

Attached: doom-slayer-story-time-comic.png (1000x500, 62K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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thank god, i almost went 5 minutes without seeing a stonetoss comic.

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do you think he actually believes the bullshit he draws or just enjoys making people angry?

okay, this is based

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It would have been funnier if it was a space marine.
But then again if it was a space marine it would be off topic and i prefer things on Yea Forums to be on topic.

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liberals btfo

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A pretty good one.


What the fuck


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Is this Homestuck?

im pretty sure he just browses /pol/ to see what they're angry about then sketches up a comic using one of his four unique punchlines. They can be vague as fuck too because his audience is also his source material.

Attached: EQsRyUPXsAAIubn.jpg (2400x1600, 796K)

Yes, because he is correct.

Ok this one kinda got a laugh out of me.

the /u/ hallway is a cute touch

If only it was that easy.


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Imagine her face

If you had to take a class and it was exactly like that, would you?

fuck you sunibee where is the continuation

>Those hands and fingers
Imagine being sexually attracted to fat pigs

what the fuck is this schizo shit

>unironically being antiabortion
conservatards everyone

I don't get it.

Attached: WISH.jpg (1280x1108, 279K)

Attached: art advice.png (775x1066, 231K)

That isn't a face of fear. That's a face of enlightenment and crushed pelvises.

Attached: 45685468.png (854x581, 26K)

I guess I don't go on /pol/ enough to understand RockThrow anymore.

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The guy entering the room is the Goblin Slayer.

most college electives are exactly like that so


this already happens in american colleges, you study diversity and tolerance or youre kicked out

the goblin slayer chose the goblin girl, she is in danger.


ngl kinda fucking based

I don't get it

so is the main joke that these are all default tumblr icons?

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There's something awful about Dobson's general art style, but there's something about that woman in yellow that's turning me on.

Dobson sure loved to lecture people on drawing tits properly

>son of dob

Why can't women be 6'10" amazons in real life?

You know those villains with the silly goal of resetting humanity with a wholesale slaughter? social justice makes the goal look a lots less silly each year.

Attached: unicorn is a good girl.jpg (700x700, 451K)

>this is what broke nibbas says to feel good about not going to college

>gomu gomu no

im in college and im literally speaking from experience

Attached: ab.jpg (444x798, 88K)

wait a second, that triangle...

I feel like you've never actually been to college and you're getting info from Yea Forums

user thats just a captain syrup recolor

Attached: 1200px-WLSSyrup.png (1200x1931, 983K)

Stonetoss is a brony!

Attached: file.png (614x346, 317K)

wtf I hate stonetoss now

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That's weird, I graduated from college last year and I don't remember that happening.


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>he picked liberal studies as his electives and not economics

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wtf I love stonetoss now

You literally are not, lying is a sin especially on an anonymous image board.

futa cow



If the artist wanted to make a point about navel placement they probably should have given the chick a much longer body.

Oh, thanks!

Attached: 78fe38582627e4d2a0f02f5268430a4d.jpg (3640x2160, 852K)

eww breasts

i just want the credits mang
i literally am tho miami university class of 2021 or whenever the fuck i get out of this hellhole


Attached: EREJhE6XUAAA9pi.jpg (1043x508, 69K)

reccommend me a big girl/small dude doujin RIGHT NOW

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Of course he is.
All /pol/ is secretly bronies since that thing.


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Ah yes the ironically racist mlp fan, the classic.

>The belly button being that high up
What the fuck his example of where it shouldn't go is closer

Most of those kind of niggas are. Remember /mlpol/?

I went to college in Mississippi. MISSISSIPPI. And the liberal arts classes I was required to take were literal brainwashing camps. That's in fucking hillbilly central. That shit isn't a meme

>One school hosts a drag queen story time
>Dumb ass conservatives think this shit happens everyday

When Bernie wins I hope he makes it legal to kill conservatives.

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hello based store? they're running out of you!

Sorry to ruin this picture for you but,

Attached: goofy.jpg (685x1023, 110K)

if dobson had just stuck to drawing women groping each other then he wouldn't have to deal with being the laughing stock of the internet


Attached: 2014-09-01-Stating-The-Oblivious.jpg (900x582, 198K)

I want incest fags to kill themselves.

