it's time lads, choose your destiny.
It's time lads, choose your destiny
Monk all day every day
Were monks still the only ones soloing bosses by the end of RO?
Novice->trap->HRT femboy->tranny->suicide victim->lich
Lord Knight always
hunters could do it
not sure about 3rd jobs
I always wanted to be alchemist because the homunculus shit looked cool but I would always end up playing monk instead
I miss playin with my 2004 wizz, bros... It hurts so much
Merchant and don't change from there. Open a shop and manipulate the market with other merchants from G-d's chosen people. Become rich enough to control entire nations.
Where the fuck is the gunslinger?
they should have fleshed out ninja and gunslinger more, they were way too spread thin on ideas in 1 class, should have 2 after jobs like most classes
gunslinger -> soldier/outlaw
ninja -> shinobi/yamabushi
im a noob. what game is this?
Were blacksmiths ever made into a viable class. Adrenaline rush only worked with maces. Power thrust 1% chance to break allies weapon...
To be fair, Kagerou and Oboro are pretty much physical and magical Ninja advancements, but they're separated by gender.
>still the only ones
Wizards had been soloing bosses before monks kiddies were born.
Even before elemental arrows were a thing. Gtb was Knight food at that time though.
Phen clib or vita cilb that is the question though.
dang those weren't in the game last time I played
>getting GTB card on a low rates server
half the servers I played on just straight removed that card from the game
Sounds they didn't like fun
According to this, Powerful undead beings are all trannies.
... God I love being a Paladin.
>Thiefbug card
My nigga
gives a whole new meaning to turn undead
I was a FemCrusader fag, and that will never change
fem crusaders are always bros
>play on a server
>level in mids4
>get matyr card
>play on another server
>level in mids4
>get another matyr card
it's my destiny
Paladin with an reflect/autocast build.
>why are you hitting yourself?
I don't care what game it is, I pick the paladin
>crappy 100yo gook mmo made with re-used assets
>still one of the most (if not the most) satisfying wizards in the history of vidya
Explain this ROtards.
absolutely based
Why can't there be an MMO like RO again?
Just do damage bro. Ill take the pain
Satisfying mass skills and feel of becoming stronger
Because people can't handle the concept of an MMO without an endgame. RO had hat collection and ACTUAL map exploration (I played the game for 10+) years and there's still parts of the map I haven't been to. People want theme parks: Go here, level on this, go there, get that. Also the social part of MMOs is largely dead unless you want to be an ERP tranny.
>Super Novice
I'd try it just to find out what it's all about.
Instacasting Stone Curse + lv 10 Fire Bolt on people who underestimate you, then getting one shot by Assassin Cross or Monk/Champion
>huge high damage AoE spells
>even more high damaging targeted spells
>had could magics like fire and ice walls
>their kit allowed them to challenge most monsters and solo some MVP
If I remember right super novice lets you learn all first job skills but it also has a couple of skills just for that job and on top of that you get some pretty decent super novice gear, but you will get outclassed by almost everyone.
It's the poor man's farming character. I think.
Either being a useless jack of all trades or a ridiculously squishy machine gunner caster
I exclusively play them
how is this not a downgrade?
Also RO is really about "the journey". FFS, there isn't content exclusive to lvl cap, the extra points are just a bonus.
clowns and gypsies are ancient
bards and dancers are just posers
Clown can play an instrument and make better jokes, Gypsy can dance and have tarot powers. They just need another name and RO translations are always wonky at best, if not complete localization..
Fuck is Super novice for? Memes?
Funbuilds and, during ancient times, rule the PvP room with your instacast combos.
they can use skills from every class, but they can't max them and their level cap is very low
Which one allows the most RIP AND TEAR?
>super novice
what retardation is this
Assassin Cross with max AGI and LCK
Why did its sequels die? Just refine the formula.
auto-Bolter prof who marries a linker.
Or esma linker if you don't want to farm gear and solo farm stuff.
I mean Caim-style melee mass murder
every first class, don't get me wrong you get some really good skills, but also you are a nothing master.
Goddammit you guys are increasing my itch to play again.
So you came here without FCP?
You wanted this to happen didn't you?
I just started playing in the new official server Ragnarok Transcendence because I played on a couple of private servers with midrates and it felt so unrewarding getting gears and card drops that were worth nothing because pretty much everyone could farm everything in a couple of days. Too bad this server doesn't have anything past second classes yet.
