State of tekken

>state of tekken

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>GBVS at third place
What the fuck bros! I thought you said the game was gonna die already?!

>Coronavirus will have slowed down to a nothingburger by the time Evo is here so it wont get canceled
So happy, brehs.

Yay, Granblue.

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It's the perfect side game, just like Samsho

nice, i hole GBVS stays relevant enough to be populated online

Nobody will care about the game after this year, screencap this.

>Caring about numbers
>Caring about numbers with 6 months left
Also can't wait for granblue to pull a dbfz were it gets a shit load of entrants and becomes a ghost town next year. Shit it'll probably be worse since dbfz at least has the dragon Ball name going for it

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/r/kappa getting fucked


This honestly ruined my day. Thanks.



Everybody registers for the new game every year. SamSho did well last year because people thought they could mash their way deep into pools.

List would be perfect if reversed

i want to mating press zeta

>Ultimate first by far
oh no no no

also based fucking granblue

When is granblue versus coming to xbox one x?

>No melee

new games always shoot up to the top

It's gonna get cancelled anyway.

>SC6 went from 5 to 7th
Dang. I was hoping there was more steam finally built for the game

why do people pretend like each game is like a thousand entrants ahead (besides smash) just because they go up? theyre always pretty close. also unless coronachan gets really bad, tekken will still probably be the only game at EVO whos number of entrants have increased rather than decreased since its release

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Not true. said good ass tekken will make me cool at my local........what am I going to pretend to play now....


any other tekken game, the good ones

>leroy 7
>increased entrants
how about no.
>inb4 patch
it's too late, the damage is done.

Why people still showing up to see SFV?

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At least Smelee isn't here.


>SC6 and SS having less players than an anime fighter like under night
That's just sad

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under night is the biggest anime fighter at the moment, and the only one that got bigger every new year

Surprised Soul Calibur still there. 6 is kinda meh.

>Corona virus scaring people away from attending tekken the most chink game ever
Not suprised

Theres enjoying a game and then there’s is pretending SFV wasn’t a disappointment.

Samsho and SC are basic and boring. There already SF for boring games.

Because Champion edition just came out and seth is a thing also it's fucking sfv

*coughs on you*
Sorry faggot

I just started playing Samsho on people usually use Wu? Because She's my main in the game.

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kung fu negro completely ruined that scene lmao.
well deserved though, tekken fanboys got really fucking obnoxious lately.

because its a good game and just got a really nice balance patch while most other games are fucking up hardcore?

>SamSho already has no players
I hope Wiz realized his mistake in keeping SamWho instead of giving Melee the spotlight it deserves.

i really dont get the 2D audience.
either you are stuck watching your enemy do 2 min combos or you are doing 2min combos yourself. how can they enjoy this no agency gameplay. people bitch at tekken for having 5 sec combos even...

>leroy 7 meme
>the damage is done
nigga tekken was still top 3 in registration AFTER evo japans leroy fest. also leroy nerfs (and nerfs that will most definitely keep coming) have turned him from godlike to just being another top tier like kazumi and steve, he doesnt even show up online anymore.

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>well deserved though, aris subs and r/kappa got really fucking obnoxious lately.

Cope meleetard

>Smash gets 5k attendants
>everything else is lower than 1k
50% of players gets DQ due to the corona virus.

its a good game it just needs crossplay to stay alive longer

I can understand Grablue being higher because its the latest meme game and Smash but where did the sudden interest in SF5 come from? Also
Well at least this means UNIST bros are doing alright

>Samurai Showdown
>Every new MK game

SamSho is dead because shit online and it's a basic game, it's only at EVO because there's a 200% chance of KOF15 being announced, which will replace it next year.
Oh nevermind, you're retarded. Melee literally got a funeral video to send it off for good. Wiz doesn't want to put up with roach infested CRTs and showerless fags that'll complain no matter what he does anymore, "muh twitch views" clearly isn't enough to make putting up with you all worth it. It's gone for the foreseeable future.

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with champion editions release

>Still buying the rerelease meme

Isn't it literally just base SFV but with the DLC pre installed

imagine actually wanting to watch sfv

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>sudden interest
its always been top 3

when will game war retards collectively jump off of a cliff? i dont understand why people try to in-fight in a already small and niche genre. just play the damn game you like and chill the fuck out

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3 was the last good tekken

KoF15 was already announced.


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I think it's more embarrassing to fight over which games show up on evo's MAINSTAGE. Holy shit it's just one fg tournament that's slowly losing more and more relevancy as more investors slowly leave

where's mk? Oh right, core values. Good, fuck mk for being sjw with its females.

>People want GBVS to fail
>Therefore it will succeed

Forgot the name of this phenomena

New game, with a Meta still in development, obviously is not like a newbie will come out of nowhere and Win EVO, but it's not like there is a clear champ either, so anyone with a decent track record in the competitive scene is free to give it a shot and see where they place over all.

Personally I think Granblue is a better Street Fighter than Third Strike, and any version of 2. That is today, its a better Street Fighter than Street fighter will ever be

Lets see if he's still saying that in two months.