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Redpill me on this triangle symbol again, I forgot what it is

No problem

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>tfw this thread went from 0 to 100 replies in under ten minutes


>the joke is it makes no sense

Its like that anime where the entire joke is "they make funny faces"

A few idiots fucking each other in the ass triggers you that hard?

I meant """"""""ironically"""""""""" my bad

Honestly made me laugh

>kissed her own hand
he was robbed

Attached: bbb7e6bae288a95591462bd46032f755.jpg (2548x1609, 1024K)

You liberals sound awfully proud about killing babies


I love this shit. I'm a sucker for absurdism.

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look up the artist Myamoto Issa. You're welcome

If it only remained that.

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Yea yea user, show me one of your text books

its weird how the glowing dick/vagina thing seems almost exclusive to furry art.

>if I word like this, it's not random
>I am not Reddit!

he still got better than any of us


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Or a cow would just have udders down there. Thats the joke, it makes you wonder which it is.

Pedophile sign they use to recognize each others

So much for the tolerant left

I've been to university courses that are basically that.

Yeah, it's only that. And the germans one day just put hitler in charge for no reason.

>absurdism is for reddit!
>saying nigger is for based 4channers!



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I'm getting Electric Retard vibes.

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you alright?

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No shit

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>futa furfag spammer is back
wtf. I thought you died years ago

Holy fuck

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im taking CSE and havent bought an actual textbook in years ever since i dropped out of the shitty business school

this comic is pretty stupid

>1 joke repeated = many jokes fitting a theme
Dude should kill himself

You know the people who say this don't actually proceed to sit around watching sports either right? They go and actually play vidya. This comic is shit.

It's not, the guy draws futa every third comic or so

Are there a lot of humans with glowing genitals?

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I'd like you to name any other form of porn where such a phenomenon would be appropriate


also /pol/
>ummm it should be illegal for trannies to enter public tax paid libraries, and it should be illegal for them to interact with certain people and say certain things!

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Made me lol and I dunno why

What are your majors? I picked finance and barely had to do any arts and letters at all, in fact it was all back in community college. I just picked the easy As like world religion and history of art and for mandatory writing classes I got male professors.

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also watching literal genetic freaks ram into each other and throw shit with perfect accuracy is kind of fun.

He's funny because he is correct. Dilate some more, you seething tranny.

free speech is for screaming nigger in online games you discord tranny

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Who the fuck allowed this?

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even a normal adult has no chance, how would a fatty possibly be able to compete with that kid if she looks like the drawing, even a puritan who supports 21+ marriage and abstinence would fuck that girl.

>haha little girls do wacky stuff while being cute
Ah yes very varied

nobody actually says that lol

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based Buddhist group.

its either kill it before it can even feel any pain or torture it for some years until either its parents forget to feed it, beat it to death or throw it in the trash

OK tranny

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Based cunny

okay libpedo

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Who is talking about laws here brainlet lefty?

What's the joke here? hurrhurr holocaust?

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anonymity breeds hypocrisy

t. me

majoring in cse - our campus is considered a "conservative" campus but the brainwashing extends here too. its reallllly fucking transparent.

If only your mother shared that stance.

Someone make edit of this saying stonetoss

stonetoss is the 2020 shmorky

Good shit my man

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Its almost like pol isn't one person

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Wrong, retard, we're telling you to stop censoring the truth and spreading lies

>The Virgin Shmorky/Redpanels clone Stonetoss
>The Chad art school educated and published author Joshua Luna

Attached: DRB-AQ8XUAEETsT(2).jpg (776x1200, 287K)

What happened to him

why do you fags always post futashit

>maybe they'll give me (you)s if i dump my horsecock futa collection

Attached: 345243.jpg (630x630, 88K)

I wish i had it that edit saved

is this even humor or is this just people WANTING to believe this is the truth so they can feel oppressed?

i dont get it

>nword badge

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It's almost as if that wojak faggot was generalizing and not saying only one person did this

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It's the same person. They always start off with the same images.

>sorcerers stone
Do americans really?


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He never went it's manufactured outrage I go to college now and haven't seen something like this yet

Comp sci, still had to have a bunch of elective credits to graduate. Mostly in freshman and sophomore year.

