>100 GB
>2 discs
Fuck this game will be huge
100 GB
Other urls found in this thread:
weve known this already
expect some "muh uncompressed 4k video and audio" meme posts
Why is Barret white now?
Fuck, bros. I don't want to buy a new PS4 storage drive.
>uncompressed audio and pre-rendered videos
two posts later
Love the fineprint:
>Warning! Not a complete game!
Not a meme if it's true
But it is a complete game, just not a complete story
So I'm confused, the game is sold in parts, but the first part that's about to come out is a full game in itself for a full price? So basically they're going to release it as 3+ full games or something?
>10 minutes
boot licking like that leads to shit like ME:A, Anthem, Fallout 76 and Warcraft3 Reforged
im also confused, it's only the events in Midgar right? Red XII joins late enough they didnt bother making him playable. So like, how much filler stuff in Midgar is there going to be so the game isn't super short?
Semantics are fun.
>so the game isn't super short
It will be?
Technically Uncharted games are "full" games. They're 9 hours to complete.
yeah they are, now stop using the wrong word
People saying factual things triggers you? That game is tiny compared to Red Dead, Xenoblade X or even GTA V. Not to mention Zelda BotW which is 8 GB.
>demo almost 8gb
>just the first chapter
>full game is 13 chapters
oh no no no no
Side quests such as kill X enemies like in FFXV.
Full game is 18 chapters, but I hear ya
damn, so full price, they expect us to pay $180 for a full cinematic version of FF7?
its not clear, some early articles from journos say it doesnt feel like a full game, but square's marketing department says that it will feel like a full game and have enough content
best to wait for release and see what people say about it, and i dont mean people from Yea Forums or reddit
No thanks, I'll wait until 2047 when the full thing is out.
Gonna be more than that, bucko. Everyone has this idea that it'll be only three parts for some reason. Expect 7 or more installments. And that's assuming they even bother to complete it once sales start suffering.
Has square ever released a big budget rpg that short? Not being cheeky, I'm actually curious what the shortest Square rpg is.
FF7 is about 25 hours and its slow as fuck after Midgar, mostly grinding and reading boring dialogue. This game will be like Deus Ex Mankind Divided, tons of cutscenes and will cut off right after the Shinra building.
this is what they do though, it's common practice to bloat your game. It's a tactic to take up disk space and stop you from playing other games
>25 hours long
No it's not.
Oh it's 18, interesting since chapter 10 contains the Abzu boss fight. Not too much is left in Midgar after that in the original.
he is exaggerating a bit, more like 30~ hours.
but it is definitely shorter than a lot of other rpgs
That's where the padding comes in.
It's more like 45. The main story alone is 40; add on the occasional sidequest and exploration/being lost and 45 is the minimum I could see for a first playthrough
Thats not fine print, retard.
Might as well just call this the full game since Midgar is the peak of the entire game
My first run of the game was around 35 hours.
It definitely isn't that long
my first blind playthrough of FF7 two decades ago I had 33 hours going into north crater.
Well I guess you rushed through it a bit, since the general consensus of the main story is that it's 38 hours on HWTL
Not yet. But this is only a fraction of a full game, so... there's a first time for everything.
FFXV can be beaten in about 20 hours, which is already a slide in the wrong direction, and that was a full game compared to this.
>Fuck this game
the Chrono Trigger effect. Everybody thinks its longer because it ran on old hardware at 30fps with shit loading times and no fast forward like on emulators to skip all the grinding and backtracking and random battles. Take out the grinding and side quests and the story could fit on a pamphlet.
>smallest text on the box
>not fine print
Modern FF game so expect to be able to beat the story in like 25 hours but you can spend 100 just doing other dumb shit if you want. Which is kinda how it’s supposed to be. DO YOU FUCKING HEAR THAT, PERSONA?
It's already been confirmed that the main story is 40+ hours.
[Citation Needed]
Hope there's some challenging side content that forces you to utilize all the combat mechanics, I expect it will be easy enough to brute force through the main story.
>The story of this first, standalone game in the FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE project covers up to the party's escape from Midgar and goes deeper into the events occuring in the city than the original FINAL FANTASY VII.
Not happening. Maniacs will finish this game in one sitting.
That said if SE are just treating this as a a main-line Final Fantasy game I’m not sure anyone should be concerned about a lack of content.
>if SE are just treating this as a a main-line Final Fantasy game
The fact that we've heard NOTHING about FFXVI, four years after FFXV's release, means this is probably the case.
>The fine print
This is so sad. The demo already felt soulless as fuck, so many cringe scenes and added dialogue. They also removed some dialogue on top. You can really see that it was made by the people who shat out KH and FF15. Very sad.
I thought they were releasing this by parts?
so are we getting a 1tb ff7 remake complete collection in 10 years or so?
You're fucking retarded
And who told you that? Some Square marketer?
>Dropping 60$ for not even half of the original game remade.
You give me Final Fantasy 7 Remade, the whole Final Fantasy 7, not fucking half of the first disc remade, and I'll give you full price.
If you're buying this game at full price, or pre-ordering it for more, You are part of the problem. Stop it.
FFXV was even retooled FF Versus XIII
Yeah and it's important to remember that FFX was announced before FFIX even came out, and FFXIII was announced before FFXII even came out. Mainline Final Fantasy is in a weird place right now. I imagine that if FFVIIR is successful, FFXVI will just copy it but have an original story. Or they will move straight to remaking FFVIII.
>100 GB
Still smaller the Cod MW fuck!
Will they ever give 9 this treatment or will it forever be in the trinity of black sheep with 2 and 8?
I would fucking kill for an ff9 remake with combat like 7R has, honestly was hardly interested until the demo but I could see this being the best combat in the entire series if they tune the difficulty right
Remember that the reason why MGS4 couldn't be on Xbox was because only a blu-ray could fit its 7.1 soundtrack?
>goes deeper into the events
No, nobody cares about IX.
That doesn't make any sense, the 360 had several multi disc games. FFXI had 3 discs, granted it did run at a lower res than ps3 and even the cutscenes where like 540p
>tfw you are nobody
Killing a few rats as new side quests for a few Gil isn't really worthwhile new content.
