You can't argue this
Other urls found in this thread:
>360 above the One
Yeah no
fuck off i already told you before
anyone who puts snes and sfc on the same tier obviously hasnt used both of them
Retard. The xbone controller is too big and blocky. The 360 controller was perfection
Xbox duke is only ass if you have manlet hands.
>joycons above shit tier
Move the SNES/Super Famicom and NES/Famicom controllers down a tier each.
Make a tier between "questionable" and "alright" for controllers that weren't great purely on ergonomic merits but had a redeeming gimmick, like gyro control on the gamepad for Splatoon. Put the gamepad, dreamcast controller, and joycon grip in that tier.
There's no reason why dualshocks should be in different tiers when they all use the same design.
Why is the OG Xbox controller so low? Did Trump make this chart?
The joycons in their grip are above shit tier.
The joycons themselves, with no grip, are in shit tier.
>with that d-pad
not even close
Give us the tier list maker you fucking coward.
Xbone controller is literally just the 360 one with a D-pad that isn't trash.
Sorry that it doesn't fit your baby hands but it improved on the 360 in almost every way. Better smoother triggers with trigger rumble, smoother joysticks, better face buttons, after some revisions bumpers are just as good, d-pad is miles ahead of the 360. Only legit flaw is the batteries/lack of a proper cord.
>No Wii Classic Pro
>No Elite controllers
>Switch Pro and single Joycon included though
Arbritrary as fuck shit list, my favourites apparently don't even exist lmao.
the joycontroller is still shit
Joycons in grip are good.
Joycons without grip are shit.
These contributed absolutely fucking nothing to the appeal of the Switch. So much so that they just released one without them, too bad it can't dock.
I leave them attached but it's still an issue, they come undone from a slight bump.
They all belong in the garbage
Simply wrong, dualshock 3 has terrible triggers
>joycons better than ds4
>joycons above shit tier
>switch pro controller that fucking high with that shitty dpad and stick placement
>a single stick with one button better than actual controllers
god damn what a horrible tier list
joycons are shit no matter how you use them because of the drifting, and they feel like they're about to break
>Joycons in grip are good.
No they aren't. There's no d-pad, the analog sticks are too small for fine input, and the triggers are practically microscopic.
I've never had an issue with drifting
"Greek god of fitness and health" tier.
>>joycons above shit tier
What tier?
Gamepad should be higher, it's pretty good for what it is honestly.
Move The Wiimote up a tier and pump down the PS4 remote. That piece of shit is way to cheap and has a low battery life to be pretty good
mine literally started to drift overnight
I had clocked like 300 hours of gameplay on the system total
>3 of the shittiest D-pads ever made being in "King" tier
>DS3 being tied with any other Dualshock and being considered the best of the bunch
>Xbone below 360
>no Saturn Model 2/Jap acknowledgment
How do you even have such a severe degree of fetal alcohol syndrome
I got a switch in September and I have had no issues with my joycons
i don't give a shit about your experiences, enough people had that issue that nintendo got fucking sued
the second lowest
>chad tier ps2 and ps3 controllers
That's bullshit. I have pretty small hands and these controllers were the most uncomfortable thing a ever tried to game with.
lol small hands
>soicons, dualshits
>only a little questionable
>dreamcast above xbox
>arbitrarily gimped controller
it's like only the biggest retards with the worst opinions ever make these threads. i've seen worse though.
Retard. It's the same controller with better sticks, better rumble and better d-pad.
>Saturn below 3-button Genesis
>N64 and Joycons not at the bottom on account of breaking
What the hell?
I like the Switch Pro controller but the D-pad really is absolute fucking horse shit and I can't believe they still make the pro controllers like that.
Yeah. But my point is that even with small hands ps2 controllers are way too small. X360 is perfect for my hand size.
>flimsy piece of shit Joycons in Chad Tier
awful. I'd rather play with the Wii Classic than that garbage.
GC controller was trash.
Xbone controller is better than the 360 simply due to a better d-pad.