Professors were based. Every boss ended up being an AoE spammer and Professors could mitigate all AoE. Not only that, but all Wizards in PvP were AoE spammers as well, and Professors made them SEETHE.
The sequels died because they didn't do that, they just made them into bog-standard theme-park mmo's
Even if you manage to find a good server the players sucks. Mentallity changed and almost everybody runs slave accounts and min-max their time.
>Too young to play this
I tried a while back and as an archer i dropped my quiver didnt know how to pick it up and gave up.
Female Creator or High Wizard for that sexy fashion
One of the most major reasons is that you have most blithering retards nowadays complaining incessantly about "Balance" no matter how inconsequential the infractions are. This means they need to keep tightly monitoring the system to make sure everybody plays with the exact same viability, which means that in order to do this without expending massive amounts of effort testing, they prioritize making it a linear path where they can simply check "optimized" (read: Uniform) build structure and see how valid they are each step of the way. This leads to all of the themeparks people hate.
RO works because the devs just made a map with a ton of different things in it, made each map segment have its own unique fauna everywhere, randomly distributed levels and dungeons and such, and only cared about balance during major patches, where they would buff certain classes or add a mechanic to make others more viable if they were struggling. RO is hideously imbalanced and some classes are outright worthless for most of the game's content. However, adherence to this (in theory) is what makes the game so memorable. Sure you get tons of mules and other faggots making dupe accounts for their multibox merchants, but you can honestly just go into RO right now and be a fucking merchant and it's the way it's meant to be.
If I could go back I'd take the time to grind up a strong Creator. Acid Demo is broken as hell and has too few counters.
It's funny because both Alchemist and Blacksmith are classes that require you to spend more money than anyone else to unlock their full potential. But then they compensate for that by having their own crafting skills and also the Merchant skills. Basically the classes were made to be played by the kikes among us. They just ruined that aspect noticeably by making the access to those Merchant skills so readily available to everyone via alts.
>Swordsmen are still incapable of humor to this day
Some things never change
Pay2win is the only way to go
pinoy tournament 2k3
In Ro, people judge what kind of person you are by the class you play. So here's a concise explanation of how the community feels about all the classes in general.
Novice- You are a retarded lootin newb. The only interaction you'll have with the other classes is them telling you to "go kill porings". Everyone hates you.
Swordsman- You are a killstealing meathead who couldn't understand the more complex classes. Everyone hates you, especially mages for some reason.
Mages- You are the biggest killstealing leech in all of RO, and you would be nothing without the other players tanking for you. Everyone hates you, even other mages.
Thief- You are the most versatile class, able to killsteal, loot, and mob train all at once. Everyone hates you, including Gravity's staff.
Acolyte- You are a source of free healing for everyone, and you are a jerk-ass bastard prick if you deny your services for any reason. You owe everyone else in the game, because you can train undead like it's nobodies business. Everyone hates you.
Archer- You're a wussier version of the Thief with enhanced killstealling abilities. You also look like a fruit. Everyone hates you and your ledge-sniping ass.
Merchant- You're a merchant, that's about punishment enough. Everyone hates you.
>perks: your friends will feel sorry for you
>cons: you will have no friends
What do you expect in such grindfesty game like this? Paying with hours and days of grinding of your life to play in "role"?
Soul Linker for life here.
All the big guild were running bots and windows for linkers.
But I was the real deal. Bane of wizards. Reaper of assassins. Nightmare of champions.
This is the best class ever.
Virtually useless in most of pve and pvp, but overpowered in the only content that really matters, and only in the hands of a dedicated player.
Knight- You are an upgraded version of the killstealing meathead you once were. As an added bonus you are also a bot, whether you really are doesn't matter. Everyone hates you, except bot hunters, you give them purpose.
Crusader-You are the illegitimate child of a Knight and Priest. As such you've become an immortal tank. Proof in that you look like a mini-mecha. Your ability let you portray the role of support better than supports themselves. Everyone hates you, except Wizards
Wizard- Not much has changed for the biggest KS'ing leech in the game. Your only upgrade is that you can now KS large groups of mobs better and faster. Again, everyone hates you.
Sage- You are the drug addicts of RO. Highly addicted to Hocus Pocus, you do whatever you can to get the gems you love and need. All of it just to spend the rest of your time beating on poor defenseless plants turning them into MVPs. Everyone hates you except the leeching 1st classes.