Sociology is an easy A, just regurgitate whatever the hippy professor says back at him

>this child commented on my food when i was in school
>this means its hypocritical when a different person culturally appropriates my culture's cuisine

five bucks says hes just bent out of shape that no females like asian men.

He would have loved her unconditionally but she was a stupid bitch and she's worthless as a human being now.

Attached: virgin-slut-comic.png (940x300, 35K)

sir, this is the video games board

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alien porn

I don't get it
what is the purple thing

I don't get it

Scholastic or whoever thought kids wouldn't want to read something with the word "Philosopher" in the title and this was back in the days before everyone in America had watched Fullmetal Alchemist and knew what a Philosopher's Stone was

She's going to make an amazing wife someday.

is there any webcomic artist that good as ronnie?

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Having seen xeno porn I can assure you that the multicolored dicks are present

>He would have loved her unconditionally


I like this dude's stuff.

Please stop.

He basically is yeah. He also went on a rant about how he hates East Asians but also how important Bruce Lee and Mulan are.



Stonetoss is a man who clearly loves and respects women (until they get out of line)


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That fat fuck doesn't even know where his own bellybutton is supposed to be

The Virgin Pebble Fling thinks it's hypocritical for men to be turned off by non-virgin women when they are often turned off by virgin men

FFXIV is shit

Yea Forums is at its absolute best when it's not about vidyas

The dragqueen storytime person dresses like a demon, doomguy enters the room. That's the whole joke.

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>le degenerates are ruining my society!
The irony is that your position is a thousand times more harmful and autistic. Imagine smashing everybody's feet with a hammer chasing mice like a retard and acting like it's justified collateral damage. I hope you hang, you fucking animal.

John K Peta.

More like this?

>Fuckton of futa furry porn pics - No reaction
>Single comic about juri feet - Yea Forums gets triggered.

Attached: Huehuehue.png (639x620, 577K)

I have no idea who "the draggqueen storytime person" is and was not aware they were dressed like a demon

Attached: 308.gif (750x750, 21K)

I don't get this one.

Only men are capable of unconditional love

Attached: vpol.png (1078x2253, 1M)

Captain Syrup is just a ripoff of Elaine Marley

wait.. if the "knot" isnt the testicles, whats in the scrotum?
why do the testicles leave the body?

Devilhs is a shit artist

Feels good not being triggered by dumb shit

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How is this thread even up I get mods are furries but at least do your job

>actual penis
shit artist and shit taste

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>only five bucks
lul you haven't seen this guys comics before?


Attached: 4b4.png (840x2026, 921K)

Okay bugchaser

what is more stupid looking, dolphin/whale furries, or bird furries?

How can one man cause so much butthurt?


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God, this is amazing. How dare people want to read a story and not me whining about shit and accusing people of being racist?

Most men are weak to heart boners except for niggers who lack souls

Attached: 424.gif (750x500, 15K)


GreenTeaNeko is a treasure. Post the one where the mom gets preggo by her son

stonetoss is awesome

>hehehe isabella and doomguy together hahahaha see because they release on the same day hahahahahahaha
I've never fucking seen anything like this happen before, why is it this random two games releasing on the same day inspires this level of retardation?
Not to mention Isabella isn't even a prominent part of New Horizons to fucking begin with

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I'm thinking about replacing a few of them/adding on, got any ideas?

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>If I keep posting stonetoss, someone somewhere will be mad and I'll stop seeing opinions I don't like on Yea Forums!
actual mental illness

Libraries all across the US are inviting these creatures to read to children.

not him but who the fuck would

Attached: 1549738411024.jpg (800x1083, 520K)

I feel like you guys have bee crying about that one specific drag queen for years now.

>thread's post count drops by 20
I think we're back on track.

I think college in the modern day is absolutely worthless and even I'll say you're completely full of shit.
College is a waste because there's literally no reason why education shouldn't just be done online anymore. It costs less money, doesn't require students to own cars/travel, and doesn't require you pay shitty tenured professors who sit around getting special treatment for doing nothing. The only value in college anymore is meeting people and networking so you can exploit nepotism to get an actual job.

It's just Ben Garrison posting making a comeback and newfags seethe.

kero hasn't really been relevant anymore. it's mostly that dude who fucked his hands up to get paws now

>furfag purged

I love that Garrison completely sold out to /pol/tard pandering

As sad as it is I am proud of him for leaving his kike brother.

