Do you guys enjoy your stay whilst you're here...

Do you guys enjoy your stay whilst you're here? I know we all do a lot of arguing but it's still fun having a discussion, joking around, reading opinions, viewpoints, reviews and news about videogames right?

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yes, i feel at home here

I like Yea Forums but sometimes i look at the catalogue and it's just /Pol/ bait and consolewar bait and the same tired thread like smash Bros rosterfaggotry ans it feels like Yea Forums it's nothing more than a collection of morons trying to anger other morons

I enjoy it. I don't take anything here seriously but it's fun

I haven’t enjoyed my time here since 2013. I’m only here for news and to get angry at shitposters.

I enjoy being on Yea Forums or Yea Forums in general, I don't even browse it that much anymore but I came here to laugh every now and then

not really but everywhere else is worse

>everywhere else is worse

I'm not sure
I've been here since 2009 and I don't hate it, its the easiest to use of any forum, but, I can't say i really like it either. I've gotten so used to sifting through the shit posting at this point, I'm just kind of tired of how derivative it gets
People used to always say "summer" was a problem but the 2016 influx to the site as a whole was actually an issue and I just wish the overflow would go away but it is what it is.

How so?

How do you know everywhere is worse?

The opinions here are a lot more fun cause they are constantly being belittled go on some other faggot forum and all you get is two specials needs people too afraid to call the other one a dumb faggot

No one here likes video games.
No one here likes anything at all. It's so rare that people actually stop trying to be pessimistic, cynical, contrarian faggots and are just honest about something.
But all that isn't near as bad as the weird thing about Yea Forums, that it's grown so Jaded it actively WISHES games fail.
This makes 0 fucking sense. How the fuck do you like video games, are jaded because you wish video games stopped being bad and were good and yet the thing most of you are wishing the most, the thing you guys are most excited about is to see something fail.
If video game is bad, then that means less good games for you to play, less fun, more pessimism and jadedness. And yet this place wants NOTHING MORE than the next game announced to fail. Whether it be Indie or AAA, rarely is it optimism or hype, it's looking for any excuse to shit on a game before it's even out and just hate it, literally wishing for the worst to happen just to be able to say "ha i told you so".

That's what is exciting to people on this board. Not having a new, fun game to enjoy, but being able to say they were right about a new game being shit. And even if the new game is shit they'll just resort to trying to figure out how to convince people that it is anyway. They don't try to support developers, new or old. They don't want anything but to remain in this miserable state of never being happy about video games.
The literal only appeal to this place, to Yea Forums as a whole, is that it's the last bastion of free speech, and when things get funny it can be the funniest content on the web. But that's it. It's just sad otherwise.

Not really lol

I just come here to shitpost. I leave discussion to friends

this board long long long lost its appeal since 2013

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still better than actually playing vidyia

I like Bethesda games

I'm here more out of familiarity than actual enjoyment at this point. Dedicated autists and paranoid schizophrenics who go out of their way to stop any and all discussion on certain games, and who for whatever reason can't go five words without bringing up politics or some dumb shit and the triggered retards who can't help but keep replying and derailing what otherwise might have been the rare decent thread for once can fuck off.

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I like the occasional offtopic stuff on Yea Forums that's just making it feel like a community instead of one-topic posting, but too bad sometimes it gets deleted by a trigger-happy janitor. I can't talk too much about vidya because most of the vidya I like is niche enough that threads don't last long if they last at all. I'm not going to call myself a jaded oldfag, I'm a genuine newfag who's only been commonly around for 2 years at most, but I still think the Yea Forums that used to be in the past, as awful as it might've been, wasn't as bad as today's Yea Forums because of commercial VPNs
>It's so rare that people actually stop trying to be pessimistic, cynical, contrarian faggots and are just honest about something
This, the vitriol is unwarranted and it doesn't really lead to a fun conversation when it comes up
>But all that isn't near as bad as the weird thing about Yea Forums, that it's grown so Jaded it actively WISHES games fail
I only recently noticed this with Cyberpunk. I like the game, it sounds fun, but there's both shitposters and active haters who already dislike the game because of too many broken promises (there's an image floating around, I'd like to have it) or some pretty mundane issue even if the game wasn't released yet, things thrown around such as that it's like GTA 5. I say wait for the game to drop then we can call it shit if it's shit, but it's CDPR, so the game's either going to be No Man's Sky 2 or GOTY

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Not really. I only still post here because of anonymity. Discussing stuff on other websites like reddit or forums will always lead to someone using your history against you.

