea5a2f2.jpg (992x1403, 273K)

More like cunny lane

Attached: 1571328258173.gif (1280x720, 2.2M)

user, acting like a retard achieves the same end result as being an actual retard.
I will at least commend you for not excluding big tits in your tastes.

The northern ships are all pretty cool to be honest, very high quality designs.

For all the assigned work, there’s literally nothing else to do

>mole on tits

Attached: Sweater.png (637x376, 298K)

but user that's when you steal other people's task and rise up

>AL anime largely didn't enrage people and drew more fans in even among Japs despite being owned by Chinks because of Lin being a lolicon lesbo and the anime having fun with itself
>KC anime
>largely hated by its own fans in Japan and foreigners in equal measure while the browser game is still dated as fuck, RNG heavy, and had fiascos with the Vita port
>movie is only decently viewed as okay because it wasn't as retarded as the QUALITY anime
You aren't one to talk, especially with what Kadokawa did to the fandom to neuter it to the point it still hasn't recovered.

Play Fate/GO

Attached: wallhaven-39ygy6.jpg (1320x1980, 1.33M)

Prinz had it first

Attached: 595369 azur_lane bikini_top erect_nipples prinz_eugen_(azur_lane) swimsuits tagme.jpg (2894x4093, 1.28M)



Attached: 4B065434-FC30-48F3-9021-32BDCAD44705.png (868x960, 903K)

I mean it is the most common fetish in the world so yeah. Top with how dan schneider made several shows showing off girls feet which probably boosted a couple of generations more. And I dont think it stopped with dan either, I think a lot of other tv shows have been showing off more bare feet then ever before

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1185x659, 110K)

I think that almost every faction has a boob mole girl now

Attached: __washington_azur_lane_drawn_by_eternity_pixiv8012826__2b13f0b6f089a98e98095bbe1b272085.jpg (1200x1749, 1.13M)

Washy and Balty are my wives.
I will fap to this Kraut.

blessed thread

Attached: IMG_9093.jpg (1280x960, 154K)


Is this the China Connection that Tim Heidecker has been warning us about?

Attached: 1442767264380.jpg (900x900, 53K)

Isn't the AL anime supposed to resume this month?

>6th episode showing glorious bare tits
Absolutely based


Actually Baltimore is my wife
Her and Georgia

Attached: __baltimore_azur_lane_drawn_by_harukon_halcon__9a03be3f463129b43e0f3b51b5149040.jpg (1440x2069, 367K)

Oh no bros...

Attached: DoVeP4fUgAALg3g.jpg large.jpg (1680x1086, 249K)

Feet cause it was the fetish I have had all my life, ass because seeing a cute girl fart and shit for me is pretty hot.

Attached: 1544953595396.jpg (2110x1486, 2.05M)

>No pubes


Attached: 5f94bf6003578022ac0bb72ee51c707f.jpg (1818x1080, 428K)

She is mine.

Attached: Washy x Shitcan.png (809x1165, 946K)

Attached: 1517679816328.jpg (1280x1440, 152K)

M E ! :D

Attached: a00e66e7cef2e2998cb74d2ed3f683d7.jpg (869x1000, 106K)

literally shit-tier fetishes

what's your skin color and body type?

Attached: 67559694_p0.jpg (1024x1709, 1.15M)

Something came up. Wanna give me, like, an hour and I'll be back??

Attached: __ouga_saki_amaryllis_gumi_drawn_by_nuezou__0a2c01401dab6624f21d6717d058d171.jpg (752x1062, 99K)

Cutest oath line in the game

Attached: my wife balty.jpg (2340x1080, 1.72M)

Reminder AL made japanese women gay(er) because of the homolust between Belfast and Enty

Attached: Yuri Lane.webm (614x344, 2.87M)

its missing some obvious ones you would expect, but still based feet bros. i'll pretend to not notice the cuck and bdsm this time

Attached: 1552417434731.webm (500x268, 358K)


Isn't this just a ripoff KanColle?

I cum in your wife's belly button every day.

Attached: 76113922_p0.jpg (1500x2234, 2.68M)

>Japanese women
Only men play AL

I'm not that user but I need your attention

>mfw this thread

Attached: 1324324.gif (640x532, 3M)

We've all built Roon here, right?

Attached: __roon_and_roon_azur_lane_drawn_by_mendou_kusai__f10e3a3101713b7f484897baa5fb8ddf.png (1536x1536, 3.33M)

Yes but kancolle is pretty shit for 4 years now so something should replace it.

Kancolle is already of a rip off itself

Attached: FBEBB8D7-E10E-4E04-A0B4-DDED8125BEA3.jpg (2048x604, 173K)

>Only men play AL
This is definitely wrong.

do you guys like RWBY?