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Mainstream "Conservatives" still regularly consort with Drag Queens because it would be politically incorrect to tell those faggots to quit attaching themselves to the Right for attention

I don't get the furfag one

>this is what Antifaggots actually believe
Not sure which side has been hitting others with bike locks


>>If I keep posting stonetoss, someone somewhere will be mad and I'll stop seeing opinions I don't like on Yea Forums!
>actual mental illness

Attached: 1580096808816.png (245x270, 41K)

gee i wonder if generic white guy with somehow even blander artstyle no. 46290 is leftist

HAHAHAHA land of the freeeeeeeeeee

Free speech is about the ability to speak out against your government without being mass-executed and left in a fucking ditch.
I couldn't care less about fucking trannies or saying nigger or whatever the fuck you think it's protecting

God I hate his artstyle so much

>belly button at the bottom of the sternum
dobson's a retard

Attached: file.png (750x936, 748K)

/mlpol/, the best thing to come out of april fools


Attached: plumba_brovaz___ep__4_by_misterbzd-d61edyz.jpg (900x942, 372K)

Neck yourself, faggot, Yea Forums is for video games.

>We are literally silly
>Being silly is obviously bad

Oh wow a stonetoss comic on Yea Forums thats vidya related thats new


Attached: black-santa-claus-comic.png (1387x462, 76K)

I've never seen a comic make roasties so mad before, it's like subconsciously they know its 100% true

>i am lonely and will love literally any woman who shows affection to me

how does it feel to be the human equivalent of a shelter dog?


Wait but who is holding the book

>communism killed way more people than fascism but its OK because they weren't racist


He is not that great, the recent comics with the opossum and cat are just awful.

>person defending themself with a gun
>portrayed as a good thing
wow... problematic much...?

lol this one is getting all the assblasted replies

Posting good comics is forbidden

Watching professional players play something which requires good physical condition will always be much less of a waste of time then watching average people play something literally anyone could do.

/mlpol/ was NOT a joke

OK roastie
Don't complain where all the good men have gone after getting pumped and dumped by Chads


Oh right, it was some dude from antifa that drove his car into a crowd of neo nazis.

That bear is protecting her cubs from a strange and large animal.
Fire isn't a living creature.
Jason Voorhees is actually portrayed as a victim in all of his films
That asteroid is probably debree from another planet that was destroyed.
Check your privilege

But it is a good thing.

>tfw you ask a girl to prom and she says yes and you completely forget to order a tuxedo and just ASSUME your parents will be proud of you and buy it for you
>tfw the girl you asked out grows up to be a radical feminist

that ones on me i guess

Is this the same person or do you people just substitute memes in for your personality?

Lost it at STRIDE

Attached: 1582887268771.png (408x338, 177K)
because its true, more women are committing suicide from loneliness and experiencing misery/regret from not having families. Abortion supporters are a good example too

Attached: three stages of women.jpg (409x546, 58K)

Good post

wheres the one where he rubs his cum all over his torso cus hes his bro

t. 5/10 man who is waiting for a 10/10 stepford wife to fall on his lap

still relevant

Attached: 893.png (637x1045, 320K)

They didn't fly so good

Woo wee, what a great video game thread!!

I wanna fuck that little girl

Antifa commits acts of vandalism and block roads probably killing sick people from getting to the hospital

[Suruga Kuroitsu] Odoshi Ai | Threatening Love (Manazashi Temptation)

Attached: SuruKoOdoshi_004TL.jpg (1280x1869, 821K)

i thought i was trying too hard adding the twitteroid style condescending tone but you still didnt get it

>probably killing sick people
lol I think the people they're protesting have them beat in the death count.

Based, whoever actually thinks neonazi incel losers are actually up for free speech is delusional. They are up only for hearing things they agree with.

Okay but are we forgetting about when commander keen shota smutt was a thing because of the remake and that keen is actually doom guy so we were jerking off to child doom guy butt stuff?

kids who grew up bullied with no friends flocked to Yea Forums and copied everything they read on here to fit in. now this place IS their personality.

Attached: depositphotos_39096253-stock-photo-empty-egg-carton.jpg (600x438, 24K)

Video games are fucking gay

Is the real punchline that both the female and male asian look the exact same?

