I never thought about it this way

I never thought about it this way........

Attached: 1583232223102.jpg (1439x2360, 1.1M)

Other urls found in this thread:


you never thought about policies actually benefitting average people instead of the rich?


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40k in debt for SIMPLY EXISTING!!!!!

For some reason that makes me want to vote for orange man bad again

Yeah, I was willing to tolerate the faggot up until that point, fuck rebn.

I didn't know the future of Minecraft modding was at stake here. This changes everything.

I will now vote for Trump just because of this

This has to be one of the most pathetic things I’ve seen this week and I already looked in the mirror.

I will bomb government buildings if they forgive student debt to all these freaks. In minecraft, of course

reminder that Jack Thompson was right

>cut off your dick and major in gender studies
>$50k debt
>communism save me

the democrat party is seriously mutilating mentally unwell children for votes and getting away with it. where is hitler? we need him now.

Not a mutt or yuro but wouldn’t forgiving that huge debt across all members of the population cripple the economy?

the student loan debt market acts as a sort of safe investment that you can expect to be paid back on average. i think a lot of student loans are sold to rich bourgies so they can get in on the collection of the interest.

it would definitely crash the economy. that's a good thing.

i hate boomer liberals and neocons more than trannies so i support bernie and if you don't you're a cuck

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NOOOOOOO save me Bernie! I don't want responsibility!

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Do you think Bernie can get 40%?

i just had a dream where yang was elected bros
why can't it be real

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based nujak-schizo-cuck

fucking trannies

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should be 41k

>white supremacist handsign in proile pic

>implying Bernie would be able to implement even half of what he's promising
why do people still think the president has that kind of power?

>bernie is elected
>mc mod community loses debt
>some degenerate finally makes a mod where you can fuck the creepers
It's simple mathematics fellas

Attached: loltony.jpg (1280x727, 128K)

I would actually literally beat the shit out of this faggot if I would cross paths with him

Considering how hard the media is against him it's a safe bet that he's doing the right thing.

Do these people really think that things will magically get better when Bernie becomes president? I'm not gonna say that his ideas are bad but I doubt they're easily implemented.

Maybe if people lived within their means they wouldn't end up $40k in debt

why did you post this shit again?

Why is Tony going full coomer in that picture?

They're delusional social engineers

>Twitter or Discord screencap

Attached: twitter.png (504x309, 166K)

Won't it just cripple the colleges? Which would be a good thing if it actually happened.

Tony was always a coomer. This man started a relationship with a wackjob he met at his therapist office.

>Do these people really think that things will magically get better when Bernie becomes president?

These "people" think they're female, go figure.

Bernie is 100% getting shafted out of the nomination AGAIN.
I seriously cannot wait, they are going to lose their minds.

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>Mentally ill people are willingly removing themselves from the Genepool
Isn't this a good thing?

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>live within your means
>work a decent enough job to even have savings
>one day get run over
>survive without life threatening injuries
>ambulance takes you to a hospital that is not part of your insurance carrier
>They bill you over 100k
>can't work for the next couple months due to broken bones and having to go to PT so they fire you
>are now in debt and without an income
>become homeless

You are retarded.

>Take college loan
Pay it
>Can't afford to pay college loan
Don't take it
Wow, was it that hard?

Is the modpack good, though?

Oh yes. Everyone will drop out and endorse Uncel joe and just before end of race warren will drop out and endorse joe too. Ultimatly taking keys of victory out of hands of bernie.

There is a 41% chance he wont need to pay the debt

That dude looks like he molests litle girls in subway.

It would be if niggers were the ones doing it

Medical debts dont affect your credit. You can literally just ignore them

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You do not understand what is happening here, if they don't want Bernie to get nominated he won't, last year he was also going to win and they simply cheated against him.

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I'm not american, but isn't Bernie like 100 yearls old already? Won't he get senile in a few years top?

Didnt stop the current one.

gief moniez plox

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Is there a timeline where people treat trannies as the mental illness it is instead of praising it?

Not gonna lie, if not for the chubby manjaw, i would

Me in the back

As a tranny the OP is fucking retarded.

Attached: tranny.jpg (300x168, 10K)

Nah he was already senile during the 70s

have you tried not getting run over



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Everyone currently running (who matters) is older than 70

That's not how any of that works what so ever.

Bernie's heart will explode before he gets senile. He already had one heart attack a few months ago.

