148 kg (326 lbs)

148 kg (326 lbs)

Attached: toobie.jpg (1200x1200, 109K)

What a way to go

Attached: Pierce_Brosnan_Berlinale_2014_-_02.jpg (1840x2656, 1.82M)

Unironically one of the best drawings of her I've seen.
Well drawn hair is unbelievably pretty.

she weights about your average american

Can anyone stop him?

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Attached: EKrKFSOXsAAZMlM.jpg (906x906, 105K)

I don't see a problem with that, that's how much the average American woman weighted.

I weigh 350 so i can handle her

I need pictures of chunky 2B

Attached: 1487193708225.jpg (1397x1043, 266K)

Now THIS is a man's android.

Attached: Dorothy_and_Instro.gif (500x370, 906K)

Attached: cyberskull.png (1347x758, 997K)

Still weighs less than OP's mom

she's just like me...

Attached: fSyhDS9.jpg (750x890, 151K)

He's not wrong though.

you have to be able to bench press her if you want to mating press her

Attached: 1521215068831.jpg (2048x1356, 192K)

Bowie or Hecc?

2B is heavy as fuck

Jesus Christ and I thought haydee's weight was big.


These women would crush your balls and squeeze all the cum out like a toothpaste bottle with hammer, all out at once.

>These women would crush your balls and squeeze all the cum out like a toothpaste bottle with hammer, all out at once.

Attached: god I wish that were me.jpg (600x623, 24K)

I wish she was giant sized and stepped on me, slowly. I want to die in excruciating pain being slowly ground to a pulp beneath her boot.

Still less than me

>These women would crush your balls and squeeze all the cum out like a toothpaste bottle with hammer, all out at once.

Attached: 1568069898789.jpg (778x768, 105K)




Whatever it's still cringe

Good taste

if you space your weight is 0, you still a fattass regardless.


Attached: 1536377290790.jpg (2150x3036, 1.64M)

I'd bump her if you know what I mean.

Attached: 1562235442190.png (1024x1448, 960K)

I wanna cum inside her farting asshole