Expansion and sequel announced

>Expansion and sequel announced
What are your hopes and wishes?

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Yeah, I hope Estonia gets annexed by Russia and they purge all the queers living there.

same city, a couple of years closer to the end, new everything else storywise

a whamen mc

That people stop shilling this Reddit trash

They're probably going to retcon the Pale into not being world-ending at all


real choices and replayability would be nice

Not buying until it has actual disco minigame.

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Just act as if it's all a disco minigame

>Expansion and sequel announced
where is the sauce?

>expansion and sequel

So a quick cashgrab and the actual full game’s other half is releasing in the future? Yeah no fuck that. The game was short enough as it is for a full price game. I wouldn’t pay for anything else coming from this scam company.

>full price game
What does this term even mean?

It means something that’s over 40 bucks

>I hope Estonia gets annexed by Russia and they purge all the queers living there.

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Fuck that, I hope they double-down. I want to play some trash detective who vacillates between solving a crime because it’s his job and just fucking off because the Pale will have devoured the world in a few weeks/months.

The pale is more involved, more soft locks if you make mistakes, buff thoughts

Just want another mystery to solve. Hopefully Kim is still alive.
Fuck off stupid nigger

I want Kim and Harry buddy-cop adventures in Jamrock
Anything else would be a travesty

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But the game is exactly forty american dollars.

>what are taxes

The end of the game shows this case was more of a test to harry since something big is coming up, maybe its related to the nuking

Source now

This seems like an entirely arbitrary distinction. Why is forty (including taxes) a "full" price? Typically one would reserve that to refer to sixty american dollar games.

more replayability, and a longer story. I really loved the game but the ending felt kinda rushed, I was kinda shocked that the game just kinda ended

Because those are the definitions I am using for my opinion based off my own cost appetite matrix. Deal with it.

30 yo detective Cuno as the MC
Cunette as the main suspect

I want to dab on some wöe men.
Won't be satisfied unless I can roundhouse kick Doloes Dei and your ex at the same time.

All I can find is the designer saying he wants to make an expansion, is it actually concrete now?

A story set in the Revolution. Would have some nice ties to some of the older characters and you’d get to see what everything looked like before it turned into a trash can. Lots of potential for drama and climax, and insight for the world

I don’t give a fuck. When is the Artifact relaunch?

Is this a conceptual matrix or one you've actually recorded? I'd be curious to see it.

>To give Cuno a second chance in the world you need to let Kim get shoot
So stupid.

It’s something everyone has for themselves

>hopes and wishes?
for the developers to get stabbed until their faces turn into ground beef

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I really hope that the criminal will be one of the characters you met through the story and no some random old man you never seen before

he can't die.

White trash detected.

And I wanted to see yours.

every single on of you leftist scum needs to be tortured to death, fucking low IQ vermin

American (don't even need to say anything else) detected.

But user, in DE it's communism that favours stabbing those who disagree with you.

pathetic American college drone, I kind of wish for you to succeed so you can feel communist in the skin, God I want to kill every single one of you brainwashed retards so much...

maybe you should listen to the "white trash" of your country, they are way smarter then you

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Why won't they release it for free? They are Communists after all and everything should be free in a true communist society.

I would like a Kim only spinoff

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Kim is best as a foil to Harry. A kim only would be boring.