They are trying to be more careful this times around. If they get too bold and steal election, bros will be angry and just for spite vote trump.


absolutely BASED retard

Absolutely based bernie making the establishment and shills shit their pants

Not like videogame threads are any fucking better
>Smash threads number 20559235'24602'6

>Muh mentally ill brothers
Your extra chromosome won't save you from the day of the rope.

Attached: tiny-tim.jpg (277x342, 38K)

>Political discourse on Yea Forums
If this is the state of the country, the world is doomed

leftists put all their money and effort into spreading their disease socially and psychologically. if you lock someone in a dark room and abuse them you can create a mentally ill person out of anyone.

it is in the US
maybe if you left your house or talked to actual people you'd know this

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Amerishits literally go $40k in debt for college? What the fuck? School is free here, no one would fucking pay for school lol

yeah I have, every time I cross the street I say a little chant that goes "I'm not gonna get ran over because I transfer the getting run over to everyone who reads this but doesn't reply"
I've never broken a bone in my body.

>those fucking skyrim modders that took down their mods because of Trump winning
Why are they trying to get more people pissed at them?

That's bullshit but better safe than sorry

I mean Pence wants to "pray the coronavirus away"
it's not like the right is any better

yes. you go in debt when you go to the doctors, or the hospitals, or to college. america is a debt-ridden shithole.

If you're voting Trump to spite Skyrim modders you're probably a lost cause anyway

sure thing dilater

Me too but the first thing that I noticed was that she is a transbian lmao

They're indoctrinated enough to vote against their self interest and support billionaires first before their own families
So yeah...

Trannies are the least annoying people in this timeline. I meant it.

your people regularly go to America for superior schooling. Cope harder 3rd worlder.

>trans with 40k in debt
>average people
why are Americans like this?

This gets me. As though you are owed reconstructive surgery for having a mental illness. The entitlement is unreal.

He wasn't talking about actual disease. He meant intangible, figurative disease, like "people disagreeing with him".

i'm not even leftist/a minority/american lmao

It would be if it wasn't paid with my fucking tax money

everyone who replies wont get run over but their mom will die in their sleep tonight

>my gf

>two dudes pretending to be chicks
how many layers of denial do they live on

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yea i know! youre an epic centrist! we've heard it all before, tranny

Anyone who thinks it's a good idea to cut their dick off shouldn't breed. If Trannies and gays are indeed a genetic defect then isn't it better to let them cut their dicks off and fuck guys so that in the future their won't be anymore Trannies or gays? The alternative is telling these people that they are just brainwashed and they should try to be straight, breed, and spread their defective genes. While we're at it we need to create nigger zones and give them more guns. There never has to be a day of the rope if these people are willing to do it themselves.

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I'm neutral, I'm asking why they're doing something that only irritates those on their own side

>not like games are any better
>2/3 examples are not vidya

In an effort to increase the amount of college graduates (because it's good for the economy to have skilled labor), boomers changed laws to force banks to give out guaranteed loans (that is also debt that cannot be forgiven even if bankrupt) to people who want a degree. Universities immediately started price gouging the ever loving nigger out of the system and will continue to go unimpeded, because boomers will never try to fix a problem of their own creation.

naturally only dipshit niggers and uneducated boomers are voting for the centrist candidate

all the smart, educated and young people vote populist

You're going to the gulag, Nazi
No more tendies for your fat ass lmao

now remake this image where the guy in the right is getting his wife cucked and the guy in the left is saying he shouldn't let her fuck other men

This is what actually is haplenin

They're not on their side.

>dude that thinks he's a girl teaching others how to vote

Attached: huh.gif (220x259, 174K)

It was only Apollodown that had a bitchfit to my knowledge. And he already had a reputation for bring an asshat before then.

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those siamese twins are rather rude

The inevitable conclusion of these people transitioning is that they kill themselves, typically before they turn 30. In the long run won't it save tax money?

Do these people honestly believe all student debt would be wiped out instantly if he was elected? Those billions of dollars aren't something you can say 'it's gone now'

Ive done all those things and have no debt plus cushy savings. Try not being poor for once.

Bidet is senile and can't even articulate himself
Trump would destroy him

four more years lib

Why do modders think they're important? You make glorified plug-ins for a game, sit your ass down.

>stop existing
>no debt
You don't need Bernie to solve it

meh, i used to be attracted to men before getting on hormones but they made me attracted to girls for some reason. Sexuality is completely irellevent to how cringy or based a tranny is going to be.