Attached: 1516022170203.png (1231x1002, 562K)

Imagine liking pantyhose. Hahahaha

Attached: 71006604_p0.jpg (1144x1619, 1.36M)

god i think i'm becoming a footfag
i love every part of the female anatomy but more and more i see the light when it comes to feet, they are so delicate and pretty (if they are maintained well)

Nah it’s definitely right

it actually has a massive number of female (not trannies) playing it globally the president of the company being a female probably helps too also in general women are super into gachas these last few years

My only PR1s are sanrui and ibuki. Once I finish fdg and do robot I'll work on roon...

>coomer game
>coomer thread
>coomer board

>when the devs are /ourguys/

Attached: 1553855391069.png (1920x1080, 2.48M)

Sure thing familia.

Attached: 1561803159662.png (755x595, 62K)

Is he doing "Red-Pilled" podcasts now? Odds are he's talking about China buying up businesses through proxy corporations like Tencent.


>not building Monarch first

Attached: 604151 alexiel_(pixiv6211566) azur_lane chinadress garter heels monarch_(azur_lane).jpg (4000x2248, 1.46M)

Just make your gay thread my man

Attached: 51542670_p0.jpg (1920x1200, 1.22M)

Stop avatarfagging and go back to /gfg/ gunnigger


Nah, I still like my wife Hamakaze.

Attached: 6D55C9E4-771B-40FC-8E2F-9AC6C932A3EE.jpg (1770x2500, 1.01M)

I love Russian Cunny!

Attached: 1583014428808.jpg (605x900, 116K)

I'm getting a vibe that this thread is not video games.

Imagine actually getting angry over a foot thread

Attached: __shinjou_akane_ssss_gridman_drawn_by_rosaline__ebf9d343989d131e871f25d700ad5468.jpg (1744x2345, 1.26M)


Attached: 6B696B18-CD83-4B13-80D5-6E136B4AC50F.jpg (3730x2026, 1M)

Did that KLK game flop?

Attached: 2efea345ccc65b8ccec0fb297d585322.jpg (2082x3238, 464K)

I like pantyhosed asses on my face.

feet is the most normie fetishes out there
i dont know why people act so surprised about it

jesus fucking christ I need to stuff my face up between their plump thighs and fat asscheeks

if i can look forward to pics like what you've posted then im perfectly fine with that. different thread or what?

Is this /pedophile/ general? Why is this shit still up?

Attached: 1581012176675.jpg (846x960, 79K)


Attached: D88CCCAF-407A-440E-ACB9-451B09EB1C3F.jpg (700x1119, 107K)

Miss me with that homo shit

Attached: 48C69973-6152-4CF5-A060-712FF1BF8FE5.jpg (850x894, 127K)

Majority of ALs most popular characters are are grown women

Attached: EC5FF0F1-A882-46D1-9BBA-FA7E3B12D713.png (1808x1418, 1.03M)

Attached: 429A116A-AABA-433C-8307-D66A149BEF6B.jpg (850x713, 131K)

>this is what AL Hamakaze looks like

Attached: Hamakaze.png (1024x977, 792K)

Ahhh I see Chinese Cunny!

Attached: Chinesewp.jpg (1500x844, 1.09M)

Build Friedrich

Attached: fa8d1a357401ca8854bf6f04c9c18558.jpg (2800x2400, 3.8M)

Excellent taste.

Attached: 1544049486490.png (566x480, 344K)

She's Italian though.

Attached: ECDBE8B9-7B49-45F9-852E-BB9B24BE3720.jpg (776x1100, 129K)


Attached: DDhnpNcXgAAU_3o.jpg (850x920, 82K)

I already did though

Attached: C85A8FF8-6B58-4E3E-999E-8F786874FFA1.png (1500x1500, 1.47M)

This, so many girls BUILT for paizuri, and you can tell that's exactly what they thought too with some of the outfits

Attached: dido kure masahiro.png (1863x1984, 2.79M)

Attached: A425CA1D-4A21-421E-8901-32670AF1B921.png (782x1200, 916K)

Attached: 5C611127-5DEE-43A1-AC0E-D43F1C5E915D.jpg (1189x2000, 151K)

wtf I love coronavirus now

tits too small

Why does facesitting have to be so closely associated with femdom and humiliation. I just want to bury my face in boot. Why is vanilla facesitting barley exist?