You don't know what street fighter is, nobody knows

I think to remember that even Pokken did decently on it's only year at EVO. Even surpassed SFV for at some point in the registration

why's that? i never tried 2 despite playing on fightcade. it always looked like a buggy and janky mess. at least that's the impression i got whenever i saw footage of it.

to be specific, how is granblue similar?

Mostly, because as contradictory as it seems, each time you see fans of each fighting game attacking each fandom, what they actually want is to recruit new members to their fandom. This is obviously a terrible way to do so, but as you said, this is a niche genre, and each game lives and dies with it's player base, so for many fans, each Grand Blue player is a one less SamSho player and the other way around.

And also, people on internet are just dickheads.

Its very footsies focused, a very grounded neutral game where a single mistake leads to big damage. Not ridiculous shit like touch of death anime combos, but a big punish for mispacing your moves.
The big difference from Third strike is that Granblue doesnt have Parry which means you can't just magically survive a hard punish, you have to respect your opponent. And the difference from SF2 is the fact that it isnt a buggy mess and you don't get touched by Cammy and Die

Reminder that they want some low attendance games to make the event easier to put on logistically

Marketing Partnerships>Stream Viewership>>>>>>>>>Lewds>Tournament Entrants

Double Down is gonna be the better Vegas Tourney anyway.
EVOs dead, bitches, Smash World Tour for life
950 bucks for first place? Pffft fucking Childs play.

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Flavor of the month. You'll most likely see it next year but with less entries if they don't fuck shit up more.

It just shows how much Arc Sissies LOVE scummy practices when it Arc doing it.

I can.
Thousands of people can.
Biggest fighting game in the world.

>Granblue doesnt have Parry which means you can't just magically survive a hard punish
You dont understand how parries work.

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Based as fuck. Fuck that piece of shit janky ass game

Trash tournament

which one of these cucks are you?

by that logic fortnite and league of legends must be terrific games.

As long as we don't get any absurd "Genjuro Showdown" or "Leroyken 7" scenarios I'm excited. Granblue might be the most vulnerable to this depending on how fast they can balance but what are the odds it'll be around next year come Guilty Gear and King of Fighters?

Then again I wasn't expecting DBFZ to survive this long either.

I don't understand people playing any SC game competitively. Even Bandai Namco isn't taking you seriously they would much rather you play tekken

they have appeal.
unlike the dead shit you fanboy over :^)

>Samsho that low
Fuck dude why do I only care about low particated games
First it was Killer Instinct, then it was Crosstag, now this

based twitter zoomer

t.faggot who pretends to play fighting games

I don't pretend, I've been playing them since before you faggots were even alive. Though my enjoyment of them has been waning.


I'm going to play Granblue Fantasy Versus (PC-Steam)!

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>Better than SF3
Because of Chun-Li, yes
>Better than SF2
>Better than Alpha

don't be silly user, he can't be a meleecuck. Don't you remember how they were all yapping about how melee doesn't need Evo when they got the boot? are you implying it isn't the case and that they actually want to be a part of Evo?

Just a flu bro.

But double down has melee and that game is boring as fuck

They literally crowdfunded an entire capcom cup-esque world tour, I really doubt Meleefags care. Ultimatefags even less so because EVO insulted their japanese fanbase with a fucking shitty pro controller for first prize

gaylee player

No smash player goes to EVO for the "Prestige" either they go for the PGR points

and that's my point. He can't be a melee player

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Why would another easy sfvlike game die? Everyone likes easy fighting games


He's overstating and oversimplifying but SF3 parries are indeed a bad mechanic.

Weapons of mass destruction.

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oh yeah gotta love those faggots that pretend that they're bitter "oldfags" that have been playing for decades.
totally just stopped playing them recently because they arent up to your standards :^)))

>another discord fighter
I'll pass.

they suck shit but he doesnt understand them which makes his whole evaluation questionable.

That's the best you could come up with lil zoom? Man, I thought 09ers were fags.


It's likely seasonal, so, yeah, Evo is in the Summer.

>It's the plague bro! This is the stand!
Is just as bad as "flu" bros. And statistically flu-fags are more correct.

>Thousands of people can
Thousands of streamers that get paid to watch it, since the game doesn't have any real following like previous games

>SamSho that low
Shoulda just included MK

Kek, nice

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Pretty much, since modern fighting games are about following a predetermined path and not straying from said path


Flu is seasonal because flu cannot survive outside the human body during spring/summer due to heat. When it's colder, it can survive in the air and through droplets/aerosols longer which is why it spreads during those seasons.

Corona's big issue is
>most people have very mild symptoms and will chalk it up to a cold or even the flu
>most people do not develop symptoms and asymptomatic people(or people that have recovered) can still spread it
>it can survive on surfaces(fomites) way longer than the flu

Is it going to decimate the population? No, but I think it's important to look at it in a holistic, objective sense of the disease as it is, not just "oh my god we're all going to die" or "fuck off overreacting faggots" and not just making a flu or cold analogy.

you sound mentally ill

shut up you dont even have ten hours in your maingame.

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>Smash still at the top
kek. fighting games are such a joke.

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>there's already fanart of that
All is right

>No BBTAG, GG:Xrd or Unist on Xbox
>Only DBFZ
Take a wild guess