>Bidet is senile and can't even articulate himself
So is Trump, but he got elected. Anything is possible if you can harness the power of memes.

As someone who has followed both of them for decades, Trump's mental decline is much more noticeable. Go watch earlier interviews.

/3 examples are not vidya
Yes, thats the fucking problem, even in actual videogame threads you have shitters like that

Bernie voters dont understand basic ecnomics, shocker
>inb4 hurr durr just tax the fuck out of the rich

>So is Trump
I don't like blumpf and even i can admit he won the 2016 race with pure charisma
Joe just stutters, forgets what he's saying and touches people
And even if Trump is crumbling now, he's already in power, pitting one mental patient against another isn't necessary when there are better candidates

>LITERAL tranny has skewed perspective of the world
This shouldnt be surprising

>>hurr durr just tax the fuck out of the rich
Absolutely, utterly, unironically and DANGEROUSLY based

yes, the average american is drowning in student and medical debt

>Asking why someone with a twisted perspective of reality thinks he is important


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>I don't like blumpf and even i can admit he won the 2016 race with pure charisma
>Joe just stutters, forgets what he's saying and touches people
The thing is Trump showed that these things are nowhere near mutually exclusive


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There is literally nothing funnier to me than kids saying "muh basic economics" when they quite literally get a B- in one semester of macro they'll be forced to take

You seem fine but transbians are pretty bad imo. its ok if you genuinely have dysphoria and stuff (like in your case where you liked girls afterward) but if you’re transitioning primarily to date other transwomen idk

which is crazy, because you'd think they would want a candidate who can win
Obama had a cult following, won twice
Trump has a cult following, won once possibly twice
Bernie is the only choice they have people feel strongly about
are they really going to bet it on "at least our candidate isn't Trump" again?

Yea, I think I can fap to that voice.

>tax the rich 50% or more
>they choose just to move away
we were so close...

I will specifically vote against anything trannies want. Fucking scum.

billionaires already pay more taxes than everyone ITT combined

They'd unironically rather let Trump be a president than Bernie
Bernie will tax the shit out of them and there isn't any dirt to impeach him over

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Before I even opened the picture
>i bet this is some tranny shit
>it is

Dammit Yea Forums... I bet OP is a spic too, since spics love posting Discord/Twitter screencaps. Why are you guys so obsessed with these people?

Attached: here cums the spider-man.jpg (836x763, 316K)

>lets just do this thing that caused problems every time it was tried
>surely the same thing wont happen again

K virgin

Honestly, the only solution to student loan problem is to stop giving loans to retards who probably will have problems in paying them. Huge amount of people are fiscally retarded and if allowed to made fiscally retarded decisions, they will not just die away in the gutter. They try to make as much society collapse together with their retardation as possible.

At least make student loan something you can't get for meme degrees, or make possible student loan significantly smaller for meme degrees. Do not treat imbeciles like they were financially responsible. Loaning money doesn't mean shit if the borrower can't properly pay it back with interest.

most people claiming to be transbians are just straight men attention seeking trenders

thank you sir

This but unironically

Attached: it's never been tri-.png (1674x860, 640K)

Who is better than Biden? Sanders is a literal socialist, Butt was gay and never stood a chance, Yanggang was a meme and Asians get 0 respect in America, Warren is a woman, and Bloomberg's entire campaign is "Remember 9/11?". A male Klobuchar might have stood a chance but moderate politics are dead and both sides just play to the far side of their political spectrum. Trump is going to win because Democrats are up their own ass trying to win liberal points in a game that has no winners.

Attached: gone too soon.png (592x1067, 309K)

Based modern Robin Hood

Reminder that trans people need love and support


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well you just convinced me, 'CalaMariGold'
I'm going to go vote in the democratic primary for joe biden just for spite
fuck modders
fuck trannies
fuck reddit
and fuck bernie sanders
god bless america

>I'm a transgender college student with over 40,000 in debt.
With those credentials he shouldnt worry too much, he becomes a statistic long before he manages to pay back that debt.

Are there any non-attention whoring trannies?

>thinking elective dick surgery will be covered in bernie's health insurance plan

>lets just do this thing that caused problems every time it was tried
>surely the same thing wont happen again
lmao, taxing the rich more? Oh no, whatever will happen...

i would vote for bernie if he supported the US leaving NATO, recalling and disbanding all troops and war materiel in europe and the middle east, and not gun grabbing. he'd have all the money he needs to pay for all that socialist hogwash he wants if he did this and i'm sure it's a fine and noble deed for the common man.