I didn't mind the Dreamcast and Xbox controllers. The Xbox definitely felt like an upgrade to the Dreamcast though so it should be higher.
Only people with tiny baby hands had trouble with them.
They are basically the same size. Xbone is a bit heavier, but they are basically the same controller.
The wii u pro controller was amazing
>all this faggots putting the 3 button genesis controller over the saturn controller
Thanks for outing yourselves as retards so I can just ignore whatever bullshit you spewed in the reply field.
>360 controller
>the most fragile garbage ever
I'm very careful with my controllers and they're the only ones that has ever the sticks get, buttons stop working, etc. from mere normal use
>genesis and 360 in king
>non dual shock PS1 in anything but shit tier
>model 1 saturn controller and not 2
>wii u pro that low
Fuck off
>Sony controllers anywhere above the lowest tier
>Xbox controllers anywhere but the highest tier
This thread is pure shit
>the second lowest
They're not above that you dipshit, they're in that. Unless you're talking about the joycons with joycon grip.
Most retarded tier list I have ever seen.
These retard clearly bases this on nostalgia and fanboyism, not how good the controller are.
Like what deranged retard would place the joycoons or NES controller that high.
wut i'm still using it for my computer
Joycons are fine besides the size. NES is just ok
>You can't argue this
You're right. I couldn't argue an opinion as shit as yours even if I really wanted to. Congrats retard.
yes, that's exactly what i'm talking about, double dipshit
Joycons in the grip are fine. Only issue I have is that the sticks are slightly too small, and that they drift obviously but I managed to fix that with some alcohol. The motion is great, and the buttons are fantastic. No idea why people say they feel fragile. I think they're probably my third or second favourite.
Here's the template
>too big
the fuck
Then why say joycons when you don't mean the joycons? That's kinda confusing.
>but I managed to fix that with some alcohol
fucking based as shit kek
He can't dilate that much
What's even more despicable is how fanboys spread that lie about the Xenoblade 2 controller and onward regular models "fixing" the D-Pad. I got one of those (for cheap thankfully) but absolutely nothing is mechanically different about the D-Pad. Just as prone to fucked inputs as the regular ProCon. I can't help but wonder if this was some covert advertising campaign by Nintendo.
>xbox controllers that high
>wiiu pro that low
>Duke in serviceable
t. never played on a plane in tabletop mode with hands in relaxed positions
I'm fairly sure they are mechanically different. It's just that the difference is less than a millimeter of plastic, so hardly a change. There are videos of the broken down d-pads side by side, and the xenoblade one had a tiny little nubbin extra.
Still shit though.
Joycon dock is actual trash and uncomfortable as fuck
you know he meant rubbing alcohol, right?
Where's the JP Saturn, and why are both the SNES and SFC controllers there?
>dualshock anywhere above bottom of the barrel
Absolute cringe
No I did not I'm gonna be honest
Nigga the analogue stick on those fuckers is complete dogshit regardless of where it's put, not even taking into account how easily they break
I genuinely think part of the reason why Smash Ultimate controls like ass is because they had to keep the restrictions of the joycons in mind
>360 in King tier
That D-pad alone drops it at least two tiers.
>Super Nintendo and Super Famicom controllers are the same tier.
Fuck your concave buttons.
Wii U Pro Controller needs to be in top tier.
>The 360 controller was perfection
>Dualshocks that low
>digital triggers
any controller with these automatically goes in the bin, i dont care how comfortable it is in the hand
xbone>all else
Zoomers are ruining this board
what games besides racing games actually use analog triggers
even if it's a racing game, if I actually need that much control over the throttle/brake I'd rather use the right analog stick
>360 above the One
>the Duke that low
>The fucking Master System pad not in trash tier
why even bother ranking shit like the NES controller when they're so irrelevant
Real Shit
>Dualshock that high
>Gamecube on par with DS4???
the duality of man
t. never played with wii u pro
PS4 controller is objectively bad because:
• the plastic will make your hands slip if you sweat
• the thumb rides the analogue stick on the corners
• the charge life is inferior to switch pro controller (even with low light and vibration turned off)
• you have to plug it into your ps4 to not risk frying it (use a 5V charger if you must try, but even then it won't always charge)
>360 higher than Xbone
This alone renders your entire list objectively incorrect. Nice job, retard.