Yes but how many games had a soundtrack like MGS4? They went all out on that and didn't seem to accept compression on it.
man 2039 for the sephiroth fight cant come soon enough !
>Put two 300gb images of goatse in my games files.
>Children on Yea Forums will make threads going.
waiting for FF7R complete edition on PS5 that will have all the discs in one case.
>Only goes up to the end of the tutorial
>People will gladly pay $60 on day one 3 times for this like good goyim
Holy shit shills are pathetic
This wtf
So whats the deal. the remake is just midgar?
they are this is part one which covers the Midgar portion of Disc one (about 5 hours) of the original game, it's now ballooned out with new content to be a full fledged game.
I assume part 2 will go up the big scene at the end of disc 1 and part 3 will finish the game maybe there might be a 4th FFVIIR game depending how if Square Enix wants to split disc 2.
they'll probably be out every other year so as not to step on FFXIV's expansions
we could also see this become a full fledged series and see original games set after FFVII
exactly this
Two discs for Midgar only? How many JPop Soldier minibosses did they add?
no we're going to get FF7: Remake: The Story so Far Collection, Angeal and Genesis you know deserve their own games
IX, X and XI were announced on the same day like a month before VIII had come out in the west.
Is it really just Midgar only? I find it amazing that 100GB and two discs is just the Midgar section only.
Must be a lot of side stuff put into it to extend the gameplay? Like side quests and mini games. Everyone was complaining how it's "midgar only" but goddamn. If I can get 50 hours or 100 hours out of just Midgar then that doesn't sound bad at all. Let's just hypothetically say the game comes in sections or parts.
So if there are two sections and each section is 50-100 hours of gameplay, then that's 100-200 hours of game time. If there is three parts to the game then that's 150-300 hours of game time. That's pretty fucking insane no matter how you slice it. We're easily talking over 100 hours if not 200 hours.
Imagine needing 1 tb to play a full game.
Imagine buying trash remakes in 2k2p
I believe they like to be called "lightskin" and it's what all the black girls think white boys want. They want lightskinned not dark skinned. Seems like dark skinned black women aren't as attractive to people as light-skinned, which proves that people prefer white-washed characters in media. Light skinned boys are more favored among white girls as well.
The demo is not 10 minutes. I just got done playing it, took me about a solid hour or so. Even if you rush it, it's still not 10 minutes. The boss at the end of the demo takes a long time to kill, or at least for me it did. Took me at least 10-15 minutes to kill it.
Go shitpost in some other thread. You clearly didn't play the demo.
Alright Todd, whatever you say.
It's already been confirmed it's not faithful to the original, so I'd suggest you stop thinking it will be an authentic remake of the original, it isn't. They already said that this game goes further into exploring what's going on Midgar, and that wasn't in the original game. Clearly new stuff is in this game that wasn't in the original. As for "padding" well obviously if this section is longer than the original then yeah, they probably threw in a bunch of fetch quests and side missions to help you grind or collect weapons and shit.
You'll still play all of it, so why bother bitching? They told us months and months ago that it wouldn't be a true faithful remake of the game. It'll have everything the original had, but it also has stuff the original didn't have. Only hipsters would cry about shit like that. Just like how they cried about the remake not having a turn based combat option, most people wouldn't give a shit unless you're a hardcore turn based combat sperg.
Go play the demo. If you don't like the combat then don't buy it. No reason to waste money on something you clearly won't like.
>Being excited for a game
>Todd meme
Every thread, I swear. You people need to grow up. Being excited for a game doesn't make someone a shill. I guess OP is a shill since he made an FFVII thread. Go ahead and call him Todd as well.
FFXVI is already being worked on. rumors go Yoshida (FFXIV) is the project lead with the bulk of the FFXV team working on the game and the game will be more of a high fantasy with "very few mecha"
Stretching Midgar is fine with me, but if SE is planning on doing that shit with every town after part 1 then they can go fuck themselves. It'll completely kill the pacing and bore everyone.
he's light because there's no fucking sun in Migard, everyone else are whiter than ghosts.
ill just wait for my waifu to repack it with all the pointless languages ripped out.
voice acting comprises the largest potion of video game size
so no it will not be huge op
just filled with horrible noise
>Go do these 100 side quests in town x
>Go do these 50 side quests in town y
>Go do these 150 side quests in town z
I guess it'll appeal to the autistic MMO community who have nothing better to do.
I'm sure they'll learn from the feedback they got with FF XV, not a lot of people liked it. I did, but clearly it didn't go over well with most people.
fitgirl is a man
>The story of this first, standalone game in the FINAL FANTASY VIII REMAKE project covers up to the party's escape from Midgar and goes deeper into the events occurring in the city than the original FINAL FANTASY VII.
there you go in tiny text on the back of the case, square covered their ass from lawsuits.
its still pretty scummy though. so many normies are going to buy this thinking its a full ff7 remake.
>finally get lightspeed internet straight to my brain
>Oh wow can't wait to download GTA XXIV and CoD:. Postmodern Warfare in 4 minutes
>turns out they're both 160 exabytes each
call me in 2040 when they release a full version
I enjoyed 2, don’t get why everyone hates it. It was just an improved version of 1
Why wouldn't they call it "Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Part 1" if it was multiple parts.
pretty sure its the whole game, and if it isn't then its going to be the only "part" they make anyway.
More likely they are testing the waters with this one before they make the complete series.
Their little test just cost them a sale from me and probably many others, however, so the latter of your predictions may come true.
normies won't know that its not
Square before
>We won't remake 7 until we make a game that surpasses it
Square now
>Nobody in this company knows how to make a good final fantasy so we're just going to milk 7 for decades now
People in here really believe the bullshit they spout, eh ?
Dont get me wrong i think the game looks like shit and it lost a lot of soul in the little details from the original. Like the limit break menu option doesn't glow when you have limit break available, and the UI for character order is pretty retarded. That the onscreen buttons flash whenever you press the corresponding controller button is also annoying as garbage to look at.
Its probably going to be the full game and if it isnt, it's going to be the only part they make. One way or the other there isn't going to be a part 2.
