Just Bought this from Amazon, what games should i play ? don't want to play elite dangerous, star citizen though...

Just Bought this from Amazon, what games should i play ? don't want to play elite dangerous, star citizen though, those are boring as hell and its a shit game

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Other urls found in this thread:

newegg.com/black-thrustmaster-hotas-warthog-joystick/p/N82E16826280021?Description=thrustmaster warthog&cm_re=thrustmaster_warthog-_-26-280-021-_-Product&quicklink=true

the upcoming microsoft flight simulator and that's it

write a driver that translates the input into mouse and keyboard commands, then you might get some use out of it

War Thunder on the Realism gamemode
Ace Combat 7
Project Wingman (soon tm)
X-Plane or Prepar3d with FSEconomy
FS2020 if you're cool enough to be in (like me)
Frontier Pilot Simulator (hit or miss)
Elite Dangerous especially in VR

Freespace 2
Freespace 2
Freespace 2
Freespace 2
Freespace 2

Damn, flight games are niche as fuck. Anyway thanks guys I will try out all of them

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it wont work in ace combat 7 unless he does some vodoo magic to get it to work, also i really fucking hope u meant simulator in warthunder, he will get rekt by your average mouse ace in realistic battles.

DCS World if you want good graphics
Falcon BMS if you want amazing interactive campaign

I just for a Thrustmaster Warthog from Amazon. I’ve been flying the F-14 in DCS. My TrackIR gets here today.

As a person who has a x56 too, I can tell you that you just made a terrible mistake by buying this cheap trash. Due to the way the cams in the stick are setup it has this loose deadzone right in the middle, no input will be received unless you move the stick past this deadzone and leaves you with very unprecise aiming.


Also the thumb stick is really fragile and you need to be careful with it or it will break.
Throttle has this issue in which it fires up or slows down at random times too.
None of these issues are fixable

explain to me how the FUCK somebody buys something like this without knowing what to do with it
you're full of shit OP

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Ace Combat is an arcade game anyway. Better to play with controller or even a regular joystick, not flight sim shit. Anyway, IL-2 Sturmovik but not the most recent one. Just 1946.

I don't know it looked fun so I got it, And it's not that expensive user only $249.99

That sounds fucking annoying. maybe I should get a different one in the future, thanks buddy

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holy fuck, you should have just spent the extra $100 and go the thrustmaster warthog

isnt realistic past simulator? sorry, been a while since i last played

>thrustmaster warthog
I thought that thing cost $500 ~ $600 or something. Isn't it ?

why the fuck would you buy this if you don't know what you're gonna use it on?

>looked fun
try russian roulette

I impulse bought a Logitech Extreme 3d Pro a few months ago with no idea what to do with it except maybe finally finish Descent 2. And mostly it's ended up being used for fucking around in MechWarrior.

But then again it was on $30. I can't imagine impulse buying something that's several hundred dollars even when I do finish grad school and start making bank.

>and go the thrustmaster warthog
I only have one quesition. does it support Conflict Freespace/Freespace 2?

Those are my alltime favourite space sim games. I don't even care about Scamcitizen & co.

dual stick is better for space and mech games

>Isn't it ?
I don't impulse buy so I wouldn't know. The sales exist but they're mediocre.
Maybe you can still cancel your order.

Attached: sale.jpg (635x557, 56K)

>But then again it was on $30
those things are fantastic (for the price). you made a good choice

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It's sad, really.

That is insane, but I don't see any warthog thing With a price tag $349.99, are you trying to memeing me user ?

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I don't really believe anyone would buy one of these without already having a game in mind

well, anyway guys Thanks for all the help, It was very helpful.
I got to get some fucking food, so Abandon thread

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newegg.com/black-thrustmaster-hotas-warthog-joystick/p/N82E16826280021?Description=thrustmaster warthog&cm_re=thrustmaster_warthog-_-26-280-021-_-Product&quicklink=true

maybe not available in your country? It looks like there was a recent depletion of the stock everywhere, and the prices have been jacked up.
...again, wait for a sale

and you're still full of shit.

Yeah it looks like it's not available for my country, FUCK IT.
and also user, I waste fuckton of money to retarded shit all the time, Cuz I'm an impulsive retard For real this time. FUCKING Abandon thread

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Don't do this. All those switch buttons on the base of the stick will fuck up your muscle memory for the hat switch. I could never get used to that shit.

Instead I fly in DCS and Falcon BMS with having my right hand on my Extreme 3D and left hand on keyboard, on a strict 1 key = 1 action, no shift/modifier keys setup. Then with a single press you can have for example QWER for TMS, ASDF for DMS, F1-F4 for CMS, and so on.

>Don't do this.
it's actually pretty easy once you get used to it. Mentally, you associate the hat switch with the modifier, so it feels like having 6 hats instead of 1.
Took probably 3 months of casual flying to do it effortlessly.

Another reason is that it really sucks that you have to press 2 buttons for TMS up. When you are slewing your SPI and ground stabilization isn't on, by the time you take your hand off the slew controls so you can press 2 buttons for TMS up and lock the target the SPI is already off the mark.

I'm going through the process of having to relearn some of these bindings too, because it turns out on the real HOTAS TMS is left of DMS, but on this profile the modifier for TMS is to the right of DMS... it really fucks up the transition to the TMWH

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dumb criticism
the HAT is your slew control, you already had your right thumb on it.
When you want to TMS up you put your left finger on 10 now 8 and you never moved your right thumb which is already on the HAT, and you press 8+UP
takes less than 1/4 of a second to accomplish.

It still interrupts slewing.
Maverick is especially hard to target when you are not using TGP if you can't hold down a slew direction while pressing TMS up.

>Maverick is especially hard to target when you are not using TGP if you can't hold down a slew direction while pressing TMS up.
I've never had that problem, and never even though that was a thing that needed to be done... ever.

>never even though that was a thing that needed to be done... ever.
It can be useful because you can rapid fire mavericks if you're good with slewing if you use the MAV instrument instead of the TGP since you don't need to hand off targets from TPG to MAV. If you fly a meme loadout with 4-6 mavs you can fire one every 2 seconds just by visually locking on to targets.

Racing games for DOS

>you can fire one every 2 seconds
so can I, what's your point?
And why is your flight path control so bad that the target leaves the slewing gate in less than 1/4 of a second?