Attached: 2469BC2E-F9E1-4018-A55A-99C2B25CA2CD.jpg (2078x2411, 1.27M)

>feet thread open for hours now
>my tummy thread gets deleted after 10 minutes

good job jannies

Attached: 1436735413530.jpg (306x306, 20K)

Attached: 43836CDA-1318-4B6F-A320-715895824486.jpg (850x658, 159K)

>AL foot thread
>almost no Concord

Attached: __concord_azur_lane_drawn_by_kaetzchen__sample-e143c173edc1e38f7a70fc03199fed87.jpg (850x1268, 191K)

Attached: C66E00FC-23B2-4A2A-A29C-69A4792BB9EA.jpg (700x976, 283K)

Attached: 6E442913-0901-4D87-B052-F8D638AD0DB8.jpg (850x1200, 151K)

Attached: 7545E133-406F-4306-A4DB-6517496D8984.jpg (1112x1500, 161K)

I'm a footfag but these feet threads are disgusting

Attached: 18794f2150d0800ab382807d3a670a03.jpg (1090x1028, 165K)

You need a better fetish user

Attached: C54B7F70-8E38-4905-988F-9F1BD50799F0.png (962x1256, 1017K)

Attached: 1B82B70F-6567-42E7-87E2-B4E11BBE00AE.jpg (850x1017, 179K)

>this thread

Attached: must coom.png (843x829, 515K)

this thread is pretty good.
so much reference poses for my 3d porn making endeavours

thiccer pls


this is the good stuff right here

This is not fucking canon!

Attached: 1582321116121.png (300x300, 88K)

Attached: A9CD5C85-F6A5-4355-A667-D20F9C253B60.jpg (850x638, 143K)

if only

Attached: D262B275-C971-4F2F-9725-31A24DA58461.jpg (850x1195, 191K)

made solely for BWC

Attached: BF349512-E2C3-44F7-A14C-F6820F1B6AA2.jpg (702x1070, 76K)

Played Crosswave, loved how they converted the mobile game in a 3d environment but disappointed how little variety it had, and how easy was to win everything with destroyers only

Attached: 7363f49121b50fdbadf60ce8c12bb843.png (1254x1771, 2.05M)

Attached: 02FCE46C-7342-49F5-AEE1-9C08D7ABBD46.jpg (752x1062, 421K)

Attached: D1FD05EA-9549-4A0D-978F-E1ADF371F572.jpg (1737x1977, 1.97M)

Esports mode up to like 95% efficiency minmaxing was pretty fun. Unfortunately the gameplay and grinding experience is fucking awful.

Forecast predicts a Tornado at 6 today

Attached: 3967BB92-9D58-4BB9-ABF8-BCEE86AF0EDD.png (695x597, 698K)

Attached: 1583214617683.png (876x1300, 1.08M)


Attached: 1574955254559.gif (740x568, 275K)

Attached: B938BA72-A457-4499-B6D4-3851A60EB002.jpg (774x1095, 416K)

Attached: 36F3A731-E87E-4282-A85A-95D2E90BC502.jpg (2478x3481, 822K)

c*mbrain thread

Attached: 1583214617682.jpg (2581x3894, 1.34M)


Attached: 1C4D7563-D1D4-4B38-8D11-352A24E72A97.jpg (850x850, 204K)

Attached: 9f95a467d5f65018990bad1fe8d3d84d.png (1250x1000, 1.14M)

Do girls really like being stared in the butt?

seethe, dickless crossdresser

Attached: B76EDEF9-8E3D-4D25-8302-9C17B5D865B5.jpg (902x1600, 1.01M)

Attached: 9D5ED9A0-67B3-4641-B8F6-3E2E020FDA48.png (1212x1920, 2.19M)

If increases followers and likes in each of their pics then yes

Attached: b28c85631237acc054fe020b4eda265a.jpg (1191x842, 735K)

Attached: 26CBD0AD-517B-4301-AC6D-94E00FADAF1D.jpg (514x726, 40K)

Attached: BFC6588D-F0B2-445D-80EA-98774D226F2A.jpg (850x1202, 191K)

Of course I do

Attached: c79a31ff2fefe76cd8e5647b443bc0e6.jpg (792x1000, 410K)

Attached: 477F2B4B-3E4A-4A23-95B9-011DFD7D4D1B.png (827x1080, 887K)

Asking important questions.

Attached: B3C2CAA1-39EB-47B1-882E-ACE20E6FF50B.png (2073x1500, 2.45M)

If the thread dies while I’m gone, make another one tonight.

Attached: E2E82E2E-16EE-4E79-B75F-0D08BE221EB3.jpg (2000x2500, 584K)

An ass that big needs to be pumped full to bursting with cream.

Attached: 1582001140295.jpg (501x582, 41K)

After 10+ threads pretending to discuss Azure lain im convinced its nothing more then a character select screen and softcore porn

not our fault you faggots turn tummy threads into hyper inflation shit

I find azure lane extremely boring, I can't progress at all.

Yes and?