Because they don't want to commit to actually making a "Part 2" if this one bombs and it would be bad marketing anyway to slap a "Part 1" on the title because people would know it's not a complete game. They will just call the next one "Final Fantasy VII: Rise of Sephiroth" or whatever.
I remember that first quote haha, Enix knows they can’t make games as the only semi acceptable games they’ve made are the ivalice world games and maybe crisis core
>1/8th of a game
>barely party one
I just don't see how there isn't more negative reaction to this
I tried the demo and it feels fine but holy fuck how are people just ok with being shoveled shit in the way that this game is going to be split up
>child tifa looks older than adult tifa
you just know this shit is gonna bomb and only get 1 part.
I hope that's what happens.
I can't wait for part 1 to sell a few mill to piss off coomers but then also watch normies finaly realize that SEVERAL more parts will be coming and also get butt blasted
Its a shame because I liked the demo but this is honestly going to be a massive trainwreck of which the likes the industry has never seen.
>demo release dominates all vidya discussion for days
It's gonna do very well.
Is there 60fps on PS4 pro like KH3? If not then I'm waiting for the PC version
He’s now based
Boss killed in 3 minutes.
Why does FF7 feel like a massively long game in my memories, but in reality my save file was only 45 hours when I got to Bizzaro Sephiroth.
Because you were a kid.
I beat the game in a bit over 30 hours on my first playthrough, granted I played one of the versions with turbo to skip long summon animations
>cool looking came coming next month
>Yea Forums can't stop seething over their 23 year old Lego graphics PS1 game that has the same name to be excited
Glad I'm not a miserable fuck like you boomers :^)
>Final Fantasy VII
>Final Fantasy VII-2
>Final Fantasy VII-3
There you go, retards.
yeah laugh all you want consolepiggy keep lapping up the silky 20 fps action games
Part 1 will do well, part 2 will do significantly worse, part 3 will do EVEN WORSE then part 2, and anything after that will be considered an outright failure by SE.
>Everyone bitching about the episodic format
>Midgar is the best part of the game anyway
We're better off getting more Midgar than we would be in getting a single remake with the same amount of Midgar.
Fuck off shill. When the next part comes around, you'll be saying that that's the best part of the game and midgar section was shit.
i expect 1 more part after this. 2 total. disc 3 of ps1 was just cutscenes storage. they'll flesh out midgar but the rest of the gameworld will be relatively similar size to the og game. they originally said it would be 3 parts, but since have kept quiet on the specific number. there's not enough game to warrant 4 parts and that would take like 15 years to develop and sell. so, 2 parts. midgar, and the rest
excellent pacing
>doomposters aren’t trolling
>they literally believe there’s a chance in hell this will fail on any level
With PC and XboXoX versions it’s going to beat out the original and become the best-selling JRPG in history. There’s nothing anyone can do to stop that. Ok worst case scenario for SE is it’s going to be #2 to a game that’s been out for 20+ years.
Filesize has nothing to do with game length or depth or breadth of content.
can't wait for all the fetch quests!
I'm not ready for this game.
that's pretty long.
fark it looks good, the city streets are nice
>Speedrunning autism
I'm not saying he can't be killed faster, but it was my first time playing the demo and it took me 10-15 minutes to kill the boss. Obviously if you play the demo 100 times like a retarded sperg, then yeah, you can kill it in three minutes.
played ff7 dozens of times. it's very replayable. the new one should give reason to replay it also, and it does by having a robust skill-based combat system
The reception of this is going to be a disaster. I can appreciate wanting to pour love into an iconic game, but a massive part of the appeal of FF7 came after the Midgar section. Yes, it's memorable, yes, it's iconic, but it is not the bulk of the storytelling or appeal of the original game. Red, Yuffie, Cid, Cait Sith, Vincent, and functionally even Sephiroth are all totally missing. This game won't even feature Aeris' death.
2 discs? Really why do they need this?
Are they going the red dead 2 route where they counted each game sold as 2 copies sold because they had 2 discs for that as well?
based hanson from gi playing atm. demo is still entertaining on second run
The division 2 is 102gb too really make you think huh
>implying they test on dogs
This isn’t the record industry or the 90s and that’s not how it works.
Better buy a couple more hard-drives though because you’re going to be seeing a lot more 100 gb games.
>Yoshida heading the game
If anyone can make a good mainline FF game it's him, he saved that clusterfuck of 1.0, he can do anything
Did you seriously play the original FFVII game dozens of times, like as in more than 24 times? I don't believe you. Nobody is that autistic.
How could you sell dog food without testing on animals? How could you test any food without doing so on animals?
>enjoying things is autistic
Game is gonna be shit, get over it
yeah, that image looks disingenuous. plus, they clearly don't care about convincing people to change since they list essentially every company ever all at once. no one wants to upend their entire life on a dime like that. it's too much to ask. what do they expect, people to make their own clothes and soap. fuck off with that.
You seriously think a portion of the original game that lasted no more than 3-5 hours can be enough to make a game with enough assets to need two blue-ray discs?
Not him but i've played symphonia 48 times since its release back in 2004, its not hard to replay a jrpg multiple times in 20 years.
Don't call it a remake. It's a "reimagining".
That’s a lotta Lloyd!
I find it funny how they manage to slap Sephiroth's marketable face everywhere and imagery they can
>Sephiroth theme in intro
>Black feather in the Mako reactor
>Sephiroth at the end of the demo video
>Sephiroth at the back of the box with more space than the party
Its like as if they are scared of normies that would complain about "Where is Sephiraiath? The top 10 villains from the gaming section of my news outlet said he was in Final Fantasy"
At first I was annoyed but now its just funny.
It took me 20-30 minutes to finish the demo and i explored everywhere and took my time for screen shots and combat tests.
