I've grown up as a Mega Man fan...

I've grown up as a Mega Man fan, and now I'm just starting to realize that maybe it wasn't Capcom's intention that Roll is Mega Man's sister? Like, it was a mistranslation or something Ruby Spears made up?

Are there any official game documents that call her Mega Man's sister?

Attached: MM11Roll.png (609x999, 249K)

Other urls found in this thread:



They were built by the same scientist, no matter how you slice it they're siblings.

>no matter how you slice it they're siblings.
The games don't seem to let that matter. A few of the DLN robots seem to have a crush on her, particularly Ice Man. And she seems to have a thing for Rock.

As much as a pair of robots can be considering they were made by the same man, Roll.exe and Rockman.exe are a different matter.

Powered Up isn't canon

Ice Man's crush isn't in powered up

Japan loves incest fetish. That is why Roll is like that in some games.

Battle & Chase has even less potential to be canon.

Roll is the one thing everyone wants but don't want to admit it

Roll is such a useless nothing character
>gets one single sprite in the first Mega Man's ending
>her face shows up in a notebook for a couple seconds in Mega Man 3
>shows up at the very end of Mega Man 4 for a few frames
>somehow inspires a legion of pedos anyway

>loves incest
>everyone is step-siblings

Official documents?


And the Japanese ending to 3?

>Household robot. Rock and her are like siblings.

Shit I was going to say that.
Still good to see a Roll tread show up.

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Apparently robots weren't sentient before X came about so I feel like Roll has no actual personality, she just cleans up the lab without any ability to think for herself.

Classic robots can think, but only within the limits of their programmed personality. Like, if you asked Guts Man a question about quantum physics, he'd just go blank. Or Spring Man only knows about springs.

Robot Masters in Mega Man look and act robotic, but we can see a slow evolution as the technology advances. Sheep Man becomes bored with his job and drifts around. Tundra Man goes from a bulky robot to a sleek ice skater because he found out he liked the skaing competitions he saw.

It isn't until X, though, that a Robot is freely able to go out in the world and choose everything about himself. All those other ones, while close to being human, still were stuck in their parameters. Some of them were more deceptively sapient than others, but still, they lacked the ability to go against their programming. Someone like Wily could take any of them and turn them into murderbots.

Reploids, if it weren't for how bad Cain fucked up the development, should have avoided that fate, but instead most of the problems they caused were their fault, not being brainwashed.

Freedom of choice means freedom to be an asshole. Frankly I kind of hate how utopian-saturday morning the OG Mega Man series is with Dr Wily being the only real villain. Since getting some other random guy once would show a better spectrum of evil from Wily to Weil, and then no other human villains ever.

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She is one of the few robots in the entire series that had a peaceful existence and that had no battle capacities.
If she did not exist. Ligths entire argument would have been proven false decades before X existed. Because aside from her all of his other creation are combat related in one way or another.

Does incest even matter when it comes to robots? It's not like they can breed or anything.


>Frankly I kind of hate how utopian-saturday morning the OG Mega Man series is with Dr Wily being the only real villain

That's the point. Its a cheerful contrast to how fucked up and grim most of the rest of the timeline is.


Iris and Coronel acted like two really close non-Japanese siblings and Iris grieved the Coronel so much that she even fought Zero. Bloodlines do matter to them.

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>tfw that one Roll theme lyrics is pretty much incest: the song

Which is why she'd never lust after her own brother. Shits gross.

>all of his other creation are combat related in one way or another
No they aren't. They were weaponized. That's an important difference. That's just like saying every tool at home depo is combat related. Sure you can kill someone with a chainsaw; but that's not what the tool was made for. The same applies to Dr Light's creation. The vast majority of individual robots in circulation in don't have that happen to them.

>boring vanilla garbage


Why don't they mass produce Roll? They could repurpose her for anything and it would bring about world peace.

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Nowhere in the song does it imply its for Rock. Its just another generic love song.

