Damn, this AI upscale shit looks so fucking good, I feel sorry for those who played it in old graphics

damn, this AI upscale shit looks so fucking good, I feel sorry for those who played it in old graphics

Attached: FF9_2020_03_03_17_28_35_403.jpg (1920x1080, 1.31M)

Upscaling old Hentai videos has become a fulltime hobby for me.

It's nice that we're finally getting filters for old games that actually are subjectively improvements (not counting just general resolution increases of old 3D games), and don't just look like vomit messes. We're not quite to objective improvement areas yet but we're getting close.

I'm curious as to the results.

Post a random image (anime or manga) you want upscaled and i'll show you.

Can you link to some?

I wouldn't really call it a filter. AI upscaling actually changes the original in unique ways.

I don't really have a link for you to some of my work the upscaled vids are usually 20 gigs and I can't post porn in here.

FF9 did not deserve this

Someone teach that AI the concept of edges

I think this was made with Waifu2x, i'd like to see how my upscaler would handle it but I can't find a good pic to try it on.

Nvm totally not waifu2x was thinking of another project

Honestly 8 and 9 both needed it at least for the character models. The original models were good for the time but they really look like pixelated shit now, especially in 8 the faces are just blobs. 7 using the straight polygon style honestly looked better.

Same desu.

Attached: mki.jpg (3392x1920, 701K)

which software are you using to upscale images?

I'll post one for you all. Keep in mind ANYONE can do this if you have the software it takes literally 5 seconds, AI upscaling is amazing and it works even better for anime/manga.

This is the original.

Attached: ao7bWCK.jpg (1250x999, 341K)

Upscaled to about 1080p.

Attached: ao7bWCKd.jpg (1920x1534, 3.05M)

i prefer how the original looks over this

>ANYONE can do this if you have the software it takes literally 5 seconds
How can I do this? I want to do this with some old tv shows.

it's still a bit muddy IMO
hope they make 16:9 versions some day somehow

I'm using Gigapixel for this. Its very user friendly, you can also check out Waifu2x if you want a free option to try. Note that you need an incredibly powerful pc to upscale videos cause they consist of 1000's of frames.

I did another pass with mine just because memes and I can :D

Attached: -g1583251178707.jpg (3392x1920, 2.05M)

I really wish I could find the original in the correct size, it seems a bit overworked I wonder what a simple upscale would look like

if it looked a bit more crisp, i'd like it as a sort of oil painting filter; but it looks muddy and blurry as fuck

it is, i prefer it to the blurry pixelated version but it almost looks like a painting. it's not a bad aesthetic but i'm not really sure it's the intended one.

Can you do one for Legend of the Galactic Heroes?

SEETHING consolebaby


Attached: logh_announce.jpg (711x399, 60K)

Upscaled to 1080p-ish

Attached: -glogh_announce.jpg (1920x1077, 1.63M)

Make sure to open both pics in different tabs and zoom the first one in to the same size at the other. Stunning result imo, considering the original quality.

any other mods i'd want to check out for FF9 on pc aside from moguri?

damn, this AI upscale shit looks so fucking good, I feel sorry for those who played it in old graphics

Attached: 6-1539102512-1901246459.png (1437x897, 635K)

damn, it actually looks pretty clean

Oh shit that's so sweet. Thanks user

Sure this stuff is really easy and no work at all, shoot me some other pics if you want, some work better than others !

How do you change the resolution of the upscaling on the images in ESRGAN? I can't upscale stuff that's 1mb or over, and the small images that I upscale come out in 2565x1440 or some other crazy resolution I can't handle

Never tried ESRGAN before, but gigapixel allows you to choose resolution and theres no input limit as far as I know.

You should try ESRGAN, it comes out with the most impressive results I don't see in waifugan or other free upscale sites, depends on model though, plus it's free. What's gigapixel though?

You guys know that Moguri Mod is a thing right?

Attached: Gs7dJqS.jpg (1199x797, 262K)

Gigapixel is a paid AI. For me its given me the best results but I've only seen about 3 upscalers in my short persuit of this hobby :p Reason I use giga is because its so easy to use you can even input videos and it poops it out fully upscaled with no input needed.

Do that one of Tifa. You know which one.

I will use the Original AI cmd upscaler Ill show those zoomies

Attached: OG.png (1792x1007, 3.89M)

original, ofc I know which one fool :D

Attached: 152-1520812_photo-wallpaper-art-final-fantasy-ff7-tifa-lockhart.jpg (1332x850, 105K)

Oh shit they have improved the algorithm I got too cocky bros

damn I saw the notification on my taskbar with your reply and got excited just to end up seeing this

post the porn already you cuck

x2 upscaled

Attached: -g152-1520812_photo-wallpaper-art-final-fantasy-ff7-tifa-lockhart.jpg (2664x1700, 1.94M)

What operating system, cpu and gpu are you using for it?

>just waifu2x my shit sempai

Attached: 1582312281510.webm (398x398, 2.1M)

I was talking about this one you sillygoose zoomies

Attached: 4d78398b0a5a0d8d5b0ab3ec844aa321.18.jpg (488x366, 31K)

I use that too, the og models too, looks like Gigapixel is just better and easier access for the masses

Alright you got me, just for you a 4x then :D

Attached: -g1583253338569.jpg (1952x1464, 1.09M)

Zoomers don't even know the classics.

Here is my try

Attached: 3.jpg (366x275, 32K)

goddamn that nose really sticks up in 1080 xD

Do the full vid now.

sorry this one

Attached: thisone.png (1464x1100, 1.67M)

that... that would take an hour of 6.
i7-4790k GTX 970

the lines on mine are cleaner, but yours does keep the original image quite well which is a boon for some material

jesus go back already you stupid faggot

>that... that would take an hour of 6.

I could add it on the list of my projects :)

I'm sorry I grew up on south park, I blame zoomers for ruining XD

Thank you for your service user

what other program do you guys use besides waifu2x

ESRGAN and if you use waifu2x exclusively then you're missing out

Fucking boomer nostalgifags. All of your old games still look like shit.

