I need a new game to waste my time away. Been playing League for 7 years...

I need a new game to waste my time away. Been playing League for 7 years, but matchmaking is driving me literally insane.

I need soemthing grind and skillfull. No MMO shit.

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Dota 2

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Was thinking about this, but isnt the community too strong now, same with SC2. Meanign you cant possibly compete?

>grind and skillful
Pick one you retard

>isnt the community too strong now
I'm here to tell you about a radical new invention called "skill based matchmaking."

No don't play Dota 2. t. 9k hours.

If you want to be smart just start tryharding new genres. Like racing or fps. Even some single player games can be 'grinded'.

the fuck? what fucking game is there that requires skill but doesnt require practice to become skillful?

i heard that battlefront 2 is okay with a decent PC

Titanfall 2

Try Valorant

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Monster Hunter World.

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What are the top racing games? Action or sim.

Which one you prefer. I liked Dirt Rally a lot. Its like sim + arcade. Or you can go full arcade with futuristic racers like BallisticNG.

If you want grind and skill just play monster hunter

Personally Fire Emblem Three Houses on Maddening Classic no deaths allowed gave me enough of a challenge since it was my first Fire Emblem to get my mind off League enough to finally uninstall it yesterday

For me it was tekken or fighting games.
I stop playing lol because i didnt had time to play 40-60min.
So i start playing tekken and it was a blast. Combos, frames, punsh.
More fun i ever had with lol

Find a good party of friends and play Tabletop games with them.

try fighting game
the grinding will come from being able to learn how to do even the basic moves and the skill comes from not getting your ass kicked to death in a single combo
smash isn't a fighting game

>I need soemthing grind and skillfull. No MMO shit.
Fighting game of your choice, go grind ranked ladder.

Kys, you fucking normie trash.

bunch of autismos from infinity chan have a clan and are playing old Lineage 2 you can join them.

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name me one soup more based than alphabet soup. you can't

We all know you'll just make a new league account.

You can be better person, user.
As much as you could be more happy spending time with those who you like and who care about you instead of getting more venom after playing matchmaking online games.

MOBAs are a containment genre meant for you. Please do not play anything else.

For Sim is Forza, Gran Turismo or that weird tryhard game with fixed dates to play MP.
Heard of Aseto Corsa but i never tried it.

Be warned, MP Racers are really demanding, one mistake and you will never catch the group again. And if collisions are toggled on, some games will decided by who survived the first 10 second clusterfuck as everyone crashed into each other.

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Or get tabletop Sim and go autismo with 40k

RTS or Grand Strategy games.

Sorry, my bad
Don't play MOBAs tho, you said you quit League, yeah? That's one of the most least skilled games you can play, all revolves into hoping 4 of your teammates don't get picked up for 35+ mins of game and to pick the op champion of the moment with the op build of the moment. There's barely any individual skill there. t. Challenger in S7 and I was kinda shit at the game

I suggest you to play any kind of FPS or fighting game, they require at least 200 times the effort to play them well. SC2 if you're really really really up for a true challenge, but it's a dead game so don't bother.

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Play Brawlhalla, high skill cap and amazing community;

Might be sarcasm.

No one suggested this:
bullet hell games, they can be autistically grindy and you can always impress your friends by playing a game they will never complete at the max difficulty in their entire lifetime

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Heroes Of the Storm, really...
>events every few months
>15-20min games
>easy to get into since you played another moba
>new heroes releases, new skins, balance pathces, etc.
>free, you get skins, mounts and heroes by grinding games
>regular updates
i mean why are you not playing it yet

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>>new heroes releases, new skins, balance pathces, etc.

Except Blizzard killed the dev tram, there might be one intern doing patches...

Forgot to mention the most important : the game isn't fun. At all.

Not sure of its current state but I'm pretty sure it's the best MOBA on the market if you ignore the fact that's it's dead

its not dead a lot of people play in EU, i get matches literally in 1min queq. in diamond 2, pretty sure lowest ranks is even faster

t. Grandad that never invested time in mobas when they were new and now can't compete with the entrenched playerbase

Unlucky, user!

Dark souls 3

>no mmo shit
>plays mobas, the shittiest genre on the market

No it's not. There's nothing even close to what "fun" mean in this game.

monster hunter

like you would ever know what skill is by playing that garbage retard

Play Granblue Versus

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