I'm a PS fanboy and even I'll say that the PS4 controller is easily the worst one between the PS4, Xbox1, and Switch
>yes even the joycons
Based, as much as I love the ps4 the controller is dogshit.
higher than Xbone
Their practically identical, xbone being a bit bulky but other wise better. Sorry for your manlet hands user I'll be praying for you
Put touchscreen smartphone controls in favela-tier
Bruh idk what 360 controllers you got but damn mine still work flawlessly and they're from 2006
DS3 belongs in ass tier
>all of the baby hand controllers in "King" tier
Gain height
This, wiiu gamepad or Xbox Duke controller. Anything else for sissies.
Try using the DS3 triggers for any amount of time and then come back
Wii U Pro is the best one, fuck off
I wish more people tried the Wii U Pro controller and its superior stick placement
Xbox One controller > 360 Controller
Also, the Wiimote and Nunchuk depend on the game. No More Heroes used them well with the position of the Wiimote determining whether you use a strong attack or a fast attack and RE4 used it beautifully.
You faggots actually liked the Gamecube controller? It always felt unnatural to me.
this is in a completely different tier. Literally the best controller in existence, everything is customizable to a fucking T. Nothing can beat it, too bad its not as popular as other shitrollers.
Wiimotes are really hit or miss. I can't imagine playing Mario Galaxy or Wii Sports in any other way, but they are super inconsistent.
You just reminded me of the cancer that is the Wii Pro controller
>hey guys let's make a real controller so people dont need to play every game in remote/nunchuck configuration
>but let's make it so it has to be attached to the fucking wiimote to work
fucking retarded design holy shit
you basically need to wear a hoodie or sit down to play any game with it
that's the Classic controller
Batteries are not a flaw.
It's a top tier remote UNLESS you are playing any retro games or games in that style.
What is the boomerang thing in bruh tier?
It's from the Pippin Console
Which was made by Apple of all companies
Worst selling console of all time made by a legit company from what I can tell
Oh man that's great.
I need to go look up a Youtube vid on this later, I love bullshit like this.
The main reason it failed wasn't that it was a bad was the marketing. They had virtually 0 ad's and it was priced at 600$
Yeah, being able to browse the internet on a console seems like it was ahead of it's time. Having a built in modem is a little weird though, guess that was all they could do back then though.
you've probably never played with the Wii Classic Controller before, so just so you know, the pro version of that controller is pretty much the best controller for 2D games.
Not true. SNES is the optimal remote for 2D/Retro games
>OG xbox that low
I get video games are designed for literal children but Microsoft filtering woman and children from online like this was kino
you're probably right and my blind rage made me forget what it was called
"that wiimote that was an okay controller pointlessly attached to the wiimote" is a bit of a mouthful
The duke sucks m8
Wrong. The Wii U pro controller is the perfect 2D controller, the best Monster Hunter controller, the best non gyro shooter controller behind the Wii remote and KB+M, and one of the best Switch controllers if only it had gyro then it would be Great Sage equal to Heaven tier
Top symmetrical analog master race
Either a manlet or a woman. Xbone controller is perfect. I don't care about d-pads.
Not a fan of the joycons but good list otherwise
The PS3 controller is garbage. It belongs in shit tier.
Finally someone in this thread with good taste.
yeah and the classic controller is literally the SNES controller with joysticks and a comfortable grip
>the fucking atari stick
>the duke that low
you are a retarded nigga
Zoomer-tier tier list imo
t. handlet
>consolewar bullshit
Fuck off, Switch Pro is perfect outside price.
I play and win tetris 99 with it. The D-pad is neaely perfect in placement and design, some individual controllers are bit sensitive, so you slap a tiny piece of tape on the up and down connectors and you're set.
That shit is turbo garbage. Easily one of the worst ever made.
>genesis above saturn
>switch pro top tier
>dualshit in the top 50%