Good for him. I don't like his art, but anyone who's ballsy enough to do away with an abusive family despite bloodlines has my respect. I had to do the same thing myself, and it is hard.

Barely any intestinal bulge stuff with twinks

if you need to lose your virginity, hit the gym until you have abs and then find a cougar. It worked for me

You know what they say about ironic shitposting.

They really don't. That's your own fantasy world

t. Fat woke feminist waiting for Mr Perfect

Calm down Stef

Nobody who whines about roasties is willing to go to the gym to improve themselves.

because restricting free speech is working very well in China

Attached: le chinese diety waifu.jpg (400x400, 34K)

they do

Attached: 1583169277053.png (384x272, 17K)

The right seem plenty interested in restricting speech the moment you disagree with them.

Remind me who died in Charlottesville

so its ok when men wait for ms perfect but its bad when women do it?

>nobody in america knows what a philosopher is

Some guy who went by Kero fucked dead animals. His friend would fuck month old puppies.

I don't think I've ever seen someone act like how he does that actually was the victim and not the actual abuser.

ding ding ding

Attached: 1558569322124.png (633x598, 245K)

/pol/tards sent into a seethin' rage.

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lol what? complaining about roasties is exactly what gymcels do once they find out women don't like nerds who only work out and play videogames.

Women ruin lives.

What a piece of shit.

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x153, 28K)

>I read about it in an article once
wow must be an epidemic!


Attached: Barney Fag.png (412x306, 44K)

>she will never be real
Hurts to live

OAG has gotta be some kinda parody. I can't rationalize it as being serious.


>nobody in america knows what a philosopher is
greek boyfuckers btfo

He's real, and he's hilarious

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stop ddosing lee you autistic dogfucker

Remind me how many people your precious ideal system has killed

He's real. He's just a gigaboomer. I can barely believe it myself.

>he also has a boner

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Because it's still the best one to point to as an example. That fucking thing literally looks like a demon, why would a drag queen have a crown of horns?

Human pussy > Furshit pussy

If you're calling me an abuser, I think that's the most offense I've ever taken to an online insult. I've worked hard to be something very unlike my parents.

Horse shoe theory

You know, what's the original one say?

>tfw no bellybutton

people are willing to talk through with liberals but you don't listen to hard facts because it hurts your personal feelings, which you put in first before doing whats best for everyone in the long-run. we've debated and shown proof but you all either ignore or use logical fallacies to dismiss the facts.

Attached: 1582965936064.jpg (1024x531, 53K)

>if you point out that neo nazis killed people in Charlottesville you're a communist

Attached: Dy1hn_-WwAEabA9.jpg (565x644, 105K)

>Rorschach icon
>Name is fucking billy

Attached: 1553953816792.jpg (1000x1500, 239K)

the point being that nazi incel losers do not believe in free speech. they only believe in free speech when it conforms to their views. if you believe in free speech you have to be a free speech absolutist.

Didn't he get doxed and people found out he's some 30 year old black guy in Detroit?

>I just want the credits
>picks thing he doesn't like

Attached: angry.gif (1800x1578, 74K)

>people are willing to talk through with liberals but you don't listen to hard facts because it hurts your personal feelings,
Aren't you the guys who think climate change isn't real?

I really don't remember him being a Yea Forums thing

>not tummy
belly = fat
tummy = fit
I like both

trying to imagine the mental gymnastics chapo-cels have to commit to rationalizing grown 40 year old men hanging out with little kids while wearing their sexual fetish uniforms otherwise they get kicked out of the DSA

Keep going Lee! Fuck yeah!

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a fat fuck from a heart attack after one of the subhuman protesters flashed a gun a the guy driving the car and made him panic.

Antifa is literally nothing but aggressive communists tho

You heard it here first folks, Barneyfag is OFFICIALLY against Stonetoss.

A kill boner.

Someone should tell the judge so that they let the innocent guy out of jail!

>Hurr let me post only my incel nazi shit furry stuff so triggering!

good man I agree on everything you just said

>you don't listen
>because it hurts your feelings
>which you put in furst
>but you all
Why the personal language, friend? I'm a free speech absolutist. I'm just pointing out right-wingers' hypocrisy on the matter.

