Why do Japanese developers always model their characters after white people?
Are they self loathing?
Why do Japanese developers always model their characters after white people?
Are they self loathing?
inb4 r/asianmasculinity, blackaboos and sjws claim they're all asian
amwf porn is so hot. I love how disgusted the white women look after they get creampied
White people are objectively more attractive then any other race, male or female.
But he looks exactly like 90% of japanese visualkey singers?
as a fellow poc, I always play as white people, I don't self loath, so i doubt they do as well.
Because we look better than them. Every race wishes they could be blonde blue eyed aryans.
Lol no
Inb4 something about "all asians look the same"
What are you?
>tfw white but have brown eyes and black hair
I might as well be a shitskin to be honest.
If that's the case then they make way better white people than white people
>thinking that muscular twink is white
something is seriously wrong with pasty incels, white people don't look anything like that nor do asians. it's a fucking video game model.
I fucking hate leftist incels wanting all characters to be black.
go back
I think japs actually think they look like the right. Something about nationwide body dysmorphia
Cloud is not supposed to look Japanese, the setting of FFVII is supposed to be exotic and give you a sense of wonder, Cloud is supposed to look foreign. Foreign and exotic to a nip means blonde.
Exactly, about 1% of white people are as attractive as Leon Kennedy
they just look unsatisfied
The two girls look more Japanese then white in my opinion.
Cloud is a Germanic flavor of white, and there's an asia proxy within that setting that he has nothing to do with, ethnically speaking.
Aside from that, any Japanese person can tell you that outside of the touristy stuff and occasional distaster, nothing really of note happens in Japan, whereas a lot more happens in the western world on the day-to-day, so it's generally easier to make any story more believably eventful if it takes place in the western world.
He looks like a white woman with crazy Japanese hair in FF7R. In AC he looked like a Japanese guy though.
Do White people seriously think this creature looks a White person?
dios mio..........
There's nothing germanic about his dainty features.
They look like asian potatoes.
How can they be objectively more attractive if beauty is subjective?
Remove makeup from the guy in the middle and you get the Cloud..
It's only partially subjective (personal fetishes/culture), most of it is hardwired and a sign of fertility.
>being ignorant
They actually model the characters how they perceive their asian selves to look.
Basically, you see what you want to see.
the female characters can look Asian but never can the male character.
They just like beauty, and are good at portraying it.
Literally Japanese selfishness, they're making characters that have always been white look Asian now because they are cringe now.
perfect bait
>Japanese games
>male characters tend to be more White
>female characters tend to be more Asian
Any good explanation to this?
Cloud is Asian
Is this the white equivalent of WE WUZ?
Because white features are foreign to them, so seeing foreign looking people in a fantasy world makes it more believable that it's a fantasy world, I suppose ...
Easy: the Japanese like being cucked by white men.
If u gonna call the female asian the male looks the fucking same. You are mad delusional.
i always knew that that guy was a zainichi false flagger
Oh, so another ignorant retard then.
How about you educate yourself and read up on this. Even you should be able to use google.
Or don't and remain ignorant.
chinese cucks
because ff is based on western fantasy. its not eastern.
>takahiro sakurai is white
Nah you're retarded
Literally no one says that and means it other than uggos and mentally ill people.
Because of the NTR movement.
Why do white people try to insert themselves into any and every medium yet get butthurt when other races do the same?
They're mentally retarded, see
It’s this ambiguousness in cartoons causing autism just like simpsons that is called a white person but his skin is yellow nor does he have any white features. Single line nose and mouth.
They lost world war 2.
Yes they are self loathing.
Why would they be proud of losing.
I'm not white.
They don't. They just make pretty people. Race never enters their mind.
Also, youknowwhat says this picture of Cloud is a 24-year old white female. I can't post it, though, because I'm on my phone and it won't let me for security reasons.[/spoilers]
This has been explained a million times.
Simply put, you're wrong.
You think they look white because you're culturally appropriating. For whatever fucking reason, faggots like you enjoy self inserting, so you are convinced they're white.
>inb4 I'm black
No you're fucking not.
Go to anywhere in Asia and they'll tell you Cloud looks South Korean or some shit.
You gotta understand the mindset of a typical Japanese person. Everything about living in Japan is boring as fuck, if the colors aren't on a gray scale then it's not used, except in advertising, which uses lots of color, about the only color a typical Japanese person will see in a day. Knowing this, the typical Japanese will accept their soul crushing advertisement driven society, work 8 hours and sit in meetings for 4 hours a day, drink until their liver explodes and die by the age of 102. Those extreme few who reject it are artists, and they need to put color in places they normally wouldn't see it, such as eyes and hair. If you turned Cloud's eyes brown and his hair black with orange highlights, he'd look like a regular fuckboy working at a host club, and that's not good enough for the artist.
It's not about modeling after white people, it's about escaping their pathetic and boring lives with the power of color.
Dude looks like a chink. What did OP mean by this?
Imagine being that big enough of a faggot to use "culturally appropriating" completely unironically.
white people don't look like that, they're mixing white and asian features for best results.
He has a mix of white and asian features, that's all.
Anyone who thinks he's 100% white or asian is an idiot.
Japanese devs don't usually care about race "purity" in their characters, they just care what looks good.
Uh-huh. Yeah you see it's the Japanese who are self-loathing. Right.
Because you have to be able to tell the character apart.
>the human psyche is wrong
go back to school and get any basic medical degree you leech
some autist actually wrote this
>Loli Tifa
Where is this from?
got yourself a golden oldie here, OP. what's next, a cut vs uncut thread?
>every single person has brown eyes and brown or black hair
why do you think
Mainly a fascination for the West since it's alien to their culture and Caucasian people tend to look more interesting than Asians because they're so spread out so there's far more genetic diversity.
cloud, like most modern ff characters, is modeled after visual kei artists and "hosts" from japan's host club scene, not white people.
You're all retarded
>Anime = White!
Do White people really see something like this as their own kind?
There's nothing to be ashamed of to admit that fantasy games are supposed to be inspired by Western settings. I don't understand why people think this is an inappropriate thing to say, as if the creators of the games and Japanese audience aren't aware of this. I think people here have a naive mindset that all Japanese people are fanatic and deluded nationalists, and this is just really silly.
this game should've been about biggs and wedge having crazy adventures
The problem is they aren't based on white people. They're just artistic depictions, generally 'human' video game characters. Pic here is neither Asian nor Caucasian but anime in style, and that goes for most vidya characters as well.
That said most FF characters lean far toward being Asian than anything else. FFXV even leans that way despite the devs actually changing the designs away from straight rice aesthetics.
>blue eyes
White features are desirable. It's clear even in the image you posted. Black hair and brown eyes is disgusting, that's why it's so rare in anime.
Yeah, this make you jelly you're not white?
That isn't a white guy.
That makes a lot of sense.
It's not Asian either
I’m black and I’m happy with my skin and fro. My white friends always compliment me on it and always ask to touch it out of curiousity lmfao.
>white women spend money to get brown skin
>white men get perms
>white women throw themselves at black men
>white men seethe
>Black hair and brown eyes is disgusting, that's why it's so rare in anime