The 10 gb is justified because it’s essential textures and cloud’s whole combat animations not to mention the engine which takes a lot of space
*and imagery everywhere they can
Good lord. I played Symphonia about 3-4 times or so and I got my fill. Also played Abyss about 3-4 times as well, but I just can't play the same game, regardless of what it is, 24-50 times. I guess over a 20 year period, well yeah that makes more sense, but that would mean you're playing at least 2-3 playthroughs every year, guess it's not that unrealistic.
yeah for sure, played it as an ~8 year old, i'm 28 now, it's one of my top 3 favourite games of all time, at least 12 times, maybe 20? idk. i go back and play it at least once a year
MGS4 has a joke about changing disks literally as a part of the plot.
it was my go-to on rainy days, so yeah, 2-3 was about right, Once I even went right back in right after finishing.
>Took me 20-30 minutes
I don't see how, but I guess I play slowly. It took me 45 minutes to roughly an hour.
Sephiroth is an iconic character and very popular, so obviously they need to give him plenty of exposure.
Im convinced they bloat the file size so people think it's bigger than it actually is
man are people still living in the 90s?
>Sephiroth is an iconic character and very popular, so obviously they need to give him plenty of exposure
This entire remake stinks of corporate
Why did they change Niebelheim from a European environment to Texan?
You're a retard.
Sephiroth is one of the most famous villains in vidya history. This is a 40+ hour game. Of course they'd have Sephiroth in it.
why does Tifa wear a cowgirl outfit and put a Texan sign on the original 7th Heaven bar and why is Nibelheim located near Cosmo Canyon
It smells of common sense.
Sephiroth wasn't shown in Midgar in the original. It would've been more ballsy and respectable if they held off to try and recapture the build up to him
Game is gonna be 30-40 hours at most and that's including all the shitty sidequests.
They once said world of final fantasy was a 100 hour game
Niebelheim looks now it's straight from New Vegas
This isn't the original you fucking dense retard.
I care about IX too imo, would like a remake of that in the future as well.
No it wouldn't you autist. If the biggest threat this game had was Rufus or Motorball, it would be lame as fuck. I'm glad you're most likely unemployed, and will never make video games.
>This isn't the original
Your point? If they're going to make changes they should be for the benefit of the game. Throwing Sephiroth at the players constantly before even leaving Midgar just because he's a recognisable character when it makes no sense narratively doesn't sound like a good change to me
it is a complete game by itself. that’s like saying ffxiii isn’t a complete game because it has sequels
>If the biggest threat this game had was Rufus or Motorball, it would be lame as fuck
You really think Sephiroth is going to have any involvement beyond just being hallucinations?
My point is you're a fucking retard.
The difference is that we know for certain that this isn't the complete FF7
>to me
thankfully nobody cares what you think
Good rebuttal
Ok, justify it then beyond marketing purposes and cheap fan service
Sephiroth this early is basically Jenova. So by whining about removing Sephiroth, you'd be removing Jenova as the final boss.
nice backpedalling
>fan service
>in a remake
holy fuck stop the presses
He's black in the demo, it's just the lighting in that render making him look like a CNN mugshot. Also I don't know why people are saying his voice actor is racist, he does a pretty fucking good job unlike most english JRPG dubs I've played through.
It's going to be critically acclaimed and 88+ at least on MC and OC and be loved by fans, cope.
>Red XII joins late enough they didnt bother making him playable
Actually they confirmed that him and Cait Sith aren't playable whatsoever. Apparently the dev team don't know how to work with the non-human stuff so they didn't want to bother.
But Jenova isn't the final boss in Midgar
What backpeddling?
>Also I don't know why people are saying his voice actor is racist
because they're secondary zoomers who didn't play the original in the 90s
the fact that it's just 10% of the original game is just insulting, enjoy spending 500 bucks for a full experience
this dude is Yea Forums in a nutshell lmao
Can't wait for the PC version
For sure to be 1tb at this trate
source: dude trust me
Hours of build-up is fine, years is not. It’s Sephiroth for fuck’s sake.
The fact that you’re still jerking off to him like he’s some mysterious villain no one knows and they should keep in the shadows until 2023 or something is pretty adorable though. Shows that he still has attraction even decades later.
Really what they should do is put a Sephiroth dildo in the ultimate edition to please all the fangirls.
>But Jenova isn't the final boss in Midgar
go on
good point
>2 discs
>still incomplete
What the fuck did they even do with this trash fire?
lmao he's gonna appear like 6 or 7 times just to establish him in part 1 so when part 2 comes around people don't go "WHO TF IS THIS?" if they haven't play FF7 calm the fuck down
Ive played ff 5 7 and 9 over a dozen times each(ff9 closer to 30)
>Hours of build-up is fine, years is not. It’s Sephiroth for fuck’s sake
We're going to have years to see a bunch of other cool shit from FF7 so it's not like it's going to make all the difference
can´t wait for more complete games from the
look forward to:
man fuckoff, this is what square planned for years, a cashcow with content for at least 2 decades
anyone who tells me that any of this parts above is not possible to create in a year is a deluded fanatic
So how's the demo? I'd try it myself but my hdmi switch is busted.
As long as Nomura is in charge that won't happen, we'll get one fucking DLC after the final part and It'll be $20 - $30 calm down sperg
>lmao he's gonna appear like 6 or 7 times just to establish him in part 1 so when part 2 comes around people don't go "WHO TF IS THIS?"
In the original Sephiroth gets set up early on without the game literally showing him to you
FFXV without a jump button
What they don't understand is that the skin color doesn't actually matter, it is apeface that people want less of.
It barely changes anything and its an entirely neutral change so long as Sephiroth doesn't do much more than continue Cloud's amnesia and confuse him, seeing him is fine.
You clearly don't know who Nomura is.
How obvious can these shills be? They're not even trying.
Slightly better crisis core gameplay
Has more systems going on than type 0 but type 0 felt better to play imo
It's fun and gets more fun with every playthrough, so don't listen to the XV autist.
NO! Audrey Tautou is fitgirl and just pretending to be a man!
>tfw your rich mayor dad hasn't raped you yet
Omg the campaign is 200 hours long and there's like 100 multiplayer maps and thousands of guns... wait...
Niebelheim looks pretty poor desu
Always wanted to try Type 0 but the PC port was busted as hell.
>literally a shrunken adult's head put onto a child's body
How lazy can you get?