Iris and Coronel where presumably created by a non-Japanese scientist.
However Roll and Rock where. Their reactions for each other are expected. Maybe that is why Willy never created his own Roll despite him having more use of a maid cleaning those huge fortress.

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Why did he create Roll?

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I doubt that's "The Point" as much as "The Status Quo". At least that every adaptation tries to make Wily a worse and terrible person, and none of them have satirized Wily as ineffectual. 7 and the first Power Battle game really tried to sharpen its edges, and that got rolled back, until now when 11's now having Wily make suicide robots.

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Nah. They're siblings, there's no way Light programmed them to feel that way.

Because he wanted kids, but either refused to get a woman or was shooting blanks.

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>and none of them have satirized Wily as ineffectual
Ariga made him pretty damn goofy, though.

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Oh shit Roll went Evil! Now she is going to mildly annoy humans whit a broom.
Now compare that to literally any other thing Ligth created.
Even the fucking cat can slice skulls.
Fine! point me the other Robot that Roll was emotionally attached to.

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Why does loli pantsu makes me so hard?

How can I create Roll?

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Oh look coom thread

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Also, reminder that in Archie Roll tried to get Rock laid with Quake Woman.

Now I remember why I hate Classicfags.

Roll would have the same superhuman strength as every other robot does. Moreover not everything in a household a housekeeper uses is safe. Let's ignore the obvious kitchen implements. Light's lawn doesn't need tending and she doesn't have access to a garden weasel or hedge clippers? The only appearances she gets her own fighting style in she's using an average broom or some other prop to smash robots apart.

Cute Roll butt!

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This thread went from cute to cute and funny

>Roll is such a useless nothing character
t. doesn't understand the lore
One of the reasons Light felt Proto Man abandoned him was because he was alone in the world. So the next time he built a robot assistant, he built a sister robot to go along with him so Rock would never be alone. And ever since then he kept building more robots like Rush, Eddie, and Auto to make them feel like they have a family.

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She's so cute and adorable.

I see you like pantsu.

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Another basic Japanese sister move. Get a non-related gf to use as morality shield.
He programed them to behave like Japanese siblings, he did this!
Like how Tomahawk man talks like a Navaho and tries to communicate whit nature even if he is of unbending metal and Oil man can live for even one week whiteout committing violent crimes. Light and Willy where working in the most racist A.I. engine.

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Is Roll for incest or yuri?


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Roll canonically has a crush on her brother Rock

I don't care either way. Roll is just the one fictional child I would adopt and raise as my own with no objections.

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Rock was the gardener / outside robot.
Roll was the inside housework robot

Raising such a slutty child is the mark of a good father.

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My favorite roll is the one from that fighting game that has Spiderman and stuff. The design is cool. So is MegaMans.

Why is she getting mad?

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Rock was Light's lab assistant. He helped build robots. The multiple specific and intricate tools required there are the reason he had the Variable Tool System.

She wouldn't be a slut under my watch. She'd be a perfect little princess.

I want a slutty loli to be lewd with

What did they mean by this?

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I don't like Roll

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Kalinka is clearly smooching a 1-up and Roll is suitable disturbed by it.

She just doesn't want Rock to be led astray by that, uh, perfectly fine and respectable woman who I totally don't have a crush on...

Sick of sluts trying to seduce her man.

Thread is now off the rails.

I'm waiting on the lite version of Roll

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No she does not. That’s why we see the Green robot (forgot his name) lob creates for her all the time. She struggles to lift a box filled whit metal.
And about the rest of your argument she needs tools to kill a human and even then she still has the strength and height disadvantage. There is a reason why some of the tools that you mentioned are not sold to children.

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Shut up Jenny.

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only bro that matters here is protoman

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Tempo is a million times better than that overrated robothot.

Post more cute Roll butt.

That Capcom is full of hacks. That, or Kalinka likes robocock

A portable Roll for when you're on the go. Imagine.