Assassin- You are not noticed since 2-2 classes came. Bad or good, it's your opinion, but you're definitely unneeded, Everyone hates you anyhow.
Rogue- You're just the most annoying thing in existence. Backstab, scribble, divest, you name it you got it. Unfortunately for you, your infamy has brought down nearly enough nerfs to force you to rely on /others/ skills rather than your own. Yet somehow you still manage to be complained about. Everyone hates you, especially Gravity's staff.
Priest- You are a stuck up SOB who for some reason decided to play a supporting class yet refuses to do so. And when confronted by others you must hide behind the pretense of "but Im /roleplaying/". Noone even knows what that word means in this game. So shut up and Bless me. Everyone hates you.
>Congratulations, you have reached the pinnacle of your class-- you are now a gypsy
Monk- You are what the jerk-ass bastard pricks who play Priests should be. You pride yourself on you over 10k damage hits, since one big number is so much scarier than ten 1k hits. Everyone hate you.
Hunter- Congratulations on being the most hated class.
Bard-You are a pansy version of what a hunter should be, With the ability to play music more annoying than normal BGM. On top of that you are more of a fag than you once were. And we musn't forget the newest leeching skill, Mental Sense. Everyone hates you and Mr. Kim, especially players who actually level.
Dancer-You are of the kind that decided to embrace their sexuality. Swishing your hips around like a NY hooker, you give reason to learn how to play with one hand. You even went so far as to throw away your bow for a dominatrix like whip. Everyone hates you, except the single males.
Blacksmith-You are the greediest. Not only can you rack up Z like nothing else, you feel the need to charge incredible prices to forge items that others gather. Not only is you charge more than twice what the items cost, you can't even guarantee success. Everyone hates you and your capitalistic nature.
Alchemist- One thing, Potion creation. Over and OVER AND OVER AND OVER FUCK PLEASE STOP.
I always enjoyed playing as monk but then Yea Forums happen and told me monk sucks
I wanted to be a monk because the job description says he can instantly move to any location in battle, which I'd imagine was cool. This was before Naruto mind you and before I learned about the 4th Hokage's signature move.
I clicked on some random NPC on Prontera and lazily just clicked through the dialogue, and now I'm a swordsman with no way changing back. Meh, it's still pretty cool though. I've been playing a knight character ever since then.
I'll always be a healslut
>playing on servers with jobchange npcs
shit job user. Knight was fun when bersek glitch was in
We are approaching two decades and no sequel
>dropped my quiver
Thank you for this, I enjoyed it.
whats the go to pserver atm?
Prestige skills: foul stench, exchange scrap metal, collect welfare
>dat bush
Hard as Dragonforce.
>All modern MMOs are theme parks
>magician looks nice
>wizard looks nice
>high wizard looks nice
>warlock looks like absolute dogshit
why it gotta be like this
So what happen with the re-release of classic RO?
Image search to find out
high Priest all day
full crit AssX of course
gunslisger and ninja should have archer and thief 2-3 jobs though.
no one wants to do it. Every MMO must be a wow killer/quest rollercoaster in some sort or another to get greenlit
Bard. There was no meta that I followed, I just saw someone playing music in Prot one day and said "I wanna do that" so I did it. I would play the healing song and walk up and down the main street where hundreds of vendors were to spam the heal sound for shits and giggles. I got so many people requesting songs for fun and met a lot of cool people.
I met and cyber/webcam sexed with 4 girls in my total time in RO, I have since been married and have a family but I still have all their nudes from back then.
>I still have all their nudes from back then
Pics (in a rar on a DDL site) or it didn't happen.
>play bard
>act like a bard
>because you're like a bard in real irl
this is actually how it went quite often in the good old days
there's a reason why everyone who played rogue in vanilla wow for example was a gigantic faggot
My main was always VIT/STR Blacksmith, and I'd play it again. I loved the cart, the buffs, mammo'ing and outpotting dudes during WoE. It was a great job for hunting also. Alches were really cool also.
Pre-Rebirth servers are the best to ever happen to RO. Played for a few years in a low rates one with IRL friends, comfy but balanced as fuck.
My behavior reflected a bard stereotype sometimes, but I was also very real with the people I connected with romantically or not. I would not be so flirty and young/stupid if I played today and probably would not have as much fun.
any other game you would be full of shit but ro was notorious for having a lot of women
Is making a merchant a requirement in Ragnarok Online? How far should I level him up?
No. 99.