>It barely changes anything
So why put him at this point of the game? Just save him until his physical appearance is necessary. It feels cheap to just throw him into the first part
They knew SFM would happen so they wanted to be ahead of all the cp charges
Only because of the Mako reactor. Tifa's dad isn't President Shinra rich, but he's the most well-to-do in the whole town.
I need comparison shots because I always see this posted, but don't notice it.
And people shat on it for being filled with uncompressed shit as well. What are you trying to imply?
>40+ hour game
OH THE DELUSION. If part 1 is longer than 10 hours I'll be shocked.
No motherfucker you don't, Nomura doesn't do DLC out the ass, he actually hates the season pass model.
>> I’ll wait for the complete edition
dude, the duration of an adventure game and an rpg are different things, especially when this is the first part of a remake they had to pad to reach such a short playtime.
yeah, considering nomura is at the helm, expect this shit to last for 15 years with countless "spin offs" n shit.
Honestly this project shows me how little square has faith in final fantasy
>Tifa forgetting all her chad friends the second she sees virgin Cloud
This game truly is high fantasy
you are blind
I love little incel cloud
>more is automatically better
the absolute state of consoomer
I am not personally invested in any way in its critical reception, and it looks to be well made. I will probably play it.
My point is that the hype for this remake is unlike anything I can recall, and the grand climax of the game is going to be... leaving Midgar? Then we wait two or three more years for the middle section of the game?
No one gave a shit about FFXV a week after it came out, and I predict this will be much worse in terms of having no lasting impact or diehard audience. The chances of it showing up in GOTY conversations the way RE2 Remake did is basically 0%
>Only covers Midgar
Lol no. It's 4K textures, 20 million polygon models with realistic arm hairs and pimples, and uncompressed 300mb sound samples that have 0.05% less distortion than a compressed 2mb sound file. It's a third person action game, there's no reason to have ungodly high resolution textures. For cutscenes, sure, I can understand, or if it was first person, but this is inexcusable. It's not even a multiplayer game, so they don't have the excuse of "we don't want players to uninstall do we'll just make the game fuckhuge in size by artificially bloating it so they won't want to redownload it".
This game should've been 30-40gb at the most.
Really, ff16 is the only game that can convince me this franchise has still hope.
Otherwise i'm gonna drop it for good.
>his voice actor is racist
Is he not black?
Gib Tifa
very nice
wait, what the fuck is this?
Aren't tifa and cloud the only kids in the town, that's why they were friends?
If its good, people will care about it afterwards, and an advantage that it will have over XV is continual parts will keep interest with trailers and hype for story continuation.
I'm curious why you say it won't show up in GOTY conversations like RE2Remake? Many reviewers who have played it have said its in the same vain as RE2 and possibly even better, meaning if it reviews well, it will absolutely be in GOTY conversations.
Also you said it will be received poorly, critical reception being good would partially discredit that.
No? Cloud was always an awkward loner jealous of all the other boys hanging out with Tifa. They weren't really friends.
What's with people having so many misconception about Clouds childhood?
Square constantly calls Cloud and Tifa "Childhood friends" even though the game showed that wasn't true and they hardly knew each other. Others just conveniently ignore it for autistic reasons.
show me screenshots of original FF7 with any child in nibelheim
They mention them during the whole dream segment with tifa going through clouds memories
Right, because realistically, everybody climb the water tower in town and chat with a barely known girl in the middle of the night, talking about future's ambitions.
You people are delusional and need to be shot in between your eyes.
>so long as Sephiroth doesn't do much more than continue Cloud's amnesia and confuse him
Doing that is a net negative to the story in Midgar since the player isn't supposed to know Cloud is confused or amnesiac during Midgar. The game was set up so you thought Shinra was the maim villain and the tower was like a final dungeon. Sephiroth and Jenova get tossed around near the "end", but aren't really important until the shocking bloodbath after you get captured, which is the big clue that there is more in store even if you stop Shinra.
What does it even take to be a Final Fantasy fan? Brain damage?
Cloud was a incel who went full checkmate Atheist. Of course he had no friends. He had a huge boner for Tifa and she liked him too but he was too much of a sperg to get over himself.
Ask me how I know you didn't play the original game.
During Midgar there are a decent amount of times where a black wing literally falls towards Cloud and its hinted he has amnesia, establishing that earlier and making it slightly more clear will not be a bad thing, for us old players it might seem like it ruins it but for new people they will still not know what is going on.
I guess I get why they're covering their ass with that little disclaimer, but way to spoil that shit for first timers.
>Zoomie zoomboi wants his 100 hour open world game
Go kill yourself.
>where a black wing literally falls towards Cloud
Are you sure you played the original?
>Confirmed only Midgar
I'm genuinely curious how they're going to stretch what amounts to maybe a 5 hour section of the game into a full at least 30-40 hour game.
I've got this idea in my head that the random new soldier guy is one of Tifa's actual friends who actually went out and made SOLIDER. I just call him Chad.
20 at most, if you do all side content.
massively expanding areas like ghost trainyard and shinra HQ, adding new areas in plates we've never visited, making sector's 7 and 8 more expanded etc etc
Spoilers: they didn't
oh hi Mr. Futureman
They should do this and make him cuck Cloud post AC, the Japanese audiences love stuff like that.
jesus, cope more.
Tifa herself says that she was surprised how the loner awkward shy dude suddenly called her to the water tower to talk. And Cloud was surprised that she actually came.
Sorry, not black feather, meant where the screen flashes green or shit and the ear piercing noises, implying something is going on.
There's no way they would do that. People would flip the fuck out, and it would tarnish the FF7 brand. FF7 being SE's sacred cow, they can't afford to fuck this up.
Xenosaga and .//Hack managed it.
Just crawl back under your rock. People have been dickriding FF7 for over 20 years and they’re not going to stop now, next month or in the next decade.
>Are there even any FF7 diehards?? I predict people will forget about this game quickly!
Congratulations on the most retarded doomposter idea hatched since the techdemo was shown 15 years ago.