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don't open

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>Protoman in MM&B.jpg

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Its a present thing in official art as well. There's one series image where Roll looks pissed that Kalinka is too close to Megaman, and then there's also the MvC image with Roll being pissed that Morrigan is hitting on Megaman.

It seems like they always wanted Roll to have a thing for Rock.

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Why is Roll's ass so great?

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I dislike this image...

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Is this the Coomer Man thread?

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>No she does not
Well that shut me up. Let's ignore the 3 times reprinted concept book that says she is, the games that display her to be, and call it good then.

>she needs tools to kill a human
As did robots like Ice Man and Toad Man. Those had to be modified to shoot ice instead of 'survive in cold' and make acid rain rather than... rain.

today i will remind them

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That comic where she actually steeped up the plate and defeated the robot master herself… Twice!

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Marvel va Capcom?
Yeah I played almost exclusively roll/MegaMan in that game.

I like that Rock n Roll made Roll based off this image more or less.

Attached: MegaMan_RocknRoll_2019_12_04 652.jpg (1024x896, 142K)

barrel roll

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I love when characters canonically got laid and had kids

>I am the Knight Man who says 'ni'.

Which is funny because they’re two of the worst characters

can i put roll in a jar? , its for uhh... a experience user's

Rock and Roll are Japanese? So Thomas Light and him being from Denver are American localization changes?

Roll is kind of sexy.

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>They could have made Roll a playable character since 8
>She could have been the Melee character of the classic series
>She could have changed the entire attire for very power instead of just color.
>Evil tsundere Willy made Roll could have been a recurring villain like Bass.
Capcom you lazy bastards!

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Mega Man 8 has a globe on the Robot Master screen and Light's Lab is in America.

Women stay in the command center in the Mega Man universe

Roll is for cute

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Roll is for SEX

Cute fugging.

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I'm not disagree with you

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But seriously; why was Protoman all pantytwisted about King?

Or you could just chan.sankakucomplex.com/?tags=roll

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Still those guys that you mentioned where able to smash a skull and take bullets to the face before being modified.
Roll cannot do either of those things.
Tron Bonne begs to differ.

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He was violating the Robot Musuem.

What are your expectations for the next Megaman game?

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Expecting it to be X9. Not expecting it to have a story that matters to the canon much. Hoping they have a unique villain and don't ruin X8's ending by bringing Sigma back.

X9 for the love of god it's been 15 years

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A game where I can jump and shoot lemons out of my hand.

They were? Damn, I only played with a couple of friends and with the bot.

X-dive is gonna lit

>able to smash a skull and take bullets to the face before being modified.
You go ahead and try to insinuate that that without proving Roll was. Heavy industry robos were indeed built Tonka Tuff as a point in fact. But not one drip of that goes to the irrigator and surveyor robots.

Whenever the Bonne family went digging for extra change, Tiessel was the digger and Tron the spotter.
She had to participate during pirate raids due to a lack of manpower, otherwise she was back in the command center making a transmission.

Probably a Mega Man Battle Network Collection.

why is protoman so perfect

Until the BN games get their collection, i can only expect more mobile shit

And cuddles, and protecting.

Never lewding.

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Good graphics.

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battle and chase would be canon since it was referenced in mm&b. since mega man and bass’s ending was referenced in mega man 9 ice man’s crush would be canon if mega man 9 is canon

I wish they'd bring back anime cutscenes.

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>Lack of manpower
>Has 40 indestructible disposable helper robots.
Even in the Gustav you can see in the pause menu that both Tiesel and Tron were letting a servbot actually control it. The point is she's there, and there actually are times she isn't because she physically can't fit there in misadventures, or giving in person instructions in Legends 1... it only strikes me as the case she's there because she wants to be. Not because it was necessary.

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They haven't tried to ruin him lately.