This so much. 99% of the people I see with financial troubles got themselves into the situation.

Im not saying the system isnt rigged or shitty, but most people make their own problems.

Because it’s fun to see the shitstorm it causes.

>/pol/ garbage

>and many are turning to prostitution
>fat ugly losers can pay to fuck attractive poor bitches
Sounds like a winning situation for fat, ugly, bald bastards to me.

Attached: our time is now boys.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

This is unironically what happen in my state over inheritance taxes

Attached: sip for the emperor.png (350x272, 107K)

>you never thought about policies actually benefitting average people instead of the rich?
hook line and sinker.

>Not paying thousands of dollars for a coronavirus check-up is socialist hogwash
Lmao the absolute state of bootlickers


In the current system there is no way to avoid getting into "financial troubles" for the vast majority of people. You keep harping on "personal responsibility" when the people who have the power to actually change things just keep hoarding billions they can't even spend.

>m-muh economics says rich people can't pay the tax rate they paid in the 1950s or we'll be venezuela
>what? no i don't know any economics, v-virgin!

>paying taxes
you're funny. they do everything they can to not pay taxes.

Not nearly enough, proportionally.

I agree. Though I'd prefer a solution that keeps the damage mostly contained to colleges.
For instance, not student loan negation but simply requiring student debt be interest-free in perpetuity and whatever outstanding balance remaining as a lien on the individual's estate. Which to a chronic poorfag would mean forfeiting any positive tax returns the rest of your life, and as the dollar value inflates you'll be able to pay it off more easily.
A measure like this, along with nationwide tuition freezes and denying government funding for unnecessary porkbarrel expansions, could result in a crunch in college costs.
As for trannies going into denbt for their medical shit, those sre elective cosmetic procedures. At least without a required 800 dollar loan payment, they'll be able to pay those off.

>increase tax to 99 percent
>They just don't pay the tax (they aren't here anymore)

Uh oh.

Bern fags are retarded and are about to get No refunds once again. You guys think tax breaks as an incentive to Amazon to relocate to a city (and bringing in new tax revenue) is 'stealing money',

Why does society enable this

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All systems are, but my point is that freedom to make those decisions just should not belong to just anyone. Huge amount of people should never option to put themselves in tens of thousands of dollars in debt, because it will ruin their lives and debtor probably never sees that money again.
It isn't a problem that's easy to solve, considering that I suppose we have to keep freedom and shit, but making student loans harder to obtain would be a good start. It would also cull universities of shitty degrees and useless professors since morons could no longer pay to be taught to become dumber.

>hmmmm I am in debt
>maybe I should get a job
>or I could make minecraft mods
smart shit, troon

YES! fuck myself in the future but at least that will fuck up these people. we have truly the bes reasonng.

>You guys think tax breaks as an incentive to Amazon to relocate to a city (and bringing in new tax revenue) is 'stealing money',

perhaps its not literal theft but it's absolute cuck behavior that should be discouraged

and cut his dick off kek

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yeah we really need more unstable freakshows in the workplace making life even more miserable for everyone in the vicinity

Not enough for the system to not lead to increasingly high levels of wealth inequality.

>Sanders is a literal socialist
Ignoring any arguments about socialism, why does anyone thinks this will actually matter? If he doesn't have a Congress that supports his proposals then he's dead in the water, there's very little he can do to enact his socialist agenda with executive orders alone. Like any President ever if he wants to get shit done he'll have to compromise. People act like the second he gets in that America's deal with the socialist devil will be forever sealed or something. That's not how politics works. Even if the Dems got control of the House and maintained control of the Senate, most of them aren't as liberal as Sanders and wouldn't support most of the shit he's selling.

Education is literally the future of our species and shouldn't cripple people with loan depts to get it. Everything else about socialism is garbage though.

This thread won't age well for Berniebros

How is it unavoidable you commie faggot? Everyone I know with financial problems has some collection of
>meme degree
>no budgeting
>doesnt save at all (they can but dont)
>refuse to drop unecesarry things like netflix, eating out regularly, expensive phones, etc
>invest in expensive hobbies like mtg or cosplay depsite making min wage
>make no effort to change or better their situation despite not being able to pay bills

Im not saying people dont get fucked by the system, but a lot of people make their own problems.