Attached: gab porn ban.jpg (1440x1445, 116K)

I'm pretty sure even neo-nazis think sargon is a joke

>My side smart
>their side silly

damn i've been driven to ponder

Gamergate was truly a hilarious time. You had people sucking off retards like Sargon, Mundane Matt and that dipshit tripfag king of /pol/.

>killed people in Charlottesville
One fatty who didn't even get hit by the car had a heart attack. Also, communists aren't people.

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Why the fuck does Arthur have a gay wedding episode?

>believing in burger justice
challenger guy's lawyer was so bad it was borderline malpractice

criticizing the right makes you a librul

Men have significantly lower standards than women

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When I was underage these posts awakened my sexuality

well let's see
>there are people that like animal crossing
>there are people that like doom
>there's an overlap between those people
>further fueled by the fact that the release date of the games overlap
>and the fact that the doom twitter account plays along

Lots of shows have wedding episodes. It was also probably because the last time Arthur tried to have a lesbian couple PBS got their funding threatened (this was during the Bush era, so Yea Forums is likely too young to remember this).

missing the furfag complaining about anime

Why shouldn't a children's show teach children about tolerance?

Porn objectively isn't free speech, obscenity is not protected. Unless you have some art/political/creative tint to it, it's just obscene and not free speech.

the only cute belly is a pregnant belly

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Your argument falls flat since Fascism didn't exist for as long and still killed a tremendous amount of people in a much shorter period of time
But your point still stands, fags are hypocritical

you've forced my hand

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And donating thousands to some devs or whatever the fuck they were for a shitty mascot.

>meme arrows
>work like that
Get gud, discord faggot.

Wait. That post in particular or ones like it?

Holy shit, how long have I been posting that image?

>rioters surround car and start smashing it
>driver panics and floors it
no one said that. at most there's the recent coomer meme about porn bans, but its already a resolved issue (tl;dr own up to your responsibilities of being a sex addict and its up to you to stop fapping).

dumb shit like flat earth is allowed because people can refute it

Define obscenity

And here they come

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there was a blatant causation issue and he still got convicted. The justice system is fucked or his lawyer's a hack. Almost certainly both.

Hey Vivianne James was great for shortstack porn. Her and the Law and Order episode were the best things to come out of that autism storm.

lol the damage control gets funnier and funnier

>I feel like you guys have bee crying about that one specific Holocaust for years now.

too many layers to make fun of with this image especially after these people mostly became lolcows


Of cultural suicide? What else should we teach them to be tolerant of, drinking bleach?

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based and lawpilled.


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>white supremecist texts his mom a picture of Hitler and the words "Its not us that have to be afraid" before driving his car into a crowd

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You're right it's not speech. It's expression, which is also free.

stick and stones

physicschad at ucla and not once have i seen a class like this

>one side hide their faces
>the other doesn't
big think

The two thin girls are hot.

Those people, like most /pol/tard inbred are only interested in politics because the memes and to act edgy on internet, they don't know a single thing about principles and standing up for them.

fuck centrists

If free speech is a thing in the united states, how is slander a thing?

You act like this hasn't happened before. I recall similar shit with minecraft and skyrim releasing the same day.

yeah, so is the little girl

>Holy shit, how long have I been posting that image?
6-5 years

>letting gay people live together without suffering legal consequence is "cultural suicide"
Do you cry and moan about white genocide every time you see a brown dude and white girl holding hands in public?
Don't worry buddy, i'm sure that soon, you too will find your virgin trad wife and live out your days in the wheat fields

A Canadian drew this


I needed someone to represent the furries on Yea Forums and Kero was the first to come to mind. suggested the dry ice dude so here he is.

Attached: v in a nutshell.png (1608x1224, 230K)

this is why you guys lost the marriage debate

joke repeated
Pickle rick? It was one episode.

It's reality though

Conservatard never managed to conserve shit. They're even worse than liberals.

>The bellybutton is at the ribcage

what did he mean by this?

It's in the title.
Get it? Sieg heil?

He was a hero.

imagine having her crush your pelvis so you are forced to remain in bed while she takes care of you and miks you daily while you are unable to move or say no haha that would be funny guys


>Don't be a landwhale

Chubby chasers are a thing ya know.