Those modern open world questing mechanics are going to kill the game. Seriously there is absolutly no point, narrative wise, to spend 60 hours in Midgard. Midgard is only important to set the plot. Kill president Shinra, show Jenova has escaped and hint that somehow Sephiroth has returned.
What´s even supposed to happen in Midgard for 60 hours? The game literally starts to get good with the Nibelheim flashback... maybe with the last part of Midgard.
by making everything 8 times longer.
HUGEly disappointing 2 blu rays of raw uncompressed data
She actually says, she was surprise he asked her out. But it's clear that they were friends. Just not besties
like my dick
Most of those are just probably uncompressed audio files.
When I look back on midgard it's because of what you do there, not so much the setting itself. every jrpg has a city/ generic slums/industrial area in it, it's really nothing special. this all feels pretty unnecessary and misguided.
you see other boys in tifa's room you retard
>Dropping 60$ for not even half of the original game remade.
Midgar in the original only takes about 3 hours to complete, and that's if you're taking your time. I'm EXTREMELY cynical about all this. Not touching any of this remake until it's all out and available as one whole bundle.
Right, that's a fair point, but even then, Sephiroth should remain an enigma until you get to Kalm. Perhaps they are just going with the assumption that everyone should already know the story (which makes sense since they drop a big spoiler for the Midgar section right on the damn box as a disclaimer instead of just putting "part 1" in the title), but even then is just makes Midgar feel less complete and more like just another town in the extended FF7 game series.
yes we've heard this a thousand times
see you day one
No, I still remember from the game, Tifa liked Cloud and Cloud liked Tifa, but Cloud has always been shy and Tifa would hang around the other kids in town, so they didn't interact much at all.
It was all told to us, not shown, in the original game.
And this is just the first Midgar part.
>3 hours
nonsense, double that easily
They have been fucking up FF7s brand since 2004 when the compilation started.
Reminder that FFXIII was 32GB of cutscenes and 6gb actual game.
so 4 inches long?
no they didn't you faggot, they decided that since red only joins the party near the last 20% of the midgar section it would be pointless to introduce him as a playable character.
i do agree it seems a bit cheap to do so anyway, but provided he is playable in the other releases i don't really have a problem with it.
>100 GB for the first fucking part of the remake.
yeah 4 inches deep in you're mom
We're not all retards mate. Too many unanswered questions. Like, if this is part one, and on the PS4, what happens if you buy part 2 one PS5. Is it save transfer? In fact how many parts will this game be? I don't think they ever committed to an answer on that (because it's a clear cash grab).
To me this whole thing is as much an obvious scam as Star Citizen, except this actually exists
Enjoy your 300 GB, $180 "video game" with "open world" "gameplay" I guess
he mainly buffs in the original anyway so it kinda works
>nonsense, double that easily
You serious nigger? I'm as casual as they come, and I can easily get through Midgar in 3 hours, and that's with exploring and finding secrets.
Yeah, but nobody asked for the compilation. People have been begging for the FF7 remake since the PS3 demo trailer back in '05 or so, and that's being conservative.
cool lie bro! nice
>100 fucking gigs.
Yeah let me just delete all other games off my system so it can be "the FF7 console" and have no space for anything else once the full game is out.
Chill out, I get it, you're shit at games. Don't be so bitter about it
Fuck you doom man, it will be "the FF7 part 1" console! Get it right
Speedrunners take just over 2 hours to get out of Midgar, so you're full of shit.
enjoy it in the retirement home at 90 then. have fun.
Git. Gud.
I highly doubt that. Even moving quickly it can take a good 4 or 5 hours. If you leave in 3 hours, you are ignoring all side content, not talking to NPCs unless required to, and mashing through text.
>tfw you know ff7 remake will be segmented to fuck across two consoles so you may as well wait for the inevitable ps5 port
can I watch?
Why pointless? Jrpg often introduce playable characters late in the game, if the game is THAT big, it should not be a problem, is aerith not going to be in part 2 because she dies halfway through? It would be muda to play her if she dies and all the grinding you did with her is void.
Cats are so fucking cute, bros.
get fucked
>They release the other parts on PS5.
>Won't let you transfer data.
>Make you re-buy and re-play Part 1 on Ps5.
It's fucking genius.
i said in the same post that i don't agree with it but i don't give a fuck as long as he is playable in future installments (which he is)
>not pc
>buying consoles
big oof
>not talking to NPCs unless required to, and mashing through text.
Why wouldn't you do this after the first time? Like I already know the story
That's literally what AAA game companies think now. It's a way of reducing what they compete against when the user turns their console on.
You would thing it would look uglier up so close but it just got so much cuter
I'm very unhappy with it, honestly. The nee designs generall suck ass, the music isn't as good, and the visual style is not what I personally wanted. That's not getting into how they are screwing up the story by trying to "expand" it, or how they are advertising the game as a full remake and then just putting "only part 1" in fine print.
That said, in 10 years when it is possibly fully complete, and a "Royal Deluxe Ultimate Mako Edition" is in the bargain bin for $20, I'll likely get it. Or just pirate the full version when it inevitably hits PC down the line.
RE2 was a full video game. It had a beginning, a middle, and an end, and it told the full story that the original game did.
Read my post, the game looks well made and might even be really fun. The reality is, the first 6 hours of FF7 is not what made it the cultural force that it is. SE has done everything short of actually lying to the fanbase about how much content will be in the game, but there is basically no way people finish this game and feel it lived up to the hype. It's about 15% of the original game, how could it possibly?
First thing that come to mind is Parasite Eve, though whether or not it's actually big budgeted or not is arguable, not to mention the game was released in 1998(97?). You can beat it in 20 hours or less, no thanks to it being linear. Some people even suspected that it's just a test game for the engine that Square will use for FFVIII.
So many typos, it's time for sleep.
>comparing re2 to ff7's game length
shut up you fool
>have to uninstall everything on your PS5 to fit the entire FF7R Collection on your propriety-NVME drive
So basically this game is FF13 but split into 2. Part 1 is just midgar, the tutorial and linear as hell, walk cutscene walk fight, walk cutscene walk boss fight. Midgar will be coccon in other words.