Attached: 9CF5E189-DD6B-412E-A139-46737CA8074B.jpg (1017x1368, 338K)

Attached: 04FD9115-2477-4AD7-AA95-ED8CC3916B46.jpg (1000x1333, 123K)

Attached: C6E19103-C2BA-4BBF-8C48-97D247DF6E87.jpg (1179x786, 199K)

Attached: 9d30a5c78856838b028724ee12d54dd4.jpg (1200x1789, 329K)

Disturbing lack of her with with the other Lou in fanart.

It's a SHMUP.

Attached: serveimage.jpg (1200x675, 166K)

Stop cooming to anime girls

go on, sniff it

Attached: 1569526242465.jpg (1013x1433, 938K)

She's alright, but I liked Ebola-chan more

Attached: 83D006FD-F093-4101-A41F-92E0510475DA.png (1448x2048, 1.48M)

Attached: E15351B7-3A56-4E04-AFE9-8D75FD7A0E06.jpg (600x934, 243K)

sniiiiif, yuck!!

Because chances are if you don't like feet you'll find all those images and fanart of a foot or feet taking up 70% of the frame to be quite revolting.

Attached: AA74CFDF-5066-4CFF-8318-83944D7D83CD.png (342x1011, 217K)

Attached: 6819d4df3f823e62cf384a596f8ca7e2.jpg (1800x2546, 2.57M)

Attached: 1564544088887.jpg (1280x534, 103K)

They don’t have much in common aside from having the same name

Attached: F8DD9AC6-34EF-4866-96EE-74E46308C67B.png (2000x2438, 3.31M)

Attached: 07499514-CB87-4A6F-A45A-8A7A45BC503D.png (721x1123, 631K)

i laughed out loud thanks

Alright, I’ll make the next thread

Literally just finished her yesterday. Second PR ship after Saint Louis. Started on Fred now.

Attached: 4235235236.jpg (1980x1320, 1.45M)

The only good thing about gacha trash IS the porn

Attached: B424A557-477B-4FCD-AF10-CB85920090F4.png (1100x1111, 780K)

Attached: 1727BCE9-0507-4ED0-9B3A-B0DB2BFB78C2.png (2158x1720, 2.8M)

absolutely based thread

Attached: 7B43B76B-E0A4-42AB-8DBD-A5299F7BB428.png (636x1000, 376K)

Attached: 9FDE91D9-3CAF-4E79-BD7B-5F0ACF5B4F37.png (1491x1066, 2.34M)

Attached: B7219FDF-2FF7-4827-ADB5-8F75D41602D5.png (1600x1200, 1.77M)

Cute lolibaba

Attached: warspite.png (1920x1080, 3.31M)

Attached: C3698AE4-B618-45C6-BA04-F14A04270A50.jpg (3000x2000, 2.46M)

Attached: 1558480268461.jpg (5728x4000, 1.47M)

unbound cunnys

Attached: 7B49A125-BE14-4ECE-AF7C-C4A65CE32C54.jpg (690x810, 69K)


Attached: 1515112277602.jpg (480x534, 18K)

I know but it's not uncommon for artists, especially Jap ones, to latch onto such trivial similarities

Attached: 0C9DAA4A-6F9C-474F-9EE4-AD9C63167D02.jpg (800x515, 46K)

Attached: wallhaven-vgd795.png (1920x1080, 2.89M)

My shipfu Taihou is so hot

Attached: fb13e55fae6c4847db0a8b84b9f8e42f.jpg (674x960, 558K)

Attached: E80F28F9-7C54-4824-B03D-EF307F2BEBAD.jpg (1429x2000, 299K)

is there a macro to make the game play itself?
Map exploration is shit

Attached: BFB3F556-F4DD-4DEC-BC31-59682CCD15B5.jpg (500x697, 48K)
Anything is possible.

Attached: C524C08E-88B8-4169-9E90-A8D8E8553785.jpg (1500x2098, 1.99M)

Attached: B0ABCDFA-2398-49B0-A87E-1BD3928AF9E2.jpg (2645x3679, 673K)

Attached: 1FE3B38F-5CB5-430B-B830-3613BD7FD8C7.png (752x1062, 888K)

ship thread on Yea Forums: 50:50 small boats and big boats, no off-topic characters, no obnoxious fetishes, always finish the thread with lewds
ship thread on Yea Forums: 90% mediocre to garbage quality feet art, only samples of images, off-topic characters shit, no lewds at all, all images being posted by a single phoneposter

Someone even made a card for her.
Here if anyone wants to fap to her without playing the game. I think I posted the wrong one, and it won't let me post the card so get the right one here. See ya cunnyfriends!

Attached: a24ed8333bd617f64d79407beee05e2b.jpg (1800x2546, 2.99M)

Attached: C4975F64-83D2-4CEF-8BE7-CCF519148C92.png (716x1011, 494K)

>video game board with high traffic has worse fanart dump than the low traffic anime board with a dedicated fanart culture
What are the odds, user