Annfags, how come you let your wife dress like this in public? Is there something you want to tell us?
Annfags, how come you let your wife dress like this in public? Is there something you want to tell us?
Annfags can't admit she was made for Ryuji's dick
I want everyone to look at my wife and rape her!
She's probably doing that for a photoshoot.
I'm not cucked enough to tell my wife what she should or shouldn't wear
haru has twice ann's bodycount
>just a shirt and shorts
There's literally nothing wrong with this, it's just more comfortable to wear, you all act like girls do this to get attention from guys, not all girls like attention
actually have sex
Best ship.
Bodycount isn't as sexy as slut energy. Galko has zero bodies but she's still hotter than Ojou.
t. Slut enthusiast and Anne appreciator
cus she can pull it off.
think of it this way, if ann dresses like hifumi or makoto, all you shit fags would fucking nut on her in no time.
now, take makoto or any other girl to wear dresses of Ann.. its just a turnoff.
>a micro-shirt that exposes both her midriff and shoulders and a small short tightly glued to her butt
Ann is an anime girl so it doesn't mean anything, but anyone who dresses like this irl really wants attention. I don't know why you'd pretend otherwise
Because I don't give a shit who my wife sleeps with as long as she's happy.
ANNCHADS stand up
Anne is the love of my life.
I see literally nothing wrong with her Scramble outfit.
>shirt goes all the way down to waist
>not even full on booty shorts, just basic short shorts
unironically have sex incel
>wants attention
Uh, yeah. She’s a model. She’s probably paid to wear those clothes because she’s popular.
Ann is for people that have actually gotten laid before
This pleb who cant notice the quality ship
you sound like grandad on that episode of the boondocks: pathetic
She doesn't want attention.
Anne mentions it in her social link and it's said in the commentary in the artbook that she wears what she wants without caring what people think about her.
She's basically wearing a swimsuit in the middle of the street, fucking stop. If you want to dress like that then whatever, but don't be an hypocrite and admit you want to arouse people
Cringe. Makoto deserves far better than a retard like Ryuji
It is nowhere near as provocative as you are trying to make it out to be.
You mean Ryuji deserves better than a bland hoe like Makoto
>says while posting a picture where she's half naked
It's a fucking t-shirt and shorts.
please have sex
No, pic related is a a t-shirt and a short. Ann is wearing a bikini
Dumb coomer
You are a retard.
>k-popfag defending sluts
Makes sense
Are those screenshots yours? Care to share more?
They're not mine just things I've saved.
I have the game on my Switch but I don't want to play it in Japanese.
I started to play it yesterday and I made her wear that catherine's dress.
>I don't wan to play it in Japanese
I hope it's because you don't know enough Japanese yet
Enough? I don't know any Japanese. I feel like playing it in a language I don't understand would ruin the experience so I'm going to wait for it to be localized.
>all of Ann’s outfits are modest (besides her metaverse outfit that she has no control over)
>has one slightly scandalous outfit in the summer when it’s hot
Alright. But why do you have the Japanese game then?
Because Switch games are easy to pirate.
>has huge butt
>has huge tits (stated by Futaba itself)
>uses a skin-tight suit that emphasizes her sluttish figure
>"S-She's totally not a whore, guys! I swear!"
She has that skin tight suit because she idolizes the woman villains in the cartoons she watched. Kinda like Jesse from Pokémon.
guess chie is a slut too then
I'm playing through it now.
I'm not an Annfag but I love her body in this.
Chie would be a slut, unfortunately 99% of the guys in Inaba have shit normie taste and won't go for it.
She has no control over any of those things yet she's a whore because of them? Like what went wrong in your life to make you this way?
I mean, their outfits are tailored to their tastes. She says she hates it but deep down she must think she looks cool.
What's exactly the practical purpose of exposing your stomach? Genuine question. All I can think of is that they do it to make people horny. Seems uncomfortable and really random
It's hot and humid as fuck in Japan in the summer.
I do it when it’s really hot out. Girls can’t take their shirts off like guys.
Ryuji deserves a waifu. Next sequel should be about finding a waifu for him.
who do you think has the higher dickcount, Ann or Rise?
I'm thinking Ann, even if she is younger.
He already does. It’s Sophia in Scramble. There’s even a scene where she passes out and he carries her on his back. They tease him with Ann as well.
Please play P5.
>They tease him with Ann as well.
Kill yourself, no they don't.
If Joker did the exact same thing, everyone would think it was ShuAnn fanservice.
>giving attention to obvious shitposters
For shame Ann friends, i thought you knew better.