Part 2 is outside midgar as Gran pulse was in 13.
when hit, they take half dmg, and the boss unleashes less attacks in AoE.
this has to be on easy mode.
Why would you more than one installed at once?
I can't see why Square Enix wouldn't compile it all into a single 'game' after the individual parts have been out for awhile, just to skip the hassle of "You beat part 1! Now save you data, exit game, start up part 2, import save...".
You wish. Though, with this generation on its way out SE is probably wanting to finish this asap.
fuck off and stay away from 9, you can already get the hd remaster and upscaled backgrounds
>by the time the final part comes out the ps6 will be released
>to finish the game you'll have to re-buy every other part and replay them on the ps6
fuck that shit, give me 6 any day of the week, i hoped they would at least port it to an actual console but no.
>commonly accepted as one of the greatest rpgs ever
>port to ios, steam, the fucking ouya and even the super nes
>port 7-9 to nearly every modern mainstream console
>still no 6 port ever
Cope, capcom could have gone greedy like square and stretch the game over 10 parts and fill it up with the story of every single human in raccon city but they ain't trying to confuse their costumers into buying it over and over for each new platform it gets released on
7R has a ton of CG video files which makes up 80% of the file size
XV size is actual game content since it only has 3 CG video files
7R is just empty corridors in midgar and has less weapons, enemies, locations, dialog, dungeons, etc than XV
XV is an open world game with a ton of content
Or they think XV surpassed VII.
There is no half-hour stretch of XV as good as this demo.
You belong in a loony bin. No, the next part won’t be out on current systems, no they’re not going to be making PS4 games in 2025 nor are they even going to attempt to “finish this asap” because the generation is almost over.
6 will only ever have the abysmal iOS """remake""" with 4 different flavors of shit art at the same time.
>why does this remake of a game that was 10% the runtime of this other one fit onto one disc while the other needs to be put on multiple discs
I'm okay with FF7 being pissbaby easy if they give you enough magic, skills and abilities to use during combat in the actual game to keep the fights varied enough for me to toy around.
i have a cold atm and i have to breathe out of my mouth or i'll die, am i low iq now? :(
XV sidequests are fantastic, like the royal arms in the optional dungeons which give new weapon variety and huge stat boosts, on tours give insight into party members, and various kinds of hunts like the behemoth one which unlocks chocobos, Zu on Ravatogh for giant bird boss, Adamantoise gives some more lore to do with the astral war, camp fights, the vyv photo quest leads to Chardanook which all send you to places to do with the astral war, the cid quest upgrades your weapons and gets you backstory on Cid, Cindy quest upgrades your car and gives backstory to do with Cindy and which gives insight into the state of the world through the technology she has you get, like the anti daemon headlights which prevents daemons from blocking you at nightime when driving, or the Melusine quest which foreshadows humans turning into daemons etc.
7R sidequests are just generic shit like kill X number of rats
It's trash and nothing like XV
7R has no jump
XV has jump
7R has no directional inputs
XV has directional inputs
Cloud has 5 hit attack string and 1 weapon type total
noct has 5 hit attack string on just 1 weapon type out of 15, some with more and even up to 10 hits
Each weapon type has a unique action which is over 15 unique weapon actions for noct alone
cloud only gets 6 different greatsword with 1 unique action each but the same attack string on each
Barret has less than fucking prompto with his TPS manual aim machine gun, bazooka, etc
XV has character switch and weapon switching, 7R only has character switch
XV has dodge roll with iframes
7R dodge roll has no iframes making it useless
XV has manual shield block with block stuns from perfect timing
7R is just hold to block which is useless
XV has parry counters by default
7R makes you waste a materia slot on cloud just to get that by mid game
No Barry stahp stahp you wong we wight stOp!
>XV is an open world game with a ton of content
...if you like catching frogs and taking pictures for the fat guy from Lost.
>this board has become nothing but severe autists posting the same copypasta every single day of the week
There is no part of 7R demo or full game which was leaked and data-mined as good as any XV demo
full 7r magic was leaked
same as all abilities, weapons etc
7R has less unique weapons than XV, less weapon abilities, less everything
>No jump button
>No directional inputs
>No manual finishers
>No weapon switching
>No iframes on dodge roll making it pointless
Dodge roll itself is slow as fuck
>No manual aiming even for barret
>Magic does fuckall compared to the magic in XV which is extremely powerful and varied
>Everything is piss weak then the boss is a damage sponge just for padding with the shitty ff13 stagger to artificially lengthen the fight
>Cloud and barret combined can do less than noctis alone
>also based on leaks there's no counter parry by default like xv, instead it's a wasted materia slot way later in the game for cloud
>On classic mode every single enemy was killed without even touching the controller, including the scorpion.
>On normal mode every single enemy was killed by mashing one button
But how can ff7 r be 100G and be on 2 disc if it's 10% Of red dead 2 ?/?
the size doesn't matter as long as we can predownload before release
because Japan are retarded like you
Dungeon sidequests, on tour sidequests, optional bosses, Behemoth, Melusine, Adamantoise, etc
You have multiple outposts, settlements and populated places: Leide is the only desert location you go to, Duscae is grasslands with forests, caves and wetlands, Cleigne is Warner climate with jungle forest, creeks and ravines, volcano, marshlands, etc, Altissia is a massive city on the sea, Niflheim has snowy mountain lands between mech facilities, Floating grassy city, Overgrown area by a giant tree with malboros, and then insomnia ruins are a large modern city overrun with daemons, mechs, soldiers and bunch of bosses.
Altissia is more explorable than say midgar is which is just a bunch of tiny corridors as proven by the demo:
You're an absolute fucking idiot cocksucking and shilling the fuck out of a casualized corridor simulator FF7R.
I love the first part of that posts because everyone just goes quiet because literally no one except Barry knows what any of that is because no one cared about FFXV enough to actually play it.
Is most of the 100 gigs going to be on the discs? I have a data cap I can't just download 100 fucking gigs one day.
>tfw still waiting to see how they render best girl in next release
i hope they don't turn her into the goblin she was in kh, yuffie should always just be a cute ninja who wear stockings and nothing more
Of course.
