Reminder that Final Fantasy 7 is an anti-capitalist anti-industrial conservationist game that fundamentally argues...

Reminder that Final Fantasy 7 is an anti-capitalist anti-industrial conservationist game that fundamentally argues addiction to destructive consumption and power makes us unworthy to live on the planet. The fanbase is full of emotionally repressed plebs who ignore this in favor of fujoshi fandom and membership to a bloated ‘compilation’ designed around male modeling and pop-star fashionista appeals. You have ALL forgotten what this game is about, and your interest in it has been abused into a sad act of mindless consumption in place of the cohesive human ethics the original is cherished for invoking.

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Either that or it's about stopping a space alien going from plant to planet to suck the juice out of it.

>Reminder that Final Fantasy 7 is an anti-capitalist anti-industrial
Except that its "green" alternative to Mako is Oil and Coal.

This. OP is just trying to sound smart here. It didn't work.

It's better than sucking the planet dry.

Yeah, but I take you understand my point, right? The themes are obvious, but any attempts to apply real world or topical politics to it are fruitless. The actual "state" of the FF7 isn't very clearly defined outside of MIdgard and the few Cities you visit. It's never stated if the world is a broken down post apocalyptic wreck, or if there's actually a normal means for people to get from city to city. There's also next to no information provided for other nations, governments, or countries.

How fucking ignorant do you have to be? To ignore the entire game’s themes?

But despite all the science fiction, the core theme of the game is the very real severance from the natural order humanity (in real life) feels for embracing the ambition of industrialism and empire, and whether or not we remain on symbiosis with a planet we drain for our own short-lived, soul-crushing benefit

>if you cant write inane wiki articles about the autistic "lore" and "worldbuilding" the themes are nonexistent

Did you play past the 2nd reactor?

You're not wrong, but that doesn't negate OP's point.

Absolutely based.

Although, anyone who takes their political cues from video games is cringe as fuck.

>The actual "state" of the FF7 isn't very clearly defined outside of MIdgard and the few Cities you visit.
But those "few cities" span the entire planet, user

>If there's themes, they're as literal and directly correlated to the staff's real views as the trannies I bitch about on twitter.
Barret sees himself as a fruitless terrorist and we don't bother with Rufus himself.

Lmao please don’t tell me you don’t understand the lasting conflict between the natural will vs synthetic ambition, and the reality of Sephiroth as the Frankenstein product of evil capitalist-imperial meddling with the natural order.

I just said the themes are obvious. I'm just also pointing you can't go, "Clearly this is referring to how Trumph is the great Satan and Lefty environmentalism is the way!!!" When there's nothing remotely like that to be found. The game simply isn't topical, and it even back in the late nineties when it came out it drew its inspirations from scifi in the eighties and seventies.

Jenova is a space alien and Hojo is a mad scientist who just uses the evil capitalists as retarded pawns.

I thought it was about stopping Sephiroth from destroying the planet?
Hence Meteor in the official logo.

I'm glad a gaming corporation can teach me about the dangers of corporativism and capitalism

Shinra awakened Jenova and Hojo industrialized Shinra. You don’t even know the game.

>game's story is about an evil corporation that is damaging the environment
>this means that the game is anti-capitalist and pro-environmentalism
Why do so many autists reach this conclusion?

Also the role of unethical mad science (ambition towards knowledge) in creation gun world-destroying industrialism is intentional.

>Whatever exists, he said. Whatever in creation exists without my knowledge exists without my consent.
>He looked about at the dark forest in which they were bivouacked. He nodded toward the specimens he'd collected. These anonymous creatures, he said, may seem little or nothing in the world. Yet the smallest crumb can devour us. Any smallest thing beneath yon rock out of men's knowing. Only nature can enslave man and only when the existence of each last entity is routed out and made to stand naked before him will he be properly suzerain of the earth.

LUL, no.
>anti-industrial conservationist
The fact that Barret started out as a fucking Coal minor and later becomes an Oil prospector shoots that "message" full of holes. It's anti crony capitalism and corporate governance. It's also arguably anti "green nuclear" because that's what Mako was sold to the public as, "Clean energy." Given Japans nuclear disaster I'd say its original authors were correct.

Because they’re the villain and the entire game is a systematic dismantling of those villains lack of ethics, and an empowerment of the heroes who battle against it?

>No, you see, industrialization and capitalism enabled the villains!
No fucking shit, just like any advanced civilization ideology that has malicious civilians exploiting it would.
Shit like Superman : Red Son would fuck with your head.

N-Noooooo it's about w-waifus! A-and against S-SJWs! B-based n-nips! N-nips are b-based! N-not like t-those western c-cucks!

Attached: 1570595324874.png (785x1100, 498K)

>it’s not anti-industrialism, because the industrialism it criticizes is a more advanced form!
Industrialism is literally an exponential growth vector, and each step up in ambition harms the planet more

>anti-capitalist anti-industrial conservationist game that fundamentally argues addiction to destructive consumption and power makes us unworthy to live on the planet.

But this is why I love it.

Attached: P9170037_v1.jpg (750x1000, 980K)

>god, you’re right, you idiot? Industrialism has always empowered unethical humans to destroy the world

Me too. Im OP and I wrote that post to explain why FF7 is the amongst the greatest games

it's a good message though, corporations are the ones responsible for the vast majority of carbon emissions, and we need to hold them accountable for it

By that logic though, Golden Saucer, Corel, the red light district, and SOLDIER would be shit on as well.

Because the game's villain is built on the concept of bastardizing nature to such a ludicrous degree that their business model revolves around making money on the literal souls of the dead

>Industrialism is literally an exponential growth vector
Except they demonstrate that there is a correct way to do it and a wrong way. Coal and Oil are fine, Nuclear isn't. It's politics are in no way applicable to what we're talking about nowadays despite what faggots like this
will try to imply.