>the user that was making a lewd Ciel/Aile video finally finished it
>it's patreon exclusive
fucking asshole

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and funny


He didn't seem to care about that in 7. Was he only friends with Tengu and Astro Mans?

perfect scarf+sunglasses+cool helmet combo

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You do realize that most the work equipment it’s made to last as much as possible, while household appliances are designed to last as little as possible? That the reason why we when from those old school cellphones that could survive a fall from a 20 store building to these things that break from a 1 meter fall.
On engineering the proses goes 1 it works. 2 let’s see how sturdy we can make it.
Now about Toadman being able to smash a skull. He weighs about 120 kg and can jump about 5 m. just aim that jump over a human and voila! A fresh new corpse. No external help needed and no particular scenario prepared it was a clean on the go the kill.

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Does Roll have an asshole?

She can eat so obviously that stuff has to go somewhere.

yeah, be lit on fire

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She's a robot. The food probably gets burned or coverting into fuel somehow.

Probably like astro-boy
It’s where you fuel the robots

Mega man is one big astroboy reference...

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Supposedly it WAS Astro Boy until Capcom lost the license.

>Because aside from her all of his other creation are combat related in one way or another.
you can play as her in Powered Up, so she is capable of combat

>ris and Coronel where presumably created by a non-Japanese scientist.
By the time X4 is coming around, most of the scientists you're talking about are reploids themselves.

By that logic anyone with a broom is capable of combat.

Not everyone with brooms that can smash robots as effectively as others can with a gun.

you mean after the Mobile game?

They are if they train using brooms

Or you're Jackie Chan.

Robots don't have siblings.

is the entirety of x dive translated like this

>Mega Man was almost just a one-off licensed game
Terrifying thought.


Imagine how different Capcom would be today.

That line is probably the worst of it but basically yes. With any luck they've used the time between the closed beta and now to hire an actual English speaker to fix it, but the primary target is chinks and the only reason it's even getting a Western release is because there's value in an English "translation" in chinkland I guess.

>we'll never play Astro Boy X

Do we like the other roll?

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Sucks that several of his works are still unscanned.

You know what time it is guys!

Starforce time?

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I don't


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She's naked

It aint so..............

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Sonia > Luna

Robots shouldn't be so erotic.

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Damn you Fupoo...why must you use your powers for evil?

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power of ass!

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BN collection, and then unironically some kind of soft reboot. I know people hate that shit, and it has the potential to go very wrong, but I'd like to see the concepts (both story concepts and gameplay) from classic, X, Zero/ZX, and Battle Network mashed into one game.

Fuck it. Make it a time travel story where you travel back and forth between the period between classic and X, and the period between X and MMZ, and you alter the course of history ... which sets up a new timeline.
Maybe don't do that idea, but it'd be neat to see the period between classic and x, and the bridge between x and zero. I'd also be cool if Battle Network gameplay was in the mix somehow. And also a 3D hub world where you explore like in Legends, that connects to 8 classic 2D or 2.5D levels.

You guys got these right?

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Sagers are trying to ruin this, come on push back!

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So is X dive coming out tomorrow or are they cucking us until the 31st?

Any drawfags here!?

Having sex with your sister is highly unethical.

But it feels so good.

They're only siblings in the west.

Morrigan's large breasts triggered the flat chested Roll.


And its still unethical in Japan too, despite what those slant-eyed pervs think.

Roll Bump the thread wuth her Butt

It's not though.

I'm pretty sure she's just pedobait

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Bumpetty Booty


>most medieval romance included some sort of incest

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official, but non-canon combat Roll a cute.

Don't you love it when Mega Man artists do actual porn of their characters? How people needed to use a porn image to extrapolate what W Waltz is supposed to look like in the classic style

Sleeping Roll too.

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This is just a common Japanese trope of overprotective younger sisters. If the trope is played all the way out, the brother would get a gf, the sister would hate her for a little while until some event made her like her. Then the gf would be treated like an older sister.

