Why hasn't Apple made a gaming console?

Why hasn't Apple made a gaming console?

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they couldn't even managed AppleTV correctly, what makes you think a console will be good?

Apple Pippin

They don't make toys


It'd be a nogaems machine. It wouldn't even have multiplats. Mac OS doesn't even want to support real graphics APIs.
Imagine having a computer which is more of a toy than a game console.

Pippin. Look how this one turned out.

Do you really think making a gaym console is a worthwhile endeavor?
>angry gaymers bitching n moaning for every decision they dont like
>sell consoles at a lower price than the hardware
>pay devs to make games on their platforms

This. Game consoles cost less because they're shitty walled gardens, apple products are the opposite.

why would they try again? iOS & macOS already got more games than current gen consoles and they make more money.

Ah, fuck. I didn't know someone actually made an Apple thread on Yea Forums, so I already made my thread, but I guess I'll ask here.

Anyway I was thinking of getting one, mostly for mobile gaming. Yeah, mobile gaming is trash but some games I've played are kind of fun but I hate playing them on a tiny phone screen. Is it worth getting one just for gaming? I guess I wouldn't mind having it for other things/features. I was just gonna get the cheapest one, which I think is the standard Ipad. It's like $330, but it has a weaker processor than the Ipad Air which is like $500. I guess if you're getting it for primarily gaming then the stronger processor is worth it. I don't know. I'm a cheapskate so I'd rather get the cheaper model I guess.

Seems like spending $200 for a stronger processor isn't worth it for that alone. Don't know how many people on here care about Apple products, probably not many. I really don't either.


they sell monitor stands for 999 and people buy then user

they can sell a shitty console as powerfull as the switch for 1000 bucks EASILY
Is the church of apple were talking about here

They should be releasing a new Apple TV soon which only improvement over the current one that does 4K HDR no problem would be beefier performance for games and Apple TVs take Xbox and PS4 controllers, so that's the closest they are gonna be to releasing a console.

Go to their refurbished section on their website, save a pretty penny and their stuff comes pretty much brand new, they replace all the casings and screens (And cables) and the only thing refurbished is the internals plus they come with the same warranty as a new product.
The Air is the sweet spot, they have a better screen too, just save up a little more.

Damn, is the Air really worth it over just a generic Ipad? I mean, the only big difference is the processor. Everything is pretty much the same. Same specs and everything. I think the Air is "slightly" bigger, like .3 inches or some shit. The ipad is 10.2 and the Air is like 10.5, so I just felt like dropping $200 wasn't really worth it unless you just need the extra horsepower.

Will you really see such a big difference in everything?

>church of apple
Yeah man the entire music industry using Macs is totally because of their love of apple.


But then what, you can play the limited selection of games that've been ported to OSX? You can already use an Apple TV to play iOS games on your TV, and people aren't falling over themselves for that.

The screen is somewhat of a big difference, the regular iPad you can see a gap between the glass and the screen itself while the Air there's no gap, something that might not bother a lot, but it drives me crazy, plus I could be wrong on this one but I'm pretty sure it uses first gen Touch ID while air uses the newest one, which might not be such a big deal.
I would just go to an Apple Store and compare them back to back and see if you're ok with the difference, its just not the processor that's different, Apple cut some corners in order to make that iPad so "affordable"

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pretty much
stadia 2.0 but with more lag

Why is thisi garbage so expensive??

Phone games is where all the money is. When was the last time you saw a TV ad for a non-mobile game?

>>sell consoles at a lower price than the hardware
Apple proves there's enough retards who'd pay for overpriced shit as long as you brand it right.

I mean it all comes down to what you're gonna do with it and purchasing power.
Sure its expensive if all you're gonna do with it is play mobile games.

what did apple japan mean by this?

Why would they? Sony and Microsoft has a lot of video game studios under their wing so they can provide CONTENT to their platforms and compete. How could Apple compete with them on the same field with probably same hardware but no games? Their best bet is to go for portables and btfo nintendo but what's the point when iphone exists and prints money with mobile games?

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>Why hasn't Apple made a gaming console?
Imagine Nintendo hardware with XBOX content and Sony fanbase

But they have

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I'm gonna ignore >mobile gaming for a second
There isn't any big advantage apple has over android in that regard, all "official" games worth playing exist on both phonestores, android is considerably cheaper and performs better.
Android also has vastly superior support for input, like keyboards and controllers.
Plus you get emulators. There are emulators on apple, but in order to use them you negate the ONE advantage apple phones have:
This advantage is user friendliness. It's nigh impossible to fuck up using an iphone/pad. It's a very real advantage. It doesn't give you any advantages in games though.

in conclusion: is it worth getting one? Maybe, but the overall consensus is no. You pay more for the same thing with apple phones, but in return you get a foolproof system. The entire advantage of an iPhone is lost in the context of games.

Can Apple TV play appstore games?
I mean why not just take the mid spec iphone, stuff the mainboard in a little box that plugs into your telly and sell it as a "gaming console" where you can install and play games from the app store

So basically it's not worth buying an Ipad if you're just gonna use it for gaming? And I'm not talking emulating. I just mean mobile games on the app store, guess it is kind of a waste of money to drop $500 or some shit on a tablet to play games. I don't know if I'd anything else on it, maybe lay in bed and watch movies or browse the internet, but I could do that on my smart phone, but I just hate the small screen.

>buying a phone that throttles itself to make you buy next year's model

I already mentioned that above. Thing is, very few people want to play mobile games on their TV, and those that care enough to do so can already attach it to the TV input with a cable and use a bluetooth controller to achieve the same thing as app-store game console.

You can't play a game if the controller only has one button

Correct, I'm not going to screech about there being no reason to ever buy an iPad, but the second you tap on the [Game] icon, you're getting the exact same experience if not a better one on an android device in the same price range.
Plus like I said, you have more options in terms of telescopic controllers if that's your bag.
The one advantage I can think of is that iPads have very high res displays, but these are barely noticeable even in games that can actually render to support the super high resolution displays.

What's the consensus on Apple Arcade? Crossy Road Castle looks fun but I'm not really into paying monthly for a few games instead of a one time fee.

>all "official" games worth playing exist on both phonestores
Not really, see Civ for example. Plus they have the arcade thing, don’t know if that’s worth it.

I don't know much about Apple Arcade. I read they offer 100 games or so but if all the games are trash then it probably isn't worth paying for it. I don't know if they add new ones or update it regularly, I guess they do.

I’m looking at it now, and there are some cool looking games, and you have stuff like Rayman, but it’s all buried in generic trash and I see no way to filter it, I can’t even browse by genre, the categories are just stories with just a couple select titles it seems.

They've tried a few times, and failed miserably. Their latest interest in the gaming sector is trying to buy exclusivity for iphone for mobile games. It hasn't worked out, as seen with fortnite. It took an exceptional amount of time after the android release because apple was being fucking greedy. As was google, only they literally told google to go fuck themselves and just handed out an apk. If you go on twitter you can find some of the devs talking about how they were pretty close to offering the files for a jailbroken iphone to install fortnite but it would have lead to too many hackers if they had to explain to dipshit 13 year olds how to jailbreak.

steve jobs never gave a shit about gaming. its only until after he passed has apple dabbled in gaming but its only mobileshit because thats where they are the market leader