>2 disks
what are they using? DVDs? a blu ray can hold 1000TB of data if used right
Why is cloud Asian?
what remake isn't just corporate suits going
>"why make something new instead of grabbing a popular game we made in the past and remkaing it for guaranteed $$$"
how many fucking vidoes does one guy need to upload in a day? i thought this cunt said he had a real job
Nomura? the character artist? does he do the monetisation strategies now?
This but unironically.
are you dyslexic ?
So how non linear and openly designed will the remake be? Will it have several side quests, etc? If it's going to be one long cinematic corridor, I fail to see how 100gb it's going to be worth it even if the 'epic' cutscenes and textures look good.
You and your shit eceleb get out of of here
>a blu ray can hold a petabyte
Are you stupid or just retarded
It's just XV-kun. He is legitimately fucked in the head.
not the same
those are complete games
i'd be like if you got all of XS 1-3 as one game and then got a remake as part 1, but it was 1/5 of that first game.
we will never get a decent thread on this game will we?
Welcome to 4chin
isn't ALL of it on discs?
Linear story, open city fuck knows how many times bigger than the original. Might be good, might be shit, might be Yakuza.
It dies down when the game comes out and everything gets drowned out by people actually playing the game and discussing it.
>multiple disks in 2020
lmfao the state of play. console's should just switch back to cartridges at this point.
Nothing wrong. I'll buy the game(s)...when or if they finish the project.
Especially since he won't even be in Final Fantasy 7 Remake for another 5 years since this one is only covering Midgar
Kys, nintendie
An ex developer from IW basically confirmed that, when they asked him about the absurd size of the new update.
what's a decent thread? something like dmcV where everyone dickrides it as the best game on the decade with no flaws
Wait, its 2 discs and 100 gigs per EPISODE? Or did they ditch the episodic release?
It's still episodic but we have no idea if they'll even make future episodes or how they'll be released or implemented
Japanese fans seem to rate IX pretty high. I like that Vivi and Zidane are in the top 5 characters, too.
you just know there's going to be a random sephiroth fight. it might be a secret boss or w/e, but it's going to be in. because as we all know, sephiroth considers cloud his biggest rival and obsession :^
I thought they were splitting the game into parts?
Seems like a outliner normally nobody really cares for 9
>Yunie is second favorite character out of all Final Fantasy
Nips have such trash taste
That's not been my experience. Usually when the topic of best FF game pops up, IX is a common sight.
>we have no idea if they'll even make future episodes
yes we will.
>Luna isn't even on the list
West and east hates that whore. Barry must be seething
what makes someone like this
This please me so. Luna a shit.
>X so high in every category
What sucks is the 2nd game will probably get a PS4 and PS5 release, while the 3rd will only be PS5 by the time it's out.
Movie Luna is gorgeous, i don't understand how they fucked her up for the game
Imagine 2 discs in 2020. Having to get up from my seat to change the disc. Holy fuck lmao console tards this fucked up
Luna was actually somewhat interesting in the movie. Pity it wasn't like that in the game... Guess it's because Nyx died.
Just get the digital version, asshat
No turn based combat and you are gouing to be paying double for this game thats just a remaster of the same crap you played years ago. Still can believe people going to be paying 60.00 then another 60.00 forthe other half.
>what erupts goes beyond imagination
genetically engineered super soldier tries to destroy the world with a meteor but you beat him
Monolith soft can make 80h+ rpgs with lunch money budget, why the fuck Squeenix cant make a complete game for shit despite dumping gorillions on this garbage?
>just buy another hard drive to store this 4 million zettabyte game lol
>20 bosses, only three of them will get showcased in the thumbnails
>FFVI's Ghost Train makes the cut
aw fuckin yeah
What are you, poor?
>remake will only be two parts
I mean, I have a PS4 Pro and I legit thought the opening movie was CGI until I took control of Cloud
What options should I go for for expanding my HDD? An external drive or replace the old one?
>smallest text on the box
Whats it like to be blind?
What's the reason FF7 is so popular, from those who like it? I didn't play it and I know as a result I'd be sympathetic to the contrarians, so I'd like to hear why people who like it think it is such a great FF. The high record for FFX and FF7 makes me think part of it is the wonder of it on a new console/new technology, the problem there is it does not apply to FF13 getting a high rank.
>not even the full game
lmao squarecucks get fucked
PS5 is coming son
But will it be any good?
Everyone knows size doesn't matter, it's what you do with it that holds a lasting impression.
>Everyone knows size doesn't matter
speak for yourself whiteboi
>Size don't matter.
Speak for yourself.
Why not both?
Anyway, external is less expensive i believe
>Be white
>Be well hung
Honestly boys, it's kind of a curse. My gf doesn't like it from behind because it's too painful and still hasn't let me in that dumper, but one day! Oh you know it'll happen one day.
...I hope. I don't wanna have to lease out some side ass.
Can always cancel. That'd be the smart thing.
>he fell for the porn meme
just do your best
>first FF game that went 3D
>first FF game for many people
>first FF game that wasn't medieval fantasy
That shit stays on your mind even 20 years later
>first FF game that wasn't medieval fantasy
u wot
It's just fucking great
our lord has spoken
That's not DSP
>yeah its uh ok yeah you push square a lot and uh
has he played it on air
I don't think so, and he's a complete idiot because it would've gotten him a ton of views
You can’t just delete something you haven’t played in forever and redownload it later?
The opening chest tutorial was so fucking stupid. I hope they remove it.
>part one is $60
why wont they just tell us how many parts there are?
i don't think they know yet
Because they don't know. Or they didn't as of June.
You faggots dropped $60 for 25% of a pokemon game. Why shouldn't square charge at least that for half?
People can be attractive and still be black. Just play the demo. He is VERY black, but still has a few attractive white facial features.
They themselves said they don't know what the fuck they're doing. Hopefully next-gen capabilities means it'll only be 2 more games max. Hell it should technically only be one.
>an hour over speedrun estimates
Square couldn't acquire the rights to Mr. T's face.
guy said his first time was 3 hours and he explored everything and took his time
obviously it's fucking bullshit