>If the trope is played all the way out, the brother would get a gf, the sister would hate her for a little while until some event made her like her. Then the gf would be treated like an older sister.
Boooring. I prefer the gf lusting over the little sister like in my mongolese tapestries.

Good. I don't want my waifu and daughteru fighting.

Get help.

Why is Yea Forums suddenly full of pedophiles?


Donkey Kong was almost just a Popeye game


>look mom I posted it again xDD

nice butt

She's better

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whats the patreon? maybe itll go up on yiff.party eventually

>roll will not appear like this

for fucks sake capcom

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>We had Roll and the rest of the megaman girls treads for almost a month now.
>Fupoo hasn’t showed up to a single one of these yet.

Didn't Fupoo get corona?

He did? Well shit that thing is 1 out 5 chances to kill in china or even more due to negligence.
I hope you are wrong man, I really do.

How do you know?

hey guys what's going on in this thread

Attached: beingcummedinside.png (1920x1080, 1.23M)

Shut up, Oil Man is canon.

Megaman waifu posting tread. Mostly Roll.

Why is Kalinka such a bolt queen?

>Lan deep mating pressed this everyday

well this may be of interest

Attached: l-lewd.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

Well shit most of the tread got nucked.

You came too late...


Well we know who reported the whole tread.

kys cuck

Of course she does, it is a little sister's duty to fall in love with her onii-chan.

human laws don't apply to robots

In this world they kind of do.
Well that was nice.

I'm surprised megaman 11 doesn't have DLC

robots are presumably meant to be programmed to fulfill standards set by human laws but laws that govern human behavior such as incest do not apply to robots, there is unlikely to be any such law restricting robots in this way and even if there was if roll is programmed to put on nightly incest shows with her brother by webcam that is what shes going to do regardless of any law

horny zekkusus are goat

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How come every other Megaman work tried to keep the characterization consistent but not Powered Up?

>all those deleted posts
Man, I came too late.

it would be awful being a shota robot and having a thirsty human female come on to you and you can't resist cause you're a a robot haha

What's her age again?

Done you have your dollar per month you craze bastard! now go and do some Prairie or Roll next!

Saddest part is that Yea Forums treads are better place to share lewds while initiating legitimate good discussion than /e/ about just sharing lewds.

Yes, but unfortunately that got a massive blow during the previous summer and the board never recovered since...

What happened?

Discord and Reddit trannies got mad at the board for sharing lewds so they invented the brain and oomer terms and images and constantly force raided the board, their effort succeded so mostly these days use these terms and images about it to despise all those that share lewds for fun also labelling them as crazy porn addicts

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Weird, wasn’t supposed to be 4 chan the place that raided Reedit for almost every excuse they could get?
Also what does that have to do whit the jannies deleting everything in here? A fair amount of those images where not that hardcore.

>not the gamer version
c'mon user

Jannies deletes these day the most fragile of stuff but keeps too long off topic threads

What a slut.

We had a pretty long stint where you flat out could not discuss the games because every thread got flooded by people who couldn't have the basic decency to at least talk about the games while nutting to Roll. You really shouldn't be surprised that people don't like you, forced memes aside.

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too old.

This is a blue board, lewds shouldn't be shared here to begin with.

There is nothing better than loli pantsu

Anime Lewds are a big part of videogames

I did not saw the threads about Roll, but i saw other threads about Megaman Legends where little discussion about the games was there, days later i noticed the raid
I saw countless threads about it and jannies mostly did nothing, pokemon is the biggest attractor of it

There are like five boards designed specifically for the purpose you desire. Yet you consistently get butthurt and whine because you refuse to use them and act entitled to NSFW content on a SFW board. Why should anybody feel sorry for you?

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she was based in powered up and x tekken. invalidated post

Jannies did nothing on both situation aside from useless filtering confirming that there is no moderation, Yea Forums is one of the worst boards

Not a single nipple was on the pics deleted from here. Nothing adobe panty shots in fact. And before you start complaining about anything PG 13 being posted here. You have to be adobe 18 to post it is literally on the rules.
Roll posting have always been part of megaman treads since day 1. Roll sharing never got worse than it is about now really. And megaman Waifu treads have always been really tame when compared to anything fighting game related or Pokémon related.

