>lithuanian user on /int/ gifts me Squad and Rising Storm 2 Vietnam
>install both a week ago
>can't bring myself to play either of them
How do I stop being a wuss? Are these games good?
Lithuanian user on /int/ gifts me Squad and Rising Storm 2 Vietnam
bye bye
Um, is coffee good for you?
Rs2 is fun but you have to roleplay being an actual soldier if you want to do anything. Like literal crawling across fields and using cover. Getting a big flank is very satisfying.
Whether it's good or not, I love it.
>ywn have a girlfriend who wears stockings
It hurts, it really does
>>ywn have a girlfriend
Glad to see he hasn't killed himself yet.
Rising storm and those red orchestra games are part of a wave of shooters who slow down the combat, which in and of itself has interesting consequences. In that way they actually kind of interesting. There interesting connections to be made between red orchestra and say escape from tarkov.
My recommendation is to keep an eye on the trend and these rise of SWAT-like games, but leave rising storm alone.
RS2 is pretty good
Built for thighsex.
Literally HOW do they have a dick? Hotter than almost every woman I have seen in my life walking down the street.
literally the ideal female body
RS2 is breddy gud, damn shame it's not being supported anymore.
>they have a dick?
Post proof so I can fap to the fantasy of frotting with her.
Just admit you're a faggot, it would be less embarrassing.
Deal with it.
>this trap goddess is refusing to post pics for the entirety of 2020
She got old.
It's a photoshopped tranny that BRs spam
>According to this thread, that's a dude
what the hell
That's not a girl bruh