Yea Forums is ironically the best place and worst place to discuss vidya.

I spent years browsing and posting on the newgrounds BBS and then when Yea Forums started "raiding" it. I decided to check and see what all the hub bub is about and I have been here ever since.

I dont think I could ever go back.

Yea Forums is pure shit 99% of the time but I dont take anything here seriusly and that 1% of the time when anons stop shitposting and /pol/ and leftypol arent baitng eahother you can have great disussions or just a good laugh

If I didn't I wouldn't come here.

I usually drift between Yea Forums and Yea Forums. I like it here but it's pretty frequent that there's no interesting threads. Plus the shitposting has been abysmal for years, declining all the time.

Because it's better if something's a pleasant surprise than an unexpected disappointment. It's tough to get your hopes up for something only for it to fall in line with current predatory practices, lacking in content or polish, with nobody willing to experiment or take a risk of falling out of optimal mediocrity for monetary gain. Even the passion projects are starting to feel cobbled together. The uninspired crowdfund, the regular-release triple-A, or the imitative indie. That's all you can expect now.

>I like the occasional offtopic stuff on Yea Forums that's just making it feel like a community instead of one-topic posting
There really needs to be a SFW version of Yea Forums for all the off topic threads here.

>I only recently noticed this with Cyberpunk.

This is everyday user. If it's not a thread dedicated to it, it's in a post where another naive user made a thread to talk about a game they like.
Yea Forums literally actively wants the worst for video games, just to be able to say they told you so.
What the fuck.

I do but I have weird taste. There's a lot of time when I just feel nothing while here though, Yea Forums is the perfect vague downtime between activities.

I don't really dig Half Life Alyx. I won't call the game shit, I'm not going to play it, but I am suspicious towards it because Valve only got working on it to push for VR. VR will become a big thing in the future, I will not deny that, but only when it stops being so expensive! I am only disheartened that people believe this is the Half Life 3 they've been waiting for, nothing else.

Been here off and on since 2007.

I have my own opinion and taste in games, and I don't need honeyed words from some random nigger online to sway my purchases. I come here for whatever I can find, be it game discussion on games that I like (because I'm fully capable of not entering threads not made for me, unlike the rest of you fucking idiots), memes or Yea Forums culture.

A have zero expectations upon entering and am pleased every time leave because I can find my own enjoyment in what Yea Forums provides.

It's much better than other games boards, but worse than forums dedicated to specific topics you're looking for.

Except that's not how it works.
You can be suspicious and lower expectations, that doesn't mean actively HOPING and literally looking forward to it failing, that's just madness and reflecting of a deep depression.
Even more so, is that people are not doing this out of a love of games, it's because there is a satisfaction in being a cynical prick that gets to say "ha i was right all along". They're so attached to this that even if the game turns out to be good, they wont support it and will actively nitpick and smear shit on the game regardless. Yea Forums will literally be ANGRY if a game they wanted to turn out to be shit, is actually good and successful. Because now they can't say they were right, and everyone else but them is having fun with what they don't like.

I got good at mentally filtering bad threads and only participating in the ones I see have a good "mood" around them. Even if shitposting can be fun sometimes it is an utter and complete waste of time to even lurk a thread riddled with it. The news aspect is nice too, I get vidya news stat by coming here. Off topic threads are where it's at though, out of the many boards I browsed over the years Yea Forums has the best off topic and pleasing threads. Self-pity depression threads are cancer.

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People like to complain about Yea Forums without understanding they are Yea Forums. If it's too negative for you why aren't you the one making the positive threads and posts? And if you are, are you just complaining that not everyone echoes your opinion?