Seethe harder tranny

Mexican here, we love fun. We like stereotypes about us in video games, 3 day work weeks, enjoying life, watching white people lose their shit over niggers and trannies, and Guatemalans and Ecuadorians trying to sneak into your country.
>inb4 Cartels
Still better than niggers.

Attached: run fast.gif (320x193, 121K)

I mean just look at that fucking avatar. It's a dude with an anime wig in a schoolgirl uniform. How the fuck can anyone take these people seriously?

So you basically like causing chaos?

agreed, my interpretive dance degree will lead mankind into a golden age

People are retarded and think the president gets to make laws or some shit. These people also vote. Its fucking depressing.

If neoliberal economics are so perfect then how did we end up in this mess in the first place?

>40k in student loans
>is making minecraft mods

These brainwashed retards are mentally ill. Actual proles

I think people with 'mental problems' (not real ones, troon ones) would suddenly find these problems fading away if they got off the internet, stopped jacking off to fetish porn every single day, stopped finding their sense of achievement in video games like minecraft and league of legends, and got some exercise
it's no coincidence that these uh people started appearing after spending your entire day in front of a monitor became a thing

That post made me stop supporting Bernie.
Why the fuck should taxpayers pay 40000 for it's insane fucking shit. I owe 20000 for school, pay that off. Fucking mentally ill tranny fuck

wow, but Yea Forums told me that politics don't relate to vidya

Just reply:
>but socialism doesn't work

There has never been a single socialist in history who has been able to recover from that argument.

Dilate tranny

You don't know shit, you privileged bougie fuck

The solution to govt fucking up the economy isn't more govt fucking up the economy. Retard

You do realize you wouldn't have to pay that much 20 years ago and essentially got scammed right? Why do you support the people who fucked you over?

Just watch Trump get reelected and be the one to forgive student loan.

>there isn't any dirt to impeach him over
they make dirt out of thin air, they are afraid that they will have to impeach someone from their own party.

why are they so determined to pretend that the dems aren't just competing for second place

bernie isn't going to magically fix their lack of financial responsibility

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People who not go to to college to get bullshit degrees that won't get them employed somewhere they can pay it off but also take on expensive cosmetic surgery while in debt aren't average people.

What ever made someone like you support Bernie in the first place?

Last time i checked europe isn't being destroyed by its socialist policies. But nice boogeyman.

>Trump is a literal Nazi
Ignoring any arguments about fascism, why does anyone thinks this will actually matter? If he doesn't have a Congress that supports his proposals then he's dead in the water, there's very little he can do to enact his far-right agenda with executive orders alone. Like any President ever if he wants to get shit done he'll have to compromise. People act like the second he gets in that America's deal with the neo-nazi devil will be forever sealed or something. That's not how politics works. Even if the Republicans got control of the House and maintained control of the Senate, most of them aren't as conservative as Trump and wouldn't support most of the shit he's selling.

Attached: God Bless.jpg (1914x900, 539K)

But I thought Warhammer was GW's most profitable IP.

>hey, you got screwed over
>so let's destroy the economy and pay taxes out the ass because I want free HRT
there seems to be a gap in your argument


They bought into globalism and immediately sold out the 1st world working class for brown slaves, effectually coming around full circle back to the plantations except now on a global scale

It's not the government fucking up the economy, stupid.

So then why would anyone vote for him if they know he'll just spin wheels attempting to get policies done that they dont agree with in the first place?

The end result is the same, his policies are still far on the socialism spectrum, whether or not he'll get his policies through is irrelevant. I'd imagine if they know they're going to get a direction mired in opposition they at least want that direction pointed in one they perceive as favorable.


bernie every year he wasn't making over a million dollars:
>fuck the millionaires, who needs a yacht, or a big house! millionaires shouldn't exist!
bernie the literal second he started making over a million
>fuck billionaires, who needs seven summer homes, i only own two mansions and one summer camp! billionaires shouldn't exist!

>Buggy, shitty civil war mod gets taken down over Trump winning
It sucks if you want to archive mods but it's still a trash mod.

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>spending money well makes you priveleged
You arent getting any more handouts poorfag. 4 more years.

I really like bernie sanders policies, but I don't want open borders and no guns. Fuck man I hope he's trolling with all that shit

You are retarded, it would cost 79 billion to make all public universitys "free", meanwhile we pay 93-98? Billion to subsidize it.. It wouldn't break the economy.