They are the villain for the first arc. Play the game. Final Fantasy VII quickly stops being about "teh evil capitalists" and quickly become a personal about the characters and their identities. That is the most reocurring theme in Final Fantasy VII.

It's no fucking wonder the last boss isn't President Shin-Ra or Rufus or not even Hojo but Sephiroth.

They aren't shitted on because they're more of a byproduct of Shinra itself. Gold Saucer doesn't have a reactor even if they draw power from one. The game doesn't deal with fossil fuels because the threat of using the planet's blood directly is considered far more damaging. And the red light district is just an effect of a bunch of poor people not having enough money to live in actual good neighborhoods so they have to sell anything or buy anything to distract themselves from their shitty lives for even a short while. Even if that means buying women for a short time

You posted all that and think it's about anti-corporation in general and not deliberately making a very comprehensible example of an extreme exploitation?
Are you also that kind of person who sees cyberpunk and thinks "we should all go off the grid"?

Sephiroth is the apotheosis of Shinra's greed though. Well also of Jenova's greed but Shinra as well. Because both Jenova and Shinra are parasites feeding on the Lifestream for a personal gain and Shinra created Sephiroth in an attempt to bastardize a Cetra legend for more money. Even though they already own everything. And that's what Sephiroth became. The ultimate monster that nearly took the entire Lifestream for himself and killed everyone. Shinra was the root cause of it. And in the end it wasn't technology that fixed it, it was nature stepping in and resetting the board with Holy and the Lifestream itself.

I don't know man. I just like finding a strategy when fighting the bosses and grinding my characters to level 99 while boosting their stats to the highest possible .

I didn't think too deep about it. Was I supposed to?

The end of the game shows humanity has possibly been made extinct by the planet’s antibody Holy, and the entire last disc repeatedly belabors that the main cast KNOWS humanity might not survive, but they activate holy anyways. They spend TIRELESS efforts explaining that all humans are complicit in this crime against nature

This 100% is why I have an issue with the remake and specifically it's marketing on merchandise like watches, jewelry and plushies.
It needs to feel more like Akira felt in the first half.

Their identities are entirely related to an acceptance that they are natural symbiotic units within nature, vs Sephiroth’s belief he is an isolated alien god in an enemy world. That’s oneness-with-nature vs the paranoia of empire itself

>uh, so what you’re really saying is this is a story about the villainy of those who exploit the planet!
You basically agree with everything we say, so why argue?

>Coal and Oil are fine, Nuclear isn't.
Was Mako supposed to be a stand in for Nuclear?

Now why would me saying what the game is about, cause you to defend yourself against pressure to activism? What sort of reason would you have to separate yourself from the game’s themes and story by claiming your relationship with it is purely mechanical?

I think if it was then the game would have included a materia bomb

You fucking idiot.
FF7 covers the entire planet, multiple continents.
Shinra owns everything except wutai.

The whole point is that any alternative is better than literally killing the planet and all its life forms.

Basically what I’m getting, is we all agree that this analysis is correct, it’s just some of us need to push back out of feeling accused of being a parasite or being motivated towards activism. Try not to lie to yourself and bargain against such a simple idea though

Sephiroth's existance may be due to Shin-Ra's greed, but it's not like Jenova's parasitical relationship wtih planets can be associated with "capitalism" even loosely just because she is "selfish". Living beings are selfish. Their existance is wholly dependant on the consuming of other things, be it plants, animals, or in Jenova's case, planet's life force.

Jenova's influence on Sephiroth only exists thanks to Shin-Ra, but that only helps cementing Shin-Ra as a side antagonist, and not the primary one. Thanks to their foolishness and lust for power, they unleashed an alien parasite again on the planet, very similarly to Queen Zeal in Chrono Trigger.

Saying it was entirely nature that fixed it is disingenous, too. If not for the Junon cannon, the very weapon of the exploitative and greedy capitalists, Holy couldn't even arrive in the Promised Land.

Oh by the way, all you people who think you remember the game because you just love it so much, this is all shit I got from playing the game again yesterday

Because rufus is taken care of in the giant blast and the northern crater and METEOR is a bit more important at the time.
Arguing "but rufus" is like arguing with a surgeon that you need to trim your nails more than have life saving surgery

Shinra’s business and Jenova’s behavior are painstakingly called equivalent throughout the game, because they are both trying to eat the life stream

>and the entire game is a systematic dismantling of those villains lack of ethics, and an empowerment of the heroes who battle against it?
No it isn't. Shinra is only the main antagonist for part of FF7. And why does showing an example of an unethical corporation in a fictional work extend to demonizing all corporations in real life?

Lol this sounds like trailer trash logic.

You’re forgetting that Sephiroth is a member of Shinra, was created by them as their self-declared ultimate life form, and was driven to world destruction by their abuse

I hear you man.
Most people who claim so never even went for the optional dialogue, when the game literally spells everything out for you as obviously as possible if you actually look for it

>Their identities are entirely related to an acceptance that they are natural symbiotic units within nature

What? No, they aren't. Cloud's identity crisis has absolutly no connection to nature. He was a failed grunt ashamed of where he ended in his career. Cid's crisis was the failure to live his dreams of being a pilot. Barret's crisis was about his actions as a terrorist (for revenge, whitewashing it as fighting "for the planet") and his mistakes in Correl. Even Red XIII, the native-american stand in, has his crisis being about thinking he was descendant of a coward, and not a big warrior.

Those are very personal struggles not related to one's place in "nature".

