ITT: Characters who have been ruined by autists online

ITT: Characters who have been ruined by autists online.

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Also JustinRPG is a hero.

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any persona/danganronpa character.

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>favorite legendary as a kid
>ruined by vorefags and other degenerates
It's not fair.

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>Tao clearly states that Resh is a fabulous male and Zek is a buff female
>The waifufags took the former and the barafags took the latter despite this

It even has a massive Freudian tuft of hair and this still happened.

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Fuck, hang on, I'm looking for the JustinRPG post whee he describes getting anal vore'd by him. Classic Justin.


These two. I like both of their games , yes, but normies took it to far with their shit memes.

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It was a foregone conclusion.

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This is on the same level as getting a boner from watching that creepy soup guy video.

Going through these, I feel sick. But it was worth it to find and post this.

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Through the roof autism.

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>favorite legendary is surprisingly relatively unharmed
Feels good man

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People say Chris Chan's bad. They have no idea about my main man Justin.

I'm glad that Pattinson managed to escape the Twilight stigma and establish himself as a genuinely good actor.
Good Time and The Lighthouse were awesome films

I don't think you can really compare Chris Chan with the autists of today.


The average tranny is more insane than Chris.
>cwc won't let me be

He's a treasure. God bless his burger poster.

Am I gonna have to take a dive into some awkward porn or are you just pretending not to?

Chris chan also believes his OCs are real though.

Get it right you bigot

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Obviously there's weird Entei porn out there, but nothing bad enough to become famous like the shit that regularly gets posted
But yeah go ahead, I could use a laugh

His OCs are more alive in the heart of millions than some official mascots. Sonichu is literally pop culture now. Let's face it, he just won.

Holy fuck what a retard

So do trannies, they believe their anime profile pictures are actually what they look like in real life.

Sonic, but Archie, Sega and Sonic Team also ruined it.

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>I could use a laugh
me too haha...

I love the part where he wanted to try that slot machine only because he wants to fuck the shit out of that griffin on it.

I kinda wanna message him and tell him that playing slots is bad and if he still wants to do it he shouldnt play on machines where someone won something recently thats a big mistake

The absolute chad has his priority straight.

Nothing stopping you, but be warned, he won't listen and will just get mad that things won't go his way. Such as it is with most autists.

Justin is worse than earlier chris but modern chris has just completely fucking lost it.

every single tranny is insane to be fair

Vorefags can't ruin Lugia for me

Pokemon 2000 was better than Mewtwo Strikes Back (which is hampered by it's preaching

What about beautiful Yaniv and her desire to just get her arms waxed? She seems sane, Canadian news told me so.

forgi/v/e me

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Would you take my word for it when I say I've seen worse?

i can ruin that for you, stop by trash and ask for Richard Cabeza

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Of course I'd take your word. However, some people haven't seen this. I want to correct that.

I can't believe he can't get a job despite TRYING SO HARD!

>favorite legendary
>no autistic fanbase

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this is normie tier at this point. Find something different


I think the memes are great. Its fucking hilarious that two popular games that are the complete polar opposite of each other come out on the same day.

Better than the autistic culture war shit that resulted when birds of prey and Sonic released close to each other.

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He probably thinks real slot machines work like the rigged ones in Pokémon.

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I have no idea what goes on inside the mind of Naganuma. But he makes sick beats so I don't care.

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>look up favorite pokemon on r34
>62 results
i-is that good or bad? i dont wanna research further

The real test is looking up your favorite pokemon on monosodium glutamate.

Now search on e621 and gelbooru

i dont know what that is and i dont think i wanna know what that it

It's pretty evident that it was reversed with Zekrom being a Male and Reshiram being a female, especially since -om implies masculinity and -am femininity

That's like, nothing.

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I cry everytime.

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Meanwhile my favorite pokemon has pages and pages of furry porn and smut. Being a blaziken fan is suffering.

ok i looked it up
e621 is has 68 and gelbooru its 87 but theres a bunch of regular fanart on there as well so it's pretty much the same amount across the board.

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but human juice wouldn't make bab in pocket monster

Sucks to be you

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Damn! Lugia looks like THAT??

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>Follow every aspect of Tao to the letter
>Except for the gendering
Yeah, no. Zekrom even has a coke-bottle figure.

Thread theme:

18 naked trainers in the showers at reshiram ranch?

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absolutely fucking based lmao

e621 post/show/679689

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But user, your favorite pokemon is autistic by design.



How has this fuck not been posted yet?

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Ho-oh was always a better design.

i miss old Chris. there was a level of innocence and playfulness to him. the new Chris is just a fucking insane degenerate.

they have a different chromosome count how is that going to work
what a dumb bitch

It's just a boring generic bird. Lugia is a flying dragon beluga, you have shit taste, fag

Ho-oh is a Ho

holy lol

>Favorite Legendary as a kid
>Relatively little porn in comparison to others
>Still somehow the most popular Legendary
Not even fetish autismos can compete with good design.

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Nobody even knows who Ocean Prince is.

not a single character

nothing will stop my love for ocean prince

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Could reasonably understand why most would wind up wanting to bang their favorite legendary but all the fetish shit is where it gets confusing

This. Fuck furries, I hate them all.

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i will rectify this opinion, unless fan opinion and image of a character changes the official one, then no character.

with the power of science and/or magic anything is possible user

>liking loogieyuh
LOL not even the best legendary in the region

Found the edgy furry.

People shit on everything that appeals to the masses, for example BNHA and Danganronpa.

It's the nature of the Universe, user. Get used to it.

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BNHA has hit the shitter since the yakuza arc though
cant say anything about Dangan though.

>Boku no Nothing Happens

>not one of the favoured pokemon by grimdark early teen edgelords along with absol

Post the pr0n already coward

Lugia just doesn't really look legendary, the head is too small and the hands look goofy as fuck in motion
Ho-oh looks like a legendary at least, it parallels many images of divine avian deities.

His best song is the one where he just starts ranting angrily about windows vista right at the start. I think it's called I hate this windows vista tonight

Why'd you post my wife, OP?


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thought it would get a most autistic fanbase by design. I love how almost all shinnoh pokemons got cool designs without autistic fandoms.

I will never be able to look at this Pokemon properly. I know the head is the eye and white wisp part and the red part is the "necklace" but I will always see it as a giant underbite jaw.

>tfw your childhood hero became family guy shitposter on twitter 24/7

how does he get back to normal size? Does Xerneas get a nat 20 and marry Reshiram?

>shadow lugia
oh no no

Are you telling me you dont want a blaziken to crush your head in her thighs Amazoness style. Are you a low T bitch boy?

Shadow lugia is cool, fuck off.

Zekrom isn't related to water or the moon. Reshiram has a soft design while Zekrom is spiky and blocky.
Zekrom has his stats focused on physical which is seen as masculine.

BUMPFAG uses Bad Joke!


Oh no the Pokemon that has an OC SHADOW FORM in a game that has fucking "XD" in the title. Surely it was unfair!