The Nintendo Direct is taking so long because Nintendo wants to drop a surprise patch for BotW the day of the direct...

The Nintendo Direct is taking so long because Nintendo wants to drop a surprise patch for BotW the day of the direct, and the patch is taking longer than anticipated to implement and test. It includes new story elements originally intended and developed for BotW 2, but where decided where a better fit for BotW 1's story - these are extended, 15 minute long versions of the memories, unlocked by doing new sidequests scattered around, some of which heavily involving characters from the mainquest in fun and unexpected ways. The patch also includes a new difficulty mode only available for season pass owners- Master Quest Mode - it strengthens bosses considerably, adds more content/remixes all of the shrines, roughly doubles the length of each Divine Beast, adds a "Kill 4 Minibosses to unlock Ganon's room" thing to Hyrule Castle, the minibosses respawning and appearing in a new location every Blood Moon, forcing you to explore Hyrule Castle to face Ganon, adds a small change to damage calculation (different ranks of enemies do damage that is ignored by armor- Silver, Gold, and Boss enemies can do a lot of damage even if your armor is maxed out), restricts you from using healing items while combat music is playing, and nerfs champion powers by reducing the amount of times you can use them before the cooldown to 1, and increases the time you have to wait for Mipha's Grace. Calamity Ganon will have 16000 health in this mode, and a third phase. For his first two phases, he attacks faster and will have much less "cooldown" between his attacks.

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But will it be for Wii U, too?

the lack of direct is driving people insane

Zelda's feet.

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"The nintendo direct is taking so long because I havent had a good fuck yet so Im gonna keep sucking cock until its out. Cocks in my mouth, cocks in my ass, cocks in my ears, I will keep being such a gay faggot until I either die, or I learn about like 5 future products and also metroid prime 4 being delayed again. If anyone wants to find me so they can let me know about the direct go to any gay porn on on pornhub you'll either see me in the comments section or in the video. Thanks for the (you) kind strangers!"

t. OP

that's fucking stupid.
>15 minute long versions of the memories
you're just a sony fucker looking for a deflection to you fucks only having movies and no actual game

Nope. It taking so long because they got fucked by corona

>cant see her soles

it got delayed because of the eponavirus

Lmao if you think BotW is getting an update. Aonuma literally said the reason why BotW2 is happening is cause they had too many ideas for DLC and decided to do a sequel instead.

fuckers didn't even update the thing to fit all the amiibo armor 2 years ago

You put so much effort into this despite the base premise, not to mention all the details, being absolutely retarded.

I mean, it could be plausible if it were a different company. There could be stuff that was worked on before they decided it should be a new game that only made sense in the context of first game. It’s just that Nintendo don’t need to pull that sort of stunt to hype people up, drop thirty seconds of new footage at the tail end of a direct and the entire internet would be talking about it anyway.

They delayed it cause of corona. Change my mind

I am not going to, its literally what happened

It's taking so long because they're waiting for gameplay footage of Shin Megami Tensei V from Atlus.

OP you’re such a faggot

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RIP Nintendo Directs

True. Like Capcom adding stuff to RE2R to tie into RE2R, but it wasn’t that expansive like OP’s fan fiction haha.

And you’re absolutely right. All that’s needed is a short trailer to maintain excitement.

You guys just got a Nintendo direct though? What the fuck is wrong with all of you

The last nintendo direct was 181 days ago
What are you talking about?

The Nintendrought is actually driving people insane holy shit.
Even when Bloodborne was the only playable game on the PS4 for three years, the sonybros were not that bad

am i the only one who thinks they'll announce a new mario kart soon?