>Shocked that people misconstrue an author's intention.
Death of the author happens. Also the situation of their world is not the same as ours. For one , for two Shinra is a legit cyberpunk corporate-nation-state.

And hell the idea of the planet being a living thing reeeing at humans is cool as shit and I am opposed to green new deal nonsense because its FICTION. I'm also opposed to monarchies and religious wars but I fucking love Muad'dib, the great jihad and the emperor Leto II long may he slither.

>They are the villain for the first arc.
You realize shinra is an organization right?
You bring down each part of it one by one all the way up to the northern crater.
Yes the president dies early, that doesnt mean hojo scarlett and heidegger arent still around

Sephiroth is the apotheosis of Shinra’s ambition of power and empire, with an added sense of severance from the earth due to being an alien parasite. Sephiroth is Shinra’s self-declared ultimate life form and their prime agent, who is unleashed to great cataclysm as his creator Hojo laughs knowing his goals were achieved

>anti-capitalist anti-industrial
Both capitalism and industries need to be strictly regulated and restricted though.
No, the market won't regulate itself.

defensive about? I'm sorry to break it to you but you don't have real estate in my mind. Your words are meaningless, you're just a troll on the internet with nothing better to do.

Except there's a difference between what Shinra does and what every other "selfish" animal on the planet does. When something else takes from the planet like say growing something or killing something eventually it's recycled back into the planet. Cow eats grass, cow shits, cow shit fertilizes the ground to grow more grass. It's a symbiotic loop. In the case of Shinra when they take the planets natural resource, in this case Mako, it's not usable anymore. You've already used grandma's soul to fap to plane porn, she'll never be recycled back into life. It also reflects in the environment Shinra is a desolate wasteland where no grass grows while everything around it is lush and green. Yeah Shinra needed to use their weaponry to break the northern dome but that's more then cleaning up a mess they made

No, he was driven to world destruction by his own ego. Immediatly upon thinking he is a Cetra, he thinks the planet is his "birthright", and that humans (exploitative or not) "stole" it from his people and drove then to extinction. Then he finds out he's not even a Cetra, and continues thinking he should just get all the lifeforce of the planet and ascend to Godhood.

Sephiroth's motives on becoming insane have nothing to do with Shin-Ra. It's just God Complex through and through.

All instances of people learning and accepting their true nature, versus Sephiroth who embraces a Shinra lie that he is Jenova’s son and not a human child with a human mother and who had a lot of human personaliry before being deluded into believing he was an alien Christ

If your world view doesn't at least have a little bit of corporations bad environment good, you're an idiot.
Obviously keep it within reason but those are decent rules of thumb

>didn't address the second point

All I did was explain what FF7 was about and for some reason you react by saying you don’t acknowledge that part of the game. Why?

>The fanbase is full of emotionally repressed plebs who ignore this in favor of fujoshi fandom and membership to a bloated ‘compilation’ designed around male modeling and pop-star fashionista appeals.
This. How has this franchise sunken so low that 'this' is something consumers, not only want, but expect out of a SE title?

Except you know there's a possibility that microbes have caused a mass extinction due to expelling methane in the atmosphere.

>in this case Mako, it's not usable anymore.
Thats not proven
They just dont have the proper tech because they are too busy amassing MORE rah

He read all that shit in Shinra books and said before Nibelheim that Hojo told him his mother was a woman named Jenova. At that point he is perfectly healthy knowing he is a human child, it’s not until he reads books that say Jenova is an alien that he believes he is a persecuted kidnapped child of a cosmic god with a burning need for revenge against the humans who killed her

FF7 is about a guy dealing with his mother dying in anime form

rather than being efficient

>When something else takes from the planet like say growing something or killing something eventually it's recycled back into the planet

That's not even remotely true. Living things convert matter into energy just like Shin-Ra converts it to energy. Almost all of it is ultimately burned and lost.

Sephiroth motives for becoming a crazy person come from the circumstances of his birth. Sephiroth was created with the intent of making an artificial Cetra that could lead Shinra to the Promised Land. That didn't happen because Jenova was not a Cetra like Shinra thought it was. And Sephiroth wasn't even the first attempt, the Nibelheim reactor was loaded with people who died from Hojo trying to get it right. It was the idea that he was a monster that made Sephiroth go mad and he became the monster he believed he was. Because he was a monster. He was literally born from greed sired by a madman and his compliant assistant. Sephiroth is a potpourri of all of Shinra's, and I guess people in generals, worst qualities. And he acted like it.

Too bad that Nomura's vision of FF7 doesnt extent beyond "clod vs sefiros" le epic anime + metal music

>Sephiroth's motives on becoming insane have nothing to do with Shin-Ra
Holy shit thats so wrong it hurts.
The only reason hes insane is shinra.

dont bother, he thinks all things return to where they came.
Heat energy cant exist because any loss would be CATASTROPHIC for the planet

It’s fiction, take it or leave it. It’s based in realistic themes and your mileage will vary based on your own opinions. You’re being coy by insisting the game doesn’t have themes unless they’re authoritarian extremist praxis to real life

There's oil in the game though.

Oh my god you really need to play the game you tertiary

No. The game repeatedly states otherwise. You haven’t played it in years and have long forgotten what FF7 even is

Yep, that’s why I made this thread

You think heat energy and "this limited resource that will make the planet turn into a black, crumbling rock" are the same thing? There's such a thing as going overboard with exploiting resources

He and op are both right and both points fit into each other. You're just too retarded to see that.

>not until he reads books that say Jenova is an alien that he believes he is a persecuted kidnapped child of a cosmic god with a burning need for revenge against the humans who killed her
No, that's not what is written in Shin-Ra's books or what he finds out.