>just accept getting replaced goy!

what about mexican copy pasta shitposter

nice typical "argument"

Literally me

He's so fucking based, that one with the dudes shrinking and then growing inside a girl is the best and that specific series of events is so fucking rare but it always super hot
yeah like I said in the anti-coomer/pornfags meme that some aren't willing to take personal responsibilities and blame it on others.

But there's still plenty who aren't that. And ironic as it sounds, studies show that the right is more 'objective' towards others (aka judges them by their merits and not appearance) compared to the left who talk down towards certain individuals and don't treat them with the same respect/equality.

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fucking lol'd

>democrats play games of attrition to slowly chip away and erode rights
>this is conservatives' fault

Sauce plz

Oh yeah

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Christ. How time flies. Sorry about your slide into degeneracy. Or, if you dig it, then you're welcome.


If you guys had a case against gays marrying you should have made it, instead it was all just you crying about muh degeneracy and muh bible.

Quite possibly the most patrician take I've seen, user.
What is your take on hips though? Wide or slim, or both?

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"I know it when I see it" is an infamous quote about this. It's kind of shitty.

but gamer grill... final fantasy III is a single player game......

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There were no winners. It just further accelerated replacement.

quick rundown on barneyfag?

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I never once saw unioronic /mlp/ threads on /new/ or /pol/. Whatever you have to tell yourselves for being on the wrong side of history, fags.

If you're so worried about population replacement then I certainly hope you're married with a young white christian girl and are starting a big family with at least 3-4 kids. Do your part, kamerad.

go back to youtube comment section nigger


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How is fags not marrying a right

Democracy doesn't work, period. Conservatives are tools of the ruling class that are there so they can say to goyim "Look, you have representation in our liberal democracy."

I'm gay so I feel like I won :3

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Are you saying there is violence on both sides?

>dude just let children be exposed to pedophilic themes lmao

Newfag? He's just some retard who posts a subtle MLP picture then replies to himself

>making fun of mentally ill psychopaths
What a fucking hypocritical bigot.

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Ah yes, that "thing"...

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search up for aggretsuko

>Only men are capable of unconditional love
Because mothers don't love their children more than fathers or anything. It's not like fathers walk out on their kids at way higher rates than women or anything.

He likes Doom

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Posts an image of mlp being live right after barney whenever it's mentioned in Yea Forums

I have a gf without being all of those things.

>the tomoko fag
is he still here, lurking on the shadows?

the one that posts the asian-like girl in a mariachi costume and lists a bunch of games made in mexico such as kerbal space program

>warps your perception until you are a victim and constantly on the defense
incredible to see this lack of self-awareness from the """white""" """genocide""" crowd

I love Portal but it's designed to be a gateway to video games (and it's 4 hours long), how do you not complete it before getting your merch?

You have a gf that lets you fund her search for the guy in the comic.

>ate a granola bar
fuck, that got me

And there's word of birth control pills causing 'mental instability' but I haven't looked that up yet. going outside is a good thing too, seeing the actual world around you.

If they had self awareness they wouldnt spend their days crying about being genocided.

In Florida some Bernie bro ran his van into a GOP voter registration event


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>thread almost at bump limit at a little over an hour
sasuga Yea Forums

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you can see him make a thread from time to time the banter betwen he and ampharos was fun

add "La creatividad"

Sanghelli dindu nuffin

Whites are dying out, but it’s a good thing

The rational is simple. Free speech. You against free speech?

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The funniest thing is that we had a janny stop by just to delete some furry porn.

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post proof such class exists

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>Think of the children!
Except when it's your videogames and anime being censored right?

Pretty based if you ask me

These are the only kinds of threads to be on this shithole of a board for

No, it means the government cannot make laws abridging the free speech of people. If the GOVERNMENT makes it ILLEGAL for trannies to go to public libraries (which are public spaces) then that is a violation of the first amendment.

this is just a less funny version of that pbf strip

It's still alive somehow

>tfw no amazon mommy gf

Attached: just live with the pain.jpg (468x431, 17K)

Why do you rape kids?

i disagree

I readed this one and is good

It's pretty much no different from radical feminism.