It's literally fucking nothing. He's done that with the other girls before but nobody calls that a ship moment. Ryuann shippers deserve to be burned alive.
nah that annfag always spergs out when someone ships her with ryuji
It’s more canon moments than her and the MC will ever get. :^) Also you had absolutely no problem with me saying he was pushed with Sophia, you dumb Annfag. Keep telling people to kill themselves over a videogame, loser.
I dated Ann out of pure spite against Morgana
Jump in front of a bus.
Fuck off
All the girls belong to the mc. Why bother with "ships" that are never gonna become real?
>palace is collapsing and the retard fell
>retard jumped in front of a fucking moving car
>retard seemingly just got blown up
>retard was the first one to disappear
You're making something out of literally nothing. How is showing concern for a retard constantly almost dying considered some kind of shippy moment?
Ryuji deserves to end up alone. What a garbage character.
I mean, the shit was Naoto and Kanji was pretty heavy-handed.
It's okay we're in an open relationship. As soon as she approves a girlfriend for me we'll both be getting some action on the side.
Anne was made for all of mankind, not just me. Embrace the gift, my brothers, and rejoice.
Because she doesn’t act this way for anyone else.
Because nobody else is ever in danger like he is you fucking moron.
But it was one sided just like Morgana and Ann. They're never gonna make main girls be with anyone else but the mc. It's obvious. It'd be suicide
how can Joker make Ann loyal like other waifus?
She doesn't need to be made loyal, she already is.
>didn’t say anything when mona got punted against the wall
>didn’t say anything when futaba was writhing in pain
>didn’t say anything when makoto was being held captive by the mafia
Only thing close I can think of is when she wanted to get the door open so Akechi wouldn’t die.
I know, I meant heavy handed because they make Naoto blush a lot over the shit Kanji says.
I get turned on by other men ogling her and to end up being the only one able to ravage her by the end of the night. I’m literally cucking the planet
Stop this is going to give me diabetes
I don't remember that at all. She's pretty clueless about the whole thing just like Ann
Is there actually a way for one of your bros to get together with a girl?
Like if you don't date this or that girl she'll get together with someone else in the cast? It would be nice if you could look out for your mates.
Nah. This isn’t Fire Emblem. All your bros are just alone forever.
okay that fucking sucks
That sounds horrible
She blushes when Rise touches her too. It's not related to Kanji in particular
Do you want your buddies to be alone forever?
I let her fuck black guys so that's nothing. Actually I like when ogle her.
Then give them original gfs. Don't take mine
persona fans are whiny babies.
ann's 3d model's eyes look so dumb
Shut up, cuck
Says the guy that gets upset over fictional characters.
how is that loyalty
>no option to romance Morgana
How about you tell me how the fuck she's not loyal. She never does anything to make you doubt her.
>offers to go on a date with ryuji
well that was before you dated her though
They make it very clear that it was an insincere offer. Something you would have picked up on if you weren't a literal retard.
>painted nails
blinding yourself to the truth
How? 2 minutes prior to the "offer" she's talking about how she admired female villains using their charm to get what they want. It's very obvious she was trying to lead him on to get what she wanted without giving anything in return.
>using their charm to get what they want
and she wants ryuji
Yeah she wants Ryuji so bad yet Shiho says she's constantly telling her about the MC when she visits her, not that retard.
she's talking about her mbf (male best friend)
The fuck are you even on about? Anne/Ryuji have a much better relationship for being just friends than the Anne/MC.
Shiho knows Ryuji. She didn’t get to see much about Joker before the incident.
What does that matter? She specifically says Anne gushes about the MC at her visits. If she loved Ryuji so much she'd be gushing about him to Shiho.
Im sure she talks about everyone, user.
>P1 discussion
>themes, gameplay
>P2 discussion
>characters, story, metaphysics
>P3 discussion
>nihilism and waifufagging
>P4 discussion
>literally just waifufagging
>P5 discussion
What went so horribly horribly wrong?
You can get Makoto hooked up with some guys if you let the timer run out on the Kaneshiro palace.
Literally nobody wants to talk about P1s gameplay.
Please for the love of God, have sex
that's entirely subjectvie and I dissagree
ann and ryuji have great chemistry
Yes, as friends.
It's honestly baffling to me that you can say the MC is her "mbf" when Anne/Ryuji's relationship is so much closer to being that.
dum fatty, you deserve it
no as a couple
the MC is there to support her in her modeling career
ryuji is there to be her love interest
>oh no, a girl looks out for her friend
Did you never have a female friend in your life?
they've known each other for years
>"damn muslims be oppressing their women and forcing them to wear clothes n shieet"
>"wtf bros how do we prevent women from being degenerate and showing skin??? rise up incels"