They were not that lewd, but there was not that gaming discussion

Can you fuck a reploid?

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Fair point.
So let’s do that shall we?
So what do you think is the reason why female robots exist in the first place? And why do they need those huge breasts? I mean they take a lot of space in the frame they most serve a purpose.

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To make them sexy.

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>Make an intelligent robot with no gender
>In a society where all the organics have gender
>Robot wants to feel like it's a part of society
>Chooses a gender
>Wants to look like that gender

And thus, you make bodies with dicks and tits and cunts and let the robots pick.

if you pledged it didnt register user, is patreon fucking w/ me?

tbqh probably because their scientist creators are stuck trying to imitate humans instead of coming up with a truly new lifeform and as a result the byproducts also obsessed with their creators forms

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off course

Im pretty sure 11-12....

What is the appeal of Roll?

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It's a translation thing, yes. Asians call unrelated people "brother" more often than Hulk Hogan. Big Brother, Big Sister, Mother, Auntie, Uncle, all that shit gets used affectionately. When some anime girl calls a dude Onii-chan it absolutely does not mean she is not dtf, trust me I am an expert who has seen 300+ confirmed anime tiddies. So when Roll is described as a "little sister" character all it means is that she is small and cute and "moe". Her dialogue in Powered Up makes it really obvious she wants in those blue briefs.

Lunar did this too. The game keeps referring to them as very close adopted siblings and it confused the fuck out of me as a kid.
>man, Alex really cares about his sister
>a lot

cute loli robot

what's not to love she has a soft butt and blonde hair and she'd probably be good at house work and welcome you home

do you think she's adorable and good at making you laugh

11 years with boobs?

she has a state of the art onahole for a vagina that will make any man cum in seconds and also has a powerful robotic grip that will prevent you from escaping her after she pins you down

They are supposed to be in 5th grade, also is not impossible considering those 2boobs" are almost nothing. God i hate that that almost all megaman fandoms are full of pedos...

>powerful robotic grip that will prevent you from escaping her after she pins you down
That's terrifying! how is this allowed?

Her cheerful personality and feminine design is really welcomed as a clash to megaman increasingly jaded future and character.
Like a sweet desert after a mouth ripping spicy meal.

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Megaman Rock n Roll was one of the new fangames I really enjoyed
it was just right in difficulty and the bosses were great too
I don't what's with fangames and instant death shit, but MMRnR managed to not go overboard with it and I love it for it

who that?

>Knife Man's power is literally *teleports behind you*

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she's cute and funny

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she is blonde

>I don't what's with fangames and instant death shit
I really hate that almost every fangame feels the need to put in a variation of the Quickman lasers. Even if it's done well, it's still so fucking overdone.

It always weirded me out how Roll acts in MVC, giving Rock flowers, the loading screen saying do you love me?, the clinginess she has in the artwork.
I knew she was his sister but she acted like his girlfriend.

amateur devs don't realize that when they can predict anything the game throws at them it means a novice player will still learn the ropes they just built so they get obsessed with making it hard even for someone who already knows what makes everything tick in a game, ignoring it makes it pretty 'elitist' in a sense and instead of fostering replay value for a large sum of players it tends to just keep the absolute diehard. when you have playtesters that are also just fans of something and amateurs as well then the bias only gets reinforced.

Unironically Un-Cancel Legends 3.

Inafune gets executed in a 100% completion secret scene.

What would you do if Capcom announces a new a brand new Megaman game and its one focused around Roll. And a rather bold one when it comes to designs.
But it’s also another Gacha grindfest.

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Fuck Roll, post Copy Roll
Please, I love her so much

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I never thought I'd appreciate a tripfag.