You ignorant traitor. I'll tell you.
This Planet originally belonged to the Cetra. Cetra was a itinerant race. They would migrate in, settle the Planet, then move on...
At the end of their harsh, hard journey, they would find the Promised Land and supreme happiness.
But, those that disliked the journey appeared. Those who stopped their migrations built shelters and elected to lead an easier life.
They took that which the Cetra and the planet had made without giving back one whit in return!
Those are your ancestors.
Long ago, disaster struck this planet.
Your ancestors escaped... They survived because they hid.
The Planet was saved by sacrificing the Cetra. After that, your ancestors continued to increase.
Now all that's left of the Cetra is in these reports.

From that, the humans survived because they hid, not because they killed Jenova. Nowhere there she is also mentioned as an Alien, but quite otherwise, that she was one of the Cetra fighting against the Alien force.

The fact Sephiroth is pissed at humans simply because they wanted to stop "giving it back" by living as etinerant hyppies that "give back to the planet" shows that he becomes even more of a maniacal enviromentalist than anyone else. This is not "capitalis" motivation.

>commie tranny injects his shit ideology into a game that doesn't feature it again

Sephiroth has literally nothing to do with Shinra, what the fuck am I reading

>the can infuse soldiers
>they can crystalize it into materia
>they can create monsters with it
>they can literally use it to power cities
>but theres no way at all the scientists could have gone a different route and tried to learn how to recycle it
I never said that its in game retard, i literally said it ISNT in the game because of shinras greed.
How about you go play the game and realize how many different projects shrina had its fingers in. A way to recycle old energy and still sell it would have happened due to simple business sense and a declining supply if the promised land didnt get in the way and distract half the company

>wanting to return to a simpler way of life not based on consumption and industry
>falling for idiotic scams like glebel wurmeng which only help governments consolidate their power
Full retard

FF7 is pure kino and redpilled bro. Ted himself couldn't have written a better story.

[/i have never played it]

it's just star wars

every ff is just star wars

you didn't give a fuck about capitalism or the environment when you were ten years old and still loved this game plenty so no absorption of these themes is necessary to its success and can therefore be ignored

>OP is just trying to sound smart here.
welcome to liberalism you have cracked the secret code

OP BTFO. you hate to see it

Nomura a s metro sexual boomer who wears black leather shit irl. Why did people expet when they allowed him to start writing for any of their franchises.

Attached: tetsuya-nomura-294x300.jpg (294x300, 31K)

What the fuck? Shinra created Sephiroth in their lab for the sole purpose of creating a celebrity supersoldier. Are you high?

Every seven year old who played FF7 knew it was about the planet, because that’s all they talk about

Hojo didnt even do all the real science, hes just a hack that makes monsters riding on the coattails of those before.
He literally tried to get a dog to fuck a cetra because "science" fucking freak

Does he really wear shit like this all the time? I mean, he can't possible.

You're full of shit. The game is about waifus, over the top japanese mannerisms and grind.

Politicalfags gtfo

You mean *possibly
And yes he does

Attached: nomura2.png (1023x1347, 1.04M)

Fuck, I've been up to long. Going to sleep now

>wanting to return to a simpler way of life not based on consumption and industry

It's funny because you enjoy the benefits of it, and most likely wouldn't be willing to actually return to a simpler time. We almost certainly should be careful with how we're fucking with the planet and you'd be retarded to think otherwise.

The lifestream is ironically a plague that's consuming the planet's resources. Eventually the planet's physical resources will be drained by life itself, and the only way for the stream to continue is to be absorbed and move to another planet. Jenova did nothing wrong.

yeah in the same way every single rpg is about saving the world. sephiroth was a good soldier but became evil, he is bad for the world so you kill him

just like star wars with vader

it was never about making parallels with real life because the problem was made by a meteor, shinra hurting the planet didn't prevent it from stopping meteor either. the problem was magic and the solution that fixed everything was also magic.

>Eventually the planet's physical resources will be drained by life itself
Thats not how plants work

Rereading Sephiroth's first insanity monologue makes it obvious he is the ultimate enviromentalist hyppie that thinks we should all live etinerant lives and not exploit the planet and hates "your ancestors" just because they settled in cities and hid away from the Alien that arrived(and yes, I know he changes on learning Jenova is not a Cetra, but I'm talking about that moment in his development).

Sounds familiar...

FF7 wants us to use fossil fuel instead of energy that is literally the lifeblood of the planet and the essence of reincarnation.

>falling for idiotic scams like glebel wurmeng which only help governments consolidate their power
Man /pol/ is truly full or retards.

they didn't even present fossil fuels as something anyone knew to use until Advent Children.

I always thought it was mack-oh, not maw-ko. I feel betrayed.

Half of that is shinra being wrong as fuck on multiple accounts.
Thats kind of the point is that you dont know the full story until so much later on.

The fact sephiroth is retarded enough to think shinra is the end all of knowledge is the real problem.

It's kind of retarded when they did too because oil is literally made of million year old dead things just like Mako

Did you fucking forget that Barret was from a coal mining town?

"ffvii is an environmentalist tale" meanwhile the barret novella pre-advent children talks about how they use coal-powered trucks with dedicated shovelers lmao

The entire reason for Sephiroth's existence is Shinra who wanted more Mako then they already had. If Shinra didn't exist then Jenova would've stayed in her cave for the rest of eternity and the planet wouldn't have to ambiguously destroy humanity since humanity was responsible for creating this nightmare in the first place

I didn't say they were right, I'm saying that what you said ("he reads the books that say Jenova is an alien and is persecuted her and hates humans for killing her") is all wrong. That's not what he reads in the books, and that's not why he hates humans even at that point. I don't think he even "hates" humans after his realization of what Jenova is.

