Mega Man IV mosiac
Intriguing. Bumping.
shamless self-bump
jesus today is slow
i'm still bumping
Would participate if I wasn't headed to work in 5 OP, sorry.
Will do one later if they aren't all taken in 8 hours.
I'll take C2
resize it and we're good
It's the exact size it was on the image
it says on the image it has to be 153x240
taking B1
Sorry, I didn't see that part.
another bump
>3 hours
>only one tile
claiming a2
alright, i quit, i'm tired of waiting
someone with the time take over for me
fuck, forgot pic
Good on you for trying something like this again, OP, but that old creative and fun loving Yea Forums is dead.
Why do you ask for a bigger picture than you provide tho?
humpty bumpty, maybe this thread can last till real american hours
here you go, you quitter
It's kind of your fault anyway, for choosing such a plain cover without a whole lot of potential. All that empty space, man.
Plus, don't do these threads early in the day, dippo, everyone's at work.
My sides !
Taking B5
Taking C5
current status
these tiles are so small
>not home
I'll take on B4
tasteless and substanceless
some other special eyes would work far better
if you really want swastika, put it as a flag on the gun
If enough people think it's dumb I'll change it.
I think it's dumb, but I'm just lurking so my opinion means less.
Shit's weak, try again.
Like the other user said, tasteless and unsubstantial.
Claiming C1
Claiming A4
Is this any better?
A4 here
shit forgot to color something in. Will ballet old post.
Claiming A5
Claiming a3
Since OP is kill I will manage the collage until he gets back.
Accepted, but if you can provide a resized version I'll use it
New version accepted
Accepted, but if you can provide a resized version I'll use it
just FYI, I won't be accepting anymore tiles that are too small.
>until he gets back
he quit
here's C4
got a bit hasty and didn't mark the accepted tiles
guess I'm your OP for good, then.
A3 done
this one really skirts the line between "low effort" and "low effort enough to get rejected."
Aight. Gonna redo it at 153x240 cause my drawing program makes it look retarded
C5 here, sorry about that mate I'll try to get it fixed.
Here's C5 again.
C5 double accepted.
Then why didnt you make the tiles in a 153 by 240 ratio?
I didn't make it, the original OP did. Speaking of, actually, I'm gonna have to go out for a bit, so if anyone else wants to take over, be my guest. If nobody does, I'll continue when I get home.
Btw this is A5
Claiming A1
Claiming C3.
Well since there's a mosaic thread I'm ready to host one in a near future.
Problem being there's no specific one I want to do, well maybe RE3 but it's not that great of a cover.
Any suggestion?
A1 done.
Claiming D4
Give D4
Double sided would be cool but not necessary because spore is already good for a mosaic
I'd rather do one that hasn't been done already
Like someone suggested Hotline Miami so I made a thread but nobody cared because it was already done and I didn't bother checking the booru
>Yeah, i'm shooting at your castle.
But for real, I gotta get going.
Post it?
Im talking about the spore one.
You said it's already been done?
Done redoing A4
a4 double accepted. Now I'm gone for real this time.
Why the fuck didnt they use the box in it would be way better
here you go senpai
Here's C3.
I don't understand this.
Claim a tile
Edit the tile you claimed and then post your result.
When all tiles are claimed and done, they get edited back together.
Claiming D5
Claiming B2
gimme D2
claming D1 and posting it
D4 here again, thought I'd work a bit more on my tile since OP was gone.
It's ok you always have time until it's put together
Finished B2
Only three tiles left, two of them not being worked at the moment, B3 and D3
i'll take d3
One tile left to claim
Oh man we're down to the final stretch
Alright, i'll try to make something for B3
>B1 was taken 6 hours ago
is B1 user here?
All times claimed.
Now comes the waiting time
You are right. It's been too long so tile is reopened
Isn't B1?
d3 is done
Oh fuck, I didn't realize that B1 was already taken. Oh well, here's my thing for it anyways because I put more than 5 minutes into it.
shit, I didn't see it when searching the thread for it.
I got a bit lazy with the coloring, but I think it's fine.
ok show us the result OP replacement
very nice
D3 accepted
I like this B1 more so I'll take it
Well we have all the times
Result in a few minutes
is very gud
based can't wait
first time participating in one of these
I kinda prefered the other user's B1, but it's fine I guess.
Without further ado
I'll host a mosaic thread for this one very soon,maybe as soon as tomorrow
my sides
Not bad.
Shame that the OG OP chose such a low quality image.
Now this is art
It's glorious
Central panels ended up amazing
Did a small edit for OP so that it has the other B1 instead.
>maybe as soon as tomorrow
I'll be ready then.
Don't be a fag like the ogOP and try to make it as HQ as possible.
Can someone upload it to the mosaic booru?