What would be another good website? Reddit?
I bet Yea Forums is literally the only site where you can scream nigger or faggot without getting permabanned, and no, I'm not here for screaming nigger or faggot but you get the point.
Everywhere else you just see moderators/admins deleting "inconvenient" posts or whatever that don't fit their agenda, everywhere else you try to have an opinion you're a nazi, feminist, serial killer, pedo, or whatever. At least here we can say whatever the fuck we want without consequences, like it should be in fucking real life too by the way.
Also, speaking of videogames, other sites playerbase is way more insufferable, not sure why but it is.
I just enter the threads dedicated to my games and, 75% of the times, people discuss the game there, while 25% is just fap bait or people hating on the game for some reason that gets ignored pretty quickly anyway. If you keep looking for shit threads you'll find them.

It seems you have not remembered.

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>I don't really dig Half Life Alyx. I won't call the game shit, I'm not going to play it, but I am suspicious towards it because Valve only got working on it to push for VR. VR will become a big thing in the future, I will not deny that, but only when it stops being so expensive! I am only disheartened that people believe this is the Half Life 3 they've been waiting for, nothing else.
That's fine, but you do not WISH for the game to be bad, you do not WISH for VR to never work do you? Becuase all that means for you is another bad game to play. Why the hell would you WANT that? Being suspicious and actively wishing malice are 2 different things. If you're suspicious you still want the best for things but EXPECT the worse. Yea Forums is the opposite, they WANT the worse and EXPECT the worst and are literally disappointed if it's actually good.

is nobody going to dump the short?

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I don't wish for the game and VR to flop

Do you not see the irony in other people reading your post as part of Yea Forums? Talking about "them" like some kind of lunatic.

Yea Forums is comfy
it's one of a kind

Nah, I'm coming here less and less. This board is a dump.

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idk m8 you still should be nice to ppl

I haven't enjoyed being here since 2013. I stopped lurking Yea Forums around the peak of Sony shilling. Left for 'greener pastures', only for it turn into another pit of pure autism. Now I'm back, still hate the shill mentality, /pol/ faggotry, and the brand loyalty, and every day I question why I still come here.

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We hope you enjoy your stay. It’s good to have you with us, even if it’s just for the day.

>be nice to ppl
I am, even if I'm anonymous I'm not a giant asshole

Some threads are nice
Most are filled with rejects and since I am retarded I have to argue with people who are wrong on the internet
So not particularly

then try not to say mean words. it hurts ppls feelings.

based comfy poster

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Fuck off nigger


fbpb. I wouldn't come here if I didn't love every minute of my time on this board. Yes, I may hide some threads eventually, but having a place on the internet where two people or more can start an argument about literally anything is really cozy to me. Any other place, and mods would break it up as soon as possible or would just get downvoted if enough people even saw it.

I love when people get mad at low quality wojak shitposts.
I love stupid posts like cringe, based, cope, etc
I love when people get upset at coomers and anti-coomers
I love the epic shills that try their hardest to get steamdrones as upset as possible (despite using steam myself)
I love the old meme threads that come up every once in a while
I just love everything. I wouldn't trade anything in the world for the 13 years I've spent on Yea Forums.
From SSBB's Japan time, the gamespot 'best sidekick' voting raid, that one game from Hi-Rez where we beat reddit with a BR that had 140 ping and a furry or whatever. I have a ton of good memories here and I'd do everything in my power to keep them.

I like video games.
I like Yea Forums.
I like anons.
I hate newfags.
I hate unwanted visitors.
I hate those who can't adapt.
shitposting is alright sometimes.
memes are necessary.
most of the time I am tired.

So true, every other site has an agenda of some kind.

There are individuals here with an Agenda...
>POL posters
>Resetera tranny visitors
>People who think games are art

But the sites only purpose is take make money from coomers.

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people who keep shitting on games and refuse to admit they're great have far more of an agenda than people that can recognize their merit


Tell me a game that you think people unfairly shit on and that they refuse to admit is great.

This place is dogshit, but only because we're free to be retarded. It gives more value to the bits of actual to discussion I have.

Don't get me wrong, like what you want. Don't say games as a medium is shit because you don't like it. If you did this with any other medium you'd be called out by everyone.

I used to enjoy it until falseflagging and the TORtanic posters got out of control, combine that with ameriburgers not being able to go 5 posts without talking about niggers or politics

It's like the majority of the posters here do nothing but shitpost all day instead of playing videogames. Every fucking time i see a "OH NONONONONO" thread or some shit like that i hate this site more and more

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Yea Forums is great.

I love you guys.