But I live in a rural area, so I'd be fine.

I think the worst problems people have are directly related to the shitty lifestyle they exist in, one of 1000-1500 Sq foot boxes, yards barely big enough to keep the two+ cars they need to drive to work so they can pay for their box and buy the distractions they're told will make their shitty empty existence less pointless.
The worst of these people though are the ones like you who just feel like empowering a distant and powerful govt with even more power is a meaningful step toward actually fixing the world and the environment.

Glerbel wermeng is a red herring designed to keep the status quo of consumption and corporate serfdom and give the idiots like you a "cause" to champion which can't do anything except increase the power of the ruling class.

Space alien that said evil corporation takes advantage of

Please ingest IQ pills

yeah, anything not run on mako in VII prior to the end of Advent Children ran on coal. only at the end of AC does barret mention that they've started switching to oil.

Im not the same person, Im just following the thread wanted to make sure all points got covered.
Sephiroth was manipulated all the way to the end really

Oh, I see.
Yeah, he was. And we aren't even aware of what exactly Jenova could tell him, how self-aware or conscient she was, anything. She could have fed him a lot of misinformation as well.
I remember one of the only lines she says in the whole game is calling Cloud a puppet, and how a lot of especulation was precisely on how much Sephiroth himself is, or was at some point in the story, her puppet as well.

oil and coal are the natural resources that used for ages before industrial revolution.
And Oil was definitely a major resources for ancient humans.

Where are my midgar gym bros at?

>muh pol
Look at yourself. You don't actually give a shit about the environment. You don't want to live in the world. You just like having your sense of moral superiority because you accept its "hurr settled hurr science".
I see nothing in the global warming movement that is actually about conserving the world, it's all alarmism.
And yet, you're so deep in the kool-aid that when you see someone advocating for a life of self sufficiency with less consumerism and actual natural conservation, you balk because they don't accept the global warming scam.

Ending global warming doesn't stop what's happening. It just give the govt more power to regulate and dole out favors to their industry favorites, all while maintaining the status quo of corporate feudalism.
You retards are the worst kind of npc.

yes FF7 has heavy enviromentalism themes. yes, some dumb people fail to pick up on them.
however, the game simply does not say anything about environmentalism that isn't echoed by many pieces of media.
(corportation) threatens the planet with (action), planet answers back with (x).

the themes of "identity" are much more prevalent.
Cloud and Sephiroth both have an identity crisis upon finding out what they truly are. the difference is, Cloud more or less embraces who he is, eventually; he overcomes his struggle with identity. just because his memory and perception of reality was fake, that doesn't make the person he is today any less real. Meanwhile, when Sephiroth's identity is threatened, he rampages across the land in the name of Jenova/the planet, he falls directly into the role his "true" identity assigns to him, rather than overcoming all of this in a healthy fashion. he serves as a foil to Cloud in that respect.
Shinra and their actions are merely a vehicle which allows these character arcs and their conflict to take place.

Attached: smug tifa.jpg (1200x1153, 68K)

not in VII universe. it's mako or coal. they even have coal furnace powered trucks in the AC books.

Tons of people forget we were burning oil for AGES before the industrial revolution. Lamps, heating, and much more.

Its a matter of scale really.
Once you get a factory in a town that uses 200x the oil that town use to and that happens all over the planet your in trouble

This. Ironic how the message could be argued to be:
"green energy is worse than fossil fuels"

do you want to eat bugs?

Sephiroth and Jenova are the same being. Sephiroth is Jenova given human consciousness and a god complex

Oil is found at the end of AC by barrets organization

>I see nothing in the global warming movement that is actually about conserving the world, it's all alarmism
Some of this may be true, but I called you a retarded because your previous post suggested that global warming is a hoax and not because Government and Corporations wont use it to manipulate the masses.

I'll keep eating the meat of my livestock and anything I hunt thank you very much.
I live in a rural area and have a small livestock farm, so I'm good.
Interesting how the global warming shit is suddenly now anti meat and anti livestock farmers.

Crazy isn't it how this global warming scam is now attacking the only people who are self sufficient in an economy of consumption which can only grow by adding more corporate serf consumers to the economy.

yes that's the first time they start using oil. all tech prior to that moment was mako or coal

Thats not how it goes at all dude.
The lifesteam is the SOULS OF ALL CREATURES
Not some piddly energy stream underground.
If the lifestream dries up there will be no more reincarnation, no more life at all.

See the thing is you have to fight against human nature, which you know as shown with communism will not work my friend. People will not go back to less consumerism and natural conservation, we will just try to find more. We do need to find alternatives that can either be renewed or find a vast amounts of that it would be crazy to be able to run out. I don't think we need the government for that, just people looking to progress in that endeavor.

china unleashing this virus has done more for the health of this planet than anything any human could have done

china went from dumping sludgeclouds into the air nonstop 24/7 to totally clear skies without a drop of pollution in the air because 40% of their factories were abandoned. every single minute china's factories sit idle is worth a decade of environmental alarmist bullshit we'd be put through to reduce our emissions

That's true, he does believe he's a persecuted ancient for a while there. His motivation during the Nibelheim incident is revenge at humanity for persecuting the planet. That's another anti-industrial lean in the series.

>the entire planet has one city and couple of towns and villages
Fucking brainlet.

>Mako is dead souls
>Oil is dead bodies
I mean, they just switched out one bad thing for another. The plaint either would have been sucked dry of souls or fucked up by Co2, unless oil is some magical fuel that never needs replenishing and doesn't cause environmental issues in FF7 world.

sephiroth is humble when he doesn't remember where he came from and happily does shinra's bidding

his whole shtick about reclaiming the planet is just because he wants to believe he has his superpowers for a more noble reason than "some douchebag grew me in a lab for lols"

>couple villages
You realize its a ps1 game right?
They physically couldnt make the towns as large as they wanted to.