They have other IPs?

Diverting the trolley now would be unfair to the people it has already run over!

It's very appealing to millenials who don't even remember what happened last week let alone before govt involvement became normal. Socialism for the wealthy and free markets for everyone else grinds gears and they think commie president is gonna save em. We had our shot in 2012 with Ron Paul. We deserve this for being this dumb

He's gonna get Biden'd first

Show me lewds of that creature before I decide if I care enough to further its cause.

Bernie doesn't own two mansions and a summer camp, suffice to say. He has a modest house. He has an apartment closer to work because he's old. And he has some property his wife inherited.

Europe is a country with multiple government systems. Not all of them socialist.

Your blanket statement means absolutely nothing and is incorrect. Be more specific and you'll get somewhere.

Four more years and then the guillotine. Eat the rich.

Why do you faggots whine about this, its possible to be apart of the problem and want to fix it you know? Not everyone is as selfish as you.

He's gonna molest him?

oh no
not my minecraft mod packerinos

Bernie Sanders' budget proposal is higher than the GDP.
He will never get elected.
He will never get nominated.
You will never get free HRT or 'bottom surgery' or whatever other insane shit you're after.

Also he bought that shit when it was cheap because, again, he's old, and then it just rose in value.

then your average american is fucking retarded

Every single one of them has socialist policies like "free" healthcare and education

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Reminder none of this would be happening if you had just listened in 2012.

Attached: ron_paul.jpg (1189x1491, 928K)

Where the fuck did your dumbass read his budget proposal is higher than the gdp? Absolute bullshit.

holy shit you really drank the kool-aid
you're actually convinced a multimillionaire career politician is looking out for you rather than his own interest
people like you are so gullible that you're dangerous

Lol, typical poorfag. Thinks anyone who doesnt drive their lives into the ground is privileged and rich. Im neither retard.

Yeah man, so retarded to have a medical emergency!

The average American is three bad weeks away from living on the street, but none of them are three good weeks away from living in a mansion. The American Dream is a myth.

I am not American, but if I could I would vote for Trump just to see people like that removed from the face of the earth.

Like master like apprentice

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Our current budget is already higher than GDP, why do you think we have a deficit? Its sad you are whining about bernie and not the people who already do the things you complain about.

>buttplug drops out for no apparent reason
>now warren too out of nowhere
>biden just won a primary
Uh-oh, bernie bros. It's happening again.

Attached: 1570684901640.jpg (360x357, 37K)

Learn to manage and invest your money holy shit.

Isn't Bloomberg the one who literally wants to give houses and money to blacks? Most niggers don't have college debt because they didn't go to college or got a ton of scholarships/grants.

You can ignore medical debts

the average person is so monumentally incompetent it would shock you.

What are you even getting at here? The opposition the Dems are giving Sanders is much more comprehensive than any resistance the Republicans have given Trump in the last four years. They've done the bare minimum in their part of the system of checks and balances that keeps the President from being too powerful. More often than not they've been political stooges, perfectly willing to condone his behavior because of the bills he'll sign and the judges he'll nominate.

Part of it is definitely that a lot of Sanders voters don't have a proper understanding of what a President actually can and can't do and that Sanders will TRY to do what he says he wants to do, rather than enforce his will on the country and just do everything he wants with a wave of his hand. But he also represents an ideal, for a lot of people they just want to vote for someone who thinks like them. Pragmatism is left at the door.

>millionaires shouldn't exist!
too bad he never said this
also he made his millions on a salary and book sales, not by being a slumlord or business tyrant like most millionaires

You can't ignore what kind of damage that will do to your credit.

Joe thinks memes are sexually transmitted

Oh, now he's a MULTImillionaire? You know, I like how you people are just telling us all to be frugal and shit, and here's someone who's done just that, did everything right, yet never forgot where he came from and still fights for the common man and you call him a hypocrite? You just don't want anyone to criticise the system, do you? If you're poor, you're jealous. If you're rich, you're a hypocrite. Well, fuck you, Bernie's message has been consistent for decades.
You're a class traitor is what you are. Clearly when I say eat the rich I mean eat the rich but if you desperately want to be included in that out of misguided loyalty to the elites then step up to the guillotine I say.

a-fucking-men. ignorant complacency is what will kill this planet.

people who believe anything the TV box tells them just because it's easier than using even 1% of their brains