A cropped pony fan art from ponibooru gets posted, usually there is nothing in the crop that gives this away.
Then he replies within minutes with the hub tv guide listing showing barney comes on right before mlp. There are a few theories
1. He posts the crop and then replies to it for attention
2. He has a bot that does this and may never even be here
3. There is someone equally autistic who knows him from another website. This person posts the crop, then sends an email to Barneyfag with a link to the post and the image on ponibooru in order to antagonize him. Barneyfag is unable to resist opening the thread and presenting his stock response.

Then there are copycats like the guy in this thread who posted the tv guide image, he is a pretty obvious fake because he didnt follow the formula.

>stonenazi and furfag thread hits bump limit

i have a friend in a county college taking entry level criminal justice courses and he says that he has a mandatory curriculum on diversity and lgbt faggotry. They are giving him tests on how to be a niggerlover and he has to pass them in order to pass the class.

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Why do you dodge questions about your inconsistent beliefs?

Isn't it LESS than 4 hours in a first playthrough?

wasn't that user, just remember you shitposting before things like gamergate even happened, haven't seen you in two years tho

Kill every glownigger

This is oddly cute

Why do you rape kids?

Why do you defend child rapists?

Why are you ok with FBI kidnapping children so the 1% can rape them?

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Oh fuck. Video game humor.png

what a shitshow

then #Itsokaytobewhite wouldn't have caused such a shitstorm in the first place
just the mere fact of saying "being white good" brings in irrelevant context of "ur a nazi reeee"

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You're right. Parents who allow their children to come into contact with video games or anime that are not appropriate for them should be severely punished as well.
Meanwhile I should be allowed to enjoy my uncensored garbage freely as the adult I am.

Good luck finding a non degenerate woman in the west lol


Why are antifags so fucking weak? Is it because communism attracts weakling looking for a way to leeche on someone else's work and money? I think it's a valid explanation.

Why does Fudge Tosser make non-centrists seethe so bad?

The guy who makes those is a legend, among the best webcomics of all time

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Where are the angry replies? Why are there no seething replies to that image? What the fuck?

he's here every fucking day

You mistaking me from some rape priest from your church or something?

Do you think this response sounds normal to sane people?

They're all chinless soibois

Why do you want to censor liberal speech but think conservative speech should be allowed?

this is a lol thread
no hate here, only lulz

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I literally cannot fap if the girl isn't a magnitude smaller than the guy

You gonna kill me? Want my address big man?

good thread everyone, especially the guy dumping his futa furry collection, may his ip rotate in peace

Yeah, I come and go. Shit got busy at work for a bit and I'm only ever on Yea Forums at work. I still got so much furry futa garbage to catch up on. Damn it.

Damn. I guess it has been forever. Good stuff.

Nah, been here for years but I've only seen that guy been blamed for various shit. Haven't bothered keeping up with Yea Forums's mega autismos since that guy who hated Majora's Mask with his entire withered soul.

Why do you shoot up schools?

Why haven’t you killed your boss?

Why do you defend the FBI covering for Epstein?

NuDoom and Animal Crossing fans are autistic. Goes hand in hand.

Nick Fuentes


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You’re going to kill yourself

I don´t like stonetoss "lips" he draws in his characters, they remind me of Titeuf artstyle and I hate Titeuf

bout 8-9 years if you are the old furry futa spammer. I remember that shit hitting its peak in 2012

Bottom left is Postal Dude?

fuck gooks

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no one watches the average player, even obnoxious people like xqc, shroud and ninja are prolific in their games, people watch them because they are good popularity is a result of skill

I gotta wonder just what their day by day life is to make them think this.

are you pissing on my mom or cumming on my mom

Every single person working for the FBI, CIA, and NSA should been killed.

Prove me wrong. You can’t.


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Nazi fag needs to be a soijack

Should include ADL and SPLC too

This is awful...The left really is just a bunch of sick minded people

How come my thread about Harvest Moon got deleted because Barneyfag decided to spam but this thread was allowed to hit bump limit

>But not by me, of course!

That’s already included with those 3

the BASEDmobile

Literally so many people on this board that image applies to.

>doesn't include the KGB

I know. It's disgusting. By the way anyone got that gif of the christchurch shooter killing kids with sound effects? Lulz me everytime.

Is this a joke, satire or a serious blog post?

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Who gives a fuck about non-americas, sl*vs aren’t even human

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It does. You're just surrounded by so much insanity today that it looks foreign to you.

very cute