I love chrono trigger

It IS a hoax. Why is this the only environmental issue the elite and powerful care about?
It's a red herring. They've got you chasing this lie and not stopping to think about a better, more holistic approach to living.
We don't have to give up modern technology, we just have to find ways for people to be more self sufficient and less consumption based.

Let's say global warming is real.
Let's say we get all the stuff they claim we need to do in place.
This pushes independent farmers off their land (not supposed to eat meat if we want to stop global warming).
This makes insects our primary form of food, which means more industry and less self sufficient options.
This means cars are less of an option, so we have to rely on systems they control, like public transport, so you have to live closer to where you work.

Our houses get smaller, our lifestyle options are less, and they control more of what we can do, all in the name of stopping global warming.
But the consumption hasn't ended. They're still digging up lithium, they're still pouring plastics into the ocean, and we're still consuming in an effort to feel better about our shitty consumerist corporate serf lives.

see, you're heavily generalizing the global warming movement. crony liberal upper-class jews want you to eat bugs and replace plastic straws with paper ones. they merely want to shift blame to the general populace and virtue-signal. the media will only ever show you these sorts of detestable ghouls, in order to divide and conquer folks like you.
actual human beings, on the other hand, want to heavily restrict the corporations contributing to the 99% of emissions, with CEOs you can actually place the blame upon.

Although Hojo works for Shinra, he doesn't do shit for Shinra. He mostly just uses their money to do whatever the fuck he wants and only gives them a kickback every once in a while because otherwise they'll stop funding them.

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Sure the average pleb is content to stay in their meaningless life of consuming the next commercial product they're peddled.
My issue with the global warming shit is that their "fix" would reduce my options to live my life of farming and self sufficiency.
It's funny how now we have to eat bugs to save the world isn't it?
A farmer couldnt live on bugs, he'd need industrial tier production to stay self sufficient.
I can however live on the deer I hunt, the boar I kill, the pigs and chickens I raise.
And I can make a profit to pay my expenses with my fruit trees, honey bees and goats milk I sell at local markets, to dumb city hipsters who think they're saving the world.

>i can tell the future
Neat, what am I having for dinner.

But if its not real than explain why I have witnessed my northern town loose literally half of its winter months in the last 15 years alone.
Explain the change in atmospheric circulation.
Natural climate change happens over thousands of years, not in the time it takes me to graduate.
And if you think places like LA which is literally just a city to he horizon, china, and every other pollution zone isnt doing anything at all when its literally many time more than what the world volcanoes produce then you might be mistaking the sheer scale of mankind.

>A farmer couldnt live on bugs
Are you retarded?
Entire tribes can live off bugs

I agree but Cloud and Sephiroth's identities and arcs are fundamentally tied to an idea of symbiosis with nature. The game spends an abundant amount of its runtime showing the entire world's ecosystem are part of one oversoul from which all consciousness and sense of 'self' draw. Your soul and the soul everything there ever was and ever will be, are one in the same, in the conscious living soul of the world. Cloud's arc is to recover his true identity lost to the soul-corrupting mad science that is destroying the souls of everything in the world. Sephiroth goes mad from feeling like a monster when he discovers he too is a mad science experiment isolated from the rest of the world, and he just so happens to combine with a cosmic parasite in a terrible mad science accident. Both of these stories and everything else in FF7 are fundamentally about oneness with the world consciousness. The entire question of identity is rooted in the answer 'your identity comes from your relationship with your world'. That's what the whole game is about, everybody's existence as separate soul entities belonging to the same oversoul within the earth.
That is wholly what Final Fantasy 7 is about

Except you can literally live off bugs and reduce your costs dramatically to you can improve other aspects ofyou life like getting a new bed for you back or something thats actually useful for more than a few meals.

Now this is real thinking. Are we really just deleting biomass? I guess it all comes from the sun huh. So much fucking energy, man. Sun worshippers had it right.

Shinra is bad because they STOPPED using fossil fuels.

no i'm just saying I didn't think about deeper meaning until my friend from japan told me back in 2002 it was about Russia and their use of nuclear weapons.

Hojo made Shinra what it was and invented Mako energy harnessing. He did it all.

>Let's say we get all the stuff they claim we need to do in place.
restrict the companies who pump out shit-tons of emissions.
>This pushes independent farmers off their land (not supposed to eat meat if we want to stop global warming).
>This makes insects our primary form of food, which means more industry and less self sufficient options.
>This means cars are less of an option, so we have to rely on systems they control, like public transport, so you have to live closer to where you work.
d&c pushed by jewish capitalist media. nobody with a brain actually wants to do this. you're letting heavily biased internet articles inform your opinion too heavily.
>They're still digging up lithium, they're still pouring plastics into the ocean
again, this is what actual humans want to stop.

This is rich coming from a global warming useful idiot.
You faggots have literally been screeching about the end being nigh since the fucking 80's.
While I'm merely taking the fixes the global warming alarmists claim we need to make and applying them to reality.
What in my list is not a bullet point in the magical plan that will save the world from global warming?

>snow melt
The world has been both much hotter and colder than it is right now.
Why don't you idiots ever consider the fact that it might not be us? It might be the sun? Or it might be a natural cycle?
But I'm the idiot, I'm the one who is trying to predict the future. Lol

There is no such thing as symbiosis with a planet. Planets are inanimate, inorganic rocks. .

You really just assume you control everything now, and any change is giving control to someone else, don't you? You're not in control.