>tfw you realized you been posting here for 10 years

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End your fucking life.

Barry is an infamous fan of Final Fantasy XV who for some reason shits on every other Final Fantasy game. He will bicker for hours

>Do you not see the irony in other people reading your post as part of Yea Forums? Talking about "them" like some kind of lunatic.
I don't want to constantly specific "some people" I am generalizing on purpose because that's how people speak. Fuck off with that shit, you know damn well what I mean.

Don't be so impatient.

>he still thinks it's americans that always bring up niggers
If you had the ability to falseflag something retarded like americans constantly talking about BBC, you can bet your ass that every country will do it, for laughs.
>It's like the majority of the posters here do nothing but shitpost all day instead of playing videogames.
Uh, yeah. Generally, if you're busy posting, you're not playing something. Me, I'm mostly active on this board when I'm at work - when I CAN'T play video games.
>Every fucking time i see a "OH NONONONONO" thread or some shit like that i hate this site more and more
Should have been here like 10 years ago where every single thread started with "Now that the dust has settled..." Yes, they still get made today sometimes but it was EVERY single thread back then. It was the OH NONONO of its time.

r/Yea Forums

>having a discussion
Uh you can't seriously discuss anything anymore.

Only funposting and cunnyposting keeps me here.

Yeah, but what you mean is fucking retarded.

>r/Yea Forums

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Games, as a medium, are currently shit. Instead of innovation and progress we get lootboxes and jew scams.
Your opinion says a lot about your taste and IQ

i pop in every 4-5 months to laugh at all the miserable idiots wasting their lives getting mad at sjw boogeymen. it's been like this since 2012 so there's basically no hope for the """community""" of this cesspit hellhole shitsite

you're still better than reddit though

I stay on Yea Forums and Yea Forums(nel) as a whole because everywhere else is considerably worse
But I fucking hate that newfags automatically follow the meme that 'Yea Forums never enjoys anything and hates everything, especially the game you like'

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We are happy to see you, lady Aensland gives her regards from the eyes beyond! Sweet dreams!

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The fuck?

I am a fan of un unknown/lesser known games and i found more here in just a year than everywhere else

I only come here for the weekly lobotomy corp thread to be honest

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Barry's gang(which is him, michael, Green Skeleton and the overwatch nigger who shitposts FPS games and creates shill OW threads with porn) and resetera tranny posters are from the same discord group, many of the ANti DOOM, bethesda, Capcom mainly with DMCV and the resident evil remakes, Ion Fury and so on are made by them with an agenda behind it, which fails it all time.

They are also responsible for the anti KyoAni Shitposting in Yea Forums and the shitshow in /vr/ of late with threads being delete because of them creating "non retro, report op" posts to incite janitors there to report and even ban people there, even /doom/ isa shitshow now because of some of them inciting Anti-half Life and quake posts there, they are even responsible for the garbage "save me romero" meme when it comes to quake 2, which is false because romero loved Q2's multiplayer, strogg and mods.
They don't play video games, they only follow the leftgenda, the yderail for their own satisfaction in ruining conversations, and they are always jealous and envious of people having fun.
and it isnt even /pol/ larping, its literal mental disease.

Also SJW, Resetera left endorsed indie games are always the same colorized souless clones who are shilled here by them like fucking celeste, Phil fish's fuckery, Temtem, slime rancher, lisa and so on ,and they hate anime based games.
the "Main tiltes" are always agenda pushed garbage with no gameplay, as they are literally Interactive movies like TLOU and most of Naughty dog's shit after Henning was fired, or worse stuff like ME and DA post DA2 where it became "forget history, Q&A and game play, shove progressivism, and if they Criticize out Perfect creations insult them".

They are killing video games, they don't see games as a Fun material, they see it only as a tool to shove and force people to like their depraved shit and keep them obedient and quiet.

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So, I have been evolving for quite a while now. 6 years ago I used to browse 9gag, since I found it fun back then. After several years of that garbage, I went to reddit, where I stayed for 2 years. Eventually it all started feeling the same again, so, after realising I spent quite a bit of time on r/greentext, I am now in Yea Forums. Yet again this place seems better than the previous one, but I wonder how long I will stay here and how I will be able to find anything better than this.

