I might leave my door open.
Is this game any good?
Other urls found in this thread:
>leaving your door open
Are you fucking retarded?
>having a door
>unironically being unable to hold your Poke
If Tenten was getting raped would any other characters notice or even care?
>tfw can’t hold my poke for 5 minutes
Quick run down on this guy?
None cares for Tenten
>They aren't even hiding it anymore
Learn from my mistakes. I didn't close my door while trying to hold my poke and my stepmom walked in. Now we have a secret dad can't find out about.
god i want the source on that picture, i love seeing naruto girls get raped
Lmao this faggot didn't close his door, oh shit wai
I haven't given Yea Forums a single cent in ad revenue for years now
>tfw your girlfriend walks in during all this holding an image of a celebrity who looks like THAT now
Is this Naruto?
Tenten is the Launch of Naruto
>Close your door tight
Well how the fuck do you close a door loose?
Even Tayuya was more relevant than Tenten but she got killed
Lunch never starred in a spin-off.
>having a house
I didnt know you were still alive Diogenes
TenTen didn't disappear when the cast grew up.
Would it be more accurate to say she's the Tien of Naruto then? They are both Chinese after all.
Who,s the artist? I got some of the pics of that collection but never found who made them
This. I have beads for easy access to my own stash
yah prolly
You guys get this one but in your language?
1 capsule = 7 hours of sex
>At 29, here is the car Emma Watson drives
Its not a very luxurious one iirc
What do they mean by feel fun?
Tenten never rivaled the main character. Thank you for reminding me Tenshinhan's decay was worse in hindsight.
Has anyone actually clicked one of these? What are they even? I assume it is stolen from somewhere else like the art, but still a little curious.
These new ads are actually great. Got me to read a mangawa about a milf harem
I want to be made to feel fun by and make Hilda feel fun!
Its a game, you dummy, unlike movie games of today, these games already drive you in with their gameplay before even 4 minutes pass. Its glorious.
it's funny, you know
The hentai korean manga that gets advertised is nice to read
Apparently they eventually lead to a pay4porn site that asks for your credit card. Probably gives your computers aids too.
I thought these ads only popped up cause of all those doujins.
Feels ronery man
>79 tabs
Wait till you get to 100
It just says :)
I miss advertising shitposting
you gon get raped
let's try. this is the landing page. At least it's related to naruto, most of the time you'd find a completely regular "strategy"/waiting/building type of game.
>Still browsing an outdated containment board
I miss j-list ads
some text and a nipple
That reminds me, can we say "Goodra's Gender" here? /vp/ banned that word
This is one of them. I can’t remember the other one I read
This looks like that shitty Naruto game youtubers all shilled a while back
well, Yea Forums?
>tfw no more J-list KitKat ads
>Gen 4
GF will rape that and they won't make advertising shitposting for it instead they will predictably shill
pc master race
>3 questions
>Question #4
Master race of course.
>3 simple questions
>question 4
Can these porn shovelware vidya devs do anything right?
picked PC.
I was given a choice between 3 naruto girl, and then it showed a fake loading bar, I almost though it would be a legit porn game.
now here comes the gestapo-like interrogation...
Gotta steal dat juicy data.
I followed one of those hentai ads. Good for reaction images.
They let you read a few chapters, then they make you get a subscription.
I just get one that says "8cm longer dick. For free!"
And a bunch of the usual shit posted here
>not asking for street
It's where I always add Baker Street
These coomer macros are getting detailed
This screenshot doesn't look at all like what I'd expect from one of those online games.
end of the line
Sakura sure is closing her door tight there
do it, fag
But it's free bro.
just put ur card in user. do it for us
Too bad. It would appear that indeed, they just stole images from the shilled real browser naruto game.
do it for the thread, cancel when it dies
I can’t believe I recognize all of the images they stole.
wow, $0.00, that's basically free!
It's secure, it says right there on the url, just do it dude.
they will steal credit card info and charge fuckloads of money after the "trial" ends
It's just going to tell you the "game" is under maintenance. There is no actual game.
What was that site called where you can create temporary credit cards
>Not reading the small letters
average ameriburger education
>There is no actual game.
Don't do me like that, user.