Except regulating factory farms and modern mega-industries wouldnt affect a small farmer at any point and could in fact help him regain lost customers if the massive corporations are limited.

That's my point. The scale of the world is much bigger than what the game was able to show. It wouldn't make sense to build a massive amusement park in the middle of nowhere on a continent with just a few dying towns. Realistically, there are likely a lot more human settlements around the ff7 world, but they weren't shown in-game because they had no relevance to the story. I believe we'll see more of them in the remake.

You're so far in your own bubble that you can't see what they're actually pushing.
I pay attention to this stuff because it can actually affect my livelihood.
>stop lithium mining
Lmfao how are you going to have your "green" electric cars?
You still don't see. It's almost sad, but since you refuse to stop and think for a second, I don't have any pity.

Natural and synthetic is a false dichotomy. Humans are an animal product of nature, all our behaviour is natural. Technology and exploitation of resources is no less natural than a termite mound or an ant colony.

Whether or not there's 'more' to the world (why would there need to be?), it was abundantly established Shinra ruled the entire world except a ruined Yutai. The whole first journey through the world is finding Shinra everywhere including at the bottom of the ocean.

okay so you're just retarded, ok then. can't wait for your precious off-the-grid forest to burn down in a couple of years due to rampant forest fires from heavily rising summer temperatures.

But you would agree if we found the source of all our souls, we shouldn't burn it in a furnace to power a city, right?

I agree, but none of the global warming shit would actually do what you're proposing.
Nothing in the Paris accords did what you're claiming. And that's like the fucking gold standard for global warming right now.
See how you're falling for a red herring?

All of history has shown that these cycles exist.
In large time scales.
Not 15 years.

>he thinks things are just like the early 1700s
If it wasnt for regulations places like manhattan and LA would be worse of than china. That pollution carries on the wind and can damage nearby farmland.
Not something you would care about right?

Limiting the mega corporations will not hurt the mom and pop establishments.
You idiots that think going after bezos and his ilk is somehow going to hurt uncle jebs cow farm are clearly misinformed.

Nobody said any of that shit schizo

Whew. The smugness is exactly what I'd expect from an armchair activist like you.
Keep flowing that red herring tho.

I never brought up politics user.
Science is real whether you like it or not.
How humans react to that is up to them and their shitty ideas like the paris accords

Funny how you instantly deflect

Final Fantasy 7 is also a spiritual story about an earth cosmology and the way separate entities of the same oversoul wound eachother due to their relationships with that earth.
It's a lot like Evangelion actually. And Star Wars.

Google regulatory capture you smug, useless faggot

>You have ALL forgotten what this game is about
No. The fans never forgot. Square forgot.

And you say I deflect.
Guess youre caught in a logic loop.
Let that npc programming catch up.

True true. Some of these people are in denial though or maybe never knew

see >advocating for a life of self sufficiency with less consumerism and actual natural conservation
sure, what I posted was a generalization- but it's more or less the type of thing this post was referring to. a self-sufficient person in their off-the-grid forest with "less consumerism and actual natural conservation" is an example of someone who'll be heavily impacted by global warming.

>why would there need to be
Because otherwise the entire planet would be comprised of one city and couple of towns, which is obviously not even remotely realistic and would make the ff7 world the smallest of the mainline series.

This is mostly true. Any environmentalist message is completely bulldozed over in Advent Children and KH cameos in favor of spectacle fight scenes and feeling sorry for yourself.

But this is also what the unwashed hogs want, so it's a symbiotic relationship of stupidity.

So your argument is to do nothing because the villains win anyways.

No where did I ever fucking say that shits being done right, simply that shit cannot continue how it is.
The fact you cannot fathom that someone would find disdain in both sides is hilarious.
Most activists are retarded and dont realize the philippines have been on fire for over a decade because slash and burn is cheaper than logging as well.

>a good solution doesnt exist so it can never exist
This is how half you assholes sound.
The other half are just as retarded in different ways.

Native american mythology mixed with end of the world disaster.

ITT retards not unterstanding that Capitalism and capitalist enterprises have always exploited resources and people till total exhaustion.

It's just a game.Grow up.

I'm with you there my friend, that's why I say we need alternative ways of doing stuff, that are better not worse. Making people have less just won't work, people never want less. We should be looking for ways to help our sustainability on Earth because it'll be too late otherwise. It's not possible to go back to everyone just living off farms anymore. But I think it's foolish to think everyone will just be willing to go with less than what they have already. If you think this isn't a problem, or won't be a major problem I think you're missing the forest for the trees. Whether we'll be able to fix it, is another question.

But user, the regulations you're describing literally ARE self sufficiency, less consumerism and actual natural conservation. There's no reason to assume he's talking about a wholesale abandonment of government (you nut), enough of the same regulations we have alongside personal conservationism and avoiding overconsumption in daily life all qualify as what he said.

Of course. But that metaphor doesnt gel for me because the logic doesnt apply to the real world

Well the story is that most of the people in the world had been corralled into Midgar and Junon and the places that have visible large residential areas in the game

yes good goy this cashgrab remake is against capitalism now please order the giga ultimate limited collection if you will, and buy it again when the trilogy is over to get the super duper limited summon

I don't think it is what most fans wanted. I think the general consensus is Advent Children/KH Cloud is not real Cloud. Most people see the difference.

I have no wonder how much they're going to lean in to that message for the first game. A story about an authoritarian energy conglomerate that has bought off politicians and has its own private military and also controls the media is more prescient than ever. We're living the in hellword we always dreamed of when playing this game as kids, it's fun.