Its the same organized discord group of assholes from resetera and some from RPG Codex ruining every single related shit here in Yea Forums's history, which is games and anime, and they hate it because their mentally diseased brains can't like it, or have fun with it as 99.9% of the population of this entire planet.
They are that spoiled children in your class that the parents never punished them and always thinks that "talking solves everything", but they always goes from bad to worse.
>pic as a good example of it.

This place was crap, but it used to be good, i still remember the Oblivion threads, Yea Forumsscape and even old mugen shit, since forums like Infantry were cesspools of drama.

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While I do keep coming here out of habit, I've noticed that I'm spending less time here these days, and more time actually playing games. I'm not sure if Yea Forums is really getting worse, or if I'm just bored of this place.

Everywhere else is worse. At least when someone says sonething wrong and dumb I can call them a retard. Also, some threada are gold every now and then.

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I feel there is a lot of truth in these posts. Discord groups make it so easy for shitposters to spread whatever rhetoric they have in mind while pretending to be unrelated anons.

Half of these could apply to /pol/

Everywhere else is worse, it's pretty much as simple as that. I actually miss infinitechan, and the ones that have popped up to replace it are a fucking shadow of that. So back here I came.
I like the shitposting, I like the threads that are just dumb fun. But there's so many autists that derail legit threads about finding a game fun that it gets pretty tiring.
But I can't leave you autistic faggots because I'm an autistic faggot too and would rather kill myself than use something like reddit.

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this 100%

>Do you guys enjoy your stay whilst you're here?
Yes. I only come here for the funposting though. Same reason why I browse Yea Forums even though I don't watch movies.

>talking about game you like makes you a shill

>Should have been here like 10 years ago where every single thread started with "Now that the dust has settled..."

Wasn't "BLUNDER OF THE CENTURY" also a common thing that was posted back then?

No I only come here for lewds Yea Forums can go fuck a bag of boiling horse piss/shit/cum.

is it me or Yea Forums became weirdly good board in 2020? I mean it's still reddit tier as fuck but almost all of us know that 2019 Yea Forums was the worst board in whole site.

They are in /pol/, they are the larpers and happening retards in that board.
They are the ones who derails shit there and blames that board.

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Stuff like TORTANIC and Spore broke an already jaded Yea Forums into a million pieces and you know what happened in 2014 and 2016 which negatively impacted the entire site Yea Forums included.
It's important to distinguish certain posts since the ones that wish a game too fail aren't exactly into games anyway and are more than likely phone-posting uninvested in any on-topic discussion.
I've filtered all the shit I don't care about so Yea Forums isn't that awful on my machine.

Reddit doesn't usually delete conservative/moderate opinions if they don't contain some obscene shit like gas the jews. Their bigger problem is the fact that they have a severely-biased progressive (or pro-game depending on where you are) hivemind, and can collectively hide posts that aren't in line with that via downvotes. 4chin is just as stupidly biased in the other direction but thankfully doesn't give people the ability to censor each other.

My point being Yea Forums might be the best of the worst but it's not by much. Unironically twitter has recently had my favorite vidya discussions but it's currently in an election shitstorm.

go put rusty nails in your ass

Sometimes. I have to filter half the threads though because of stupid /pol/ shit.

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Reddit censors you based on upvotes.

>Stuff like TORTANIC and Spore broke an already jaded Yea Forums into a million pieces

I remember DmC and Mass Effect 3 also being big shitstorms on Yea Forums, and those games came out around the same time as TORtanic.

>someone keeps adding to the list
Damn, I stopped at "X...home."

The shitposting in this image makes me miss the shitposting in this image

World of Warcraft Classic and reforged ended up as shit being sustained only by a few shills.
And its the same discord shills from /vg/ wow threads and blizzard employees.

this place is a rest from learning

so is there anything else besides this and uzumaki by junji ito that's worth checking out?

This. I actually changed to other chans yet again recently and I'm having more fun there.

I feel like I'm just getting too old for this place. I'm almost 28, so I'm really not in the main age demographic of Yea Forums anymore.

If you have to filter half the threads, wouldn't you rather go somewhere else? I remember when I browsed another unnamed board and I filtered this much, I took a step back and said "Wow, maybe I don't belong" and stopped browsing that board.