I was generalizing based on what the other guy said. my point is that -actual people- want to slow down emissions from the companies causing 99% by restricting what they can pump out.
they are the root cause of global warming, but these capitalist jews use their massive wealth to push this narrative that -actual people- want you to eat bugs and other dumbass shit. they don't! shit like that is c&d put out there so conservative-minded folks like you are put off.

This, the fact that gongoga blew up just made people more scared of small town reactors because they were underfunded. That led to the already dwindling rural population to plummet entirely for the safety of the walled city away from the monsters being made in those very reactors.

Every animal does this. When they have the power to consume, they consume. It is not a result of capitalism, it is a result of technological evolution

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Given no competition ANY animal will dominate the ecosystem its in until self eradication through over population and lack of food.
Luckily for animals they can migrate to new locations.

imagine seeing everything like this. just enjoy the game or shut it off, christ

Wow you are just animals. Okay. Why the fuck do you have human rights then? Shouldn't someone own you then like a fucking dog? Fuckin retards.

Every other animal is driven solely by instinct though. If we're as worthless as they are even with our supposed big brains, then let's just stop pretending we're any better than they are and be fatalistic. We're never reaching the stars, we're never getting off of this rock to explore space, because we're mindless zombies that are slaves to our instincts. We can mostly mitigate the instinct to go and fuck whatever you want without the other persons consent, but evidently this hill is too hard to climb. What an utterly defeatist mentality.

Capitalism is a cataclysmic scale for consumption

predators aren't all-consuming, they don't just gobble up entire populations wholesale.
capitalism has no upper limits.

I remember the themes, I enjoyed FF7 and will enjoy FF7R regardless of that hippy trash, not because of it.

all I'm saying is- even when taking that user's meaning to the extreme- global warming will still exist, your contribution won't slow it down, and it's effects (such as forest fires) will hit you eventually

Fuck all the politics discussion in this thread. We should be asperging about the fact this game is actually real. Like holy shit Yea Forums, it's really going to happen, the fucking remake is fucking coming out

>tfw even top gear presenters admitted to climate change because their globe trotting challenges showed how bad things really are

It's interesting seeing how much class consciousness shit has been reintroduced into the zeitgeist in the past half a decade or so. Parasite winning all those pedowood awards comes to mind as well.

This game is only relevant because of it's story and characters.

No shit Sherlock

As goofy as it might sound, I did get goosebumps when I actually got to play the demo and it finally dawned on me that I am playing one part of a remake of FFVII. I don't think the gravity will fully hit me until I have the entire game.

Its been real since it didnt come out for ps3 just like KH3 and FFversus
the air buster is now a mid game boss

I don't give a shit about the planet. I dump my trash in the woods and creeks because why not.

Go be autistic somewhere else.

If you think FF7 is about all that, then you only got a surface understanding of the story. The story is about overcoming your flaws and leaving a mark on the world, even if it's only temporary. Even Barret, the eco-terrorist reveals that in the end, he only did what he did as revenge against Shinra, but eventually changed his reasons to building a better world for his daughter.
The ending hits you over the head that nature (planet) always wins in the end. Everything that happened in the story, good or bad had little consequences in the long run, even Shinra with their "planet destroying technology". The story was not about saving the planet, the story was about a man and his friends overcoming adversity at some point in history.

It's not about the planet really, more about having a livable environment. I guess that what most people mean by, "planet", but that just makes it sound more grandiose than it actually is.

I know, right? After all this time, all the hype surrounding every tiny little mention of the possibility of a remake, that PS3 demo, the subpar spin offs and movies, all the memes...It's here. It got announced in fucking 2015, Nomura didn't even know he was directing it, there was the .Hack developers version getting dropped, but it's real and it's almost here.

Even then if you zoom out that far, the story is ultimately that nature always wins, so you should try not to get on its bad side. The entire point of the post credits with Nanaki and Midgar overgrown with nature is to say humanity found a way to coexist with nature instead of trying to dominate it. It's still very much an environmentalist story, but there are several other layers as well, one of which is a pretty standard heroes journey.

Human rights are based on feels and the whims of the people who hold power. They arent this special transcendent thing, they are just a cultural norm.
Humans are solely driven by instinct too. Self preservation, sex, the pleasure principle, and relief from boredom motivate every human endeavour. We just take more abstract paths to these goals. Everything we do is about feeling good. What makes us feel good is determined by instinct.
They would if they could. They are only limited by their power to obtain food. If antelope were slightly slower and slightly weaker, lions would explode in numbers, eradicate them all, and eventually starve to death due to the dearth of prey that follows. Humans greatest foible is that we are too successful as animals. Its not a political thing, its biological.

Dude, I'm not going to vote for leftists just because I played some RPG game lol

The whole thing about Nomura not knowing is hilarious. I wish we got to watch his reaction.

Completely fucking wrong and I guarantee that you don't hunt, fucking mongoloid

Since no humans are shown in the post credits scene and nature has taken over civilization. I assume that humanity never truly recovered after meteorfall without the help of mako energy and eventually imploded on itself like many believe we will do in real life before we manage to leave the planet.

A satanist. You get the rope.

>You have ALL forgotten what this game is about
The game is about everyone teaming up and saving the planet from a big magical meteor. Check the logo you fagtard.

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Dont project your jewish desert cult shit at me. Also, not an argument

Thats what the main canon for shinra is basically.
It takes all the reactors and funnels that energy into a super powerful blast.
Anime just likes lasers more I guess

>I read deep into video games cause I'm cool

Wait, what? What do you mean Nomura didn't know?

Mako energy is a stand in for geothermal dummys.
The moral is the story is dont harvest the core of a world because thats where the planets ghosts live.

He didnt know he was directing the FF7 remake until it was publicly announced.